Family by danu40k

What happens when a wish demon comes into your life? Xander and Harry are about to find out

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None
Genres: Mystery/Thriller
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: No Word count: 46257 Read: 595889 Published: 2010.01.13 Updated: 2010.09.11
Chapter 5 by danu40k


By danu40k


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


He walked for days, calling out for Harry every now and then; with the forest getting darker and darker the further he went; the branches, less inviting.

He had found himself using more and more of the Primal Spirit inside of him to help him survive since he was no woodsman. Though, at the same time, he could feel it changing and growing, the hyena less prevalent, and wispier. Yet the Primal grew.

The first being he stumbled across was a Centaur, “Manling. What are you doing in our woods?” He asked.

The Centaur was large Roan with dark hair and blue eyes.

“I’m trying to find my cousin Harry. He went into the forest just before I did. Have you seen him? He stands about yay tall,” Xander held up his left arm to show the Centaur Harry’s height. “And has green eyes.” Xander finished looking hopefully at the Centaur.

The Centaur shook his head. “All who enter this realm go first to the Center or Lavondyss before they can return to their realm. All who enter are *called* to Lavondyss. If your companion is in these woods, then he too is on his way to Lavondyss.” The Roan told him.

Xander put his head down shaking it, and then looked back up. “Where might I find Lavondyss?” He asked.

“Just follow the pull.” Was the vague answer he received. The Roan turned and disappeared into the woods.

“Well that’s just peachy.” Xander said under his breath. He turned to go into the direction the Centaur had gone in hopes of finding either he, or another like him. Hopefully to get more answers.


Time passed and the Primal Spirit grew. He was less man now, more Hunter

He was Earth enough, that even the Daurog’s watched him.

The Daurog reminded him of the figures he had seen that represented the Green Man, with their faces and bodies were made of leaves, twigs and branches.

Xander felt their looks and knew they protected him for some reason.


They traveled together for a bit, this Primal Animal Spirit and the Forest Primal Spirits. Xander watched in fascination as they all slowly turned into Winter Wolves and began to hunt darker aspects of nature.

One night he found himself fighting to get out of the clothing he now wore, shreds of his old clothing and augmented by furs he had hunted down.

He fought until he finally succumbed to the act and removed all that he had on, his flesh feeling wrong. It moved in patterns he could not understand, yet wanted to. His pain wracked body falling to the ground only to get up again as one of the Winter Wolves; joining his pack as they traveled inward to Lavondyss. The Primal Spirit in him finally became dominant.


Xander didn’t remember much of Lavondyss, only the fighting, in both human and animal form; reveling in the blood and the hunt. Till even he had had enough and sanity returned. His grief of what he had done almost overwhelming.

“Easy young one,” an old man with a staff leaned over to help Xander up. “Are you ill?”

Xander shook his head no, then yes. “I have destroyed all that I believed. I am nothing.” Xander said morosely, looking down at his bare feet.

“Ah…Sick of Spirit then. And in one so young too. Well come along then. Time to get yourself up.” With this, the old man lifted Xander to his feet. Xander noticed that the man was definatly stronger than his body would tell.

The second thing he noticed was that he was naked. While the third was that he looked to be no more that ten. ‘Great get to start all over again.’

The old man began to walk as though expecting Xander to follow him. Xander did after thinking a moment.

“What is your name young one?” The old man asked.

“Xander.” He replied.

At the old man’s raised eyebrow, Xander ducked his head and said “Alexander Harris.”

“Hmm…Interesting name. Alexander…Latin…Protector of man. Tell me do you have a father?” The man asked.

“Not much of one.” Xander mumbled back.

“Ah…Is that why you do not recognize him in your naming?” The man continued, taking a turn of the road, they headed further into the woods.

“Huh? What do you mean? I haven’t given up the last name yet.” He stated allowed. ‘Not that I haven’t thought about it.’ He thought to himself.

“Ah! Then you are Alexander, Son of Harris. Much better. Though this Harris name is unfamiliar. Much like your speech.”

At Xander’s questioning gaze, the man continued. “When I first came upon you, you mumbling in a strange tongue. At first I thought you a mad hermit of some such, however I looked again and came to the realization that you are but a child. So I cast upon you, a small spell that has enabled us to speak to one another.”

“Ok…Where are we going anyway?” He finally let curiosity overcome his melancholy.

“Why, to my house of course. You are, after all, going to be my new student.”


End Chapter Five


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