Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
This site is an archive for fic written by members of Voracity's Imaginings YahooGroup. We discussed it on group, and decided an archive would be more convenient then trying to keep track of message numbers.

A significant amount of the fic on this site is slash. In other words, here there be stories in which the characters are homo- and/or bi-sexual. If you object to this, please go away now.


Buffy/Angel Crossovers [273]

Crossovers in which major characters are from Buffy and/or Angel.

Buffy/Angel Stories [47]
Stories that take place in the Buffy and/or Angel universes.
Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers [185]

Crossovers in which major characters are not from Buffy and/or Angel.

Non Buffy/Angel Stories [225]

Stories that do not take place in the Buffy and/or Angel universes.

Original Content [26]

Stories not involving commercially established characters. In other words, non-fanfic.


Site News
Archive Problems
by SuBethJimBob on 2011.01.25 06:59 am

ETA: I think this is fixed. Please email me if you're still having a problem.

It seems the archive is having a problem. Any story or chapter uploaded isn't showing. The story listing (like the Recent page) shows the numbeer of words and/or chapters, but when you...

by SuBethJimBob on 2010.10.22 11:35 pm

Well, it's that time again, folks. Some of our resident authors are going to do NaNo again this year. Let's give them lots of encouragement; the more they write, the more we get to read. ::grin::


Site Info

Members: 26992
Series: 58
Stories: 724
Chapters: 3041
Word count: 13525870
Authors: 49
Reviews: 3185
Reviewers: 251
Newest Member: RogueMintZer0
Challenges: 153
Challengers: 15
Recommendations: 6
Recommenders: 2

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as yet untitled h/d HP fic (suggestions welcome) by Trix FRC
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