Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Congratulations to all those who have guessed Sam’s Dad correctly.

Chapter 4

Sam loaded the silver bullets into the clip as quickly as he could so that by the time Dean looked up he was done. Dean blinked in surprise but then grinned. Sam just smiled, ignoring the small, already healing burns on his fingers. He was very nervous about the upcoming hunt, not for his safety against the werewolf; he could take it easily….if he didn’t have to worry about keeping his secret. With Dean there though he was gonna be stuck relying on human weaponry when personally he preferred claws and fangs, but it was a risk he’d have to take to hang around Dean. He liked Dean and he never wanted him to look at Sam like he was a monster, something to be hunted. Being with Dean….it made him wish he was human, not something he was used to feeling.

“Ready?” Dean asked and Sam nodded, hiding the gun at the back of his waist. They grabbed the rest of their stuff and Sam got in the passenger seat of the Impala. There was no point taking two cars, if one of them got hurt one of the cars would end up being left behind anyway.
“Could you read the file? I like going over it before arriving.” Dean admitted and Sam pulled out the file.

“Six deaths over the last two months, all coinciding with the lunar cycle. All of the victims have been women in their twenties, all sharing physical characteristics. So this werewolf is pretty picky. As for our werewolf, Marcus Long, 33 bachelor, seems to have no luck with women. Probably the reason for his choice in victims. He was admitted to the ER three months ago, doctors reported it as a vicious dog attack. Lives alone in a small house on the edge of town so that makes things a bit easier for us.” Sam read and Dean nodded, parking. They didn’t want him to hear the car coming after all.

They got out and quietly approached the house, Dean waving Sam to the back door. He nodded and headed that way, letting his senses extend once Dean was out of sight. He loved the feel of the full moon, the wildness it brought close to the surface but Sam wasn’t like the poor man he could sense inside, he wasn’t bound to the moons power. He usually spent the full moon running wild so it felt odd walking on two legs but he’d done it plenty of times. Sam picked the lock on the door and slipped inside, gun out, sweeping the room and finding it empty. He made his way slowly through the house, unable to track the wolf and that was making him wary. This thing was far too smart and controlled for someone so newly infected.

Sam spun around, gun coming up but Marcus was already on him, slamming him into the ground. He grunted at the impact but got his arms up to keep Marcus’ teeth from his throat. He lost his gun in the process and normally wouldn’t be worried, he’d just tear the bastards’ throat out with his own fangs or claws but he could hear Dean running towards them.

“Sam!” Dean called, trying to get a shot but it was impossible as the two rolled around, Sam fighting to keep the werewolf’s teeth from his skin. Dean was horrified; if Sam was infected because he’d asked him along he’d never forgive himself. Sam managed to bring his legs up and then Marcus went flying as Sam kicked out. As the man tried to get up Dean pit two silver bullets through his heart. Dean looked at Sam who grinned and rolled to his feet, wincing slightly as he moved his arm. Dean moved to his side, checking for bites and relieved to find none. He touched Sam’s shoulder and Sam winced.
“You okay?” Dean asked softly and Sam nodded.

“Think it’s dislocated though.”

“I’m sorry.” Dean said and Sam smiled.

“Don’t be, trust me I’ve had a lot worse. And hey, he didn’t bite me, my shoulder will heal.” Sam told him and Dean nodded, picking Sam’s gun up for him.
“We should get out of here in case someone heard the shots.” Sam said and Dean nodded, walking close as they headed outside. Sam moaned as he got into the car and Dean drove fast back to the motel. He hovered as Sam walked inside and then helped him get his jacket off, feeling around to find how badly it was dislocated.

“You should get this done at the ER.” Dean whispered and Sam just looked up at him.

“You can do it Dean.” Sam assured him and Dean nodded, handing Sam a twisted up shirt that Sam put in his mouth to muffle any cries of pain.

“Okay on three.” Dean warned and Sam nodded.
“One.” Dean said and then he pulled, wincing as Sam moaned behind the makeshift gag. He spat it out and Dean strapped his arm to his chest. That was going to be annoying since he could feel the injury already healing but he’d have to fake it as long as he was with Dean. Joy.

Dean laughed as Sam struggled to eat with only one arm before moving to help him. Sam pretty much pouted at him before accepting his help. Dean was finding it a nice change in rolls being the one helping Sam instead of being the injured one himself. He was just glad that it was only Sam’s shoulder, he was very aware that it could have been a lot worse.

