Death and His Brother by kirallie
Summary: Very AU. Wincest. Luicfer raises the Horseman of Death. What happens after is somehting no one saw coming.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Stories > Supernatural Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, AU, Romance
Warnings: Angst, Slash
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 11984 Read: 124032 Published: 2010.10.13 Updated: 2012.08.31
Chapter 5 by kirallie
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Chapter 5

Dean ran up the stairs after Sam, worried about his reaction to bobby’s comment. He paused outside their room to see Sam huddled on the bed, hugging himself and it broke his heart. He hesitated but then walked in, sitting down behind Sam and gently tugging him into his arms, despite the brief struggle Sam put up.

“Shh Sammy, its okay, just calm down and take deep breaths.” Dean whispered, rubbing Sam’s back as Sam gasped for air.
“That’s it Sammy, just relax, I’ve got you.” He soothed as Sam started to relax in his arms, breathing evening out. Scared hazel finally peered up at him and Dean smiled back down at him.
“Hey, what brought that on?” Dean asked and Sam turned his head, burying it in Dean’s shirt.
“Sam come on, talk to me. You’re scaring me Sammy.” Dean whispered and Sam finally looked up at him.


“What is it? What Bobby said?” Sam flinched and Dean’s heart clenched.

“Sam I love you, you’re my little brother, best friend, everything to me.” Dean whispered and Sam stared at him with wide eyes.
“What Bobby said……it’d be okay you know, if you did, we’re not blood related or anything anymore…….” Dean trailed off, unsure what to say and Sam stared at him.

“Is he right? Are we acting……” Sam asked hesitantly and Dean petted his hair.

“Guess it could be seen that way. You mentioned it yourself kiddo and it’s perfectly understandable. What happened scared you badly and with everything else we’ve gone through the last few years…..I don’t mind Sammy. I like you always being near me.” Dean told him and Sam relaxed fully, cuddling in to Dean. Dean held back, not wanting to scare Sam off by admitting he felt things that weren’t brotherly.

“Love you Dean.” Sam whispered, clinging to Dean and Dean held him just as tightly.

Dean closed his eyes, the knowledge that Sam would die in a few months making him feel sick. He would not lose Sam, he would come up with a way to save Sam without……….the only way he knew would change Sam, he wouldn’t be his Sammy anymore and he couldn’t do that. He’d work out another way to keep Sam from dying.

Bobby looked up as Dean entered the room, waiting tensely.


“He’s okay Bobby. He’s asleep now, poor kids still exhausted.” Dean admitted as he sat down.

“Dean I’m sorry.”

“Bobby don’t, it wasn’t really what you said, more like the last few years suddenly hitting him.” Dean assured him gently and then he looked down at his hands.
“I need your help Bobby…..and you can’t tell Sam.” Dean whispered and Bobby stiffened.

“What do you mean I can’t tell Sam?” Bobby demanded and Dean looked up at him, green eyes brimming with tears.
“Dean what’s going on?”

“I…..Sam is going to die Bobby, wether he says yes to Lucifer or not he’ll be dead by May, and I don’t know how to stop it.” Dean admitted brokenly and Bobby sat down hard, staring at Dean in shock.

“But…but you’re Death, can’t you just……”

“I can’t stop someone from dying at their allotted time. I can kill them early and bring them back like I did with you but…..I can’t lose him Bobby, I can’t.” Dean pleaded and Bobby reached out to put his hand over Dean’s. Dean moved, gripping Bobby’s hand before removing their skin from contact.

“When you say dying…..does that mean something like turning him into a vampire wouldn’t work, he’d lose his head or something on the specified day?” Bobby asked and Dean nodded. So that option was out, not that he could see either boy agreeing to Sam being turned into a vampire.

“The only way I know of….he wouldn’t be Sam anymore so there’s no point to even considering it.” Dean admitted and Bobby frowned.

“What is it?” Bobby asked and Dean sighed.

“A Reaper. Some of them I made from scratch but others…….were human once. I can’t do that to Sam, even to keep him form dying because he’d be like all the others. Emotionless, obedient, not remembering he was ever human……I can’t do that.” Dean explained and Bobby nodded, yeah that wasn’t an option.

“We’ll find something Dean.” Bobby promised because if it came down to it, he’d make a deal and trade himself for Sam to buy them more time.

When Sam woke up he found Dean lounging beside him, reading a gun magazine. Dean looked over and smiled at him and Sam smiled, curling towards him and Dean raised an arm, wrapping it around him.

“Feeling better?” Dean asked and Sam nodded.
“Hey you were way past due to have a bit of a breakdown Sam. It’s okay.” Dean assured him gently and Sam shrugged.

“Have you been reading the whole time?”

“Nah, spent some time with Bobby, assured him we weren’t mad or anything.”

“Good.” Sam murmured, resting his head on Dean’s thigh. Dean shifted his hand to pet Sam’s hair, going back to his reading while Sam relaxed. It didn’t take long for Sam to drift back off to sleep and Dean sighed, looking down at him sadly. Sam looked so young and innocent in his sleep, so different from the demon blood junky Dean had dealt with since returning from hell. Then again Sam hadn’t been acting like that since their little meeting with his Horseman. Speaking of which he really should check in with Carl, see what was going on out there. Dean chuckled softly, wondering how Sam and Bobby would react to the Horseman’s actual name.


“Hello Carl. Nice work though freaking Sammy out like that wasn’t nice.” Dean commented as he turned to see his most powerful creation. Carl smiled and bowed to him before leaning on the fence beside him.

“It seemed necessary at the time. He is still with you?”

“Yeah, he accepted everything. I gave him my Mark.” Dean admitted and Carl grinned which anyone else would probably find more than a little disturbing.

“About time you found someone Master.” Carl commented and Dean shot him a glare.

“He’s my brother Carl.”

“Whatever you say Sir.” The Horseman answered lightly and Dean rolled his eyes.

“Any word on Lucifer?”

“He’s been looking for me since I haven’t been doing what he expected. He’s also after your brother to say Yes but I assume you already knew that.” Carl commented and Dean nodded.

“Sam won’t say yes but it doesn’t matter, either way Sam will die on his birthday, again.” Dean whispered and Carl frowned.

“You want to save him.”

“Of course. But the only way I know…I don’t want Sam as one of my Reapers, that’d be as bad as him dying and going to heaven or hell.” Dean answered and Carl nodded.

“Perhaps……it is time for you to contact Him?” Carl offered and Dean turned on him, snarling.

“He did nothing when I was Sealed away! He seems content to let things go to hell.” Dean snapped and Carl backed off, knowing why his Master was so mad and agreeing with it but he also knew to save Sam he may have no choice.
“I have to get back, Sam’s waking up.” With that the Horseman was alone.

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