Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Greta yawns as she follows Tom and Scott through the King's Cross train station. She spent the last week reading Hogwarts a history, investigating Diagon Alley while Madam Malkin fitted her school uniform and new robe, and frequently going over to the Burrow for lunch with Scott at Molly Weasley's invitation. The older woman had taken it upon herself to keep an eye on 'that poor motherless girl, all alone here except for her cousin and new to the wizarding community', visiting her at the Leaky Cauldron when she didn't have the girl and her cousin over at the Burrow, bringing her homemade cakes and cookies, the poor dear is nothing but skin and bones, and making sure her children didn't tell her horror stories about what to expect at Hogwarts.

Tom looks on at his two charges in amusement as Greta stifles another yawn with her hand and a huge coffee she'd gotten at the local Starbucks before they arrived at the station. He'd seen the girl with either 'A history of Hogwarts' or one of her textbooks in her hand whenever she was eating. He pushes the handcart with their student trunks, the traveling cases for their familiars, and a basket of food he'd had the kitchen make for them, ahead of them through the seemingly solid brick wall that's Platform 9 and ¾. He turns and watches in amusement as Scott gulps, grabs Greta by the elbow and walks through with her.

“Okay, that was just wrong.” he mutters under his breath as the emerge on the other side. Greta finishes her coffee, pushing the paper cup in a rubbish container as Hermione and Ginny wave at her from where they're watching their luggage be loaded onto the train.

“Greta, Scott, come on. We've got Ron and Harry holding a compartment for us.” Ginny says excitedly. “Hullo Tom, thanks for bringing them. Mum would have stopped and gotten them if you were busy.”

“Not a problem, Ginny.” Tom smiles, handing Scott and Greta the cat cases and huge basket of food. “I know they'll have a cart coming through so you can grab snacks, but you need more than snacks for the ride. You're all still growing boys and girls, and I know that Molly will have packed food as well.” He waves and turns around, heading back to the Leaky Cauldron once he's certain the others have his charges well in hand.

“Oh yes, Mum was cooking all yesterday so we'd have something for the trip.” Ginny giggles, grabbing the basket with a 'whoof'. “Boy, and I thought Mum packed a lot of food.” she giggles, leading the way onto the train, waving for her brother to come grab the basket. “Tom packed food for Scott and Greta as well, we're going to have a feast today.” she says, leading them into the compartment. “Stay away from that one,” she says softly, pointing Draco Malfoy and his ever present guards as they enter a compartment. “and his bully boys. He's a right awful snob, and loves to make trouble for new students, especially those who are muggleborn. He's one of those wizards that take being pureblooded very seriously.”

“Ohhh, I don't think I'm going to have any trouble with him.” Greta says, watching the blond boy, who's hair is almost as white as her own, with a smirk. “He has nothing on me when it comes to being pureblooded..” Greta and Scott exchange identical smirks, remembering what Ares had told them when he popped in on them last night. “My family is a lot older and much more pure blooded than he could ever be.”

“Oh really?” Draco Malfoy asks with a purr as he comes up behind them. The young woman who had been talking turns to look at him and he gasps, feeling the power radiating off of her. “Yes, really.” She says smugly. “I'm the youngest daughter of the Agios-Dynameostis family, little boy. Can you beat that?” She says in her haughtiest tone, sounding just like Hera when she's shoving a task off on you that you and she know you won't like, the 'do it and no complaints, I am the Queen of the Gods' tone..

“Woot!” Ron says with a surprised look. “No wonder you were privately tutored.” He breathes. Hermione and Harry look lost. “That's one of the oldest, most powerful, most pureblooded families in the wizarding world, Harry, 'Mione. No wonder Dumbledore's falling over himself to keep you happy.” Ron shuts the door in Draco's stunned face, not noticing the older man who had been shadowing Harry all morning looking stunned at the announcement of Greta's family name. It can't be!!!

“If you're really a Agios-Dynameostis, why are you associating with mudbloods like Granger and Potter?” Draco says, opening the compartment door with a sneer.

“Scott, you want to take care of it, or do you want me to?” Greta asks her cousin, snickering.

“Hello, we haven't been introduced,” Scott stands up, sidling over to Draco and leering at him. “I'm Scott Evil, and I'm one of those mudbloods you don't seem to think too highly of. My father's a muggle, and my mother is a Squib. I just came into my magic earlier this summer. We both grew up in the United States, so we don't have these little 'I'm better than you because my blood is purer' fantasies that you seem to have over here.” Scott smirks at his cousin, winking. “Anybody ever tell you you're cute when you're flustered?” Draco lets out a high-pitched eep and quickly shuts the compartment door, almost running down the hall to his compartment and his bodyguards. The compartment is silent for a second until Greta starts howling with laughter, reaching over and smacking Scott on the shoulder with her palm when he sits back down.

“Bad Scott, I'm going to have Tooey beat you when we get back home. You've already got a man of your own, you don't need to find another one.”

“EWWW!!!!!!!” everybody else in the compartment says in unison.

“I thought you last name was Logan?” Ginny asks as they settle down in the compartment. The train whistle blows twice, and they begin to move.

“It is, my family changed my last name when I went to live in the United States with my adoptive parents.” Greta says calmly. “The schools in the states were falling all over themselves, can you imagine how they'd react if they knew who my family really was. Besides, can you imagine answering to that mouthful every day.” She says sourly. “Logan is just fine for me.”

“Why didn't you go to Durmstrang or Beauxbaton's?” Ginny asks, looking at their new friends.

“Scott's father is a muggle and Durmstrang doesn't allow muggle-born or half-blood students. And Beauxbaton's wouldn't have taken us as old as we are.” Greta says, shrugging. “If our Great-aunt didn't like Hogwarts so much and pulled more than a few strings, Scott probably would have been tutored just like I was.”.

