I didn't know it was plugged in! by josette grover
Summary: They thought it was just a prop
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Stories Characters: None
Genres: AU, Drabble, PWP
Warnings: Major Character Death
Challenges: None
Series: Humorous Deathfics
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 262 Read: 9792 Published: 2008.09.10 Updated: 2008.09.10
Chapter 1 by josette grover
Author's Notes:
Disclaimer: If you recognize the characters, I don't own them.
“Okay,” Mac says, looking down at the body of his his newest CSI on the table. “We don't have to wonder about the cost of death, most of us saw her being electrocuted in front of us.” Sid nods, pushing the body back in the drawer until her parents can come from Montana.

“Mac, I just heard. What happened?” Don asks, coming into the room.

“We were at a crime scene at the museum. They had a traveling exhibit on various forms of capital punishment. Lindsay and Danny were fooling around with a copy of an old electric chair they had there. A curator came up and asked if somebody wanted to sit in it. Lindsay volunteered.”

“Of course Lindsay volunteered.” Don snorts, “Lindsay always volunteers. Anything to prove she's better than everybody else when it comes to the job.”

Ma c looks at Don with narrowed eyes, but nods remembering how often Lindsay would volunteer for something to make brownie points. “Anyway, she was strapped in and had a picture taken, like it would have been done when the chair was in use. Danny was asked if he wanted to throw the switch on her. Somehow, somebody had plugged the chair in, because when Danny threw the switch.”

“Kentucky fried Montana.” Danny snorts. “According to the curator, the chair shouldn't have been plugged in, but somehow,” he shrugs. “somebody goofed and it was live. A leaking pipe in the ceiling completed the connection and poof.”

“Poof?” Don asks, looking at the other man.

“Poof.” Danny says, shrugging. .
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