Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Author's Chapter Notes:

this is the end, and thanks toe everyone that finally got the bunny moving.

Love you all!!! 

The few days after Halloween passed in good standing until Rick was knocked flat on his back by three patrol officers after he had been harassing Xander about his costume. Rick was about to make a scathing remark until he saw the darkness in the lab tech’s eyes.

“I will say this one last time Sergeant Rick Stetler of IAB. I am not on the take, I am not a whore, and I am not sleeping with anyone in this lab. Now, you will stop harassing me, or so help me God, I will ruin your career with words to the right ears. I have Federal Agents as friends, and I know many people who work in the Police force, so please, keep pissing me off.” With one last glare at the prone man, Xander stalked down to the Ballistics lab and began to fire off the necessary rounds for Calleigh before he decided to beat the shit out of an IAB officer.

“You ok Xan?” Calleigh’s voice flowed into the room after he had fired off four rounds.

“I will be after I hit the gym later today.”

“After you’re done with those you can head down to the gym, there isn’t much else to do today. Halloween is almost always a quiet period for us.”

“You sure? I don’t want to foist work onto you.”

“I’m sure; besides, you need to work up a good sweat so that we ladies can enjoy the view.” That got a laugh out of Xander and he gave her a hug, whispering his thanks into her ear, he made his way to the workout room under the labs.

Stretching out his muscles with some light weights, Xander began a hard workout to vent his frustrations at the harassment he was getting. When people are hunted by IAB, others talk. He, being on good terms with Horatio and his team, put him in dark waters with IAB Stetler, and Xander was getting more and more upset with every snide remark sent his way. Patrol had been in on his joke to the crime lab, and had HR and the other departments that didn’t interact often with the lab, but they never got this flack from being friendly with Horatio and his team. 

After giving the heavy weight bag a good workout, Xander went hunting for a place to cool down in. He wanted as much time away from the IAB as possible, since they tended to piss him off the fastest. Resting in one of the side rooms to the locker room, Xander went to get ready for his shower, then hide in the room until it was time for him to clock out. He didn’t want to see many people right now, as he was more than willing to hit first and ask questions later. Hoping that Adam wasn’t at his place when he got there, Xander let the hot water wash away the sweat and stiffness from his body.

Quickly scrubbing away at his body, Xander finished his shower and made his way to the lockers. He had much to think about, and began to ponder if he should make a formal complaint against Rick, or if that would make things worse. He’ll have to talk to Horatio about that, and from there see what he should do.

Slipping on his shoes, Xander went back to the small room and sat down. Centering his thoughts, Xander began to go over everything that had Rick on his ass for, and he frowned. It started when the Seven had come down to teach the AFT agents here in Miami how to do a proper disposal run. He’d talk to Rick first and see what was wrong, maybe there was an issue and this was the only way that the IAB sergeant knew how to get Xander’s attention.

With that in mind, Xander left the room and made his way to the IAB floor. Stopping at the receptionist’s desk, he told her to let Horatio know that he was going to IAB at the moment, and if he was looking for him, to find him there. She nodded and smiled, letting Xander slip into the elevator unnoticed by the floor guards.

Xander quickly made his way to Rick’s office and slipped in, closing the door behind him. The man was slumped behind his desk and Xander wondered if he was alright.

“Rick?” The man jumped, and Xander frowned at the dazed look in his eyes

“Xander, thank you for coming; I didn’t know any other way to get you here without telling Horatio that I wanted to talk to you, and if I did that, he’d want to be there.” Xander nodded at his confirmed suspicions.

“You could have called my cell.”

“I lost the number after the Mole was washed out.”

“Ah, so what can I help you with Rick?”

“I need you to stop Ryan from gambling. I’ve gotten reports on him going to poker halls and everything, and I’m worried that he’ll force me to fire him; especially now that he’s finally got footing in with the team.”

“I’ll fix that, and let his beau know that it might become a problem.”

“He’s seeing someone?”

“It’s too new to tell if it’ll go anywhere, but I don’t want Ryan to lose the job he loves, and maybe even a shot at love, because of a game.”

“Fair enough, and thank you for coming. Though, you should have told me you were dressing as a girl, I wouldn’t have tried so hard to get you removed from the premises if I had known.”

“It was a last minute thing, really, and only Yelina really knew before hand since I was teaching her son for his costume.”

“Very well, thank you and have a good day Xander and I am sorry for the scene downstairs.”

