Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Chapter 10

Al looked up as Celia and Antonio Dala stomped into the police station. Celia hadn't been able to come tonight and Antonio had been at home probably, or out partying on his own since he hadn't been invited. "I don't know, guys. She went to get a virgin drink at the bar and disappeared. The cops are looking at the tapes to see and have put out an alert for her since she's officially missing."

Antonio Dala looked at the nearest officer. "Any idea on my handler's kidnaper at least? We know there's been a few trifling hos at the center and a group that'd *love* for her to be married to them so she could compete for their team."

"He told us, sir. It'll be at least another few minutes before we're finished with the tape and the bartender." Antonio scowled but sat down. Celia sat on Al's other side, patting him on the hand. "Has anyone called her family?"

"She's split from them," Al said. "Her aunt wanted to be her manager and tried to force things on her. Her caretaker and all-but adopted father works at the center with her. You'll know he's here. The temperature will drop thirty degrees from his glare." The officer nodded, making a note of that.

"Her aunt has faded into the shadows of the midwest," Celia told him. "We doubt she's even contacted Beth in the last few months. She sent her a birthday postcard that hoped she was finally making money from that 'fencing thing' as she put it."

"So probably not her." He sent that note back to the interrogation room.

An officer came out to stare at them. "The bartender said the guy paid him because he was playing a game with his wife."

"She's being courted by some UAE families to come start their olympic fencing team," Al said dryly. "They only take virgins and make them marry into a decent family."


"Did you look up the one last year?" Al said dryly. "When she had to kill two people to get herself free?"

"We have. It's locked by the FBI. They've nicely sent over the file though." He looked at Mr. Dala. "She's your...."

"Handler at the center. That's part trainer, part nagging source, and part assistant to make sure we get to meets."

"All right. Why would anyone want her?"

"She's ranked third in the country in fencing," Al said simply. "They don't have a women's olympic team."

"Oh. Okay, so she's higher profile in a sport that gets no attention but they can start their own group and get out of some 'women don't compete' complaints." Celia nodded. "You're all her trainees?" They nodded. "All right. Any idea how we can find her quickly?"

"Her phone has the GPS turned on," Al said. "I told the first guys that when we didn't find her phone at the club."

"Why were you guys there?"

"To make her immune from the UAE wanting her," Celia said simply, staring at him. "If they only want purer women...."

"Gotcha," he agreed, going back there to talk to the others.

"I think it's time I unleash the power of Hilda," Antonio said, calling her. "Hilda, don't hang up, it's an emergency and it's not me. Yes, I'm in a police station but my handler was kidnaped. Yes, Beth. She's a very nice young woman. They were at a club making her immune from the UAE's stalking problem." He listened. "Yeah, that's why. Apparently someone paid the bartender saying she was his wife. Can you? That'd be great please. Before they hurt her? Even better. No, last time she had to kill people." He shivered, looking around. "Bill's here. The temperature just dropped."

Al looked. "Bill, they think they found who did it."

"They had better find them before my contacts find them." He looked at the officer. Who told the others he was there. "Where is my adopted daughter?"

"Um... You are?" He held out a card. "Oh. We heard she had been all but adopted by you."

"Her aunt would've fussed."


"I have power of attorney for her."

"Oh, all right then. We have notices up at all the airports and train stations."

"Private flights?"

"Yes, sir."

"How soon will we know and do I need to pull up the GPS on her phone for you?"

"Please. It'll be faster."

Bill pulled out his phone and got into it, showing him where it was reading. A small private airfield. He called out there to their security teams, who boarded the plane to check on her. The guys with her tried to protest she was drunk and sick but they pulled her off anyway citing illegal passport use. The officer smiled when they went to the airport to help her. He relaxed against the desk. "I had no idea that athletes were that tough."

"Yeah, some are," the desk sergeant agreed. "They warned me the temp would drop when the older guy got here."

"Yes it did. No wonder she had to go to a sex club," he muttered as he walked off.


Beth woke with a jerk, looking around the hospital room. "What the hell! Where am I!" she shouted. "I do consent to be held against my will!"

