Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup


Allison is in Josette's room looking for everybody when a tesseract opens and they walk through, bags being pulled out and one is stuffed in the closet and it firmly shut while another bag is hurried into the other room.


"Christmas shopping?" Allison grins.


"Abby and Josette." her godson agrees. "and some gates to put up around the tree and some storage baskets for the front."


"Principal Madison was looking for you to remind you of your interview after dinner."


"I had my watch set to remind us to leave at six." Alexander says.


Principal Madison sighs as the group walk into the dining hall with Dr. Blake. "The girls must have took Josette in hand."


Druid nods. "Yes, she's looking good." she agrees. "Josette pierced her ears?" she asks as Josette comes up to the head table. Diane greets her warmly and introduces her to Lester Holt, then tells her it would be two interviews, not one before she heads back to the table.


After dinner, Josette eating four helpings to make up for missing lunch, she and Susan detour to the bathroom, checking her underwear and changing out the tampon just in case since they don't know how long the interviews will last. Everybody heads to the auditorium after they wash their hands and Susan helps Josette touch up her lipstick and detour to the dorm for the bag of letters from Screw U and the letters from their new schools.


"I don't suppose we can just stay here." Josette moans even as she walks back down the hall to the front doors.


"Nu-uh, Ms. Sawyer is a friend and Mr. Holt seems nice." Abby says as they walk down the sidewalk to the auditorium. The stage is set up again for the interviews, there'd be one with Diane and one with Mr. Holt and they're showed to make-up.


The interviews last until nearly two in the morning and are going to be aired tomorrow night. Josette tiredly washes her face and gets ready for bed, changing out the tampon for a pad and crawling under the covers. It had been nice that the news stations had talked to their teachers and gotten sound bites about them. And she's been doing too many interviews lately because she never would have known what that meant a couple of months ago.


Josette wakes up early the next morning for her job, turning on the coffeemaker before washing her face, turning the posts in her ears and cleaning the lobes with alcohol, pulling her hair back in a loose pony tail and drinking a cup of coffee before heading for the dining hall when it opens.


"Josette can you come up here?" Principal Madison asks as Josette puts her tray on the table, drinking her juice in one gulp.




"I. . .need a favor. Not this week but . . ."


"You need me to take over the library during finals so the teachers can grade their tests?"


"Yes please, we'll give you a couple of shifts with one of the teachers next week so you're prepared to handle it by yourself."


"If I'm going to be taking over the library when I graduate, I better get used to working in it now, shouldn't I? Am I going to be. . ."


"Paid for your shifts in the library as well as working in the laundry? Yes. I'll work up a schedule and have it ready for you with an information packet later today."


Josette nods and heads back to the table as the others straggle into the room. "I'm going for the papers after breakfast, does anybody need anything from town? What did Principal Madison want?"


"For me to take over the library during finals week so the teachers can concentrate on grading tests."


Everybody just shakes their heads. Josette finishes her first tray, idly wonders how many heart attacks she'd cause if she put her tray up now, grins, and fills the tray with her second breakfast. After her third breakfast she checks the time and heads for the laundry, punching in and settling behind the counter after filling the supplies dispenser and emergency closet. The others come in with the papers, they settle around the table since nobody else is there yet.


Once again the Boston papers are filled with the trouble at the university and Josette shakes her head as she starts going through the ads before clipping coupons. Some of them are for stuff that she normally doesn't clip but some of the items in the storeroom are running low. Just as if she'd heard her thought, Anna says that Joyce had come to the dorm to see what they were running low on in the storeroom and supply closets and if they needed anything before the rooms would be restocked during the Christmas break.


"That's nice of the school." Susan had said when Joyce left.


The others head back to the dorm after they read the papers, dropping them on the table in case anybody else wants to read them, Anna dropping the clipped coupons on Josette's desk. She looks longingly at her bed but instead pulls out the vacuum and starts cleaning while Abby cleans the tub and sink.


"Is anybody else feeling human now?" Susan asks as she comes into the hall.


A chorus of yesses from those still in the building.


"I didn't realize that just sitting there and talking was so damn tiring." Alan says.


"Hey look, it's snowing." Susan yells.


Anna opens the back door, "Yeah, it's really coming down."


