Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup


Jon opens his eyes at the hospital, moaning when he finds his older self sitting next to the bed. He knows he's not there waiting for him to wake up, the wheelchair is a dead giveaway.


"What are you doing here?"


"Finally getting my knees taken care of now that I've been kicked up the ranks."


"The base?"


"New guy named Landry has been named head." The door opens and Jon moans. Charlie grins as he enters the room. "They want you in your room to talk over the surgery."


"Ah hell. . ." Jack wheels himself off as Charlie settles in a seat beside the bed.


"This is . . .awkward."


"Charlie." Jon reaches up and touches his son's face for the first time in his new life.


Harry takes a deep breath a few days after Xander and Willow had returned to Eureka, Dr. Stark patting him on the back and giving him a smile as they walk into a government building in America so he can take the American OWLS.


That takes a couple weeks and two weeks after that he and Sheriff Carter walk into the ministry where he's scheduled to take the European OWLS. He smiles as he sees Hermione sitting at a table and pats her on the shoulder. She hugs him before other students start coming into the room.


"Will I need to take those tests?" Dawn asks Remus in a tutoring session.


"No, you started taking magical lessons after the cutoff, a number of Xander's siblings are older and taking self-study. In Europe, you would need an OWL or your wand would be snapped and your magic bound if you had non-magical parents, but that was a way the purebloods kept the others in line. They'd just bribe their way out of any troubles. Americans are different, it's more a way to show what you've learned. In both cases, your grades determine what advanced classes you could take."


"Can I take them?"


"If you want, if you wanted to go for a higher magical degree you'd need the tests."


"There's higher degrees in magic?"


"Yes, in the wizarding world if you wanted to go on you'd apprentice yourself to somebody, here in America and Canada if your university has a magical track you can apply to get a degree. I'm going for a double degree in magical and non-magical classes through GD."



"But why are our talks nearly empty?" Sheila Rosenberg whines a few weeks later as she sees another nearly empty auditorium.


"Because the news that you were too busy to attend your daughter's funeral made the rounds." the woman who'd rented them the auditorium says, glaring at them. "You disgust me you miserable old bat, how long has it been since you were home and talked to your daughter?" She snorts at the look on her face. "Yeah, that's why nobody's here for your oh so precious lecture."


"Maybe we should have gone back home." she says after the lecture is cancelled.


"Ya think." Her husband says dryly. "Everybody in the business hates us for not cancelling the speaking tour. Our daughter died Sheila and you can't be fucking bothered to even pretend to mourn her."


"But if we'd cancelled the tour we'd have lost money."


"She was our daughter and she's dead."


"But she didn't go to Oxford."


"She didn't apply to Oxford you damn fool, you are the one who wanted her to go there. You're the one who filled out the application and wrote the essay. . .not her. You wanted to run her whole damn life and she told you no. So you had a shit fit and fell in it."


"It's all that little bitch Bunny's. . ."


"Buffy died trying to save our daughter's life. She didn't have a damn thing with our daughter not choosing to go to Oxford. You being a spoiled BITCH had everything to do with our daughter's decisions." Ira yells, getting in her face.


"She did not, Willow should never have been there."


"Buffy and Willow were volunteering at the museum for credit toward their last year of school. Willow was knocked unconscious and Buffy threw herself in front of her when the attack happened. If you'd bothered to listen to the officer when he told us about Willow's death instead of telling everybody the tour had to go on and you had to go over your notes you'd know that. Buffy's mother died a couple months ago and she had a younger sister she was raising. Now that poor child lost her sister and her mother. She had to identify their bodies."


"But I wanted her to go to Oxford." She whines, stomping her foot and pouting.


"No, you wanted to go to Oxford but your grades weren't good enough. Our daughter wanted her own life. You're just a spoiled stupid little bitch who had to have her own damn way. Quit trying to blame everybody else."


"What about her friend Xander, I'm sure he begged her to stay. He's probably the town drunk just like his parents." She sneers.


"Xander moved away and is attending MIT, he's got a job with a DoD company and is going to be working in their space program."


"He's working for NASA?"


"No, he's working for one of the companies that is going to take over NASA's job. Because they're not involved in launching shuttles or satellites anymore. From what I understand, he's working on lighter materials and longer acting fuels to allow man to explore space."


"But they had to have done something to keep Willow from going to Oxford." She whines. "She did everything she was told before she had friends. And they didn't even give her a proper jewish burial, she should have been buried within 24 hours of dying."


"Over three hundred people died that day Sheila, they didn't have the time. And since when do you care about proper jewish traditions. You haven't been to a synagogue since before Willow was born. If you wanted her to have a traditional burial you should have got off your ass and made the arrangements yourself. The only reason you're complaining now is you're mad people realize you're a miserable bitch and aren't bowing, scraping, and kissing your ass for living."