“No worries, though I am sorry you got hit so hard.” He handed over his cell number and left with a wave. Horatio might get curious if he was gone much longer. Now all he had to do was tell Ryan that someone saw him playing poker for cash and warned him before actions could be taken. That was so not going to be fun.




Xander paced as he waited for Ryan to show. His friend was just finishing up a double shift and the longer it took him to get to Xander’s home, the antsier he got. He didn’t want to put Ryan on the spot, but the fact that he was going to get royally fucked if he didn’t made Xander want to cry. He liked be the enforcer, but not towards his friends, and not like this. He knew Rick would have to act if he saw it again, and that was the only consolidation that Xander had.

The knock on the door brought Xander out of his musings and he quickly answered it, smiling when he saw Ryan and Horatio standing there.

“Come on in, I have some things to discuss with the pair of you.”

“What things?” Horatio asked, curiosity coloring his tone.

“Have a seat; I’ll get you both a drink.” Quickly leaving the room, Xander tried not to hyperventilate at the thought of doing this. Handing over a beer to each of his guests, Xander sat, perched on the edge of his seat, and looked at Ryan.

“Ryan, I need you to listen and please wait until I’m done.” He got a slow nod from his friend.

“Today, I got news that there is proof that you have been gambling. Now, I know the rules when it comes to playing the games of chance here in Miami, and I was asked to get you to stop. If you are caught playing, from now on, you’ll be fired, immediately.” Xander made sure to keep his eyes locked onto Ryan.

“Why you?” Came the soft question.

“Since I know the person that told me and that they will be obliged to have you fired the next time they see it. I mentioned that your new beau will be keeping an eye on you, and that it was so new, that you didn’t want to jinx it.”

“Who saw it?” Horatio asked softly and Xander gave him a small smile.

“Rick Stetler told me,” Xander said honestly, “and that’s simply because I got his head out of his ass the first time I saw him. Told him I was in Miami for a year and that I’d do my job, and bust heads over idiots and drama queens. You’re lucky the team got their act together, or I would have been cracking skulls two months back.”

“Let me get this straight,” Ryan spoke before Horatio could, “Rick Stetler, who has a grudge against Horatio that’s bigger than New York, told you that I had to stop playing poker for money or he’d have to fire me.”

“He’d have to publicly fire you Ryan.” Xander sighed and gave his friend a sad smile. “He’d have you thrown out of the station and hound you as you got your things together. Then, all the shit you would have had been in up to date would have come across as worthless.”

“Xander, how does Rick know that Ryan plays poker?” The voice was deceptively calm and Xander coolly met his gaze.

“Rick has many helpers in the department. He told me as a courtesy since I saved his career by getting him off your ass about everything when it came to your people.” Xander got up and walked away with a sardonic chuckle, “I don’t betray the people around me Horatio, you should know that; now, I’ve given you the warning, please leave.”

Ryan and Horatio winced at the tone, Xander could take any type of hit, whether it is verbal or physical, but to call him a liar, even to his face, was a dangerous thing; both we about to speak when Xander beat them to the punch.

“I asked the pair of you to leave, I’ll let you think over your words tonight, and I might listen to your apologies tomorrow, but get out, now.”

The pair left slowly, and Ryan mourned the loss of a bridge of trust. Yes, he was wrong to question Xander’s motives, but the fact that it had been Rick Stetler, of all people, who had given the warning, had confused him.

Horatio was no different. He knew that he was on shakier grounds than Ryan, and his question did come off as accusing. He winced at the memory of the blank face that swam into mind, and he made a note to see if he could apologize for the wrong tone of voice. The question was sound, since he didn’t know that Ryan was playing poker, but they were together most nights now, and it seemed that Ryan only played rarely. It was still a concern, but the bigger worry was now talking to Xander, and finding a ladder to get out of the hole they dug.



Ryan and Horatio were subdued when they entered the labs the next morning. Hoping to see the ballistics tech before their shifts started, they were unprepared for the message that was given to them at the front desk. He would only speak with them after work, and it would be on neutral grounds; one of the beaches that was rarely used by the tourists and the rest of the population.

Xander did what he could to avoid the pair during his breaks and was able to keep them from finding his hiding spots within the department for the times that he just needed to be away. He was also grateful that ballistics was overflowing with samples for cases, so he was relatively busy and couldn’t step away from the lab without slowing down the progress that he and Calleigh were quickly making. Also, when she had to leave for a new case, Xander was swamped with the back log that came from their night shift tech from being in the hospital because of a car crash. 

