Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup


"Madam Pince, will you please escort me to the library so I can see the damage my idiot son caused?" Arthur says. The woman who'd seemed old when he was a student nods and they walk to the library.

"What did the fool do?"

"He started out by destroying the essay his sister had been working on because she was working and not paying attention to him. That progressed to grabbing a book and throwing it, hitting Mr. Malfoy on the back of the head. He sent his goons to kill your son, he jumped on the table and kicked them then started turning his attention to objects on the tables, kicking books, parchment, and bottles of ink until the students grabbd them. After jumping to another table he tried knocking over the first shelf, when it didn't fall over he started throwing books from it until he could knock it over. That shelf knocked over the others and he was starting on a second when we stopped him."

"What a mess. Let me guess, you told him he'd have to clean this up and he bleated that you were being mean to him."


"Stay here, I'm going to yell at Ron while Molly sees this. Once she sees this mess she'll want to kill him. And I gotta go talk to the other kids before they go to bed." Arthur sends Molly to the library when he's back in the office and he can swear he hears her screaming.

"Poppy, can we blame this on the potions?" he asks hopefully as he leaves the office, Poppy is waiting outside with what he knows is a calming draught in her hand.

"I'm afraid not Arthur, this is all your son. If he was that badly injured I'd have kept him in the hospital wing."

"That's what I was afraid of." He sighs.

"Gin-Gin, I'm so sorry your idiot brother ruined your schoolwork." Arthur hugs her, then the twins. Harry and Hermione are nearby and they get a father hug too.

"Dad, can I beat him? I've got to be up all night working on it since it's due tomorrow?"

"Which class, Miss Weasley?" Albus asks from the doorway. "I'll tell your teacher what happened and give you a week's extension."

"Transfiguration Headmaster."

"I'll tell Minerva in the morning, though as . . ." the portrait hole behind him opens. "Ah good Minerva, I was just telling everybody that the gossip about Mr. Weasley destroying his sister's essay was probaby circulating through the castle. You can give her an extension, can't you? Otherwise she'll be up all night working on it."

"Of course, it's not your fault your brother's a little twit. May I?" She takes the parchment from her and shakes her head. "Stupid little brat, I'd have thought better of one of my lions deliberately sabotaging another student's work, especially if it was a sibling. I'd expect that of one of Severus's snakes. Take a week to hand it in to me, you need your sleep. And your brother needs to be beaten."

"I think Molly is taking care of that for you." Albus's lips twitch.

"But Mum. . ." Ron whines in the library as he's dragged into the room. "The house elves can take care of everything. I'm hurt."

"You're going to be even more hurt if you con't start scrubbing the ink you knocked over off the tables."

"But it will dry." he whines.

"Start.Scrubbing." His mother orders.

"No." He crosses his arms over his chest. His Mummy will have to say this is a joke any second, kissing his forehead and sending him to his room. A smack on the arse from the paddle Albus hands her with his lips twitching has him jumping.

"Get to work you lazy little git."

Ron whines the entire time he's scrubbing at the tables. His mother had gotten tired of him complaining and silenced him. Once he's done he looks over at Madam Pince.

"Clean the rest of the table, I'm not having one spot look different than the rest of it. Then scrub the chairs when you're done." He tries to walk away and is hexed.

"Get.Your.Useless.Arse.Back.To.Work. Once you have everything scrubbed you can either sleep. Tomorrow you'll scrub the floor, pick up the books you threw around. . .and if any are damaged I'm taking them out of your hide, then pick up the shelves. Putting all the books away is going to take the longest time."

"No." he tries to say but he's still silenced.

"Oh yes you will, you little prick. You caused this mess and you get to fix it."

Ron makes a hand waving motion, pretending to use a wand to wave everything back to rights.

"No, you don't get off that easy. You didn't use magic to cause this mess, you're not using magic to fix it."

"But that's not fair." he bleats.

"Life isn't fair, get back to scrubbing."

Meanwhile a fuming Draco is writing a letter to his Daddy, he's going to hurt Weasley when he hears about this. An arm reaches over his shoulder and the letter taken and ripped up. He turns around in his chair to yell at whoever dared to take his letter, finding the head of his house behind him.

"Grow up Malfoy, everybody's tired of you running whining to your Daddy when you don't get your own way. Your father doesn't have the power to protect you anymore so stop it. . . Now." Turning around he looks at the others who are sniggering at the former Slytherin Prince's downfall and leaves the dorm, his robes billowing around him.