Hermione holds up her hand when the OWL from the Ministry arrives at her home. She's getting her grades early since she'd took her tests at the ministry. She'll get a letter from the school when the others are sent out. Taking a deep breath she opens the letter then grins. Giving the owl water and treats she heads off to the Burrow.


"Is that your grades?" Mr. Weasley asks. Hermione nods. Ron is in Egypt on a site but he'll be flooing his father in a couple days. The twins are back for a visit and they all look over her grades.


"Congratulations Hermione, this is all you needed to go into the seventh year with the others?"


"Yes, I've already passed all my tests for my sixth year classes."


"Does the school know?"


"They were supposed to get the official results when I did. I already knew from the proctor that I passed but we had to wait for the official results. Dobby?"


"Master Harry's friend Hermy ask for Dobby?"


"Can you take this to Harry?" She copies her OWLS for Dobby and he heads off with a smile. Hermione looks at the time and heads back to her home, her parents will be heading home soon.


"Hermione?" Samantha says when she returns home.


"Got my grades and had to let the Weasleys know. Sent copies to Harry with Dobby . . ." Dobby pops in, bubbling over as he gives copies of Master Harry's grades to Miss Hermy.


"That's quite the difference in classes." Thomas says, looking over Harry's OWLS. "Hogwarts doesn't teach any of this."


"No it doesn't, even with the new classes the school doesn't offer all this."


Carter comes into the office a few days later and turns on the television, Stark glaring at him until he sees what is being broadcast. Or rather who can be seen in the distance with the telephoto lens the cameraman is using.


"I think Harry's going to be spending more time with Colonel Sheppard."


"Congratulations on your grades on the European and American OWLS." Sheppard says when he arrives in Eureka a couple days later.


"Nice entrance." Stark says, smirking at McKay.


"Blame the driver." he points at Sheppard. "We were supposed to come in quiet."


"Too much shipping traffic off course because of the storm McKay, this way they headed away from the area."


"Yeah, a giant spaceship hovering over me would make me move too."


"And make me go running for clean clothes after I shit myself."


"That too."


"Okay, what did you need to talk to me about the next time you were back. . .not that we expected you to make such a big entrance." Carter asks as he, Stark, Allison, McKay, and a man introduced as Carson Beckett gather in a meeting room at GD.


"Okay, short version is there is a gene that turns on Ancient machinery, Jack O'Neill has it, Sheppard has it, and you have it. But it's not tied to our magic, because the other magic users on Atlantis don't have it. But the version you have isn't the same as O'Neill's. . .or even Sheppards's. But it is identical to mine, and mine isn't natural. I gave myself an artificial version so I could operate the machinery on Atlantis without having to have Sheppard think 'on' at it."


"So you think he might have given it to me?"


"Possible. Are the goblins and cursebreakers any closer to finding all his hiding places? And we'll need to test Harry and Speed, he had them for years."


"No. Dumbledore has been headmaster for decades. And the school is just a small part of Hogwarts. Looking for all his hiding spaces is opening parts of the castle that haven't been touched in years."


Meanwhile Radek is inside looking through the rooms of debris they'd mined when they were in orbit before landing. It will all go through the recycling units for raw materials and energy while they're on Earth. He checks on the solar collection unit, now that they've settled it can start charging again.


Xander comes to the door and hands Dr. Stark a letter.


"What is it Xander?"


"I'm being sued, by Willow's mother. Because I just had to have kept her precious daughter from attending Oxford. Oh, and I didn't bury Willow properly by jewish tradition even though she's the one who had the funeral home arrange everything, she doesn't approve of the outfit Giles picked out for her to be buried in. . .not that she knows all her daughter's clothes..."


"What a bitch."


"I have to be in New York in two weeks for a court date. I don't have a lawyer. . .or can afford to stay in New York for a court case."


"Don't worry, any judge will look at this and throw it out immediately as being without merit." Allison says. She grabs her phone, dialing a number.


"Pepper, it's Allison Blake. Toss the stapler at Tony's head again dear, I need to talk to him." A high pitched yelp. "No dear, the bigger head." Nathan smirks. She gives him a look.


"The other one was closer." Pepper snorts. In the office Natasha is sniggering as Tony whines. "Dr. Blake needs to talk to you."


"Pepper's being mean to me. . ." His whole demeanor changes. "Okay, he can stay here and I have a friend I can call in. We'll beat the stupid woman like a rug." He ends the call and goes back to whining.


"What was that about?" Pepper asks.


"Steve, Xander and maybe Dawn are coming out in a about a week. Willow's mother is a stupid bitch who's suing Xander for keeping Willow from going to Oxford when she wanted her to go to Oxford. She's also suing because Willow wasn't buried in proper Jewish tradition. . .whatever the hell that is."