"Low pressure system, no wonder everybody's been tired all morning." Michael says coming up behind her. "And the first snowfall of the season that looks like it's going to stick around."


Abby nods. "Hope the airports don't close."


"Nah, it's only going to dump a couple of inches." Anna says, winding the emergency radio and listening to the weather station. "They're not expecting any difficulties."


"Where've you been?" Abby asks him.


"Dr. Blake had a load of steel and wood delivered today, we had to accept delivery and get it in our workshop before it got ruined."


"Yeah, I remember her talking about that the last time she was here.


"Did you get it?" Anna asks David as he comes into the room to gather everybody for lunch.


"Yep, it's in my closet, I also stopped at the dollar store and got some wrapping paper. I'll wrap it up and put it under the tree when we decorate it. You know Josette, she doesn't get anything for herself unless she absolutely needs it."


They shake their heads at the stubbornness of their youngest lover.


There's some grumbling as everybody has to hunt for boots and gloves, but soon everybody is walking to the cafeteria, going across the grass where maintenance hasn't got to the sidewalks yet. Shaking out their coats and knocking the snow off the boots, they head inside, finding the room packed since the dorm monitors brought their charges in as well. Josette comes into the dining hall a few minutes later with Professor Druid, who'd obviously been sent to get her.


Principal Madison stands up and makes the announcement that the storm will be moving out by later tonight, from the moans the monitors had told the students that already but they'd hoped for different news.


"Must have tests." Susan chuckles.


"And new, they haven't figured out yet that the dorms get damn cold and boring without power during the winter." Alan snorts.


"Nope, the electrical engineer is getting the boys dorm one of them portable generators that hook into the a second panel in the circuit box. It's gas powered and the teachers will have to remember to turn the circuits off when the power goes out before they turn on the generator, shut off the generator and flip the breakers again when the power comes back on but the boys dorm will have power and heat now even if the electricity does go off. And it can be removed when the boys move into a new dorm. It's going to be delivered in a couple of days, only takes a few hours to install but again, he needs to shut off the electricity to install it. Maintenance has one of those smaller generators you can plug a couple extension cords in?" Everybody nods. "He'll use that for lights and powering his tools while he's installing the other generator."


"It has been dead in the laundry." Josette shakes her head. "Anybody else have to run into town tomorrow? I got my check Wednesday after we returned from town and I want to cash it. Professor Druid says the school paid you all for helping wash everybody's laundry that night and we got a bonus for picking up that stuff for the school?"


Everybody nods.


"Josette," Professor Druid says, coming to the table. "We've all agreed that nobody's coming to the laundry in this weather. Head back to your dorm after you finish eating. We shut the lights off before we left, right?"


Josette nods.


"I'll have maintenance check the building and lock it up for the day."


Josette nods again and they eat their fill before heading back to the dorm, Josette cleaning her room before finally looking at that envelope of gift cards. They're to various stores around New York and she shakes her head before locking the envelope back in the drawer, turning the gas fireplace on before pulling on a long sleeved shirt.


Picking up one of the library books she'd got earlier, she turns on the lamp next to her chair and settles down in her recliner. Three cats end up settled on and around her and she pets them while she reads, finally putting the book up on the table as Susan knocks on the door and tells her its time for dinner.


Checking to make sure the cats have food and water, she stomps into her boots and bundles in her coat and gloves before being pulled out the door to follow the others. Maintenance has cleared the sidewalks and parking lots, shoveling around cars when the plows and snowblowers couldn't get close enough and they walk to the dining hall without getting their feet wet.


"Is anybody else going to watch the specials on tv tonight?"


"Why?" Josette asks when everybody else said they would.


"Because we're going to be on tv?" Anna says, looking at her. "Don't tell me, you haven't even looked at the footage from the interviews we had earlier."


Josette smirks at her, and nods. "You told me not to tell you."


"Evil brat." David rolls his eyes. "We're all watching the interview with Ms. Sawyer tonight and then we'll switch over and watch the NBC special with Mr. Holt in the lounge. Everybody grab bags of snacks after we finish dinner."


"You guys are weird." Josette rolls her eyes. Seriously, what's the big deal about watching yourself on tv, they were already there when the interview happened.


