Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
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Main Crossovers = Buffy, Charmed, Supernatural


What If Xander had a brother who died before Jesse & Xander reacted by extensive training so he could protect himself, his platonic soul mate Jesse & his emotionally stunted step sister Willow – however after Jesse death he moves from defence to offense and starts nightly hunts & mapping out the various lairs, nests, caches, deaths...etc so he can regularly hit the hot spots


Leads to major conflict with the overbearing & willfully blind special syndrome gang = Willow{conflicts with her fantasy version of Xander}, Buffy{wants to subject her version of normal on him} and Giles{impractical snobby researcher & council lackey}

Training = Supernatural, Self Defence, Demonic, Tracking, Weapons, Paranormal, Strategy, First Aid, Thieving, Magical...

Bonus Points if Xander is a part of an old & unique natural born witch family that has hunted ALL styles of demonic/supernatural/paranormal/magical threats, something which is reflected in their comprehensive book of shadows = leads to him having Leo as his Whitelighter/Mentor, a supportive power{empathy or Sensing evil} & a highly destructive active power{energy blasts-pyrokinesis-molecular combustion-energy waves-advance telekinesis-energy balls-molecular dispersion...}

Bonus Bonus Points if Xander is shown as highly practical, knowledgeable, competent, proactive, realistic, perceptive, blunt, driven, strategic...

Triple Bonus Points if Xander has protective tattoos against all types of possessions, non healing magic, psychic manipulation & impersonations{skinwalkers-shapeshifters..}

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None