Only a few guns remained by the time that Xander had to clock out for the day. He drove to the beach and sat down to wait. He knew that Horatio and Ryan wouldn’t be long, and then hopefully they would have thought over their actions from the night before, and would try to make up for it. The sound of a Hummer and a smaller car pulling up behind him made Xander wonder if it was such a good idea to be in a secluded place for the discussion, but then he remembered the words and tones spoken yesterday, and he digs his heels into the sand.

The sound of feet walking up behind him makes Xander turn around slowly and he looks at the pair of men. Horatio and Ryan both have dark circles under their eyes, and for a moment Xander feels a flash of guilt for not talking to them earlier.

“Xander,” Ryan steps forward and fidgets a bit under the guarded brown eyes. “I’m really sorry about how I spoke to you the other day when you were warning me about the issue with my gambling. I never meant for the words to sound as if you were lying, but Rick Stetler has been trying to discredit Horatio for a while, and I had problems believing that he would warn anyone from H’s team about being fired.”

“I also wish to apologize for my behavior.” Horatio removed his glasses and looked Xander in the eyes. “I know that Rick isn’t always as bad as he shows to the lab, but the fact that he was warning you before me is what confused me. I always know that when Rick hovers that something is going down or that one of my team members is having some issues, so the fact that I hadn’t heard anything is what made me pause. I realize I could have approached the topic differently and I am simply sorry that I made you believe that I didn’t believe you. In my desire to know, I forgot that you also have a good rapport with Rick.”

Xander looked at the pair and slowly nodded at their apologies. Both made sense, and Xander knew the reason he took it to heart was because he was much closer to Ryan than the rest of the lab. 

“Alright, I’ll let it go this time, but remember, Rick and I have an understanding. He lets me know if I have to fix anything within the lab and I help out if it’s not a vendetta against someone for something that they can’t control.”

Both men nodded at that and filed it away for future reference. Xander knew almost everything there was to know about the lab and its personnel and the next time an issue like this came up, they would keep their emotions from it.

After discussing the issues that come from gambling, Xander left the pair on the beach and drove home. There were still a lot of things left for him to do, since he left the lab in four months. He couldn’t wait to go home, he missed Denver, badly.




The last few months passed by quickly, and soon Xander was packing his things to head back to Denver. The house was being sold for a nice and tidy sum, and Xander was pleased with the final product of his first home. Ezra and Vin had flew down the weekend before to help him pack the last of his belongings. The items that he no longer needed, he had separated for the hurricane and homeless shelters as well as the low income families. 

Xander knew that he would be thrown a party by those in the lab, and he wanted everything packed and ready to be sent off before the guests had arrived. There were a few things left to do, and he was still bouncing around because all he wanted to do was leave and go back home to both Vin and Ezra. He missed his lovers, and his friends, and the fact that they could only spend small periods of time together was driving him up the wall.

He was startled when the door bell rang, and wiping his hands, Xander went to see who was at the door. A smile lit up his face upon seeing the others of the lab and Xander let them in. They knew he would be gone by the next morning, and that this was their last chance to say their goodbyes.

“Good afternoon Xander,” Horatio spoke as he walked into the packed up home that his nephew had helped to build. 

“Hey guys, come in and make yourselves at home, the movers will be here in three hours to pack up the rest of the house, so I won’t have anything left out by then.”

Settling in the living room, Horatio and the others of the Day Shift lab waited for Xander to come back with whatever he was busy with in the kitchen. They had all been to his home when it was finished, and they were all still in awe at the magic the young man could do with tools, supplies and sweat. They knew that Larabee’s team would treasure him, and that made the loss of him a bit easier to bear. Ryan and Horatio wanted to thank Xander for his help in pushing them together, and for not beating them when he helped Ryan keep his job.

“Are you driving back to Denver?” Calleigh asked Xander as he entered the room with a full tray of drinks and food.

“Yeah, I don’t want to put my bike in a shipping container to be unloaded when it gets to Denver in two or three weeks.”

“What do you have left that needs to be packed away?” Eric asked, curious at how Xander was going to travel back to Denver.

“Well, firstly, I have a back pack and saddle bags that are going to be packed with what I need for my return trip. Also, I had Vin and Ezra take back a suitcase each of my clothes, shoes, and toiletries for when I’ back. It’ll take a good couple of weeks for my things to get to Denver with the moving company. I’ve already given the clothes and items that I don’t need to shelters and thrift stores, and donated the food that I won’t need to soup kitchens.”

