Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Chapter 6

Dean made it back in time to be gently petting Sam’s hair as he woke up, sleepy hazel eyes blinking open before Sam smile at him and Dean smiled back. He could watch Sam sleep for eternity; the kid was so peaceful and innocent when asleep.

“Sleep well?” Dean asked and Sam nodded as he sat up.

“Don’t….don’t you sleep anymore?” Sam asked and Dean shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry.”

“Why? It’s not your fault Sam; this is who, what I am. Besides it means I can watch over you when you sleep, make sure you don’t have any nightmares. And let’s face it; people die all the time, what would happen if I did sleep?” Dean explained and Sam nodded. “Come on, let’s get some breakfast.” Dean got up and Sam followed him downstairs, watching Dean and knowing there was something big on his mind. When breakfast was done they cleaned up for Bobby and then all headed into the living room to research ways to stop Lucifer.

“Dean?” What’s wrong?” Sam eventually asked and Dean looked at him.

“Nothing Sammy, just thinking.” Dean assured him with a grin and Sam frowned but went back to work, not seeing the way Bobby was eyeing Dean. Dean looked at the older hunter and nodded, yes he was going over ways to save Sam.

That night as they got ready for bed Dean took a deep breath. Carl was right, the annoying Horesman usually was, but that meant Dean had to leave for a while and Sam couldn’t go with him. He could cheat and make sure Sam would never know by simply killing him for the time but that felt so wrong it wasn’t funny. Sam got into bed and waited for Dean to join him and Dean dis so, smiling when Sam curled up against him like he now always did.

“Sammy?” Dean whispered and Sam raised his head to look at him.

“Something’s wrong. Isn’t it?” Sam asked and Dean sighed.

“I uh, need to head out for a few days, try and contact an old…friend.” Dean explained and Sam nodded.

“So when do we leave?”

“No we Sam, we’re I’m going you can’t come, not even Cas would be able to survive. It will only be for a few days, a week tops and then I’ll be back, hopefully with an answer to this mess.” Dean assured him and Sam rolled away, turning his back. Dean felt a flash of pain and then he saw Sam shaking and reached out to pull Sam close again. “Sammy I swear I’m coming back. Nothing, no one can keep me away.” Dean promised and Sam slowly looked at him.

“Unless they seal you away again.” Sam whispered and Dean hugged him.

“Can’t happen, that was a one-time deal thing Sam. You’re stuck with me Sammy.” Dean whispered and Sam slowly relaxed.

“When will you leave?” Sam asked and Dean smiled at him.

“I’ll stay till you’re asleep kiddo.” Dean promised.

“What are you waiting for!” Dean screamed, getting very annoyed.

He knew his old self wouldn’t have reacted like this but hey, he was a Winchester now and he was getting pissed. He’d been waiting in the void for almost a day already with no sign of the other. And then he felt it, the warm, immense presence of the other. He never spoke, not really but Dean, or Death, always understood him.

“I don’t know why you let that happen to me and frankly I don’t care anymore. I need your help………..please.” The last word was a whispered plea but the other still heard him. Dean closed his eyes ‘listening’ to the response and then sighed. “No….I can’t do that to him, he wouldn’t be Sam anymore. Why haven’t you stopped this, they’d listen to you.” Dean argued and the response he got made him mad but he understood. “One hell of a way to make them see Daddy knows best…..but yeah, I get it.” Dean admitted, smiling as the other laughed.

It felt so good to be talking with Him again; he’d missed the contact so much while Sealed away. And then he’d been human, sure he’d had his family but he had always felt slightly out of place, that was part of the reason he’d been John’s obedient little soldier, needing his approval but not sure how else to get it. He smiled and relaxed, just basking in the others presence for a while.

“Please help me save Sammy.” Dean pleaded.

Dean sat beside Sam and gently petted his hair as Sam slept. Sam mumbled in his sleep and then his eyes opened and he stared up at Dean sleepily for a few seconds before he really realised what he was seeing and then Sam lunged up, hugging him. Dean smiled and hugged him back.

“Missed me?” Dean asked and Sam nodded.

“It was weird, you not being here.” Sam admitted softly and Dean smiled again.

“Well I’m not going anywhere again Sammy. How’re you doing?” Dean asked and Sam shrugged.

“Okay I……I think…..can angels get into dreams?” Sam asked and Dean froze.

“Sam? Who was it?”

“L…Luicfer.” Sam admitted and Dean sighed.

“What did he want?”


“Well he’s not getting you kiddo.” Dean promised and Sam relaxed slowly.

“How did your meeting go?” Sam asked and Dean grinned.

“Good. You trust me right?” Dean asked and Sam nodded. “There’s some stuff…”

“I trust you Dean.” Sam assured him.

“Sammy I……I know when people are gonna die, for good.” Dean admitted and Sam nodded. “You….you uh…” Dean couldn’t say it and Sam paled.

“Soon huh?” Sam asked and Dean nodded.

“I’m looking for a way to save you. The one way I knew of already………doubt you want to spend eternity as a Reaper.” Dean admitted and Sam shuddered.

“I guess if there was no other way…..” Sam offered but Dean shook his head.

“Reapers don’t remember anything before being a Reaper; you’d be pretty much emotionless and totally obedient.” Dean argued and Sam shook his head.

“So not a good idea. You really want me not to die? You’re Death, isn’t that against what you are or something?” Sam asked and Dean chuckled.

“Maybe. But I don’t care Sam. I can’t…..I can’t lose you. You’re my only reason for doing this kiddo.” Dean admitted and Sam stared at him in awe before smiling shyly and reaching up to gently stroke Dean’s cheek. Dean grinned and moved to lie beside Sam, hugging him. When Sam hesitantly moved in closer Dean stayed still until Sam’s lips brushed against his. He felt Sam swallow nervously so he gently returned the soft brush of pressure. Sam pulled back and stared at him uncertainly.

“I uh…..”

“It’s okay Sammy.” Dean whispered, gently brushing Sam’s hair out of his eyes. Dean kissed him briefly and when he pulled back Sam smiled at him. Sam curled up against him and they lay together for a while before Sam’s stomach demanded attention. They got up and went downstairs, Bobby smiling in relief when he saw Dean was back safe.

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