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Harris - ex-special forces now makes his fortune as a problem solver. You have a problem, he's solve it for the right price. He is reported to be a little under 6-ft talk with brown hair and eyes. It's said he's a man without a conscious and only care about his bank account. While no know photo of Harris, it is said that Harris looks younger than his years much like Michael J Fox does. While on his post graduation trip (or post I almost married her trip) Xander traveled much farther than Oxnard, actual he made it to the East Coast. After checking into a hotel he is approached by some 'gentlemen' who want to hire him to solve some of their problems. Now Xander is a lot smarter than most people give him credit for, so he tells that 'gentlemen' that he will consider the job after he had a chance to scoop out the 'problem' which really means he'll go and talk to the target, who happens to be in law enforcement. Together Xander and his target plot out how to take the 'gentlemen' down. Possible options (You do not have to follow): 1) Can be set in any series but can you imagine Xander going up to Caine or Gibbs and saying "I've been offered $100,000 to kill you." 2) You might want to have Harris the assassin/problem solve arrives in town and have him find out someone is using 'his' name. 3) The target is not the usual character. Instead of have the target Caine or Gibbs have the target be Alexx or Abby. 4) Instead of ordering the death of someone Harris has been ordered to injured someone enough that they have to retire from law enforcement. This would be a good one for Tony. His father has ordered him injured so that he has to fall back on a more respectful form of employment even is it's being a college professor. Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
Setting: Post Initiative Team Gibbs has been sent to Sunnydale to investigate the death of a number of Marines. Since Gibbs more or less bleed, sweat and thinks as a Marine some of the demons of the team thinks that Team Gibbs is start of Initiative 2.0. So in order to stop this mistake from happening again they capture the team and drag them to Willy's. Willy takes one look at Team Gibbs and decides that he better call someone in before someone doesn't something stupid and bring trouble down on all of them. He has a demon go and ask Xander to come to the bar. Xander has always had to ability to 'see' the truth about someone and while the girls and Giles have ingored Xander and his ability the demon community has not. When Xander arrives at the bar, Willy puts him to work questioning the prisoners about who they are and exactly why they're in Sunnydale. ~*~ Options (Not required): I will admit I am not a fan of Ziva so if at all possible would someone write it so that she was there to collect Dr Walsh's work for use by her own government while using the investigation as a cover. Getting Dr Walsh's work is more important that anything else and Ziva is order to break her cover if necessary. If you don't want to use this part of the idea, that ok too. Another option is for Gibbs to find out that Xander is his son or Tony to discover his baby half-brother. Slash is always a welcomed option. Also Gibbs recruiting Xander for his team and Xander telling the girls off. Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
This fic can be sit in any of the CSI series or even in NCIS if you can swing it. Every demon know that the most dangerous being in the world is not another demon but Willow Rosenburg. They also knew that the only person in the world who can control her is Xander Harris. So a number of demons clans and individuals have laid protections spell on him. While travel from one case to another the plane Xander was on crashed. There was only one surviver and he was unharmed, not even a scratch. Immediately the press and the police latched on to Xander and they delved into his past. They soon learned he was a surviver of the graduation explosion and the sinking of Sunnydale. The press labeled him the Luckiest Man on Earth. While other start to call him the Harbinger of Death and Destruction and call for his death before he lead to most death. Meanwhile the CSI teams are trying to figure out what brought down the plane and why Xander lived. While trying to prevent/arrest anyone who tries to kill Xander. (If you go with NCIS, I would assign the team to protect him) Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
