The Great Race by Starshinedogs

Wild Bunny that seems to have stalled. Xander and the others get revenge on Buffy and Willow. They are joined by scoobies new and old as well as their ex's. Was posted elsewhere's reposted here

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: Character Bashing
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 3328 Read: 48191 Published: 2012.06.16 Updated: 2012.06.17
Story Notes:

I don't own so don't sue,they belong to their creators I'm just playing with them and will put them back when I'm done

1. The Great Race Part 1 (Xander and Spike) by Starshinedogs

2. The Great Race Part 2 (Wes and Gunn) by Starshinedogs

3. The Great Race Part 3 (Cordy Dennis Doyle) by Starshinedogs

The Great Race Part 1 (Xander and Spike) by Starshinedogs

"I can believe they would say something like that to me " where the first words out of Xander's mouth as he stormed in to the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

"Xan pet, what's got you knickers in a twist?" Spike called softly, wiping his hands off on a dishtowel as he walked out of their kitchen. Watching as Xander paced back and forth across the living room.
"No Xander you can't sign up for the race it's too dangerous you might get hurt " mimicked Xander in an eerie impression of Buffy's voice. Flinching as Xander flung his hard hat at the wall "Buffy's right, Xander you could get hurt." came next in willow's voice, followed by another thud as his tool belt impacted the wall.

Sighing as he stepped out of the kitchen, Spike reached out and stopped Xander. Forcing the brunette to meet his eyes, Spike leaned in and kissed him. Waiting till he felt some of the anger leeching out of Xander's body, "Now pet let's start at the beginning of the story for me hmmm." wrapping his arms tightly around Spikes waist, Xander laid his head on Spike's shoulder.

To some seeing the scene from outside the pairing would have seemed horribly mismatched, but to the pair it made perfect sense. Those that should have loved them had abused them both, Spike by Darla, Drucilla, and the Master after Angel was cursed with his soul. And no longer able to protect his favorite child. Xander first by his parents and uncle, then by his friends. Who never noticed that it was Xander who repaired and replaced the damaged weapons.
Two damaged men who between themselves where starting the process of remaking them selves, into strong confident men. Needing only each other to be complete.

Things had been becoming more and more strained since the trio's graduation from high school; Xander's summer road trip had been an excellent chance for Xander and Spike, to cement their relationship. After their return the two had found a large apartment in a demon controlled building. Trading their skills in carpentry and oddly enough in spikes case bookkeeping, which has caused a raised eyebrow and a snicker from Xander when Spike had admitted it.

Which Spike had promptly removed by kissing the brunette silly, throwing him over his shoulder and later screwing him through the couch, the mattress and the shower wall before the two had run out of steam. Xander had returned the favor a week later on Spike's death day.

Slowly Spike moved them towards the bedroom, he had found over time that Xander would talk best in the quiet dimness of their bedroom. Pulling Xander down next to him on the bed Spike started purring very softly, running his hands up and down Xander's back. Waiting till he felt all the tension melt out of his mate's body "better love?

Softly he heard Xander whisper "yes". "Now why don’t you tell me what's got you so mad, and what it's got to do with Slutty and Whitchy". Taking a deep breath " You remember that show where the teams race around the world and the first team across the finish line wins, well we where having our Friday night pizza and movie party for Dawnie. And they had this ad on saying they where looking for teams for the next one, any way Dawnie and I where joking about signing up for it and that's when Buffy told Dawnie that she to young which is true.

Then they started saying I was too clumsy and stupid to enter the race, let alone, make it past the first test." Taking a deep breath Xander continued "It just made me so mad, I mean they never even noticed that once you had me get my eyes checked and I had got my glasses and contacts my clumsiness got better."
Shifting back so that he could see Spike's face "That and the lessons from Master Lee" smiling at him "Thank you for those lessons"
"Anyway they totally ignored Dawnie and I after that, Buffy and Willow started saying that they where going to enter that race and win it. That for them it was going to be too easy, that with Buffy's strength and speed and Willow' brains and magic nobody else would have a shot at the prize. It just made me so angry I had to leave before I said something realy to them"
"But driving home I just kept getting madder and madder, just once Spike I want to win to make Willow and Buffy see. To make them realize that I am just as good as them, just once, does that make me a bad person Spike?” All through the story Xander's voice had been getting quieter and quieter.