~ ~ ~

“You didn't want to come to Hogwarts?” Fred and George say in unison.

“Not hardly.” Scott snorts. “We both argued with our parents about coming. They only told us the morning before we arrived at the Leaky Cauldron so we wouldn't have time to argue about it. The only good thing about it is I'm away from my father and his nutball ideas for the next four months.” He opens the door on the carrier, reaching in and scratching under Biggie's chin as the cat comes out, curling up on Scott's lap and beginning to purr as 'lina takes her usual spot up on Greta's shoulders. To everybody in the room, except for Scott, she looks like a small, sleek half-grown kitten.

“Is that a hairless cat?” Hermione asks, “I'd heard about them, but never seen one.”

“You still haven't.” Scott snorts. “My screwball father is bald, so he keeps shaving the cat. At least I was able to bring Biggie with me, I'd hate to see what happened if he had to stay home with my screwball father and his nutjob henchmen.”

“Henchmen?” Harry asks, wondering if his new friend's father is a death eater.

“Yeah,” Scott snorts rudely. “My idiot father is a mad scientist who wants to rule the world. He's upset that his only son isn't as evil as he is. Why the hell would I want to take over the world? Too much like a real job. I'm a slacker, work and I are not the best of friends.”

“Professors Snape and McGonagall are going to hate you then,” Ron snorts. “They don't like students who don't work hard, do their best, and do well in their classes. Well, Professor Snape doesn't like anybody who isn't a Slytherin, but that's beside the point.”

“Is Professor McGonagall the woman who we met when we flooed to Hogwarts?” Scott asks Greta. “Tall woman, hair in a bun, wears small square framed glasses. Nearly had a cow because Greta was wearing pants but hid it when she saw Greta looking her direction?” He says to the others, who nod in unison.

“Yes, that's Professor McGonagall. She's the head of Gryffindor, the house everybody but you two belong to at school. Hopefully you two are sorted into Gryffindor, because I want to see the look on her face when she has to deal with the two of you on a daily basis.”

“What's the head of house, a glorified babysitter?” Scott snorts. “Like a chaperone when you go on school trips?”

“No, the head of house is the teacher who controls one of the four houses in the school. Students are sorted into a house by the sorting hat when they first arrive.” Ron says, wondering what the heck a 'chaperone' was, he'd have to ask 'Mione when they were alone. “She also teaches transfiguration at school, it's the process of changing one thing into another. She's an animagus, which is when a witch or wizard can turn into an animal. She can become a cat. Animagi are very rare, and must be registered with the Ministry.”

“Ya mean like this?” Greta snorts, putting 'lina down on the bench beside her. The others blink as a large pure white cat is sitting there a second later. They hadn't even seen her transform like McGonagall does.

“Showoff.” Scott snorts. “I wonder if I could do that? Is it one form for everybody, or is it based on the personality of the wizard?”

“Depends on the personality of the witch or wizard.” Hermion says, blinking as Greta transforms back. “I”ve never seen anybody change that quickly or easily, though.”

“Greta's special.” Scott says as a knock is heard at the door. Harry gets up, wand drawn behind his back, and moves the curtain over the window, finding a stranger standing on the other end.

“Hello, my name is Remus Lupin and I'm the new DADA teacher this year.” Remus says, walking in and looking at the students, his gaze lingering on first Harry, then the two American teenagers. “I'm introducing myself to the students before we get to school.”

“Hello Professor Lupin.” Ginny chirps, bouncing in her seat. “These are my brothers Fred, George, and Ron, and I'm Ginny Weasley. We have another brother around here somewhere named Percy, he's a seventh year Head Boy, so he's probably off somewhere with his friends.” Ginny babbles.

“What friends?” one of the twins snorts softly. “Percy would have to be human to have friends.”

Ginny ignores her brothers, continuing her introductions. “Harry's the one who let you in, this is our friend Hermione Granger, and our new friends Greta Logan and her cousin, Scott Evil. Except for Greta and Scott, we're all Gryffindors. Greta and Scott are exchange students from the United States, this is their first year. Fred and George are fifth years, Ron Harry and Hermione are third years, and I'm a second year.” Ginny finally stops babbling when Ron calmly puts his hand over her mouth, yelping when she bites him. Ron hurriedly pulls his hand back, glaring at his sister who merely smirks at him.

“Told you the next time you did that, I'd bite you.” She says. “Sorry about that professor, my idiot brother says I talk to much.”

“Hello Harry, it's good to see you again, though you wouldn't remember me.” Remus says looking at his old friend's son. “You look so much like James did at your age.”

“You knew my parents?” Harry asks, tears coming to his eyes.

“I did, your father and I were very good friends. Perhaps McGonagall or Albus told you about somebody named Moony?” he asks, reaching over and cupping Harry's cheek.

“You're Moony?” Harry asks, “But that means you're a . . .”

“Werewolf? Yes, I am.” Remus says sadly. “And since our beloved Ministry makes being a werewolf illegal. . .”

“You know,”Greta snorts, “The more I hear about this 'Ministry' of yours, the less I like it.”

~ ~ ~

“Professor Lupin, could you tell me a little about my parents?” Harry asks as Ginny and the others head off to check up on their year mates, or in the case of Greta, Ron, and Scott, are drug off by Hermione.

“Harry, we'll see you in a few hours.” She says as she pushes a complaining Ron out the door. “We'll meet back here for lunch, okay?”

“Would you like to eat with us, Professor Lupin?” Greta asks, looking at the shabby, worn and poorly patched robes. “If Mrs. Weasley packed anything like Tom, we've got more than enough food for all of us, even if the boys can eat twice their weight in groceries every day..” Greta doubles the food within her basket with a thought, silently calling for Apollo to come invisibly and see if there's anything he can do to help the man.

“Look who's talking Ms. 'I can eat everything in sight and be hungry an hour later.” Scott snorts. “Trust me, I don't eat that much, I don't want to end up looking like Fat Bastard.” he mutters under his breath.