I have to admit coming up with an original mermaid bunnie is not easy! But I think I did it. One thing I forgot to mention in this bunnie is that Xander is a Navy Seal. After graduation he left Sunnydale for the Navy ~*~ "Which one of you did it?" Abby demanded as she stormed into the pit. "Which one of you screwed up the evidence?" "What are you talking about Abby?" McGee asked tentatively. "I'm talking about which one of you had shark for lunch or dinner or whatever," Abby spouted, "before collected evidence for the Harris case. All the blood evidence is contaminated with it." "What type of shark?" Tony asked as he studied something on his computer screen "Mako," Abby answered. "And some other types of fish, not that any of that matters since one of you mess up the evidence." "None of us did," Tony said. "It turns out that our good Sgt. Harris was experimented on when in high school. Seems as if the swim coach wanted a winning season so he exposed the swim team to fish DNA including that of Mako shark." Everyone looked at DiNozzo in surprised but Abby summed it up best when she exclaimed, "No way!" before rushing over to Tony's desk and pushing him out of the way so she could read the screen. "That is so cool and so wrong," she babbled as she ready the computer files. "This must mean that whoever attack Harris must have been on the swim team with him. Maybe someone who was exposed more than he had been since their blood had a higher amount of fish DNA than Harris." "Then get me a list of who was on that swim team," Gibbs ordered. "What about Harris's family," Ziva asked her leg in a cast. "They might be able to tell us something." "No go on that," Tony chimed in. "In Harris's file he has listen that under no circumstance was anyone to contract his family." "Anti-military?" McGee asked. Tony shook his head. "More like bad parents," Tony said before adding on softly. "Worst than mine." Gibbs shoots DiNozzo a concern look having heard his soft-spoken comment. "Boss, we got a hit," McGee said. "I was able to find a member of the swim team living in the area." "That was fast, probie," Tony said. "I was able to narrow the search of military personal by using the criteria of Sunnydale and swim team," McGee explain. "Get on with it McGee," Gibbs growled. "Yes, boss," McGee said quickly. "SGT. Thomson, Marine Corp was on the Sunnydale Swim Team with Harris." "Location?" Gibbs snapped. "Right, boss," McGee said as he hurriedly wrote down Thomson's home address and handed it over. "DiNozzo with me. McGee find me the rest of that swim team. Ziva find what you can that town," Gibbs said as he walked towards the elevator. ~*~ "Thomson?" Gibbs called out to the man who was spraying down his car, a bucket of soapy water at his feet. "Yeah?" Thomason replied as he turned off the hose. "Special Agent Gibbs," Gibbs said as he held up his badge. With a nod of his head towards Tony, he added in, "DiNozzo." Thomason nodded his head as a greeting, his confusion evident on his face. "So what can I do for NCIS this morning?" "Do you recognize this man?" Gibbs demanded as he held up a photo of Sgt. Harris. "Xander," Thomason said in disbelief as he took the photo from Gibbs' hands. "Xander Harris. Never expect him to go Navy. So what happened to him?" Thomason handed back the photo to Gibbs. "What make you think something happened? " DiNozzo asked. "NCIS shows up at my door asking about a man I haven't see since graduation," Thomason replied. "Something had to happened to him. Xander was too much of a good guy to hurt someone who didn't deserve it." "Harris was attacked some time yesterday night," Gibbs replied. "We're trying to find who did it." "He ok?" Thomason asked. "The doctors are hopeful," DiNozzo replied. "Good. That's good. Xander's one of the good guys," Thomason said. "So what does this have to do with me? I mean I haven't see Xander in years." "Some of the evidence we collected pointed that Harris' assailant might have been a member of the Sunnydale swim team," Gibbs said as he watch Thomason carefully. "The swim team," Thomason echoes back the words as he licked his lips nervously. "Where… where was Xander attacked at?" Gibbs' eyes narrowed. "On the beach." Thomason looked towards the East towards the ocean. He then looked up and down the street. Swallowing nervously he said, "I think we better that this inside." Gibbs nodded his head and allowed Thomason to lead the way. As soon as Thomason was in the door he hurried to a closet and pulled out a gun case. Opening the case Thomason pulled out the gun, loaded it before tucking in to the back of his pants. Taking a deep breath, Thomason turned to the agents. "Want a drink?" he asked. "No thank you," Gibbs replied as DiNozzo shook his head. "Ok," Thomason replied before getting a glass and pour himself two fingers of an amber colored liquid, which he immediately gulped down before pouring himself another two fingers of the liquid. "I used to love the ocean," Thomason said. "Used to love swimming and surfing. The whole team loved it but that was before Coach Marin. Now I can't go in it anymore, not know what's out there. Hell