Taking a breath Spike looked him in the eyes "No pet it makes you human, something that Slutty and Whitchy seem to forget regularly. Now here's what I think we should do, We are going to enter that Race and we are going to out last Slutty and Whitchy. And if that's all we do then we have achieved our goal, but if we win that's extra icing on the cake. Wonder if we can get Peaches and some of his team to enter, maybe Ripper and his mate Ethan as well. You do have email address for them don't you?"

"Yeah I do, Cody and the others email me and each other all the time. So that we can stay up to date on the latest Big Bad's. But what does that have to do with Buffy and Willow?"
"Well Xan luv, why don't we see how many of their former friends would like chance to kick their butts on public TV?" spike asked with barely concealed look of malicious glee of his face.

A stunned look on his face Xander just lay there for a few minutes, before he put it all together " Oh my god, Spike that is so crazy it just might work. Do you think we can really talk Angel and the others into doing it?”

"Pet after the way Slutty and Whitchy have treated their ex's, they'll probably say yes before you can explain what you want. Now you go email everybody while I get dinner on the table". Brushing a kiss across Xander's lips Spike rolled out of bed, as he left the room he called out "Xan the faster you email them and we eat the quicker I shag you to senseless "

Rolling out of bed Xander pelted the other way down the hall, sliding into his computer chair. He opened up his email program, and clicked on compose.


RE: dealing with Buffy and Willow

Buffy and Willow have put Dawn and I down for the last time. The final straw was when Dawn and I where joking about entering the great race. Buffy in the most insulting and obnoxious manner pointed out that Dawn was too young. And then informed me that I was to stupid and clumsy to enter the race, which we all know is not true closely echoed by willow. So Spike and I are going to enter the race and we where hoping that some of you will enter along side us. I will include the link below.
If you choose not to enter please do not tell willow and Buffy.
And Giles could you please talk to the lawyer about neglect and abandonment rulings, I think it is time that Dawn came to live with Spike and I.

Please write me soon

Hitting send Xander logged on to the website to fill out the form. After completing the form with both his and Spike’s contact information, Xander took a deep breath and clicked submit. “Well Spike we should know in a couple of days, if we made it” Xander announced to the looming form of his mate
“Alright Xan time to eat, I have steaks, garlic mashed potatoes, and salad’s all on the table. So let’s eat. I’m starving! And if you’re a very good boy I made chocolate mouse for dessert”. With that last statement Spike leered at Xander from the doorway. With a smile Xander followed Spike towards the kitchen, knowing very well that the chocolate mouse was not going to be eaten at the table.
“Spike just please remember to use the old sheets, when you practice you painting. Alright?”

The Great Race Part 2 (Wes and Gunn) by Starshinedogs

"You've got mail" came the voices cheerful tones through the speakers of the computer.
followed by the computer on the far side of the room announcing the same thing.

Which interrupted Charles Gunn's path, "hmmm, wonder who sent us an email at the house. most send it to us at work."
Opening the program and seeing just one message "Hey English, come here we got something from the Sunnydale crew, what did you guys call your selves ? the snoopies wasn’t it ?"

"the children called themselves the scobies, Charles you know that" came Wesley’s voice as he approached the den "why you persist in mangling the name, I just cant understand"
"I like hearing you lecture me english, you know that. Your eyes flash and your voice goes this really hot growl in it" with a quick move Gunn grabbed Wes’s wrist and dumped him into his lap. kissing the other half of his soul firmly, pulling away when the computer announced again "you've got mail"
"I really hate that voice" spinning them both around Gunn click on the email to open it.