“So the only food in the house is what’s in front of us?” Alexx asked with a smile.

“Yep,” Xander gave a bright smile back, “So now you all have to eat, or else I have to throw away all of this food.”

Laughing in delight the group began to eat and drink the food that Xander had prepared for them. Going over the past year, Horatio could see that he was happier now than he had been since Speed’s death. Oh, he would miss his confidant and friend, but now he had something precious. Thanks to Xander and his determination – something not to be confused with bull headedness – he now had a lover and someone to share his burdens with. 

“Before we all forget, I’d like to propose a toast.” Horatio spoke softly, yet everyone stopped and looked at him.

“To Xander Harris, the one man that can beat you senseless with simple common sense. I am honored that you came to learn from us, since I know we learned as much from you.” Raising their glasses, Horatio marveled at the fact that his prize intern could still blush at simple praise, but was glad that he was still a humble man.

“Yes, I’m glad you taught us too Xander, I would have lost much more than I would have gained if it wasn’t for you and your silver tongue.” Eric gave a sheepish smile to the group and Xander hugged the Cuban.

“You helped us find what we lost when Speed was killed, and I am happy that you showed us where we were going wrong.” Calleigh gave Xander a sweet smile and wagged a finger at him, “I still want to see what you have for an exemplar though.”

“Baby, you helped each of us with everything we needed and were more than happy to let us cry on your shoulder. I want to thank you though for helping us keep Ryan, I didn’t want to lose another baby boy, and this time to harsh working conditions.” Alexx patted Xander’s hand, and enjoyed the little boy smile he gave her.

“Xan, I want to thank you for going against the grain on your first day. I’ll never forget the kindness and respect you gave me that day, nor will I forget everything you helped me with over the past year.” Ryan raised his glass once more and took a sip of the soda that Xander had served everyone.

Xander blushed at the praise that the group was showering onto him, and while he knew that he had helped the team, Xander never realized the impact he had on his friends here in Miami. Taking in each compliment with humble thoughts, Xander tried to push the blush off of his face, and hid his face in his glass of soda.

They talked through the night, and Xander smiled at each member of the team as they began to leave around eleven thirty. Calleigh, Alexx and Eric all had other places to go that day, so Horatio and Ryan stayed to help clean up the house before the movers showed up. 

It didn’t take long to finish packing the remaining items, and before Ryan, Horatio and Xander knew it, the movers were knocking on the door and loading up the truck.

As his final belongings of his stay in Miami were loaded up, Xander turned to both Ryan and Horatio with a smile.

“Thank you both for everything you’ve done for me.”

“It was nothing Xan.” Ryan said with a blush.

“Ryan is correct, we were happy to help you.”

“Still, I wish you both the best, and Denver is always going to welcome you.” Shaking both their hands, Xander gave Horatio the keys to the house so that the house could be sold.

“As Miami will always be open for you,” H gave Xander a smile and was startled at the hug that he got from the young man.

“Both of you take care of yourselves, and I’ll be seeing you later.” With another hug to the shocked pair, Xander leaped onto his bike and drove off.

“I’ll miss the goof ball.” Ryan whispered.

“So shall I Ryan, so shall I.”




It took Xander a week to get home. The Interstate had several large accidents along the way, and Xander just wanted to see his lovers and friends before he went to sleep for a month. Slowly making his way up to Chris’ ranch, Xander smiled at the sight of all seven vehicles parked around the large front entrance. Getting of the bike with a stiff dismount, Xander slowly made his way to the front door before knocking tiredly on the wooden frame.

“What do you – Xander!” Chris exclaimed startled upon seeing their last brother, before dragging him into the house.

“Xander!” JD squealed as he launched himself at Xander, sending them both to the floor, and Xander getting the wind knocked out of him.

“JD! Stop manhandling Xander at once!” Moving swiftly to his lover’s side, Ezra helped Xander to the sofa where he and Vin had been sitting on.

“Don’t… be mad… at him.” Xander wheezed, trying to force air back into his lungs. “He’s just… excited.”

“He still didn’t have to flatten you when it was obvious that you barely had much strength left for the evening.” Ezra muttered as he got Xander comfortable between himself and Vin, and smiled at the content look that Xander was wearing.

