Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
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What if Xander dressed up as youngish Charles Xavier for Halloween instead of a Soldier and he kept not only the very useful memories but the gift of Telepathy as well? Particularly if Xander thanks to the way he's grown up unconciously & constantly scans those around him for threats - hearing & finding out things he shouldn't > leading Xander to proactively taking care of various threats in sunnydale much more quietly, efficiently and effectively including the teams various attitudes as well as providing some necessary perspective for Xander with regards to his life and himself

Possibile Crossovers

1) {CHARMED} Xander finds out that he's a Natural Born Witch with Halloween just breaking through the binding, that was placed by the Elders due to his parents continuous addictions, and possibly adding another active power = gets the support/help of the Elders/whitelighters as he learns of his heritage, controls his gifts and handles sunnydale/gang > later on could move to San Francisco and form an alliance with the Charmed ones and some others in keeping San Fran safe and each other grounded in reality

1.5) Xander as just a natural Telepath, though thanks to where he was born and how he got/activated his powers still gains Elders/whitelighters support as he learns to control his gifts and handle sunnydale/the gang = later on he could also be the one to help support Leo supporting the Charmed ones and getting their heads out of their asses as needed

Added bonus if Xander and Paige become best friends, helping each other heal and supporting each other against unreasonable sisters/friends that have constant trouble accepting them as they are and not zeppo/replacement instead of friend/sister.

2) {SUPERNATURAL} Xander as one of Azazel children with his gifts coming out sooner thanks to Halloween - leads to him heading several things off

3) {SENTINAL with further possible crossovers in SGC or CSI if sentinals/guides are known} Xander as a powerful guide qualities become more telepathic in nature

4) {X-Men Evolution Or X Men The Movies} Xander as the Psychic son of the real Charles Xavier who with his own Telepathy senses that something has happened, investigates it, fixes it and then fosters/adopts Xander.

Must Not Have:- Xander telepathically powerful enough to read more than a small city

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None


I have no clue how my boss and me got on this conversation but he was telling me about an old esp of JAG that he rewatched last night in which on of the characters went into labor and then everything decended into insanity until the Admiral stepped in and delievered the baby.

 Of course this bunnie hopped in and suggest that Xander should deliever a baby.

Who's baby is it? Is it Abby from NCIS? Or Alexx from CSI Miami?

How old is Xander? Is it the young Xander who probably faint, post graduation Xander will probably faint later or post Africa Xander with a 'been there done that' attitude

What if it's a breech or a blue baby?

What if Gibbs or Caine rush in thinking that Xander is a bad guy and is hurting thier ladies

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None