Greta's leaning against one of the coach railings, enjoying the scenery when the train suddenly screeches to a halt.

“What happened?” She asks, pulling Hermione and Ginny to their feet.

“Something on the tracks.” somebody yells from the front of the train. “It will take about an hour to clear the tracks.”

“What is THAT?” Somebody screams from the front of the train, bringing Harry, Remus, and Greta running.

“Greta, Harry, get back.” Remus orders, seeing the Dementors.

“What are those things?” Greta asks, pulling Harry out of the way as one of them tries to rush him.

“Dementors, they're creatures that drain people by absorbing their positive energies, leaving them reliving their worst memories/experiences until they go mad.” Remus says, protecting the two teenagers as he throws curse after curse at the dementors.

“Then I hope they make themselves sick on this.” Greta snarls as she begins to mutter, her eyes and hands glowing as she blasts the dementors with pure energy blasts, disintegrating them.

“Was that all of them?” She asks shakily, leaning on Harry. Scott comes over, looping one of her arms over his shoulder. Harry follows suit and they help Greta into the compartment while Remus and the other adults search the train. Remus looks back at them as they pause in the door of the compartment.

“That's all of them.” He says, running a hand over his hair. “They must have set up the debris so the train would stop.”

Harry and Scott gently lower Greta onto one of the benches in the compartment. Harry turns to leave.

“Scott, I'm going to lock the door when I leave. Stay in here in case something else happens, the door will let you out if there's an emergency. We'll be back as soon as we check the train over.” He orders, locking the door behind him as the others come running up.

“What happened? Professor Lupin just said that you, he, and Greta were attacked by something called Dementors.” Hermione demands.

“Greta destroyed them. She didn't use her wand either, she just started muttering something, her hands started glowing and they were vaporized.” Harry says, rubbing a hand over his head. “There wasn't even a trace left of them.”

“How is she?” Ron asks.

“Resting. I left Scott with her. But she's damn powerful, We can't let you-know-who get his hands on her.” He says. “Come on, lets help them clear the tracks. The sooner we get the tracks clear, the sooner the train can get moving and we can get them to Hogwarts, where it's safe.”

“You okay?” Scott asks, folding a cushion and placing it under Greta's head.

/You are an idiot./ a female voice yells as Purlina, back in Hellcat/Panther form, appears in the compartment. /You could have been seriously hurt./

/But I wasn't,/ Greta says. /Nag later, 'lina./

/Scott,/ Purlina says, looking at the young man. /There's a vial in Greta's bag, will you get it please and give it to my foolish child?/

“Hopefully it's poison.” Greta moans as Scott opens her bag, pulling out the vial and holding it up for 'lina to see, she nods and he removes the stopper, holding it to Greta's mouth and helping her sip.

/No, you're not getting out of a lecture quite that easily./ Purlina snorts. /Your fathers watched what happened and they are fuming. Expect to see at least one of them tonight. . ./ 'Lina's voice trails off in her mind as the sparkles of a teleporting god appear in the middle of the room. Apollo arrives and immediately goes over to Greta, pushing Scott away gently as he begins to examine his patient.

“Well, you didn't do yourself any permanent damage. A good night's rest and a decent meal will put you to rights.” Apollo says, again doubling the contents of Mrs. Weasley's hamper and Tom's basket. “Give this to Remus if you can find a way,” Apollo gives Greta a vial and refills her emergency supply of medicines, “that, good food rest, and getting out of England will help him. If he has to leave Hogwarts, let us know. We've got a spot for him on Mount Olympus or Stefan and Jandros can find him work in America, where being a werewolf isn't Illegal.”

“Can we do something about the Ministry and their damn stupid laws.” Greta asks as Apollo prepares to pop back to Mount Olympus.

“Talk to your father after Voldemort is dealt with.” Apollo says, ruffling Greta's hair, smiling when he gets a growl and half-hearted attempt to swat him. “Ares is supremely pissed and is talking with Hecate, your brother, and your Grandparents about making an appearance and forcing some changes. Now, I gotta go, sounds like somebody's coming.” Apollo tilts his head and teleports away as footsteps near the compartment door.

The door handle is jiggled and a muffled voice is heard on the other side of the door as it opens. Remus Lupin stands in the doorway, walking three steps into the room and bending down on one knee.

“My lord, My lady.” he says formally, eyes bent.

“Not me Dude, Greta's the goddess in the family.” Scott smirks. “Looks like you found one of the teachers who know who, and what, you really are.” Scott gets up, heading for the door as the train begins to move. “I'll go distract the others until you're finished talking.”

~ ~ ~

“Scott?” Remus asks as the younger man reaches the door.

“Yes?” He asks, sticking his head back around the door as the others come up.

“Tell Harry or Hermione that I said to have the snack carts pass out some chocolate to everybody. It will help with the shock everybody's had.” Remus then puts up an anti-eavesdropping charm on the room so they can talk privately.

Scott turns to look at Harry, who holds up a hand. “I heard. Ron, go tell Professor McGonagall and Hagrid, they can have the carts sent around.” Ron grins and heads off to tell the other teachers, stopping at the abandoned cart and scarfing a handful of chocolate frogs he stuffs in his pockets. He returns a couple minutes later, handing the frogs out to his brothers, sisters, and friends, leaving one for Greta.

Meanwhile, back in the compartment, Greta sits up shakily, leaning on Purlina. Remus, despite himself, immediately gets up and helps her sit up, taking a blanket from the shelf and wrapping it around her.

“Thank you,” Greta says, “Here, drink this.” She hands him the vial Apollo had pressed in her hand seconds before. “Apollo sent it down, it will help you feel better, that and a few decent meals. I don't approve of how the Ministry treats werewolves, let me know if you need a place to go other than Hogwarts. Apollo has offered you a place on Mount Olympus or you can come to America with me and Scott, we'll be more than happy to help you find a job and place to live. And being a werewolf isn't illegal in the states.”