RE: dealing with Buffy and Willow

Buffy and Willow have put Dawn and I down for the last time. The final straw was when Dawn and I where joking about entering the great race. Buffy in the most insulting and obnoxious manner pointed out that Dawn was too young. And then informed me that I was to stupid and clumsy to enter the race, which we all know is not true closely echoed by willow. So Spike and I are going to enter the race and we where hoping that some of you will enter along side us. I will include the link below.
If you choose not to enter please do not tell willow and Buffy.
And Giles could you please talk to the lawyer about neglect and abandonment rulings, I think it is time that Dawn came to live with Spike and I.

Please write me soon

Reading the email Wesley frowned "Gunn what in the world is this great race ?" turning to look up at his mate "I’ve never heard of it before"
"My sister Alana used to love that show they have seven teams that race around the world and the first team to cross the finish line gets 5 million dollars, I haven’t watched it much since she died" closing his eyes as the pain of losing his baby sister washed over his face.

Stretching up Wesley pressed a kiss to the corner of Gunn’s jaw "If talking about the race brings back bad memories, then we won't talk about it any more Charles"
"No Wes I think I want to enter the race, Alana had talked about entering it when she turned 18 and making me enter it too. I don’t have the beef with Buffy that you and the others do, but I think I want to enter it as a tribute to my sister".resting his head against Wes’s hair and taking a deep breath "If I could have her back for one day I would want her to meet you I think she would have loved to have you as another brother"

Resting for just a moment, Wesley thought why the hell not. Twisting around Wesley wiggled and reached for the mouse "Wes" Gunn growled in his ear as he picked his mate up reseating him, blushing Wes whispered "sorry" but the look on his face said that he was any thing but sorry. clicking on the link he followed the directions and submitted his info and Gunn’s.

Hitting the reply button on the message Wesley simply typed


Re: Re dealing with Buffy and Willow

Count Charles and I in. we have entered the race

Charles Gunn

Sliding out of Charles lap, Wesley went to check his computer finding the same message in his inbox he deleted it. "Charles we need to be going or we will be late and I for one do not wish to hear Cordelia screeching about us being late"

"Right behind you Wes, right behind you" Charles growled "You are such a tease English" after that Gunn started muttering about various people either naked or in their underwear, trying to bring his aching erection under control. As his erection subsided Gunn promised Wesley’s back that he would pay when they got home that night. After he found Alana's old tapes of the race and made Wes watch them.

The Great Race Part 3 (Cordy Dennis Doyle) by Starshinedogs

In a small apartment in L.A the sound of keys clicking on a computer sounds softly, while a voice humms cheerfully in the kitchen. What make this sight so unusual is the fact that there appears to be no one at the computer. After pouring herself a cup of coffee Coardelia exit’s the kitchen and sits next to the chair in front of the computer, “so Dennis any thing good on the net this morning ?”. taking a sip of her coffee Cordelia watches as a small word pad document pops up.

~Not really suddenly popped up on the screen, but you did get a email from some one named Xander~

“Xander sent me an email ?, can you bring it up Dennis for me please”. At the computer the mouse moves across the screen double clicking on the e mail program. With a soft whooshing noise the email open up,


RE: dealing with Buffy and Willow

Buffy and Willow have put Dawn and I down for the last time. The final straw was when Dawn and I where joking about entering the great race. Buffy in the most insulting and obnoxious manner pointed out that Dawn was too young. And then informed me that I was to stupid and clumsy to enter the race, which we all know is not true closely echoed by willow. So Spike and I are going to enter the race and we where hoping that some of you will enter along side us. I will include the link below.
If you choose not to enter please do not tell willow and Buffy.
And Giles could you please talk to the lawyer about neglect and abandonment rulings, I think it is time that Dawn came to live with Spike and I.

Please write me soon

Reading the email with a thoughtful look on her face, she noticed below that message there was a cc’d reply from Gunn’s address , “Dennis can you open the next one for me please, thank you”.
Quickly the mouse darted for the next message, opening it as well


Re: Re dealing with Buffy and Willow

Count Charles and I in. we have entered the race

Charles Gunn

“What do you think Dennis should I kick Doyle out of bed and have the two of us enter the race ?

