Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
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Ok this bunnie was original for my HP/SG-1 group but then my Muse started to whisper what can Jack do that Xander can't do better.

So when you read Mini-Me or Jack switch it out for Xander. Or if you're really adventurous make it Mini-Me and Xander

Oh and figure Willow oops and deage Xander

This bunnie is inspired by Exposure, a Dark Fic! ( if you don't have an account)

After the 2 wizard war the population is too small to permit children who grew up in the Muggle world to decide if they want to go to magical school or not, so they simply kidnap them. (And in the story that inspire this fic they kidnap Harry's oldest daughter… BIG mistake)

So I was thinking that what if Mini-Me was not ages to about 15 but what if he was 11? What if he was kidnapped and sent to Hogwarts, where he meets all the other kidnapped children?

Jack being Jack is not please so what Jack does the best… irritate the piss out of everyone. Instead of calling the teachers professors he calls them kidnappers, Kidnapper Dumbledore, Kidnapper McGonagall and Torturer Snape. (Yes I know Snape and Dumbledore are dead but what would Hogwarts be without them? But you can write it without them). Jack refuses to do his homework and if he's made to do it write it in another language. He skips classes and detentions. He refuse to wear the school uniform.

The 'kidnappers' just sigh and put up with it since they know eventual Jack will realize that now one is coming to rescue him. Of course Jack know that more than his so called 'parents' know about him and even if they erased the memory of everyone at SGC there is still the President and Thor who knows about him and will ask about him. Plus if Jack can escape and make it to the American Embassy or just to a phone he can call the base and get them to come investigate how a kid know classified information.

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter Characters: None


Either Pre-Series or Post Master

The whole town is thoroughly investigated by ALL relevant governement agencies which leads to a mayor death whilst resisting arrest and a full rebuilding - No more corruption, negligence, stagnancy, incompetence...etc with Key posts such as teachers, cops, doctors, therapists, managers, magic shop owner...etc being filled in by good, experienced, no BS, practical, realistic, insightful, strategic, responsible, modern and proactive: hunters, psychics, natural born witches, halfies, whitelighters...etc

The whole town is 1) thoroughly blessed and cleansed of at least 50+ years of bad energies, with the Hellmouth drained down to half strength and warded against leaking and opening, 2) cleaned out of abandoned, dangerous and hidden supernatural, magical and paranormal caches, 3) cleared of at least 60% of its vampire population

All Citizens fully cleansed of all the hellmouth corruptive taint, bonds & influence maybe through the water system which would further help in getting rid of the bad guys... 

All Kids – Forced to attend an accelerated Summer School to get up to State Education Standards for their year groups as well as good group and individual therapy {catches trouble cases before they can become threats such as Warren, Tucker, Marcy, Jonathan, Amy and her Mom, Willow...}

Willow – Sent to a good foster care family and community service for her Hacking after a stint in Juvie whilst her parents are discredited & arrested for child neglect, endangerment, abandonment...

Xander – Gets Adopted by the McNally's whilst his family is arrested for fraud, DUI, child abuse, neglect, endangerment...

Xander Rings: warded against being taken off, unwilling teleportation, physical & spiritual possessions, harmful/malicious & shoddy magicks, tracking, impersonation, mental & emotional compulsion/influence & tampering, unwilling magical & psionic bonds...

How would Giles and Buffy react to all the positive changes?, would the scooby gang still form?, would they shun the others in true council fashion?, will they actively work against the others?...

How would Xander, Jesse and Willow react to the positive changes?, would willow, xander and Jesse still be friends after everything?, will willow end up bitter about everything as she's not top academic dog anymore?...

How would Angel react to all the positive changes?, would someone be able to negate or fix his curse as well as give him a continuous reality check?...

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Herc/Xena-verse, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None