Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
Reviews For Magical Offerings
Reviewer: DennSedai (Signed) · Date: 2013.06.07 01:09 am · On: Chapter 7

Very interesting... can't wait to see where things end up at.

Reviewer: Cat (Signed) · Date: 2011.05.02 08:20 pm · On: Chapter 2

Great beginning...looking forward to reading more:D

Author's Response: Thanks

Reviewer: paula3001 (Signed) · Date: 2011.02.08 09:20 pm · On: Chapter 1

Wheres the story?

Author's Response: It's there now

Reviewer: Bookworm (Signed) · Date: 2011.01.24 07:15 am · On: Chapter 1

I was attempting to read Magical Offerings on Monday 24 January and the text had vanished from the page. Please check to make sure it isn't a problem with loading or editing your fanfiction onto Imagine: The List?

Thank you for reading about my concerns

Rebecca Ray


Author's Response: I don't know what's going on. I previewed it and it showed up so I hit add story but when I checked its not there. You want to read you can go to ffnet and read it there under the author name Kirallie. meanwhile I will continue to try and fix this.

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