"Attention students," Albus says the next morning, standing up at the head table. "As the rumors are no doubt running rampant through the castle, I'll give you the news straight from the horse's mouth as it were."

"More like the horse's arse." Minerva mutters. Albus gives her that 'I'm so disappointed in you' look that she waves off with a 'whatever'.

"Mr. Weasley did indeed go on a tear in the school library because he was bored, throwing books and ink bottles, everybody who needs more ink or a replacement quill please see Minerva so sombody can floo to Diagon and get more, on the tables before starting on the shelves. He is currently cleaning the ink from the tables and chairs in the library then will be scrubbing the floor, picking up the books, righting the shelves, and shelving the books. . .all by hand. Until he is finished to our satisfaction the library is closed."

"Awwww, poor Won-Won, having to clean up the mess he made." Ginny cooes, then laughs. "The first time he's ever cleaned up after himself. He's probably still complaining about everybody being mean to him."

"If anybody besides Miss Weasley has damaged schoolwork, please contact your teacher for an extension. Thank you."

Three students beyond Ginny approach Professor McGonagall, she nods and sends a seventh year who's got a free morning off to pick up the supplies. He hands her the bag when he's back and she delivers the ink and quills to the students beds.

"Is that one always like that?" Fleur asks Harry at lunch.

"Ron? He's an idiot and doesn't like being told what to do. He's already failed his first year three times and is being forced to do his schoolwork by a personal tutor in the hopes that this time he'll pass. He doesn't like being forced to work so he's miserable."

"And the Goblet selected one such as him for the Champion?" Viktor asks.

Ginny makes a rude snorting sound. "He's in it for the glory, he fully expects the world to bow down and kiss his arse for being the Hogwarts Champion. I think a hell of a lot of students put his name in it hoping the little shit would be killed during one of the tasks. He plans on using his fame as Hogwarts champion to get more quidditch teams begging to sign him, he fully expects his beloved Chudley Cannons to sign him as a starting player the minute he turns of age so he can turn the team around and lead them back to glory. The little shit has never played on a house team but that doesn't matter to him. He's been pulling shit like this all year, normally he'd just be lazy and ignore the teachers when they try to give him assignments or detention. Like Harry said, he's being forced to work and he's miserable."

"Your parents are fine with this?"

"Not really, they thought that his first year was a fluke and his second year stuff happened at the school that meant he couldn't buckle down and concentrate on his grades."

Harry snorts this time. "The fact that he had to be forced to do schoolwork and study over the summer and retest to pass should have been a clue that Ron is a lazy git."

"Ahhh, but Ron's her baby boy, she ignores stuff like that."

"He was offered the chance to take his tests over and still failed them?"

"Three times, by then Mum had to plead to get him to come to Hogwarts again. If he fails this year, he's out of chances. He won't be coming back to Hogwarts."

"Not that the Professors wouldn't kill him after this year. . .and we've still got most of it to go." Hermione says. "And to adlib a muggle saying, the worst is yet to come."

The others sigh and nod.

It takes Ron a week to scrub the tables, chairs, floor, and right the bookshelves.

"What do you mean I have to put the books away by hand. There's got to be thousands of them."

"You took them out, you put them back."

"Accio them yourself you stuck up bi. . .AHHH!" He screams as he's hit with a hex and lays shaking on the floor.

"Do NOT insult me again boy, you won't like it." Madam Pince says, her wand in her hand. "Get up. I will give you the name of a book, you will search through the tables until you find it. Bring it to me. If it is the right book you can shelve it and we'll move to the next one.

"But that will take forever." he whines. "Madam Umbridge still has me doing schoolwork and potions after dinner."

"Awww, poor baby." She drawls. "Get to work or my next hex isn't going to be so gentle."

Ron whimpers, whines, and complains until she silences him again, calling out books and watching as Ron looks through the piles, bringing the books up to her when he finds them.

Three weeks after Ron's little 'fun' the library is finally reopened. Ron slumps into his chair in his room, thinking that now he can relax. . .at least until Umbitch arrives with more books and a list of essays to write. He starts whining until he's hexed.

"Shut.Up. You lost three weeks to your little temper tantrum, Christmas break and the ball is coming up soon. You've got to work even harder to make up for all that lost time.

Ron whines. He's got more schoolwork to do? It's not fair.

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