Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
Reviewer: voracity (Signed) · Date: 2019.04.15 08:24 pm · On: Neville's story

We need a follow up/epilogue! Please! Begging here! And we haven't even seen Dobby yet!

Reviewer: dbascha (Signed) · Date: 2019.02.26 05:06 pm · On: Fuck you Dumbledore, I'm gone

I really like this, but then I always enjoy watching Dumbledore getting what he deserves. I have hated him since the train scene in the 7th book and he revieled that he had manipulated everything (I still haven't read the 6th book).

Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what happens next. The search for the horacruxes may be a lot easier with people who know what they're doing and not being manipulated.

Thank you


Reviewer: dbascha (Signed) · Date: 2019.02.26 04:59 pm · On: Neville's story

I do like this. When is Luna going to show up? I figure she heard, or was told what was going on and made plans with Percy to come back. After all she couldn't let her man come back without her. And what an exclusive for the Quibbler <g>

Reviewer: EM1 (Signed) · Date: 2019.02.21 07:31 am · On: Fuck you Dumbledore, I'm gone

I like Minerva getting called out on all the things she's let slide because Dumbledore said certain things were ok and she never cared enough to make sure. But I really like what you have written of Percy in this story, hope you get inspired to expand his storyline.

Reviewer: EM1 (Signed) · Date: 2019.02.21 07:22 am · On: Neville's story

I like how confident Neville is in this story because he's fully earned the right to his confidence

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