Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
Reviewer: danu40k (Signed) · Date: 2024.06.02 12:43 pm · On: Evil Author's Day: Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law

And I still see this exact conversation between Xander and Anya about some of her friends.

Reviewer: voracity (Signed) · Date: 2024.05.06 06:27 pm · On: Evil Author's Day: EOW (AU Addams Family Crossover)

::giggling madly:: must it be zombies? or can they and the aliens team up? use earth as a fight-off? or maybe zombies are aliens?

Author's Response: Grin now you have me wondering what would happen if they ran into the Star Gate Universe lol

Reviewer: danu40k (Signed) · Date: 2023.09.10 03:58 pm · On: Evil Author's Day: EOW (AU Addams Family Crossover)

Horrible thought, Calvin is adoptid and he's the cousin of the Addams with Hobbs his spirit animal.



Author's Response: Yep~ Calvin is a Addams cousin but I always pictured Hobbs as being his Pooka or possible Calvin being Hobbs pet lol. (Legend has it that a Pooka, who likes to live in mountains and other similar areas, has the main characteristics of many animals. They usually take any form that pleases them however. Pookas are benign yet mischievous creatures. A Pooka is one of the most feared creatures in the history of Irish folklore)

Reviewer: danu40k (Signed) · Date: 2023.09.10 03:52 pm · On: Inquisition (AU Harry Potter Crossover)

Me? Why I'm just Methos.


Liked this one.



Author's Response: ? I was actually thinking of that originally but with a lot of fanfiction having Harry as the Master of Death lol. I felt like Joe Black was a better fit, however hummmm~ nothing says that there has to be only one version of Death.

Reviewer: danu40k (Signed) · Date: 2023.09.10 02:49 pm · On: Evil Author's Day: Void if .....

And I shall call him George. And I shall love him and squeeze him....

Poor Ethan....Not.

Loved it.



Author's Response: Glad you like it!

Reviewer: danu40k (Signed) · Date: 2023.09.10 02:38 pm · On: Ficlet collection : Consequences (BTVS)

AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Cliffie! I hate cliffies! Please continue this.



Author's Response: ?? I actually have a couple of other drabbles that could fall into this universe. They would need to be reworked a bit and we will see what happens.

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