"Yes, but you love us anyway." Alan smirks. Josette turns her attention back to the food on her tray. Druid comes over to the table with a set of keys and a folder that she hands Josette. "The time clock is in the office behind the checkout counter. Everything else should be covered by the information in the folder. We've set up a user account for you in the system, the information is in the folder also. It's set at a teacher level rather than a student worker level since you'll be taking over the library eventually."


Josette nods and puts the keys in her coat pocket, putting the folder by her chair with her hat and gloves. "I'll look it over tomorrow."


"Thank you for agreeing to take it over for finals week. We always have a hard time finding teachers to cover it, even with the reduced hours." Druid pats Josette on the shoulder and walks back to the head table as the students start coming into the room from the auditorium and their last talk with the university representatives.


After everybody's third meal, the group fills their bags at the snack area before heading back to their dorm and walks the puppies one last time for the night. Josette puts her folder from the library on the desk, her library keys going in the same locked drawer where she keeps the keys for the laundry before looking at the clock and taking a hot bath before pulling on a pair of flannel sleep pants and a t-shirt and grabbing her bag of snacks from the table and heading to the first floor lounge, finding the others heading that way as well as David turns the television on and turns it to the local ABC station as they start putting food out on the table.


"Alan, are you and the twins still planning on visiting your family next week?" David asks.


"Yeah, we planned on leaving Sunday morning and returning the following Saturday afternoon if you don't mind opening a tesseract for us."


"I offered, didn't I? Any news on whether your younger brothers are going to be attending school?"


"That's what we're going to be talking about with our parents next week. Adam is definitely a mutant, but we're not sure about Aaron yet. The bloodwork wasn't conclusive, he might end up staying in school back home."


"He wouldn't be the first student who's came through that didn't have an active mutation." David says. Josette nods. The special comes on and they start to watch it. Most of what is talked about Josette already knew, though she was glad to see the teachers were as disgusted as the students about what was going on. "How am I supposed to grade my students fairly when the administration will NOT secure their servers so some damn hacker changes their classes and grades on them? I don't blame the students for being angry, they've been putting up with this shit for nearly a month and the administration has done nothing to stop the attacks on our students."


The special had shown the grades for nearly two dozen students, a couple of them included, showing the fake grades next to the slips the students had gotten from the teachers after their finals and the class postings from their servers. "We can make sure our servers are protected, why can't they?" More than one teacher asks as when one of the administrators glares at her she snaps. "What are you going to do, tell me to leave to because I'm speaking out against you? Go right ahead, I'm more than ready to join the lawsuits against the university."


The demonstration by the students is shown, along with the arrests by the police when the university demands them. The police refuse to arrest the news crews filming the scene though and the attack by the university's police is in all its glory. They cut to a commercial and Josette grabs a paper plate full of snacks from the table, setting back down when the special comes back on. A statement from the city prosecutor denouncing the students arrests is shown next, by taking money from both the city and the state, the university is considered a public place and the right to peaceful protests are covered under the law. He ends the statement with saying no charges would be filed against the students. A spokesman from the arrested students is next stating that they intended to sue the university for false arrest. The stations had already announced that they'd be suing the university for the attack on the news crews and there wasn't any reaction from the university to the statements.


"Of course they're not reacting to it, they're still pretending it never happened, they've got their hands over their ears and are going 'la la, I can't hear you' like two year olds." Josette snorts.


Their interview is next and Diane is visibly glad to hear that everybody has been accepted at new universities. Everybody chuckles at the look on Josette's face when Diane asked if they had anything to say to the university, Principal Madison had given Josette his best 'don't you fucking dare look.


"What would you have done if the Principal hadn't been there?" David asks.


She turns around in her seat and slaps her right ass cheek. "To quote Aaron Tippin, Kiss This!"


Everybody laughs.


"Anybody heard anything from Ms. Sawyer about interview requests?"


"She and Principal Madison are going to talk to us tomorrow morning after breakfast."


Josette nods, settling back in the chair as David turns the channel to MSNBC when the report is over. The news the special would be repeated in a couple of minutes allows Josette to get up and refill her plate and glass of caffeine free pop before sitting back down.


"When are we going to put up the new tree?" Susan asks.


