Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Chapter 8

Sam sat opposite his Dad, one leg bouncing nervously as he waited for their food to arrive. Bobby saw it and smiled sadly, reaching out to place a hand over Sam’s.

“It’s alright son, I just want to talk, get to know you.” Bobby told him and Sam nodded.

“Sorry I just…..” Sam trailed off, lowering his head and hiding behind his hair.

“Not used to talking honestly with a hunter?” Bobby offered and Sam shrugged but nodded.
“You’re my son Sam, I may have only just found out about you but I want us to have a relationship. I don’t care that you’re…” He paused as their waitress appeared with their food.
“I don’t care that you’re only half human Sam. Even without being my son, I’ve hunted with you and I’ve heard Dean signing your praises enough times. You’re a good person Sam.” Bobby assured him gently and Sam smiled shyly.

“Thank you. I….I guess I don’t really know what family’s meant to be.”

“Well then we’ll both get to learn.” Bobby assured him.
“As for you and Dean, I’d prefer not to see anything if possible. As long as the two of you are happy I don’t care. Just be careful, Dean’s never had an actual relationship before and I get the feeling you haven’t either. I don’t want either of you getting hurt.” Bobby told him and Sam nodded, relieved that his Dad wasn’t upset about his being with Dean.
“So what was your childhood like with your Mom?”

Dean smiled as he opened the door, seeing Sam curled up catlike on the bed. Sleepy hazel eyes opened lazily and then slid shut again, making Dean chuckle as he kicked his shoes off and headed into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and then joined Sam on the bed, smiling when Sam shifted around so that was curled around Dean. Dean grinned as he realised Sam was actually purring even as Sam nuzzled at Dean’s neck, he shivered when Sam licked at the skin and then he felt Sam pause. Dean sighed and shifted even closer to Sam, letting him know he didn’t mind.

“S’okay Sammy, just tickled.” Dean murmured and Sam relaxed, nuzzling again.
“Have a good lunch with Bobby?” he asked quietly and Sam licked him again.
“Sam?” He asked and Sam sighed.

“Yeah, we talked.” Sam whispered, moving to nuzzle behind Dean’s ear.

“Feeling very affectionate huh?” Dean asked with a chuckle and then he twisted around so they were face to face. He reached out to gently trace Sam’s face, smiling when Sam leant into his touch. Sam smiled and leant in closer, rubbing his nose against Dean’s before kissing Dean softly. Dean pulled him closer and kissed him back.
“What’s gotten into you?” Dean asked when they parted and Sam shrugged but didn’t meet his eyes.
“Sammy? What is it?” Dean asked, reaching out to tip his head up, making him make eye contact.
“Come on, talk to me.” Dean pleaded, suddenly very worried Sam was going to disappear.

“I……I don’t know what….” Sam stammered and Dean hugged him. Since getting with Sam he’d had more hugs and given more hugs than he’d had his whole life but with Sam being part cat Dean had finally figured out why Sam craved contact. He’d seen enough pet cats after all and they all loved being petted and stuff.

“Shh, it’s okay.” Dean whispered, kissing him again.
“Whatever it is we can deal with it.” Dean promised, noticing Sam’s eyes were a bit more golden than hazel, his pupils slitted slightly. He wasn’t scared of Sam but he’d never seen his eyes change like that before.
“Sam? Your eyes……” Sam blinked and looked away. Dean moved even closer so their bodies were completely aligned and Sam shuddered, closing his eyes. Dean frowned as he realised Sam was hotter than usual.
“Sam? You sick or something?” Dean asked, getting really worried but Sam shook his head.

“Never……..” Sam whimpered.


“Dean run, get out.” Sam pleaded and Dean frowned, tightening his grip on Sam instead.

“No Sammy, not leaving you.” Dean whispered, gently rubbing his back.
“Please Sam, tell me what’s wrong.”

“I…..feel weird……need.” Sam mumbled and Dean noticed his canines were longer than usual.

“Sam? What do you need?” Dean demanded and Sam opened his eyes to reveal they’d changed completely. Sam moved and Dean gasped as he found himself on his back, Sam crouched over him. Dean swallowed and forced himself not to react, he didn’t want Sam to think he was scared of him. Sam’s nostrils flared as he sniffed at Dean before leaning in and licking him. Dean breathed deeply and lay still, no matter what was going on he trusted Sam, he knew the kid would never hurt him. Sam leant in, nuzzling at Dean’s throat so Dean let his head fall back a bit, letting Sam do what he wanted to prove that no matter what Dean wasn’t scared. Sam slowly moved from Dean’s throat and Dean moaned as Sam licked and nuzzle his skin. He gasped as sharp claws tore his shirt off but then Sam moved down to the newly revealed skin and Dean moaned, wrapping his arms around Sam’s shoulders.
“Sam.” He whispered and Sam came back up to his face, rubbing himself against Dean. Dean gasped, clinging to him. They’d never gone this far before and while it was a little weird he had no complaints. Sam collapsed on top of him, mewling softly and Dean held him close even as he fought to bring his breathing under control. They lay quietly for a while before Sam finally raised his head and Dean noticed his eyes were back to normal.

“Dean?” Sam whispered, sounding a little confused. And then his eyes went wide in horror as he saw the tattered shirt clinging to Dean and the red, claw shaped marks on his chest.
“No, no, no.” Sam tried to get up but Dean wrapped his arms and legs around him, knowing Sam wouldn’t hurt him which meant Sam was trapped.

“Sam its okay, just relax. I’m not hurt.” Dean promised softly. He ran a hand up and down Sam’s back, trying to help him calm down.
“We’re okay Sammy. You didn’t hurt me or scare me. It was a bit exciting actually.” He admitted, tugging at Sam until he slumped onto him. Dean kissed him softly, running a hand through Sam’s hair.

“I don’t know……I’ve never…” Sam shook his head.

“It’s okay Sam. We’ll figure it out. You’ve been pretty stressed the last few days; you were probably just reacting to that.” Dean told him.
“Come on, just relax, and get some sleep.” Dean soothed and Sam laid his head down on Dean’s shoulder. Dean just kept running his fingers through Sam’s hair until he felt Sam fall asleep.

Sam watched Dean with his Dad sadly. He hated to do it but he had to, he had to leave. He could have seriously hurt Dean the other night, he’d been an animal! Dean kept telling him it was okay but Sam knew it wasn’t. He would not risk Dean, he loved him too much. He looked at them one last time and then shouldered his bag, heading for his car. He forced himself to start the engine and drive away, despite how much he wanted to go back. He needed answers and he couldn’t get them in Avoca.

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