whenever we're assign to sea, I'm always inside. The only time I see the sky is when we're at port" "And what is out there?" Gibbs asked. "The unlucky ones," Thomason said taking a sip from his glass. "Me, Xan, the others you guys are probably looking up… we're the lucky one. Not you could tell us that well we were have a total blood transfers or when the doctors told us we could never have kids. That will either be shooting blanks or the kid would never develop correctly. Most of us got snipped the next day. Couldn't take a change that one of us would have a child like the unlucky ones." "The unlucky ones?" Gibbs said, leaning forward as if to put pressure on Thomason to tell him everything. "Not everyone got the same number of doses from the Coach. The ones who had some talent, who with the right training could have gone all the way… they received more doses from the Couch," Thomason explained. "They're the unlucky ones." "And where are this unlucky ones?" Gibbs demanded. Thomason nodded his head in the direction of the ocean. "Out there someplace. They escape to the ocean after eating the Coach." Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
Any parent or anyone who has babysat a small child can tell you that small children seem to have the ability to teleport from the last place you saw them right into something they shouldn't be in. So I was think what if Xander was de-aged and then blessed with the ability to teleport. How would his new parents react to this? For example if you cross teleporting Xander with one of the StarGate series someone's reaction might be "That's new" then go one with their life Supernatural - "It's he demonic?" "Where's the holy water?" NCIS - Gibbs would glare at the Xander then Xander would disappear and Gibbs would tell Tony to find him. Abby would say "That is so COOL!" Ducky would say "That reminds me of a time..." Not sure how CSI Miami or other CSI series would react. Please no Charmed since they're already used to teleporting babies ~*~*~ Some follow up ideas... As babies become toddlers they learn how to do things by themselves like how to take their clothes and diapers off. (We had to duct tape my nephew's diaper on him since he kept taking it off) So of course when Xander made a stinky diaper he would take it off and leave it behind. And for some odd reason Xander would leave the stinky diaper in the office of someone who doesn't like his daddy like Stetler (CSI Miami) or Kinsey (SG-1) ~*~ Now Vo I know you love to write multi-crossover just like we love to read them, so I was thinking you could make Xander have multi-daddies which he can teleport to. Figure start with Stargate (please make it Jack) that way they can say anything he does is classify and blame Loki for Xander. And then you have have a multi number of 'mother' maybe a Caine/Gibbs/DiNozzo mix? Can you image Caine reaction to find Xander in his Hummer? Or Gibbs finding a baby under his boat? Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None
The Bermuda Triangle boundary is made up of 3 points, San Juan, Puerto Rico and... Miami. So into your mixing bowl added in one Xander Harris, one character of CSI Miami (I perfer Caine for my mix) and finally add in the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Mix well. Bake in a 350 degree overn for 20 minutes. Serve with vanilla ice cream. Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
What if Initiative has decide to make LJ Gibbs and Xander Harris a daughter? She would have Gibbs's eyes and Harris's hair. Xander's pout and Gibbs' steely glare. But it's not the daughter that the world should fear but the fathers as they argue out how they're going to raise her and how they work together to anyone who threatens a single hair on her head. I can see demons posting guards upon her so they don't have to worry about the fathers ending the world ~*~ With his weapon pointed at the brutish looking demon before him, Gibbs growled, "What are you doing here?" The demon licked his lips nervously. "Sir," the demon said respectfully. "I've been ordered by the High Council to guard and protect your daughter at all cost, sir." "Why?" Gibbs snapped. "Sir. The High Council is afraid that if anything ever happens to her that you and her other father would destroy the world," the demon replied. Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
Xander has been poisoned and is dying. The only cure is a potion that is made up of certain parts from men who are like Xander; those who do what is necessary to protect other. Willow has been able to narrow down which men they need to collect parts from and where they are at but the problem is she doesn't know what parts need to be collected from which man. So the Slayers are sent out to collect each of the chosen men and bring them back to Cleveland so that Willow can study each man and collect what she needs from them. Of course there will some unexpected side effects from the potion. Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural Characters: None
