Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
Reviewer: Neverwill (Signed) · Date: 2009.12.08 01:47 am · On: Chapter 4

Was Faith in the Sunnydale hospital and die too?  What about Jordy?  If Oz survived, wouldn't Jordy also survive since he was also a were?

Looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

Ya know, I've been trying to decide what to do with Jordy and Faith. Oz wasn't in Sunnydale when it happened, he'd headed back when he heard what happened which is why he survived.

As for Faith? She's not in the Sunnydale hospital, nobody wanted her there with the hospital's track record even if she did turn slightly evil towards the end. Angel pulled some strings and got her moved to LA when he left, she's under a healer's care, both physical and mental, so hopefully we'll see her showing up again. Which is driving the Council insane, one Slayer dead and the other one missing so they can't use her or kill her to call a new one.




Reviewer: Starshinedogs (Signed) · Date: 2009.12.07 06:02 am · On: Chapter 1

*poke* *poke* you evil person more, i tell we need more. *poke* hot monkey sex *poke*

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