Welcome to the JD convention, hope you survive the next three days by josette grover

I put the blame for this story squarely on the imaginings listmembers, you know the ones laughing at me. Somebody mentioned Speed's mother was a social worker, what if she was Halfrek.

That discussion turned into who in our favorite fandoms would make good justice demons. The bunny appeared fullgrown and latched onto me, demanding I write.

I'm posting this as a non buffy/angel crossover because while the concept of vengeance demons come from the show, none of the characters actually make an appearance,  they're only mentioned.

Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None
Genres: AU, PWP
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 8080 Read: 183864 Published: 2008.08.21 Updated: 2011.10.16
Chapter 6 by josette grover


“I'm confused, what are whitelighters and who are the Charmed Ones?” a voice calls from the back of the room.


“Okay, how many of us know about magic and witches, aside from Harry Potter?” Buford T. Justice asks dryly. Only a few hands pop up, mostly the three giving the lecture and a couple of the older JD. “Okay, who knows magic solely from Harry Potter, other books, movies?” Most of the room raises their hands this time.


“There's a line of Witches, I won't tell you their last name for their privacy, who always have the most powerful witches in the world, though I have heard stories about a Witch on the Hellmouth that is as, if not more, powerful than them. There's always three of them, and they're always related. The latest group are sisters. All natural witches, those who are born with the ability to do magic who don't choose to go evil, have whitelighters, higher beings whose job is to teach, train, and protect them. They are not supposed to get involved with their charges but one of the charmed ones is married to their whitelighter, while their mother had a child with her whitelighter that was given up for adoption, she found her half-sisters just before the oldest died.”


“Are Whitelighters Angels?” a voice in the group asks.


“Yes and no. Whitelighters have had human lives, after they died they receive their new abilities, training, and charges. They appear to be totally human when they're 'on the job', which is why two of them were able to have children with their charges. But they have a form of teleportation called orbing and can heal their charges and others injured in a fight. They report to somebody or something called the Elders who generally control them. Whether the Elders are Angelic,” Buford shrugs. “Since they don't like their Whitelighters being involved in their charges lives in anything other than a protecting/teaching capacity instead of the family relationship the Charmed Ones have with their Whitelighter, arguments can be made either way.”


In a third room, thankfully the hotel is used to this Convention taking over their entire hotel for the week and they have full run of every size meeting room, including a few hotel rooms, a group of Justice Demons sit around drinking beers.


“What have you been up to lately, Geoffrey, I hear you're working with a civilian consultant?” Charlie Crews asks, looking over at the Justice Demon from the United Kingdom. He hasn't been a Demon all that long himself, when he had been convicted of murdering his old partner and his family. He's an odd duck, even among the various personalities of the Justice Demons, always observing things while everything seems to waft around him.


“Annoying bugger,” 'Geoffrey' snorts. “I'd almost swear he's demonic himself. I've been keeping an eye on him for a few years now, ever since the little bastard picked my pocket. He's got a drug habit, he's keeping clean but he's got a nasty habit of backsliding because he's 'bored'. He can't get along with my investigators, not that I blame him he's an idiot and she's a shrew. Picked himself a partner up a year ago, a doctor cashiered from the Army after he got shot in Afghanistan, between me, him, and the older brother we keep him from being too bored, but I swear if he pulls something like a couple months ago I'm going to pull him over my lap and tan his little arse until it's black and blue.”


Everybody looks at him. “Did you hear anything about a guy shooting a vest that was filled with explosives and throwing himself and his roommate into a pool before the building they were in blew up?” Everybody blinks at him.


“Wait, Ted was telling me something about that, I was trying to find my partner at the time though.” Charlie says. “That was your friend?”


“Yes, that was the amazing maniac Sherlock Holmes.” Lestrade mutters. “Did you manage to find your partner Charlie?”


“Yes, finally .The same people who had framed me had taken her, they wanted her to turn against me. I still have no clue why I was a target, but when they went after Ted., I. .. “ Charlie takes a deep breath .”I dealt with them.” Charlie lifts his bottle to his lips and takes a delicate sip.


“How is Ted?” Geoffrey asks. “I was going to ask his advice on a few matters, I have to do something about my pension since I'm going to have to retire this identity in a few years.”


“He's okay, I found evidence that the same people who had targeted me had invalidated his parole so I wouldn't have him in my life. I slipped the information to the media and there was a lot of arrests in the news the next few days. Since I was on 'vacation' at the time, none of it came back to me.”


The man currently going by the name of Christopher Chance, but it wasn't the name he'd been given at birth, looks over at Charlie. Once upon a time, he might have been involved in destroying a police officer like Charlie, if he hadn't killed him outright, but that was before he met Guerrero, an unlikely hero. Guerrero had got him out of that life and given him a new purpose. Almost as if he'd read his mind, hell as a Justice Demon he just might be able to, how else could the other man have found out all his secrets, Guerrero salutes him with his beer bottle then gives him 'that' look, the one that usually ends up with him tied naked to the bed, begging as the older man torments him with his touch.



This story archived at http://imagine.e-fic.com/viewstory.php?sid=63