“I’m so sorry Xan! I didn’t even see how tired you were! I was just so happy that you were back, and that Vin and Ezra would stop being so edgy so that Chris wouldn’t kill them for being so out of it. Then there was the fact that you were two days late and everyone wanted to get out and see if you were ok, but you called every night, even when all you wanted to do was sleep. Then you didn’t call tonight and we were all nervous that something bad had happened and then – ACK!” Buck smacked JD in the head and growled at the young man.

“Jesus Kid, he doesn’t need to be knocked down and manhandled by us when he just got here after driving from Miami in seven days because there were more accidents than usual on the Interstate.”

“But Buck!”

“No! You will calm down JD, our lab boy is sleepy. You can pounce on him tomorrow to tell him about our nerve racking week.”

“Fine,” JD plopped down on the chair beside him and pouted for all of five minutes before leaping up to go and get something to drink.

Xander had begun to whimper on the sofa, and JD patted his knee.

“Hey, you’re safe here; no one’s going to hurt you.” Xander’s words startled the group, but they were even more shocked at the words.

“Litter-pup knows safe is back with Pack… Safe with pack… No noisy mating or fighting in evil sunny hotel rooms.” Xander muttered from his spot on the sofa, and the seven had to hide their grins.

“Yes Xander, we’re all safe and sound. Sleep, we’ll take watch.” Chris spoke with an indulgent tone, and the smile was wiped off his face at Xander’s next words.

“Father and Dad make pack den safe.”

Vin and Ezra were trying not to laugh at the flabbergasted look on Buck’s face upon hearing Xander’s words, since everyone knew that Father was for Chris. 

“Well, Ezra, why don’t you and Vin take Xander up to bed? I’ll cook his favorite breakfast in the morning.” Josiah spoke softly, trying not to speak too loudly, as to not startle the half-sleeping boy.

“Papi-in-law hunt for food, Medicine man keep papi-in-law safe.”

The group shared a smile and Xander was bundled up and carried to the bedroom upstairs, and stripped down to be cuddled by his mates. Snuffing the two, Xander muttered about warmth and mates before finally falling asleep in the king sized bed. This would be perfect teasing materials for the next few days, and Ezra and Vin knew that the others would poke their lover a few times before dropping the subject.




Xander woke up slowly and stretched out the kinks in his back. Blinking his eyes open to the golden rays that sparkled around the room, Xander sat up and looked around for his lovers. Seeing a note on the bedside table, Xander picked it up and smiled at the words.

Went riding to the lake; see you at lunch.

Smirking at the missive, Xander slipped out of bed and went to shower. The clock in the bathroom flashed that it was eleven in the morning, so Xander knew that he had time to shower, dress and make a quick meal for the seven riders.

Sighing in pleasure at the warm spray that rained upon him, Xander let his mind drift as he thought about his trip back. While he was upset that he was two days late, he was glad that he got to the ranch the night before. He had been exhausted as the sense of excitement began to fade, and added that he had been riding for twelve hours hadn’t helped. 

Stepping out of the shower to dry himself off, Xander thought over his welcoming from the night before. JD’s enthusiasm needed to be curbed at times, but that would come with age and more busts. Wrapping the towel around his hips, Xander walked into the bedroom and slipped on a pair of boxers before he remembered his mumbled words the night before.

“Oh shit, I’m so going to be teased when they get in.” 

Xander scrubbed his face with his hands and pouted at the memory of using the Hyena’s names for each man in the group. Sighing once more, Xander finished getting dressed and made his way to the kitchen and began to get the food ready for the seven hungry men that would be arriving in half an hour.

Mixing up a quick meal, Xander smiled upon seeing the pots happily cooking away. Pasta, sauce and some garlic bread were baking away, filling the room with the smells of home. While he didn’t know the same dishes that Josiah knew, or was as inept in the kitchen as Buck and JD were, Xander knew how to keep the house smelling like a home with simple dishes that took little time. Hearing the back door slamming open Xander smirked as he stepped out of the kitchen.

“Go wash up boys, lunch is almost ready.”

A chorus of “Yes Xan” was shouted, and Xander made his way back to the kitchen to set up the table. Xander was pulled against a strong, lean chest, once the table was set, and had his head tilted back to kiss the blue-eyed sharp shooter. Letting out a soft moan, Xander pulled back for air and was quickly kissed by his green-eyed undercover man. A cough from the door way stopped the kiss, and Xander turned glassy eyes to Chris.

“Sorry man, but I’m not kissing you.” Xander’s husky voice filled the room and both men blushed as the three behind Chris laughed while Ezra and Vin let out semi-possessive growls.