"How about the end of the week? By then we should be done with any interviews, we should have our books for next semester and we'll have had our physicals and you ladies should be back on birth control so we can turn down the lights and 'unwrap' our gifts under the tree."


The girls roll their eyes as the special starts airing. There's some new information on this channel and they all head to bed after the special goes off, stuffing the leftovers back in their bags and putting them in the twins and Josette's room.


The next morning finds Diane sitting back at the front table with Lester Holt again and Principal Madison nods at the group when they come in. After breakfast the two news anchors and Principal Madison come over to the table, they spend the day hammering out shows and interviews for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for the group. Josette gets into her car and drives into town, cashing her check at the bank. Stopping at the local superstore, she checks out christmas decorations and gets some wrapping supplies, getting some more at the dollar store before heading back to the school. Putting them on her table, she walks down the hall to check the mail.


"Oh lookie, another love letter from Screw U." Josette says as she opens her mailbox.


"What do they want now?" Anna asks from the doorway.


"For us to drop our suit and they'll oh so 'graciously' allow us to return to the university."


"Really, and the fact that we've already been accepted to other schools?"


"Can't possibly be the truth." Susan snorts. "After all, they're so special who wouldn't want to come crawling back over broken glass to beg for the opportunity to attend their school. Jackasses." She comes out of her room and opens her mailbox. "Might as well see what I got in the mail."


"Same thing?" Josette asks.


"Nope," she waves the letter in her hand. "I have to drop the suit or else they won't release my transcripts if I ever, oh gasp the horror, wish to attend a different university." Checking to see if anybody else has any letters, Josette pulls her new library keys from the dresser and goes to the library to copy them for their records. Pocketing the keys after she's made copies, she heads for the administration building. Joyce rolls her eyes when Josette walks into the office caroling 'they're ba-aaa-aacckk' and waves her into Principal Madison's office, saying that the newscasters and the school's lawyers were already in there.


Knocking on the door Josette opens it and waves the letters in her hand. A chorus of groans greet her and she grins. "Just Susan and I today, I was told to drop the suit or I wouldn't be allowed to come back to the university." She hands out the copies of the letters. "While Susan got a letter saying that unless she dropped the suit, the university wouldn't release her transcripts if she ever decided to go somewhere else."


"Which is illegal, the university doesn't have the right to refuse to release transcripts. Not that I'd trust anything they say anyway." the school lawyer sighs.


"Not when they already supposedly 'released our transcripts' to us and they were nothing but a bunch of lies. Is there some way we can get them to leave us alone?" Josette asks.


"Turn the letters over to my office when they arrive. I'll see if the court will consider this harrassment and issue a temporary restraining order. You keeping the originals in one place and handing out copies is a good practice."


"Called Cover your ass, the university isn't the only one who can do it." Josette snorts.


"Josette, you might think about finding a safer place to put the originals." Principal Madison says. "You can put them in my safe if you want."


"David brought a firesafe when we were to the warehouse store this weekend. I'll put them in as soon as I get back to the dorm."


"Good." They turn their attention back to the discussion after Josette leaves. "Are they insane?" Principal Madison asks. "Or just assholes so in love with their own power they can't believe anybody would dare to stand up to them?"


"Your guess is as good as mine." the lawyer sighs. "I'll talk to a judge but I'm afraid he'll just say that the letters are annoying, not threatening."


"Isn't that the same line they use when abusive husbands drive past the homes and workplaces of their wives when they've finally had enough and left them, refusing their requests for protective orders and pretend to be shocked when the husband breaks in and kills his wife?"


"Unfortunately yes." the school lawyer scowls. "As part of my suit, I'll insist the university's administration, or former administration if the rumors of the state investigating the situation and coming in to take the school over are correct, have no further contact with the kids and introduce copies of the letters as evidence if the school balks.


"Is there any problems about the kids not being available for interviews Wednesday?"


"No any of the programs that air Wednesdays can show interviews taped earlier in the studios. Only a few shows tape live, mainly the View, the Talk, and the morning shows." Diane grins. "The twins are going to have to get a second autograph book for their mother." Lester looks at her. "When I was here earlier the twins had purchased an autograph book, Hoda Kotb and I took it around the offices while we were at ABC and NBC and got autographs for their mother."


