Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
[Reviews - 13] LikedPrinter
Summary: Straight Avengers, Darcy Lewis centric. She basically has to find a real life when she makes a choice. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not fun, sometimes it's not pretty.

Was named Unfinished Darcy Lewis story (to be named later)
Rated: FRC
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None
Genres: AU, Humor
Warnings: Angst, Character Bashing, Cute Kid, Het
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes
Word count: 349715 Read: 360104
Published: 2016.10.10 Updated: 2017.11.23
Story Notes:
Eventually it'll have a tiny bit of Jane bashing for her lack of adulting, and a cute kid. Not for a while actually. Some het, some mentioned femslash, mostly all fade to black so far. That might change later.

1. Part 1 by voracity [Reviews - 2] Liked (18207 words)

2. Part 2 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (19138 words)

3. Part 3 by voracity [Reviews - 4] Liked (17205 words)

4. Part 4 by voracity [Reviews - 1] Liked (19226 words)

5. Part 5 by voracity [Reviews - 1] Liked (23329 words)

6. Part 6 by voracity [Reviews - 1] Liked (21119 words)

7. Part 7 by voracity [Reviews - 1] Liked (21963 words)

8. Part 8 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (17689 words)

9. Part 9 by voracity [Reviews - 1] Liked (20383 words)

10. Part 10 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (27829 words)

11. Part 11 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (38744 words)

12. Part 12 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (15490 words)

13. Part 13 by voracity [Reviews - 1] Liked (19340 words)

14. Part 14 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (17396 words)
Because it's been a shitty week all around.

15. Part 15 by voracity [Reviews - 1] Liked (14297 words)

16. Part 16 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (24405 words)

17. Part 17 by voracity [Reviews - 0] Liked (13955 words)