“That’s fine with me; you’re missing a moustache anyways.” Xander snickered at that and motioned everyone to sit at the table.

“Food is ready boys; you must tell me what I missed while I was on the road.” With that, JD began to tell Xander everything that had happened during the week, making him miss the smirk that Chris and Buck shared.

Once JD was done with his rendition of the week, Buck slid out of his seat to clear the table of all the dishes.

“Hey Xan, head to the living room with the others, we’re gonna have a Pack meeting.” The seven men laughed at the groan that spilled from Xander’s lips.

Pouting, he followed the group and sat down between Ezra and Vin. Glaring at the others for snickering, Xander slumped down in his seat to wait for it to stop.

“You know that we still care about you Xan, it’s just that you never let us in. It’s nice to know what you think of us,” Chris smiled softly. 

“Fine,” Xander sighed, “I still get to pout if you pick on me though.”

“No worries Kiddo.” Buck smiled. With that said, the eight went over the plans of how to integrate Xander into their day to day work schedules without it seeming like they were hounding him. It would be a delicate dance, but they knew they could deal with it.




It was a month later that Xander started to get problems with the job at the ATF building. Cases were moved and his supplies began to vanish. The final straw was when his exemplar was touched and tainted with dirt and other foreign objects. Stomping up to AD Travis’ office, Xander slammed down pictures from the surveillance camera onto the desk before him showing Team 3 screwing around in his lab.

“Deal with them, or I will. I am sick of whatever crawled up their asses and decided that I need to have my work space fucked with. Remind them that if I can’t do my job, then all those gun runners that Teams 7 and 6 busted can be freed.” With one final growl, Xander stalked out of the office and made his way back to his lab to finish the last logging of evidence from a bust over a week old from Team 6.

Chris and Buck watched Xander stalk out of the Judge’s office and knocked before entering the room. The sight of AD Travis glaring at a few stills made the pair curious before anger coursed through their veins at what Team 3 had been doing to Xander’s lab.

“As you can see gentlemen, Team 3 needs to be dealt with. However, I can only get away with putting marks in their files for now. Chris, I need Team 6 and 7 to instruct Team 3 on how to respect the lab techs assigned to certain teams.” A hard look glittered in the Judge’s eyes and Chris and Buck nodded their consent.

“Team 3 will regret the day that they decided to attack Xander.” With that, both men left a satisfied Judge behind and the beginnings of a new betting pool in the secretarial office.




Team 3 quickly learned that they should have ignored their team leader when it came to harassing and hazing Harris. Team 6 and 7 were brutal in their lessons, and soon AD Travis had enough ammunition to fire the leader of Team 3 and hire the one he wanted in that man’s place. When the Judge had given Team 7 the green light and a “carte blanc” for dealing with Team 3, he had forgotten that they reacted like a family.

Vin and Ezra had pranked Team 3’s offices, and ensured that they never knew when they were going to be hit next. The pranks varied from funny and harmless to terrifying for the agents affected. JD ensured that their computers slowed down just enough so that they had problems loading their software for writing reports, and thus had to do them by hand. Nathan pulled rank and had them all go for a physical, and had already told the hospital that they had targeted one of their own, so making it gentle wasn’t necessary. The nurses took great delight in making their physicals uncomfortable for picking on the most behaved member of team 7.

Josiah began telling Team 3 tales and sermons of respect for your fellow man, and went into great detail of the punishments that could be dished out by the All Mighty for going against His wishes. He had confided in Nathan that the Fire and Brimstone approach was useful when you wanted to terrify the persons responsible for the pain inflicted on those you know. Chris and Buck’s revenge was downright intimidating to the men of Team 3. Both dressed all in black, both swooped down like angels of death, and it took only moments before the pair was told that their leader had ordered them to haze Harris, and then escalate to the rate that they had been. If they hadn’t, they would have lost the jobs they loved. Team 6 decided that taking the soon to be ex leader of Team 3 to AD Travis for the final nail in his coffin, and thanked Chris and Buck for getting their team to do all the work.

The Teams in the ATF building were disgusted with the man when it came out that Harris had beaten his son in the Ballistics’ course, and that he had gotten the position in the building that he had wanted his son to have. When his son was called in the young man gave them a bitter smile.