“Thank you Lady Greta, but this is all too much. You don't have to do this for me.” Greta just gives him a 'get real' look, looking pointedly at the vial still in his hands. He smiles, not about to argue with a Goddess, and drinks the contents of the vial, feeling new energy flow through his veins.

“Thank you Lady Greta, may I ask why you are here?”

“Originally, I was supposed to attend Hogwarts.” Greta snorts. “It wasn't until I was at Diagon that we found out that the wizarding community here was at war. Hecate neglected to mention that fact when she demanded Scott and I attend her favorite magic school. Now,” Greta shrugs, “we know that she wants me here to deal with Voldemort once and for all before he can be reborn. Once he's out of the way, the others will deal with his Death Eaters and the idiots at the Ministry. But,” Greta looks at Remus, “I'm going to need your help. We need to capture Pettigrew, find Black and get him to safety before the Dementors can find him, and prove his innocence. And, I'm going to need somebody's who been hurt by Voldemort to call for Vengeance against him before I can act. I figure that's going to be either Harry, Neville Longbottom, or Sirius Black.”

“Sirius didn't kill James and Lily?” Remus asks, eyes hopeful. He hadn't wanted to believe that his friend had killed the others, but. . .

“No, Pettigrew did. Sirius escaped and is making his way to Hogwarts to try to protect Harry.” Greta says. “If this year is anything like the last two, Voldemort's going to try to go after Harry again, I'm going to try to be as close to him as possible so I can be there when it happens.”

“We're going to need a way for the two of us to be close to you, then. If you were in the same year, it wouldn't be a problem, you'd have the same classes, but. . . “

“Actually, that's rather simple.” Greta says calmly, “After the battle today, you can arrange for tutoring for me to get me in your third year DADA class, that way I can train with Harry, who has no doubt realized just how powerful I am and that Voldemort would let nothing stand in his way if he found out about me.”

“You're setting yourself up as bait for the bastard.” Remus says, looking at the young woman in horror.

“Won't be the first time,” Greta says softly. “And hopefully I can destroy the dark lord before he can destroy any more lives. You'd better let them back in, before they wonder what's going on in here.” Greta says calmly, looking at him.

“Okay everybody, you can come in now.” Remus says, standing in the doorway. He looks stronger, taking the frog from Ron with a smile as they enter the room, finding Greta wrapped in a blanket sitting up on one of the benches.

“Don't ruin your appetite eating that frog, Ron.” Hermione chides, “we've still got lunch.”

“ 'Mione, quit nagging. One little frog isn't going to spoil my appetite.” Ron says, smirking. “I'm still a growing boy, I need my energy. 'Sides, what other time are you going to get the chance to eat chocolate under a teacher's orders?”

“Umm, it's not a real frog, is it?” Scott asks, squeamishly, looking at the still unopened package in his hands.

“No, they're chocolate, they're just made to look like frogs.” Ron smirks as Greta tears open the package and quickly devours the chocolate. “Ahh, that feels better. I'll have to see if I can get in a supply for that time of the month.” Ginny and Hermione nod in unison. “There's no school store where a first year can pick treats up, is there?”

“Nope, most first years usually have an older brother or sister or friend who will bring them back a treat if they give them the money.” Ron says, nodding at the twins. “These two had quite a business going last year doing that, they made quite a bit of money doing that and selling their pranks.”

“Pranks?” Remus says, “Technically, as a teacher I should be upset, but Harry's father, myself, and a couple other friends made the teachers miserable when we were in school with our pranks.” The twins look at each other then at the new teacher.

“Would it be possible, sir. . . “ George begins.

“to talk to you later about your school years?” Fred finishes the sentence.

“God, and I thought you and Gar were bad, finishing each other's sentences.” Scott looks at Greta.

“We don't do that too often anymore,” Greta snorts. “But then, we're fraternal, not identical.”

“You are a twin too?” Fred and George say in unison, looking at their new friend.

“Yeah, I have a twin brother. He's safe at home, he hasn't come into his full powers yet, so the parentals are keeping him home this year. He'll probably be attending next year. You might be meeting him, Dad said he'd try to bring him along to look over the school when he came to pick me up at the train station when we come home in December.”

Scott reaches over and opens the basket, pulling a bundle of cloth out that he flips across the compartment to Greta. “Here, looks like Madam Malkin finished your uniform in time after all.”

“Crap,” Greta says. “Oh well, they've already promised I don't have to wear it all the time.”

“Madam Malkin made you a special set of uniforms?” Remus asks, taking a thick sandwich and cup of soup Scott passes out to everybody. “Was something wrong with the traditional uniform?”

“Yeah, the long skirt barely covered my underwear, the short skirt didn't even do that, and the traditional student robe looked more like a beach cover up than a robe,” Greta snorts, opening the bundle and pulling out a robe, holding it up so the others can see just how long it is compared to Remus' before folding it and putting it away. “Will I need to change into it before we get to Hogsmeade?”

“No, first year students usually don't get their uniforms until after they're sorted into a house.” Remus says. “The others will change into their uniforms once we get to the school and are settled into their dorm rooms.”

“Good, because that skirt looks like it itches.” Greta mumbles. Ginny and Hermione nod again. “They do until they've been washed once or twice. How many uniforms did she make for you?” Greta looks at the note in the package. “Three robes, five skirts, six blouses, three vests, and I'll get the tie when I'm sorted into a house? You guys wear ties, even the girls?”

“Yes, it's supposed to be because we're all equal.” Ginny snorts.

“Scott, no pretending to choke yourself with it during detentions.” Greta orders fondly. “I know how you feel about ties.”