They walk over to the dorm, Lester looking around the school grounds before they walk inside. "Can I have everybody in the first floor lounge?" he calls as Josette comes down the hallway with an armful of sheets, towels, and blankets, opening the hatch and dropping them down the laundry chute. The others come out of their rooms or the basement and gather in the room as Principal Madison goes over their schedule for interviews this week. "Girls, if you need a second autograph book for your mother I'd get it now because we're flying out as soon as Josette finishes the laundry tonight for the morning shows."


"We brought two more this weekend at the mall, we thought we'd need them." Abby grins. Anna nudges her and Abby hands over the first book, Lester smiling as he autographs it for the twins mother. They head back to the administration building to finish making arrangements for the interviews while Josette finishes stripping the guest beds and bathrooms while Anna comes in behind her with the vacuum and Susan cleans the bathrooms. Checking the clock, they all head to lunch, Josette grabs her school bag, stuffs her laptop into it, and pushes the cart through the tunnels into the laundry when they get back.


Unlocking the commercial washers, she starts everything washing, sitting at the table and checking up on the latest news of the university drama while the machines run. The beep from the machines makes her look up and she throws everything into the dryers, locks the washers back down and sits back down at the table. Forty-five minutes later, the wool blankets always take longer to dry than the sheets and towels, she bundles everything into the cart before locking the dryers back down, shutting down her laptop and putting it back in her bag, and heading down the hall to the other room, folding everything and wrapping the sheets and towels. The blankets are laid in the bottom and the towels that had been used to dry the puppies are laid on top to be reunited with the rest of the package still in Josette's bathroom before she starts pushing the cart through the tunnels. David opens the door from the inside and helps carries everything up.


Looking at the clock, she starts putting everything away, putting the loose towels in her bathroom with the others and putting her laptop on the desk before heading to the dining hall for dinner. The group comes into the dining hall and fill their trays, Principal Madison nodding at them as they sit down. After eating, and filling their bags with snacks that Josette has Anna take back to the dorm for her, Josette heads back to the laundry and checks in, shaking out sheets and towels and starting them running. Putting her arms over her head, she starts a series of stretching exercise designed to relax her and walks to the other room. The machines are cleaned and the supply dispenser and emergency closet is checked before she sweeps the floor and shuts the lights back off before walking down the hallway again.


The dryers are nearly finished running and she moves the dorm's cart around to the folding and wrapping machines so she can wrap and put them in the cart before pulling the smaller cart to the dryer as it beeps its completion.


The sheets nearly tumble from the machine when she opens it and she pulls everything into the cart, checking to make sure the machine is empty before pushing the cart to the machine and puts a sheet in the machine, walking around to grab it when it comes from the other end and walking back to run a second sheet. The second cart of sheets is run through and she starts wrapping them and putting them in the cart before doing the towels. Clocking out, the pushes the cart through the tunnels to the girls dorm and walks back to her own, coming up to find Ms. Sawyer, Mr. Holt and Principal Madison waiting for her.


Anna pushes a duffel bag and her purse towards her. "We already packed a couple days worth of clothes for you, even though we should be coming back tomorrow night. We're leaving now that you're here."


Josette sighs but walks outside to the school shuttle van that's parked behind their dorm, settling in the back as the adults go over the interview schedule as they drive into Boston.


Josette curls up against David's side and does a series of deep breathing exercises that send her into a nap even before they take off. She's not the only one and Principal Madison chuckles as he shakes blankets out over the sleeping youngsters before taking his seat.


"Josette, time to wake up." Josette makes a complaining sound and burrows against David's side some more. "Josette." Principal Madison says.


"I can't pretend this is just a bad dream, can I?" Josette complains.


"'Fraid not."


Josette opens her eyes, releasing her seat belt before standing up and stretching. Following everybody into a shuttle bus, they drive through the streets of New York, looking up at the tall buildings. "I put the envelope of gift cards in your bag," Anna tells her. "Just in case we get to do some shopping while we're in New York."


Josette shakes her head as they get in an elevator and go up to the makeup and wardrobe rooms. "My dear, you look like you slept in those clothes."


"Uhh yeah, I did. We left Massachusetts around one and I slept on the plane." Josette snorts. The woman tuts and comes back with a covered bag, unzipping it.