“I never wanted to stay in Denver when I became a ballistics tech. I enjoy Los Angeles. Yes, Harris came in first in the program, but I came in third, so I’m not all bent out of shape. He wanted to control my career like he did my sister, and he’s pissed off that I’m not a malleable as she is.” He shrugged. “She’ll be happy he’s gone from the ATF when I tell her he’s been fired. This will allow her to accept the promotion she wants and be able to move over seas.”

With that, the leader of Team 3 was removed from duty, and life went back to normal for the ATF agents. Xander, now, had to deal with seven grumpy family members about the trashing of his lab.




As Xander sat in Ezra’s Jag, he wanted to scream in frustration at the coddling he was getting. Now that Team 3 had been dealt with, Xander was able to finish his work, and help other lab techs with their cases. Seeing Ezra coming down into the lab area made Xander curious. Being told that it was quitting time, Xander was startled and quickly shut down his station before waving good bye to the other members of the lab for his weekend off. As they were leaving, Ezra mentioned that they were heading to the ranch, and that Chris wanted to ask him something. That was when the sense of foreboding came forward, and Xander quietly asked if this was about Team 3. The tense nod, made him sigh, and lean against the window in silence.

The rest of the ride was done in silence, and Xander never noticed Ezra looking over at him in concern. The worry in the green eyes grew as they got closer to the ranch and he silently cursed Chris Larabee and his demanding ways. Xander didn’t need this, and he hoped that Chris didn’t rip into his lover, or Ezra would bitch back.

The Jag stopped in its regular spot at Chris’ ranch and before Xander could leave the car, Ezra stopped him with his hand on his arm.

“Xander, just remember that Vin and I love you, no matter what, and if Chris get’s too bitchy, you’ll still have us in your corner.”

“Thanks Ez, I appreciate that.” With a small smile, Xander slid of the car, and both made their way into the lion’s den.




Chris had been pacing the entire time he had gotten into his home. Ezra would be there soon enough, and he simply wanted to ask Xander why he didn’t come to them. Maybe it was the obvious answer of not wanting to impose, or that it was too serious to simply move and talk to Chris. But, damn-it, he needed to know why.

Ezra and Xander entered the Ranch, and curled up to Vin upon entering. The blue eyed sharpshooter saw that the pair of them needed to be close, so he didn’t fidget at the lack of quick exits. Silence filled the room, as Chris seemed to wait for Xander to speak. Seeing that their ballistics tech was remaining quiet, Chris was the first to speak.

“Why didn’t you come to us when you saw that there was a problem?” Ezra hid a flinch at how accurate Xander was about why he had been brought here, and curled up closer to his lovers.

“I told my supervisor, who is the head of the whole lab for the ATF. He had been looking into it, but when his findings were swiped with the last transgression to me, I went to AD Travis. I knew he would let you look into it, and that was why I did it the way I did. That way you had the ATF on your side, and you didn’t have to prove why you did it afterwards.” Xander spoke calmly, and both Vin and Ezra were trying to keep the young man calm.

“How long had it been going on?”

“A month after I started.”

“Jesus, Xan…” Buck whispered and Xander’s patience snapped.

“I can handle my issues just fine. I don’t need any hand holding or any pampering. I’ve fought and won, so dealing with a few upstarts isn’t going to hurt me, nor is it going to impinge my honour.” 

“Dammit Xander, we care! That’s why we’re so worried!” Chris growled at the defiant glare in the young man’s eyes.

“I’m no child that needs protecting Chris.” Brown eyes flashed to green for a moment and Buck’s eyes widened in understanding.

“We know that you can handle yourself Xander, we just want you to have the best back up possible for these situations.” Buck smacked Chris before he could talk and Buck walked over and squatted in front of the vibrating young man.

“Then--” Xander started to talk but was cut off when Buck began to speak once more.

“Your girls’ weren’t very supportive of you and what you could do, were they?” Brown eyes looked anywhere but at Buck, and Chris had to clench his fists to stop himself from doing any damage to the house.

“It wasn’t just the girls.” The quiet voice was almost missed in the oppressive silence, and Xander was pulled into a supportive embrace from both sides.

Buck cursed under his breath and patted Xander on his knee, and waited until the young man looked at him. He knew that he would have to remind Xander that they would be there for him, and that asking for help wouldn’t be considered whining or being a baby.

“Kiddo, we’re a family. Families, most of the time, stick together when things get tough. If you had come to us with this, then we could have helped you out faster, and gotten it stopped just as well. You can ask for help. It’s not a weakness or a burden to us if you need help. Yes, we might bitch and moan in jest about missing out on something else, but we will do everything we can to help you. Now, I know that Chris can be a bit grumpy, but he hates it when his family is attacked, and he would have backed you in a heartbeat if you had come to us instead of waiting it out like you did.”

