Harry Potter xover with Black Jewels Trilogy and BtVS. Het or Slash, established relationships in BJT must remain the same, and no Harry/old bad guys/girls, otherwise you choose the pairings. I do like HP/GW, HP/DM or HP/GD pairings. Bonus points for a triad relationship. Xander is related to Harry. Harry finds him while researching his family tree. Harry in attitude and power is/has the potential to be a Warlord Prince, with dark jewels. Harry, after losing his godfather and learning about the prophecy wishes-prays-desperately asks for help... and someone to care about him, help to learn and train in all that he needs to, to defeat Voldemort . Jaenelle hears his desparate wish and answers it. With the help of her husband Daemon, thier brother Lucivar and father Saetan as well as her 1st circle they train Harry in what it means to be a Warlord Prince. To Protect and Serve. Must have Daemon giving Harry (and maybe Xander) "The Talk," drawing on all 1200 something years as a pleasure slave to instruct them in the art of pleasure and pain. He learns Protocol from Saetan. Bonus points if Lucivar insists on training Ron, Hermione and/or Ginny as from Harry's descriptions he knows that they are going to follow Harry into danger no matter what he says or does. At some point Lucivar wakes them up by dumping a bucket of water on their heads, H/Hr/R/G slept though the morning training... lol. No Character Bashing!!! I'd like to see some character development, no one demensional characters. I hope I've caught someone's interest.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None |
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