"Not even to bury me, and then I'd come back to haunt you." she says at the outfit. A voice that sounds familiar laughs behind her and she turns around, getting a complaint from the woman next to her.


"Ms. Savage?"


"Yes Josette," Pat comes up behind her. "You sound like Bethany here when I first got her to wear something special." She shakes her head and helps the women get a protesting Josette into the outfit. "Not what I would have chosen for you but it suits you."


"Principal Madison?"


"Dr. Savage, what are you doing here?" Jolt turns around at the familiar voice and finds not one but two men he knows looking at him. "Mr. . . Wolverine."


"That will do Bub," Logan says, wishing he had a cigar to chew on. "What are you doing here?"


"The kids are being interviewed again about the nonsense University of Massachusetts, Boston is pulling."


Doc looks at him. "Josette is here?" he asks hushed. Principal Madison looks first at him then at Logan and does a face palm. "Josette's father?"


"Grandfather." he says.


"The girls are in there, the boys are across the hall."


"Patricia is in there." The door opens and Josette comes storming down the hall towards the bathroom, a chuckling Patricia following her. "They have a point, the tennis shoes don't really match the dress."


"I don't see why I need to wear high heels, nobody's going to be looking at my feet." Josette complains as she's led back into the fitting room. Principal Madison waits until the door is firmly shut before he starts laughing.


"Pat dealt with Bethany's refusal to dress up, she can deal with Josette." Doc smiles. "I've got to head to makeup for my own interview. Thank you for getting back to me so soon about Josette, James."


"No problem Bub, I'm glad to see you're not denying her. she may seem tough, but she's been through a lot. Break it to her gently."


Josette and the others head to makeup, Josette's hair pulled back into a french braid and hair spray liberally sprayed over it to hold it in place before she's made up and heads to the green room to wait for their interview time. Pat sits next to her and they talk quietly.


"Kids, where do you want to go after we get done with today's interviews for a couple of hours, the library with the lions or central Park? We'll be back Thursday so you can decide where to go then."


Josette looks at Anna. "Yes, I packed your camera so we can take pictures of you on the lions."


"The Library." Josette says excitedly. The others nod.


"Okay, Thursday we'll go the statue of liberty and Friday we'll go to Times square."


"What about Wednesday?" Doc asks.


"The kids are going to visit Dr. Blake and take their physicals." Principal Madison says.


Dr. Savage is called onto the set first, the others watching his interview on the tv in the green room before they're shown to an area just offstage, the hosts announcing who was coming on next and the camera panning over them.


After what seems to be an hour of hell but is only fifteen minutes when they look at the clock later the interview is finished and Josette's allowed to get her own clothes back on. Patricia walks the girls out to where the boys and Principal Madison are waiting to go to a late breakfast, running a hand lightly over her hair as they get into the elevator.


After they eat they're put in a shuttle and head to another studio where once again Josette is dressed up and waits in a green room. Diane had came with them and she returns with the blank autograph book Abby had given her, the girls smiling as they look at the names in it before handing it to Principal Madison and walking on stage to be interviewed by the women of the view.


Patricia and Dr. Savage are waiting for them when they emerge, distracting the teens about this great restaurant a few blocks away as Principal Madison and Diane put bags and boxes in the back of the van. They get in Josette sitting by Dr. Savage and his cousin and drive down to the restaurant, an older woman coming out of the back and talking excitedly with Dr. Savage and his cousin while Bethany walks everybody into the back room and the boys push tables together. Nobody is allowed to order but a few minutes later thick platters of food come out of the kitchen and are put on the tables.


"Eat, eat, plenty more in the kitchen." She says in accented English.


Thank you goddess of the kitchen. Josette says in Italian. The woman wraps her arms around her, hugs and kisses her. "The bambino knows Italiano."


"I learned it in high school." she admits and the woman babbles something, Josette smiles and says something back before she goes back to the kitchen.


"So you know two languages?" Patricia smiles.


"I know five actually." Patricia and even Clark look at her stunned. "I grew up in California and my mom spent a lot of time in martial arts dojos. I grew up speaking English and Japanese. When I arrived in school I signed up for French as my freshman language class, then I took Italian my sophomore year and finally Spanish my junior year."