"Jews generally bury their dead within 24 hours of death without an autopsy. And all the other stuff that happens to a body before a funeral." Bucky says. "We had a jewish friend in school and his grandfather died before the war, I remember that much."


"Jacob." Steve says, nodding.


"It took them longer than that to find all the bodies." Clint snorts.


"Yes. She also didn't approve of the outfit that was chosen for her daughter's burial. . .not that she knows which outfit that was. Her daughter had more clothes than she knows. . ."


"What a bitch."


"Call Matt Murdock to come talk to him when Xander arrives, I'll cover the bill if Grandma isn't. Rumor is it that attendance for their talks dropped dramatically when the news they couldn't be bothered to head home to attend their daughter's funeral. So she's trying to recoup the money they're not making."


"Are you stupid?" A judge sneers at Sheila Rosenberg two weeks later. "There is no way in Hell is Mr. Harris the reason your daughter didn't go to the school you wanted her to attend. I'd say she chose to attend a different school because you're a miserable bitch who had to control everything."


She throws herself at the judge, getting tackled by the bailiff.


"Take her away, get a real mental health person to look her over. Case dismissed. Have a good day Mr. Harris and I'm sorry you were bothered by her."


"Nooo, you can't." Sheila tears herself away from the bailiff and runs toward Xander, grabbing a pitcher and throwing it at his head. That little bastard ruined all her plans and needs to die. She trips on the cane that somehow gets between her legs.


"Take her away and have her charged with assault at the least, we'll see about the other charges later."


"Are you okay Mr. Harris?" Matt Murdock asks, patting him on the shoulder as a violently screaming Sheila Rosenberg is dragged away.


"Yeah, and I thought my parents were bad. They were the town drunks but they never pretended to be anything but that."


"Are your parents still alive Mr. Harris?" The judge asks as the courtroom is cleared.


"No, they died shortly after I left Sunnydale. Tony killed Jessica in a drunken fight then killed himself." Matt shakes his head in dismay. "I had already put notices in the paper that I wasn't responsible for their bills and they'd disowned me for not paying their rent for the 'privilege' of living in the basement. But I got a bunch of good friends who . . . Dawnie." He pulls the crying teen girl into his arms.


"I just heard. . .are you okay?"


"Yeah, she got taken down before she could do more than throw a pitcher of water at me and scream obscenities. I've had worse from my parents."


"God, Mommy never liked for leaving Willow alone most of the time but I never thought something like that would happen."


Matt tilts his head slightly, his radar sense is giving him two different versions of what's in front of him. In one Mr. Harris is holding a young female by her voice, heartbeat, and other body signals, while the other he's talking to . . .a blob of energy?


"Mr. Harris?" The judge asks.


"Sorry your honor, this is Dawn Summers, the younger sister of Buffy Summers who died with Willow in the attack in New York. I have primary custody of her when I left Sunnydale since our mentor Giles had custody of her."


"Not her sister? Or her father?"


"Buffy was a flake and didn't have a job and we haven't seen Hank since the divorce. . .he couldn't be bothered to Mommy's funeral, just sent paperwork giving custody of me to Giles. . . to get out of the child support he owed. He tried demanding paternity tests during the divorce to weasel out of child support, then whined when we both came back as his so he had to pay child support and alimony. Not that he was regular in either." Dawn says. "Giles had an apartment and a steady homelife. He gave me the papers so I could move to Oregon with Xander since he was moving too, to Scotland to teach at a private school."


"Are you in contact?"


"Oh yes, we e-mail and skype all the time and he's coming out next summer when he's not teaching or doing research."


"What's going to become of her?"


"She's going to be looking at some serious jail time, losing her license, and you've got a lawsuit against her for defamation of character. After her actions in the courtroom, there's no doubt you'll be getting a substantial settlement. She is already in trouble with the board that governs licenses for using her daughter without her permission. She whined that she shouldn't need her permission, she's her daughter and she owns everything of hers. She owns her since she gave birth to her."


"I see where Willow got her spoiled bitch tendencies from." Dawn mutters as they walk off.


"Are you going to be in town for a while?"


"Yes, we're staying at Stark International a few days, the business were I work is working with him on a project. Dawn's going to be spending the week visiting museums for papers for her classes."


"I wasn't aware that schools had started yet?" The judge says dryly.


"Sunnydale's school system is pretty bad, I had to go back a couple grades when I changed schools and they've been tutoriing me ever since we moved so I can get back to the tenth grade next month. I should have been a junior but Sunnydale didn't offer a lot of the classes my new school does."


Xander snorts. "This is the same school that allowed Willow to take over teaching the computer class when Ms. Calendar was killed." He throws his arm around Dawn's shoulders as they walk to the elevator.


Ham Brooks pats Matt on the shoulder lightly. "Now that we're off the clock, nice aim with your cane." Like Doc he knows about Murdock's senses.



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