= During High School Xander, thanks to his association with Buffy, gets approached by a powerful, good, capable & realistic group to help take down several long term Bads such as the Watcher Council, Sunnydale itself, the Initiative...etc by becoming a successful supernatural version of a undercover cop with his own handler/contact and in return he gets full independence from the Harris's, protection, good education/training & medical care after extensive examining, support, a decent side paycheck & once done a new life
Possible crossovers or multiple crossovers as well as new bosses for Xander can be > Eureka with Nathan Stark as a leader of a peaceful supernatural community as well as a scientific one > Stargate with Jack O'Neill as leader of Homeworld Security protecting the world from aliens, supernaturals & idiotic humans > Charmed with the Elders or at least a subgroup of Elders who are much more realistic, proactive, interactive & not Halliwell obsessed > Hercules/Xena with the Greek gods taking serious objection to what the powers that be are doing & allowing thanks to pettiness, negligence, indifference.. > Sentinel where Sentinels & Guides are known and accepted in society, they have their own organization that sets out to help & protect Sentinels, Guides & Mundanes alike that also unknown to the Mundanes deal with the various supernatural threats > Dresden Files and the White Council > SHEILD with Coulson as his contact, later on forms a strong friendship with Tony Stark > AU NCIS LA/CSI/Mag7/Numb3rs Verse where the Supernatural world is known about at least to them if not the general public Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Herc/Xena-verse, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None
Summary: I recently read 'A Tangled Web' by victoriantealady
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6349608/1/A_Tangled_Web The story is about Team Gibbs with the exception of Gibbs and Ducky turning Tony and not trusting him when some nasty emails go around from his email address. They believe the evidence instead of trusting their guts becasue their feeling get hurt from the emails. (This is first story in the series) Anyways while I was reading this my thoughts where that Tony needs a visit from a Justice Demon one who especialize in victims or those betrayed. So if a Justice Demon was called what do you think would be the fate of those who betrayed Tony? McGee - I can see being sued by the family of the victim he base his stories on. I know there is literary license but McGee worked on the case he wrote about and only changed the names could the family sue? Could the members of NCIS sue since he based the characters off of them? Abby - she knowingly endanger a member of NCIS by making that false picture of Tony with another guy and then sending it by email. Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
After reading Never Look Back By FallenQueen2 this hopped up Xander as a highly successful but unliked Cop/Agent with a dark past, just like Tony DiNozzo and Marty Deeks, who continues to hide behind the 'Xander' mask {jokester..} with no one bothering to look any deeper. During the course of his life/career befriends Tony and Marty, the three of them becoming close supportive/protective family/brothers/friends & when they are together, they all know the full scope of each others history, issues and pain so there are no masks, recriminations, secrets, misunderstandings, lies, judgements...etc keeping each other grounded and sane How would the NCIS teams react when they find out during or after an op? Bonus Points if Xander is related to Steve McGarrett Or Danny Williams from Hawaii Five O. Alternatively, they could all actually be relatated by blood/marriage..? Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
Xander being related to four+ overprotective snarky no BS people who once they find out how much he's been screwed over {by his parents, willow & her hacking/magic, rosenburgs & their biased psychology, snyder manipulations & sunnydale outdated-corrupt-neglegent-incompetent system...etc} set out to help him every way they can whilst also thoroughly kicking ass with regards to at the very least the Harris's, Buffy, Giles, Willow, Cordelia, Oz, Joyce, Snyder... if not the whole of sunnydale messed up system, with positive lasting results, even if the results are only in Xander, the Family and the innocents best interests. Possible Relatives = Nathan Stark, Jack O'Neill, Gregory House, Tim Speedle, Tony Dinozzo, Aaron Hotchner or David Rossi, Ray Kolwalski, Nathan Ford, Steve McGarrett Or Danny Williams... Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None