~ ~ ~

“You won't have the time to mess around during detentions.” Hermione says, “I don't know if it's the same way in the United States, but at Hogwarts you're not just allowed to sit in a room doing nothing. It depends on which teacher is giving the detentions, but you will be working. Snape has his students scrubbing cauldrons, cleaning the room, working on the potion they messed up in class, or organizing his shelves. Ron's a master all all three, thanks to his many hours of detention with Professor Snape, either for goofing off, doing something he's not supposed to have, or messing up a potion during class.”

“Yuk it up, 'Mione.” Ron growls. “Detention can range from losing points for mouthing off, coming in late, not having your homework ready to hand in, having to write lines for a teacher, having to clean a room without magic, to some really nasty stuff like having to go out in the forbidden forest at night.”

“Lovely,” Scott mumbles. “Which teacher is the absolute worst when it comes to detentions?”

“Snape,” all the Gryffindors say in unison. “Though McGonagall's a close second. She doesn't want to show favoritism towards her own house, so she takes more points from Gryffindor than other houses. Snape always shows favoritism towards his house.”

“What are points?” Scott asks.

“Teachers can award points to a student, and they're credited to the house.” Ron says. “There's big hourglasses in the main hall for each house, showing how many points a house has at that time. When points are taken or given away, they update automatically. At the end of the year, the points are totaled up, and the house with the most points wins a cup.”

“Okay, a reward for good behavior and punishment for bad behavior.” Greta says, nodding. “I understand now. What happens when we get off the train?”

“The rest of us will go up to the school in coaches drawn by Thestrals,” Ron says, with a shrug. “I'm not sure if you will have to or not, but all first year students have to go across the lake in boats with one of our teachers Hagrid. They wait in a room until everybody else is settled at the tables and listen to Dumbledore's traditional welcome message, the first years are paraded in, sorted into houses by the sorting hat, go to join their new House tables, we pig out at the welcoming feast, listen to Dumbledore talk some more, then go to our Houses for the rest of the night.” Ron says, waving a hand. “You're not supposed to leave your House after dinner unless you've got permission or detention. If a teacher catches you, you get in trouble. There's no set bedtimes at school, you go to bed when you're tired.”

“You need permission from a teacher to leave the House after dinner.” Hermione says primly. “If Harry and Ron would stop sneaking out, they wouldn't get in trouble.”

“Don't get caught by Filch,” the boys warn the newcomers at the same time. “he's the school caretaker, and he hates the students. He enjoys roaming the halls to catch misbehaving students. He's got a cat called Mrs. Norris that he can talk with, so he can be one place and she can be patrolling the halls somewhere else to catch students. If she catches you, he'll be there in a second.”

“Sounds like a good person to avoid then,” Scott says. “But what are Thestrals?”

“They're a type of horse, but they're black, they have wings, and they look something like walking skeletons.” Harry says, “Only people who have been touched by death can see them.”

“Whoa.” Scott says, “That's just freaky.” Scott turns and grins at Greta. “Wonder if you'll be able to see them?” Greta just snorts at him, taking a second sandwich from Ginny, who opens her mother's basket and starts handing more food around.

“Greta?” Harry asks.

“I'm not a total innocent, Harry, even before today.” Greta says sadly. “I've seen people die before, it's not pretty.”

“No it's not,” Remus agrees. “But it happens, and eventually, you move on. You never forget, but the pain gets easier every day.”

“Did the problem we had earlier put us behind schedule?” Hermione asks, brushing off her hands. “I'm looking forward to getting back to Hogwarts.”

“You're always looking forward to getting back to Hogwarts.” Ron grumbles. “Personally, I enjoyed not having to deal with teachers for a few weeks.

“Harry,” A voice calls from the door as Percy knocks peremptorily and pushes it open before anybody can say anything. “My father just sent an emergency message by owl, it appears there was an accident at Little Whinging.”

“The Dursleys?” Harry asks, standing up and taking the letter. His face falls as he begins to read.

“I'm afraid they found four bodies there. It looks like they've been dead for a couple of days. The neighbors called when they started noticing a strange smell. It looks like they've been . . . tortured. They were looking for you originally, until a neighbor reported that you had left a couple of weeks ago to spend some time with classmates before school began. The Ministry has taken over the case.”

“Harry,” Hermione asks, tugging at his arm. “Was it Death Eaters?”

“I don't know, the report doesn't say.” Harry looks at Percy, who nods. “It would appear so, there was a mention from one of your neighbors of 'strange men in strange clothes, some type of 'furriner'” he says sarcastically, “hanging around the house. They've identified three of the bodies as your aunt, uncle, and cousin, but they don't know who the other woman is.”

“Aunt Marge, Uncle Vernon's sister.” Harry says softly as Remus pulls him into his arms for a hug. “It has to be, she arrived for Dudleykin's birthday celebration before I left. Why would he kill them now? He has to have known I wasn't there?” He buries his face in Remus' chest, letting his tears flow as Hermione motions everybody out of the compartment with a sharp movement of her head. “It's not fair, they wouldn't have been able to fight back. Why did he kill them too, he's already killed my parents.” Harry shakily sits up, wiping his eyes on the back of his hands. “I want him to pay for what he's done to me and the others.” He says, his face hard as a rock.

/Granted./ Greta says in an ice cold mental voice, echoed seconds later by Garfield, Ares, Joxer, and Hades. /Don't worry Harry, he will pay for what he's done to you and the others. Oh, I promise, he will pay!!!!!/

Remus looks through the open door of the compartment, catching Greta's eye. She calmly nods at him.
~ ~ ~
Percy quietly writes a note, fastening it to Errol's leg before letting him go. “Harry, Dad's going to meet you at Hogwarts tomorrow and take you back to London so you can make . . . arrangements.” He says quietly, knocking on the door and coming in when both Remus and Harry look at him. “He says that the Headmaster's already agreed to let you out for a week so you can take care of things. Ron and Hermione will get your assignments for you.”