After even Josette is stuffed and the leftovers put in styrofoam and put in a bag in the back of the van they head to the library, Anna twisting around in her seat, finding Josette's bag and unzipping it to pull out Josette's camera and the envelope of gift cards, putting the envelope in Josette's purse and the camera in Josette's pocket as they park in a garage a couple of blocks away.


They walk up to the library, David boosting Josette up on the statue after she's handed Anna the camera and Josette mugs for the camera before Doc lifts her down. He helps the others up and Josette snaps pictures of them all playing around on the lions. The others had expected to be bored but everybody finds something to look at and they leave a few hours later.


They head back to the NBC studios for the evening interview to air as part of Rock Center tomorrow night after Clark, Patricia, and Bethany have to leave and finally drag themselves back out to the airport around nine p.m., Josette nodding when Principal Madison says she can do both loads of laundry tomorrow night. Arriving at the Boston airport at midnight, there's a school shuttle and and a newsvan waiting for them, they get back to the school around one in the morning, everybody is greeted by animal kisses and crawl into bed.


In Eureka later that morning Jack Carter pulls his gun and backs away from the opening that just appeared in the middle of the Sheriff's office. Deputy Lupo looks over and just snorts. "Dr. Stark, Dr. Blake, your visitors are arriving." She yells towards the other room. "It's okay Carter, that's just their godson. He went to a boarding school in Massachusetts for high school now he's in his first year of university out there, Dr. Blake's gone out a couple times to spend a couple days with him and his friends. Carter holsters his gun but still doesn't look convinced as Nathan and Allison come up on either side of Carter, Stark grabbing his ass and making him squeak. Lupo pretends not to see the little jump as eight young adults step through the shimmering opening and it vanishes.


Allison hugs and kisses everybody on the cheek as she introduces Jack to the youngest son of the Sanders family, he nods he knows the family well thanks to the multiple lab accidents at Global Dynamics they've been hired to fix. The identical twins are Anna and Abby Covington, and the blond that looks like them is introduced to him as their older brother Alan. A tiny little thing that plops into the chair by his desk and starts swearing is introduced as Josette Takahawa. A dark haired young woman who is introduced as Susan James pats her shoulder, while the other two young men are introduced as Alexander Jackson and Michael Addison.


"I hope you guys aren't too hungry, I forgot about the time difference when I told you not to eat this morning."


"We all just got out of bed." Josette yawns. "I slept over eight hours and I'm still tired. I'm not this tired when I've worked overnight at the laundry and stayed up the next day."


"Three interviews in one day will do that." Michael says. "When we started getting popular we went on a lot of press junkets and we were ready to literally drop when we were done."


"Everybody roll your sleeves up, we'll draw blood and then we can take you over to Vincent's for breakfast while we work on getting a lab here in town ready for you." Two other men come into the room with medical equipment, Allison introduces them as Pieter Cross and Charles McNider and they soon have the bloodwork drawn and all eight youngsters are ushered across the street to a cafe and shown into the back. Before their meals come, two older people come into the room and hug David, Allison introduces David's parents to the others when they let him go.


The food starts arriving soon afterwards and Josette sets down to eating, a new plate put down in front of her as soon as her old one is empty. Nathan, Pieter, and Charles blink but everybody else just chuckle as she eats four large platefuls of food and Vincent smiles at her as she wipes her mouth and sighs.


"Feeling better now." David asks.


"Yeah." Josette takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes.


"How is the fight against the university coming."


"We haven't checked our mail from yesterday, but Monday Susan and I got letters from the university after you left. I was told to drop my lawsuit or they wouldn't allow me to return to school."


"You don't plan on going back to that. . ." Allison growls.


"Ah but you have to realize, they think they're god's gift to humanity and can do whatever they want and we're just supposed to put up with their shit for the privilege of attending their school. They don't realize that this keeps up and nobody's going to want to attend their school." Anna snorts.


"And I got a letter saying that I had to drop the lawsuit or they wouldn't release my transcripts if I ever wanted to attend a different school."


"That's illegal." David's mother scowls. "they can't hold your transcripts hostage."


"That and they already released our transcripts after our finals because we were leaving the school, and they were nothing but lies, filled with classes we didn't sign up for, grades we didn't get, and not worth the paper they're written on." she snorts.