Xander looked at the nodding faces and let a small, shy smile come forth. He knew, in his mind, that Buck was telling the truth from the start, but old insecurities bubbled to the surface, and he held back. He also had a feeling that Team 7 would be down in the labs more often than not from now on because of this.

“Thanks,” And that said it all.

He knew that his issues would come up more often, and with Adam popping up and about when he had to hide would bring more scrutiny, but he knew that he could handle it now. His family would back him, and while he knew he would still be worried about things, he could actually let go and be himself for good now. It was a start, on that showed that he had earned his new freedom.




The darkness receeded for a moment letting a young woman step forth from within. Green eyes dulled and tempered with understanding and pain, as well as regret. Her red hair was long and tangled in a braid, loosely held by a strip of cloth. As she stepped into the theatre, she noticed that her judges were back. 

“You have succumbed to the trails, and finally understood the magicks that you hold. Do you understand your punishment child?” The ethereal voice asked.

“I would like to think so but I know that all of you have a different idea of what should be learned.” Her voice was raspy, as if it had been a while since she had spoken, but held an understanding that she never had before.

“Very well then,” A darker voice intoned. “Willow Rosenburg, you shall be judged to see if you are worthy of rest.”

The circle that surrounded her felt warm and she let the ritual carry her away. She had learned much in her time in that hell dimension, and she truly did regret the pain she had caused in the past. When the glow faded, tears were streaming down her face, as she remembered what she had done before she was tossed into the pit.

“Willow Rosenburg, you have passed the test. You shall be reunited with your loved ones.” The ethereal voice intoned.

Willow bit her lip before asking in a small voice. “May I see Xander? I know I have no right to ask, but I just want to make sure that he is happy.”

“You may see him upon entering the glades. They enjoy keeping tabs on young Alexander.”

With a small smile, Willow let herself be led to the door that Dawn had entered a millennia before and stepped inside. Her first sight was that of Tara, and she had to force herself back from launching herself at the woman. The soft smile sent her way made her hope, but she told herself to be careful. It was her fault that these people were dead, and it would take a while before she should even consider being near them.

Tara knew what Willow was thinking, and lead her towards the others. Even in this place of rest and forgiveness, Willow was pulling away. She truly did fear what the others would say or do to her. She could only hope that Willow understood, in time, that by being allowed here, she was forgiven by all of them. 

Dawn mentally winced at seeing Willow so frightened, and knew it was because of her words from before the judgments. This Willow was different from the Willow she had in her memories, but she seemed calmer and more grounded that the flighty and spastic girl from before. Buffy was the first to embrace Willow, and she noticed that the red head was shocked at the touch. Before anyone else could do anything though, Joyce spoke from her youngest daughter’s side.

“Welcome to the green glade, Willow. You must know that to arrive in this place, you have been forgiven, correct?”

Willow fidgeted in place and shrugged her shoulders. She wasn’t comfortable around her past, and it showed. She didn’t want to leave these people, but she had no choice in the matter, being around them hurt too much.

“I know, but I – I can’t stay here.” Her raspy voice made Dawn flinch. “I know that all of you have forgiven me, but that is moot point, when I have yet to forgive myself.”

She gave them all a sad smile before looking at the mirror that showed Xander having a romantic dinner with his two lovers. “I just wanted to see if Xander was happy. Since he is, I can rest until I figure myself out now.”

Turning away, Dawn tried to run forward, but was gently held back by the magicks that swirled around Willow. With one last look, Willow vanished into a fog leaving a sadden group behind.

“She will return soon little ones.” The ethereal voice stepped forward and gave them all a small smile. “She has much to sort in her mind, as she must cope with her deeds that sent her to The Pit in the first place. Once she sees her mistakes in the order she needs to, then she will return.”

“How long will she be gone from us again?” Came Faith’s voice, tempered by peace and joy.

“Until the sky bleeds red for a fortnight.”

They knew that time passed differently in the various locations within the glade, and could only hope that Willow didn’t stay in the place where each day in the green glade was a millennia there. When she returned, they would enjoy watching over their loved one, and began to prepare for his joining of them, as well as that of his newer family, with them in the green glades. 

First things first though, Joyce planned to hunt down Chris’s wife and son, unless they had been reborn. But that’s another matter all together.


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