“I’m fine.” Sam whispered and Dean’s head jerked up.
“You don’t have to worry so much Dean.” Sam assured him and Dean nodded, embarrassed that Sam had picked up on his feelings. Then again, it was kind of nice that Sam was getting to know him well enough to do that. Sam reached out with his good hand to squeeze Dean’s and Dean smirked at him, making Sam smile. Sam yawned and Dean walked beside him over to the bed since having one arm out of action didn’t help Sam’s balance.

Once Dean was asleep Sam slipt out of the room and got his arm out of the sling, moving it around with a sigh of relief. He hated faking that he was still hurt, hated lying to Dean. But he’d rather lie and have Dean as his friend then let him know and have Dean trying to kill him. Sam knew that he couldn’t hurt Dean, not even to save his own life. Sam slumped against the wall, listening to the sounds of Dean sleeping in the room behind him; it was amazing how quickly he’d adapted to hearing those noises. It had actually been hard to sleep in a room alone the last time they’d split up and he wasn’t looking forward to having to do that again. He stayed outside a while longer before putting the sling back on and slipping back into the room, going to bed.

Sam lunged in and gave Dean a quick hug before getting in his car and driving away. He glanced back and laughed at the shocked look on Dean’s face, the hunter still standing in front of his own car as if frozen. It felt good to be back on the road, but very quiet to be alone again. At least he’d finally been able to ditch the sling a few days back.

He drove for hours and hours until he found a good area. He pulled of the highway onto an old dirt track, making sure not to stop until the car wouldn’t be spotted from the road. He got out, stretched and then started to strip off, not wanting to have to replace more clothing. He’d change while clothed if necessary but he preferred not to tear his clothes to shred. He crouched, reaching for the other part of him and let the change happen. It felt good to shake out on four legs, stretching and yawning, revealing wicked long fangs. He scented the air and then took off running.

Sam froze as he saw the hunter with Dean, mentally swearing but there was nothing for it. He’d promised Dean he’d help with this one and if he ran Dean might get suspicious about why and since Dean knew Sam’s Dad was a hunter…..

Dean grinned as Sam walked towards them, smiling shyly. Who’d have thought such a big guy could look so harmless but Sam pulled it off. Dean reached out and squeezed Sam’s shoulder, studying him to make sure he was okay.

“Dean my shoulder is fine, it’s been four months.” Sam told him and Dean shrugged.

“Just checking.”

“Sure. Hi, I’m Sam.” Sam held out his hand and the other hunter shook it.

“Bobby Singer, you the Sam I exchange emails with?”

“Yes sir.” Sam answered and Bobby smiled.

“Drop the sir kid, it’s just Bobby. Nice to finally meet you.” Bobby told him and Sam grinned.

“So what needs three of us?” Sam asked as he followed them into the motel room.

“Not sure actually, other than I got my ass kicked.” Bobby answered and Sam nodded. So it’d been Bobby’s hunt, he’d obviously called Dean who had called Sam. It was nice to know that if Dean wanted back up he’d call him, same as Sam would call Dean.
“Nothing I had on me worked.”

“So what did it look like?” Sam asked, setting up his laptop.

“Yeah, that’s part of the problem. The thing is in a cave system and wouldn’t come out. It’s killing anyone who wonders in. I never actually got a good look since my torch was broken while I was being slammed into a wall.” Bobby admitted.

“Okay so what did you hear, smell, and feel?” Sam asked and Bobby thought it over.

“It stank. Grunted a lot too. I think….it was an arm that sent me flying, hairier than human.” Bobby answered and Sam nodded, searching.

“Well our best bet seems to be troll. You’re lucky it didn’t crush you.” Sam said after a while of searching and Bobby groaned, hitting himself.

“Troll? This is gonna be fun.” Dean grumbled, pulling a face and Sam grimaced. It was going to be a lot worse for him, there were some hunts where enhance senses were actually a draw back.

They carried Bobby between them back to the room, lowering him to the bed. Dean tossed Sam the first aid kit and he got to work, trying to hide the way his hands were shaking. He’d come so close to losing his Dad and the man didn’t even know the truth. He seemed to have mellowed a little from how his Mom had described him, maybe one day he could tell him the truth and he would accept Sam as his son, not try to kill him.

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