Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
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Time adjusted. Post Buffy series. Harry Potter Book 5

(Sorry don't have my Harry Potter book on me so the scene might not be exactly right)

Harry and Dudley were walking along an alley on the way back to their home at #4 Privet Drive when they meet up with a man a few years older than they were. The most interesting thing about the man was that he was wearing an eye patch.

"Boys," the man said as a greeting. "Out kind of late, ain't ya."

"What business is it to you," Dudley said in a snide tone of voice.

The young man smirked. "Just saying it's late. Being out late isn't always a good thing."

"Thanks for the advice," Harry said as he grabbed hold of Dudley's arm and pulled him towards home. "We're heading home anyways."

 Dudley pulled his arm out of Harry's hand. "You can!" he snapped. "But I ain't listening to any damn Yank."

Harry was about to say something when he suddenly notices that it air had gotten colder and it seems more dark and gloomy. "Dudley," Harry said, his tone of voice carrying an unspoken warning.

The man and Dudley turned to Harry.

"Something coming," the man said and then as if my magic a battle ax appeared in his hands. "You boys better run home right now."

But before either boy could react, they were attacked.

Harry watched in horror as two Dementors attack the man, his cousin and himself. He struggled to grasp his wand as the Dementor latches his mouth onto the young man's lips and started to suck the soul out of him.

Suddenly the Dementor, who was sucking the soul out of the American, back off with a cry of angst. The young man dropped to his knees coughing and hacking.

"Damn thing taste like the chicken Buffy cooked last time," the man said to himself as he picked up this battle ax.

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter Characters: None


I really hate bunnies that wake you up in the middle of the night.

Time adjusted bunnie for this to work.

Sirius Black has died and now the title of head of household must past to the eldest male member of the family that fit the family motto, Always Pure.

But what the world has forgotten was that the Black family was never a dark family but a family that did what was ever was necessary for the realm. They're family motto was not about the Pure of Blood but Pure of Duty, of Soul (I just woke up and not thinking straight but I know someone pulled something off about this before)

So now it is time for the new head to be choice. Draco is not an option becasue he's not Pure enough. Also on the list is Alexander Harris but unfortuately he is too young even if the fits the family motto perfectly. So the new head of the Black family is Tony DiNozzo.

Can't see Gibbs being to pleased when Tony has to start dealing with family matters.

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None