“Thank you Percy.” Remus says quietly. Percy nods, sliding out of the compartment and shutting it behind him. A 'do not disturb' sign is put up on the door and he turns to the others. “Go find something to do for a few hours until they says it's okay to come back in.” He orders, heading back to his compartment.

“Damn, Percy was almost human there. Scary.” One of the twins smirks.

“Hermione, can you tell me a little about what I can expect from classes. What's this herbology class?”

“The study and care of plants.” Hermione says, “you learn how to grow the herbs that are used in potions and since most wizarding families have gardens, it's pretty much used everyday.” “Unlike most of the other stuff.” Ron says, over her shoulder.

“Ron,” she hisses.

“It's true, tell me that you are going to be brewing potions everyday., or history or magic, or astronomy.?”

“No, but when you cook it's like brewing potions. You want to make sure you get the right ingredients in your meal or you get food that tastes awful or gives you food poisoning.” Hermione says, rounding on her friend. Ron holds up his hands in a 'I give up' gesture. “And if you enjoy stargazing, you use astronomy. Men.” she flounces off to find her dorm mates to talk about the new girl at school. Ron and the twins smirk as each other.

“Now, you two would have to be good at potions, if you want to open up that joke shop you've been talking about for years, but other than that I can't see potions as anything but a waste of time.”

“Really Mr. Weasley,” a voice purrs over his shoulder. “My class is a waste of time? You seem to enjoy my company almost too much, as many detentions as you've had with me the last two years.” A hand reaches out and places it on his shoulder. He gulps and slowly turns around, growling as he sees his laughing brothers behind him.

“I hate you.” he stomps off, going to find Neville and the other third year Gryffindor boys. Fred and George exchange smirks behind him as they go off to find their own year mates, leaving Scott and Greta alone to exchange smirks. With these guys around, it looks like this school year won't be too bad after all.

“So, you read up on what the different houses are at Hogwarts?” Scott asks, leaning with his back against the railing as he looks at his cousin. “I thought it was like pledging a frat at first, until they said something about being sorted into a house.”

“Yeah, students are sorted into houses depending on their personalities. Gryff's are brave, noble, etc, Slytherins are sneaky, kinda evil, and mean. Ravenclaws are the nerdy nerd kids who love learning, and Hufflepuff's are the happy kids.”

“Happy kids?”

“They're the ones who love to give hugs, always have a smile on their face, think high school cliques without the bad girl leading them.” Scott shudders. “Happy kids.” Greta smirks.

“So either Slytherin or Gryffindor?” he asks, looking as the door opens. He winks as Harry begins to open his mouth, making a gesture for the two coming out of the compartment to stay quiet a little while longer. “You are pure-blooded, after all. Slytherin would be the place to go.” He smirks.

“I'm not that snarky and evil,” Greta smacks his shoulder with a smirk. “I'd have to end up knocking a few heads together and taking over the house. Starting with Draco, he seems to be the type of who has to live up to his family's ideals. First of all, I'd tell him to get rid of his bodyguards, stop looking at everybody based on their family, and live for himself, not for his family. I have the feeling the little turd wants power.”

“Yes, he does.” Harry says quietly from behind them. Scott smirks at the expression of Greta's face. “Do you really think if he gets away from his family, he might turn into a nice guy? Lucius Malfoy's not the nicest person in the world, and from what I've heard about his mother, she's not the best influence in his life.”

“He sounds like a couple of the kids I've run across at society functions in America.” Greta snorts. “Father's a big businessman who runs rampant over the family, demanding the kids live up to his ideals. May or may not be a crook who has the authorities after him. Mother, or stepmother frequently, is a trophy wife who leaves the kids to do what they want. No real good influence in the family, they become little thugs.”

“Exactly.” Remus says. “Lucius attended Hogwarts the same time I, Harry's parents, and a couple of friends went to school. He was a prat then, and he's just gotten worse in the years since.”

“Well, then the first thing I need to do is separate Draco from his bully boys.” Greta says. “They're just reinforcing his 'I'm better than everybody else because I'm a Malfoy' attitude.”

“How do you plan on doing that?” Harry asks, as Remus raises an eyebrow.

“From what I've read and the others have said, your class is a double class with Slytherin, right?” Remus nods. “I know it's traditional that the houses are separate in class, but it might be better if you put the students in groups, mixed by houses and strengths and weaknesses. Having to work together in class will get him used to working with people who aren't his 'clique' and especially if you assign papers that have to be done as a group, under the Librarian's eye. That way they have to work together, they learn each other strengths and weaknesses, and he learns power isn't everything.”

Harry looks at Remus, who nods, thinking it over. “It might work, especially with the fact that you're attending Hogwarts, and your family is older and more powerful than the Malfoy's. Once Malfoy senior learns that an Agios-Dynameostis is attending Hogwart, he'll tell his son to get as close to you as possible, to both of you.” He says, looking from Scott, to Greta, and back again.

“Oh, that won't be a problem.” Scott leers. “I won't mind getting closer to that yummy little bod.”

“Bad Scott, bad Scott,” Greta whaps him on the shoulder. “You've already got a man at home, and he's only thirteen besides.”

“Much too young for me then, and Tooey would get pissed if I tossed him over for a younger man.” He says, sighing theatrically. Greta snickers.

“He would get drunk if you tossed him over for a younger man?” Harry asks, not quite understanding.

“That too,” Greta snickers “American slang Harry, Scott means that Tooey would be quite upset and might lose his temper if he found another lover while he's at school. If you're pissed in the UK, it means you're drunk.”

“He's cute,” Scott admits, becoming serious. “But he's much too young for me.”

“Yup, but it will give us a few years to turn him into a human being before he leaves school.” Greta says calmly.

“Professor Lupin, I have a question and I don't know who to ask.” Greta says, looking at the teacher. “I'm an animagus, and I need to know if I have to register while I'm at school, even though I'm an American?”

