Ok I need to past this bunnie along before I start crying. OK somehow Xander and Angel's soul has switched places and it can't be undone. (See this post grad and before Angel and Queen C get together) Now Angel has a new Xander suit and he can be with Slutty... I mean Buffy. He can walk under the sun and grow old with Buffy now. Of course Xander is now wearing the Angel suit and is now forced to watch his body walk with Buffy, hold Buffy and kiss Buffy; everything he once dreamed of doing with her. As usual everyone expect for Spike ignore Xander, they're too wrapped up in the happiness that is Angel and Buffy. In the end Xander travels to the east coast, to Miami to escape from his friends. One day he decides to watch the sun rise one last time. Categories: Buffy/Angel Stories Characters: None |
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