~Yes I think you should, I don’t like those two the one time they came here willow wanted to have me exorcised, but since it’s not her house she couldn’t do it though she tried.~
Appeared on the word pad

“ Excuse me Dennis what do you mean she wanted to have you exorcised, this is your home first. Doyle and I just live here. You can stay as long as you want, or leave when ever you want you’re my friend. Go pull up that site while I go drag Doyle out of bed”. Pushing her chair away from the desk Cordelia set her cup down and headed for her bedroom.

“Doyle wake up and go read the email that Xander and Spike sent” With one swipe of her hand she grabbed the sheet’s and blanket’s an flung them towards the foot of the bed. “Now princess didn’t we have a discussion about rude wake up calls ? Hmmmmm” came from the well built but lean Irishman. “I seem to remember you promising to not do that or the next time Dennis and I would tie you to a chair, and have a good time without you. Right Dennis me lad ?”.

In the door way three pieces of paper hovered , neither Doyle nor Cordelia could mistake the wave of lust that hit them from Dennis’s direction. The papers fluttering to the ground was the only warning Cordelia had before she was bound tightly in soft silk rope, on settled in to a chair to watch the games on the bed.

The papers where then scooped up and dropped on the bedside table, and a drawer was opened and a bottle of cherry flavored lube was removed. “ hmmmm, planning something good Dennis ?” Doyle asked fluttering his eyes at the ghost. Not hearing a response, not that he was really expected to Doyle just smiled as the lube was dropped on the bed next to his hip. And his legs where lifted and spread, to rest on what appeared to be thin air. Shortly after that all that could be heard in the apartment was a Irishman babbling in Gaelic, as he was rimmed and fucked into the mattress and the panting and frustrated whimpers from Cordelia’s location.

“Oh lad the things that you do with that tongue are probably illegal, now should we see to our lass ? Or would you care for a shower ?” on the bed the sheet’s shifted as Dennis got up from the bed, Doyle sat up to watch what Dennis was up to. Picking up the bound form of Cordelia, Dennis carried her over to the bed and rolled her into Doyle’s arms for a quick kiss while he loosened the ropes. Pulling her robe off Dennis, rolled Cordelia towards him leaving Doyle resting against her back. Taking possession of her mouth Dennis kissed her roughly while teasing her vagina open with spectral fingers, as Doyle was teasing her anus open slowly while whispering the most lude suggestions her could into her ear . Carefully increasing the number of fingers neither one wanted to hurt her. When she was open fully Doyle coated his erection with the cherry flavored lube and slid slowly and carefully inside her, as Dennis did so from the front. Moving in tandem the two rapidly brought Cordelia, to one screaming orgasm. After that Doyle withdrew carefully and allowed Dennis to have sole possession of Cordelia while he looked over the papers Dennis had dropped on the bedside table the first page was the email from Xander and Spike the other was from Wesley and Gunn. And the third paper was a confirmation that the info for one C.Chase and F.Doyle had been submitted.

With an inarticulate shout Cordelia came for the second time, running a hand down her body Doyle dipped his fingers inside her, “now that Dennis has gotten you nice and warmed up for me” Doyle rolled onto Cornelia’s body and sheathed himself inside her with one thrust “ I think it’s my turn again, don’t ya lass ?” picking up speed Doyle laid into her G spot with everything her had. Soon her had her wailing like a banshee, right before she passed out. Resting his head on her chest Doyle slowly caught his breath.

“You know Dennis I am so glad it’s Saturday and we have all day for the three of us to play, but I think I had better go reply to those emails we got” suiting actions to his words Doyle rolled out of bed and strolled naked out to the computer. Hitting reply Doyle trimmed his post


Re: Re dealing with Buffy and Willow

Delia and I are in

Cordelia Chase

Hitting send Doyle saved the message from Xander, and cleared the other replys that had turned up in his inbox, and headed back to bed where Cordelia and Dennis waited for him.

This story archived at