David's phone beeps. "It's Principal Madison." he says as he accepts the call. "Yes Principal Madison?" He listens to the phone and nods.


"We need to head back to school, Fed Ex just arrived with boxes for us that we need to sign for." He kisses his Mom and Dr. Blake on their cheeks. "Be right back." he says as he opens a tesseract.


"Come back to the Sheriff's office, we should have your badges ready by then." Allison tells him. He nods and they walk through the opening. "You and Nathan need to beat David." she tells David's father.


David's mother blinks. "What happened?"


"When I first went out to their school, I asked David if he knew anywhere where we could talk privately. He and the others took me to a island hideaway they made. . .in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle."


"Please tell me you're joking." Nathan sighs.


"I wish." Allison moans.


At the school they walk out of the dorm and down the sidewalk to the administration building, seeing the large truck parked outside. Walking in, Joyce points them out to the driver. Everybody signs forms and get receipts, looking at the large pile of boxes as the driver pulls away. Alan puts the whole pile into subspace and they walk back to the dorm, Alan dumping the boxes in the front of the dorm as they check the mail, tossing it in their rooms before they head back to the Sheriff's office. This time Carter is expecting them and drives them to the lab in town. They pass a construction site and David asks him to stop a minute, seeing his cousin in the distance.




Carter squeaks suddenly as a large cardboard box appears on a beat up desk chair next to David.


"Be right back." David grins. "Oh Jenn-Jenn, present for you." he says in a sing-song voice as he comes up to her.


"You shouldn't have. . . really." Jennifer says when he comes up. "Isn't that Josette's desk chair?"


"Yes, I know you wanted to take care of it when you were there earlier. And the dorm's old Christmas tree."


"You give me the best presents." Jenn rolls her eyes and disintegrates them. "I'm expecting a good Christmas present."


David kisses her on the cheek. "You're the best." He gets back into the car.


Four long hours later after everybody has been poked and prodded, Josette even had an eye exam, and Michael and Alexander introduced to a group of agents and signed with one, who is stunned when Allison calmly tells him who he just signed, David hugs his Mom, backs slowly away from his Father and Godfather when they look at him and start flexing their hands, and they leave Eureka after promising the others they'd be back in a few weeks.


Arriving back at the dorm, Josette looks at the clock and then at the boxes still piled by the door. "Let's get these in our rooms and go to dinner."


"I . . .don't remember there being that many boxes before." Alan says slowly.


"There's a note." Josette reaches for it, then nods. "UPS arrived with a second set of boxes after we left. These didn't have to be signed for so Joyce had maintenance bring them to the dorm."


"What were you talking to Grammy Allison and one of GD's lawyers about?" David asks.


"Dr. Blake seems to think that I should have been receiving social security payments since my mom died when I was twelve. They're looking into the records."


David nods as Josette picks up the first box on the pile. "Abby."


Soon all the boxes are sorted out, all have at least five, Josette has a whopping eight and they're carried to their rooms and put against a wall as the girls put away the bags they'd received from the pharmacy in Eureka and stare at those oh so innocent looking envelopes before picking them up. Carefully opening the envelopes, Josette reads her mail, tossing most of it in the wastebasket by her desk as trash. A private letter is the last and she carefully opens it, sighing as she sees it's from Logan.


/Hey kid, you looked good at the studio today. I'm mailing this in New York so you should be getting it tomorrow.


You know I told you that I told your father's family about you. You probably think that they don't want anything to do with you, but oh baby, that's not true.


Your friend Doc and his cousin, Patricia. . . Yeah kid, they're your grandparents. I know you know about Vampires, Doc's one. A couple centuries old. He and Pat have been together forever, but Doc's got a vampires sex drive and he's had some of the women he's rescued over the years. He's usually had their boyfriends or husbands too, but that's another story.


Doc's had a few children over the years from them, he gave their folks money until they were eighteen and they never knew anybody other than their 'dad' was their father. So when I told him I thought that he had a grandchild, he thought I meant one of those kids kids.


When he met you a couple weekends ago and you brought him to your room? He recognized your Mom's picture, just like I did. He's been trying to get hold of me ever since that day to see if it was you I was talking about.


Doc and Pat love you kid, don't ever think any different.




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