“I think you should, just to be safe.” Harry says, “I'll ask Ron's Dad when we arrive at Hogwarts.”

“Ask my dad what?” Ron says, coming down the aisle. “Harry, you okay?” he asks, clapping his friend's shoulder.

“Whether or not I should register as an animagus at the Ministry. I don't want the school getting in trouble if I shift suddenly.” Greta says softly.

“Talk to the Headmaster, he may bring somebody in to register you.” Ron says. “I can see one of the Slytherins turning you in as illegal just because you're not one of them. I know Percy would turn you in, he lives to follow the rules. Tell McGonagall when we get to Hogwarts, she'll probably let you go with Dad to register.”
~ ~ ~
“I'd rather talk to McGonagall, I don't trust the headmaster any further than I can throw him.” Greta snorts. “He was too damn pleased with himself to have me as a student, by far. I could almost see him licking his lips when he first saw me.” Greta says, heading back into the compartment and shutting the door firmly behind her.

“I got a question, if there's only seven classes the first two years, why did I come out of the store with over 30 books, and Greta came out with nearly a hundred?”

“We got the refresher and late bloomer books as well as the texts for year two and the required books for year three in case we test out of any first year classes.” Greta rolls her eyes. “I also got some books on wandless magic, since that's what I'm familiar with.”

“You do wandless magic?” Harry asks, his eyes wide. “Isn't that hard?”

“It's what I'm used to Harry, I wasn't even fitted for a wand until last week, and poor Ollivander had a heck of a time fitting me.” Greta says, pulling her wand from the hidden pocket of her jacket. “I think we must have gone through every wand in the store before he found one he was satisfied with. I still don't know what I'm supposed to do with it, but I suppose I'll learn at Hogwarts.” Greta shrugs, sliding it back in her pocket.

“Don't let on that you can do wandless magic.” Harry says, looking in her eyes. “It will be safer.” Remus nods in agreement. “And don't let anybody but McGonagall know you're an animagus. She can give Ron's dad the forms when we get back to the school.” Remus nods again.

“Okay, I think I understand. And since the first year students just got their wands, so me fumbling with it for the first few days won't seem out of place.” Greta says.

“Right, let's teach you two a couple of the more simpler charms.” Remus says, dropping onto one of the benches, pulling Harry down beside him and waving the others to the other bench. “Take out your wand, hold it in whatever hand is more comfortable for you, swish it in the air, and say 'luminos' “ Scott squeaks when his wand begins glowing. “Say 'nox' and it will go out.” Harry says with a smile. “Nox.” the pair repeat, Greta calmly, Scott in a still shaky voice. Scott's wand begins blinking.

“Say it again, Scott, firmly this time.” Remus say, putting a hand on the younger man's shoulder. “Nox.” he says again, more firmly, and the wand goes out.

“Well, that's handy in a power outage.” Greta smirks. “What do you guys use for lights after the sun goes down at the school?”

“The castle's magical, lights come on when you enter a dark room and turn off when you leave. In the bedrooms, there's usually a small light that burns all night so you can get up to go to the bathroom if needed, but the lights usually go off when you go to sleep.”

“Cool, no more falling over stuff walking back to bed after turning the light off.” Scott says.

“One thing about the castle, it changes a lot, so don't be surprised when stairs start moving directions or vanish leaving you stranded on a landing, doors and rooms appear or disappear, or a room will be bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside.” Harry says. “The expanding spell is used a lot in wizarding homes, to add extra rooms without making the appearance of the house or flat different from the outside.”

“Do we have to make our beds and clean our rooms?” Scott asks.

“Nope, the house elves do all the cleaning, laundry, and cooking at the school. Have somebody show you the way to the kitchen, the house elves are used to students sneaking down for snacks. Let them know if you've got a paper due or are studying for a test, they'll bring you up a tray of food whenever you need one. All you have to do is call for an elf, and they're there.” Harry says.

“What's Quidditch?” Scott asks, “I saw the store in Diagon Alley, but Uncle Joxer didn't stop there when we were shopping.”

“Quidditch is the wizarding world main source of entertainment, much like baseball is in the muggle world.” Remus says with a grin. “It takes place in midair on brooms, the players follow a ball in midair they try to catch.”

“Brooms?” Scott squeaks, “you mean like in the legends?”

“Yup, that's one of the few things muggles got right First year students are taught to fly at school, and may elect to try out for their house's quidditch team in their second year. Harry here is the first first year in a hundred years to join a quidditch team. First years aren't allowed brooms of their own, if they want to go for a flight they have to use a school broom. Second year on you're allowed to own your own broom and bring it to school. Harry, Ron, Fred, and George play for Gryffindor's team.”

“Ohh joy,” Scott says rubbing his stomach, “I feel airsick already.”

“It's only one class for the first year students.” Harry says, smiling at him. “No books, no studying, just learning how to fly a broom. It's not for everybody.”

“Count me in the group of people it's not for, then. Greta might enjoy it though.”

“They don't use brooms at the American schools?”

“They might, my parents didn't teach me anyway.” Greta shrugs. “Like you said, it's just one class and I can stop if I don't like it. It's not like it's the main form of transportation in the wizarding world.”

“Nope, that the floo, portkeys, and apparating.” Remus says fondly.

“How hard is it to make a floo port?” Scott asks, “We don't have them in Las Vegas or New York, Uncle Joxer said something about making one while we were gone, I think that you need some sort of fire.”

“Yup, floos are fireplaces or anyplace outside where you can light a fire. “Fireplaces are a part of the wizarding world life, you cook on them sometimes, they heat the houses sometimes, and they're used for communication. Fireplaces are usually part of the floo network, you just throw a pinch of floo powder in, say where you want to go, and you're off. Most of the fireplaces at Hogwarts are locked so you can't travel on them, they're communication only. A few, mostly in Dumbledore's office, the teacher's lounge, or their private quarters, can be used for travel too. But, a floo can be forced open in case of an emergency so people can come through it.”