I think it was in Vo Bullet Boy series in which Xander's cooking was almost deadly to anyone who ate it expect for Xander. I remember that Xander was able to make Hamburger Helper, bad as is it, much much worst... explosive diarrhea comes to mind. So here is the idea in some city, DC, New York, Vegas or Miami for example, Xander gets a job as a short order cook before he learn he really shouldn't cook for other. Of course the police department, CSI and the Health Department all become involved as they tried to figure out what was making everyone who ate there sick. Since the restaurant Xander is working for is closed for the investigation, Xander gets an another job as a short order cook. And we have a repeat of what happened at Restaurant #1. Repeat as needed. So after a bit someone notice that all the food poisoning have one thing in common… the cook. ~*~ I'll give you a cookie if one of the restaurants was a place the cops have unofficially claimed as their own. Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
I came up with a new title for Xander, the Demon's Angel. Born in the mouth of Hell. walked in Hell with impunity and now he walked in the city of... ~*~ Horatio Caine was talking to one of his co-workers when an uniformed officer came up to him. "Excuse me, Lt.," the officer said, "but they need you in interrogation, sir." Caine removes his sunglasses and looked at the officer. "Do you know why?" he asked. The officer shook his head. "No, sir," he replied. "I was just told to find you and tell you the message." Caine slips his sunglasses back on. "Then it looks like I'm heading for interrogation." Caine walks in to interrogation where Detective Tripp is questioning a young man. "Frank?" Horatio says simply. Detective Tripp nods towards a chair before turning back to the young man before him. "I want you to tell Lt Caine here exactly what you told me." "I've come to confess all of my crimes," the young man said nervously. "And what crimes are those?" Caine ask. The young man quickly list off a list of unsolved crimes. Once the young man was done confessing, Lt. Caine said, "I'm curious. Why are you now confessing to these crimes on your own?' "The Demon's Angel has come to Miami," the young man stated as he crossed himself. "I thought I could throw myself of the mercy of the court and the church before he came to him to drag me to Hell with him." "The Demon's Angel?" Caine said. The young man nods his head. "They say he was born in the mouth of Hell. That he walked in Hell with impunity and now he walks in the street of Miami. They say he's come to collect the wicked and protect the innocent. You might be the protector of Miami, Lt. Caine but even you can not stand up to him. No one can. All anyone can do is pray for mercy." "Interesting," Caine said with a thoughtful look. Detective Tripp waves for an uniformed officer to take the young man down to booking and holding. "What do you think?" Tripp said was the young man was gone. "Vigilante?" "Possible," Caine said, "but I would like to get more information first." ~*~ Horatio, in shock, holds Speed as the younger man is dying. In rush Xander to save the day and Speed's life. In comes the EMS responders to take Speed to the hospital leaving a dazed Caine behind. Xander touches Caine's face to see if Horatio should go to the hospital too for shock, marking Horatio with blood. As usual Xander slips away when everything claims down since as usual no one can a guy who's like an overgrown puppy as a hero. Now when Caine snaps out of his shock he wants to know who the person was that save Speed and his involvement in the case so he has his people review the security tapes. The problem Xander was wearing an amulet that Willow gave him which makes any recorded image of his face blurry so when they review the tape the find a person with a blurry face and maybe 2 glowing green eyes. Have someone in another room laugh evily which is carried through the air ducts to where they're reviewing the tape just as Xander had looked up at the camera... and watch them run! Of course Horatio's friends are now worry about him since Demon's Angel has now marked him in blood Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None
Tony DiNozzo had a phote of Kate as the 1994 wet t-shirt winner and was teasing her with it. In revenge she email him a photo she had doctored (with or without help) which showed Tony with another man. (Wish I could find that photo) So I was thinking what if the other man in the photo was Xander (possible a promo photo from when he was stripping) And what if during a case Team Gibbs meet Xander Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None |
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