“What's a portkey?”

“It's a spell you can use on an object to travel somewhere where there isn't a floo or it's too far away to apparate.” Remus says, “It's an advanced spell, but basically you know where you want to go, take something you have, change it into the portkey, and away you go. When you're there, you can change the object back to normal. Apparating is another spell, you have to know exactly where you're going. It moves you, and like being an animagus, you have to register with the ministry and pass a number of tests.”

Remus smiles as the new student's questions calm Harry down, leaving him sleepily leaning against his side. “Do you know of an empty compartment nearby?” He asks the boy. Harry looks up and nods. “Why don't you go lay down for a few hours then?” he says, gently guiding him out of the compartment.

“Where's Harry?” Ron asks a couple minutes later, sticking his head through the now open door.

“The Professor walked him to an empty compartment so he could lie down.” Scott says, “come on in, we were just asking the professor and Scott some questions about school and the wizarding community in general.”

“Cool, anything else you wanted to ask?”

“The professor told us a little about quidditch, it's really a big deal in your world?”

“Ohhh yeah, hold on a sec.” Ron gets up and sticks his head out the window, “Ginny, get Fred and George will ya? Scott's got some questions about Quidditch.” Soon, the compartment is full again with four Weasleys talking over each other as they describe Quidditch to the newcomers.

~ ~ ~

The rest of the afternoon passes fairly quickly, with Ginny taking some food to the compartment where her brother is holed up with the other Head boys. They get everything cleaned up and put away as the lights begin coming on in the compartment, the others telling them they'll be arriving at Hogsmeade in about an hour. Greta shrinks the basket with the remaining food, stuffing it in her pocket.

The train pulls into the station and the students begins to get off. Ginny grabs Scott and Greta by the elbows, pulling them towards a huge man with a beard.

“Hello Hagrid, this is Greta and Scott, the two new first year exchange students from the United States.” She chirps. “Hagrid will get you and the other first years to school.” she calls over her shoulder, running to get in a carriage. Greta blinks.

“Can you see them?” Remus asks, looking at her while Harry gets in a carriage.

“Yeah, I can see them,” she says, “You can tell Harry he's not the only one.” /And I thought Dad had thought up some freaky animals./ she thinks. /Those guys look like something Strife thought up to scare drunks at 'Dite's orgies, those and pink elephants./

“Leave your familiars with the elves, kids, they'll be taken to your rooms once you're sorted.” Hagrid says, leading the way to the lake. “Everybody into a boat.”

“Oh hell,” Scott mutters, looking green already. Hagrid looks back at him. “Stomach don't like boats?” he asks, rummaging in a pocket.

“No sir,” Scott says, gulping.

“Don't sir me, I'm just Hagrid.” he says, pulling a vial out of his pocket. “There, you drink that it will settle your stomach until we get across.” He claps Scott on the shoulder as they get in the last boat, Greta grinning as the boat starts across the lake under its own power.

Greta recognizes Professor McGonagall waiting on the other side, gathering the first year students. “Professor, may I talk to you later? I need to ask your opinion on something.” She says.

“Certainly, Miss Logan. I am always here for a student.” McGonagall says calmly. “I see Madam Malkin was able to get your uniforms finished in time.” She smiles, brushing a piece of lint off her new students robes. “You will be the last two to be sorted since your case is special, maybe I can help you now.” she says.

“Professor, I'm what your wizarding world calls an animagus.” Greta says, “The others have told me that animagi need to be registered or they're considered illegal. Do I need to register, even though I'm an American?”

“Oh dear,” Professor McGonagall says calmly. “That is a question. Are you sure that. . .” Minerva's voice trails off as Greta changes in front of her eyes. “I have the paperwork in my office, I'll bring it to your room after the Feast and I can help you fill it out.”

“Thank you Professor,” Greta says, shifting back. Minerva leads the two new students out into the Great Hall.

“Hello Yummy,” Scott says, looking over at the table where the teachers are sitting.

“Who?” Greta asks.

“The tall piece of manhood with the black hair and sneer.” he says. Greta follows his gaze and grins. “Looks cute, but he could use a good shampoo and rinse.” she snickers as they're called forward.

“We have two exchange student this year from the United States..” Dumbledore announces. “Some of you have already met them on the train or at Diagon Alley while they were shopping for supplies. Because they are so much older than the traditional first years, they have been given their own rooms and will spend the first week studying and taking placement tests. Agios-Dynameostis, Greta.” He announces. Most of the students gasp at the name, those who don't recognize it are quickly filled in by their table mates as Greta regally stalks across the room, lowering herself gingerly on the stool as the hat is placed on her head. Long minutes pass until Greta lifts it off, looking at first the Headmaster, then Professor McGonagall.

“I think I broke it.” Greta says. “The hat says it can't place me in a house, not yet anyway.”

The Headmaster takes the hat, placing it on his own head.

“Students, for reasons that I cannot reveal at this time, Miss Agios-Dynameostis will not be placed in any specific house at this time.” He says, “I hope that you will accept her into your ranks regardless of House loyalties. Evil, Scott.” Dumbledore announces the last student.

“Ten to one, with that name he's going into Slytherin.” a voice says among the students.

“Evil? Is that really his last name?” another voice says as Scott walks across the room, taking the seat Greta vacates. The hat is placed on his head and is quiet for a few minutes, leading everybody to fear a repeat of the earlier sorting when the hat suddenly announces in a strident, ringing voice.


/Oh dear,/ McGonagall moans silently.

“Miss Agios-Dynameostis, why don't you join your cousin and the others at the Gryffindor table for the time being.” Dumbledore says. “We can make more permanent arrangements later.”

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