Bill walked in with coffee. "Good. The state department has been having words with the ones we had arrested for having you in their custody." She took the coffee to sip. He smiled. "You're safe. That's all that matters." She stared up at him. "They drugged you pretty hard, kiddo." He kissed her on the head. "Rest. You've got at least all day in here while they make sure it all comes out and doesn't ruin your kidneys." She snorted but got comfortable scowling when the nurses came in. Bill poked her. "Be nicer."

"I'm trying."

"Thank you."

"Sorry, I'm in a foul mood after being kidnaped for the second time," she told the nurse.

She patted her on the arm. "It'll be fine, dear. All those nasty drugs will be out of your system soon." She looked at Bill then left. When officers got there to take her statement she heard that the girl hadn't been fantasizing. Oh, dear. They got a security guard up to their floor to watch over her, just in case.

Al came in to spare Bill, staring at her until she woke up. "You scared the hell out of us."

She smiled. "I was scared as hell," she quipped.

"I can see why." He patted her on the hand. "I'm told they're moving your apartment to one on the other end of the floor."

"That's cool." She yawned. "These drugs suck."

"Yes they do. Thankfully you'll have the hospital reports to back you up if you get popped for a drug test." She nodded, drifting off again with him guarding her. He grinned at the nurse when she came in for the nighttime check of her IV. "She'll need a copy of her records in case she gets popped for a drug test," he said quietly.

"I'm sure anyone doing one would hate her having OD'd, sir. Do you really think that's wise?"

"I think she was kidnaped and it took agents to get her off that plane," he said dryly. "We can get a statement from the officers or the State Department for that." She snorted. Al waved in someone arguing with a nurse in the hall. "Director Bell, they seem to think Beth did this to herself."

"No, according to the police reports, the bartender gave her part of it and the two people trying to kidnap her gave her the rest. So said the reports from the locals, the airport security cops, and the State Department's people." The nurse gaped. Director Bell smiled. "She's a high quality athlete in a well respected sport. They wanted her for that." She nodded, going to tell the other nurses. He looked at Al. "What did you go to Amanda to get done? I can have Bill do it so he's not growling at everyone."

"They turned down my concealed carry permit," he said dryly.

"I'll have Bill fix that, Al." He patted him on the back. "How is she?"

"She's still worn out from the detoxing but they said she'll be fine."

"Good. I'll make sure her records reflect what actually happened, not what some pouty resident in the ER thought happened. Her room's been moved." He handed him the key. "I have no doubt you'll be there with her." He left.

Al tucked the keys into his pocket, going back to staring at her until she woke up to drink some more water.


Beth walked into her apartment, looking around. "It's all the same but opposite," she said, staring at her bedroom door. "And someone moved the tv out here."

"No cable plug in the bedroom," Celia said. Beth gave her a hug then Bill then Antonio since he was there, then Al since he had brought her home against the nurses fussing.

"It's great, thanks, guys."

"Welcome," Al quipped. "The nurses wanted her to stay for another day to fight the dehydration and crankiness."

"She can get like that when she's sick," Bill said, coming out to tuck her under a throw blanket on the couch. He got her a cup of tea. She grinned, kissing him on the cheek. "Good. You rest. We'll figure out things when you're ready to get back to work next week."

"I get a week off?"

"You do. The doctor that released you said to and to drink a lot of water." He grinned.

"Don't worry, we'll come up to tell you all the gossip," Antonio said. "I've already gotten my first suspension for fighting." He looked up but grinned at her. "Hilda was *so* amused but said I should've kicked him harder."

Bill looked at him. "It's not nice to pick on the guy who wants to be a younger you."

"True but it was worthwhile."

"It means you have time to do paperwork," Beth quipped.

"Yeah, don't remind me. Hilda does plenty of nagging about that." She smirked at him. He smirked back. "You're a tiny bit evil."

"Yes I am."

Al and Celia nodded at that. They had seen her being evil. Celia cleared her throat. "Amanda has straightened out a problem created by one of the upper trainers who changed a schedule by accident."

"Accident?" she asked.

"Accident," Bill agreed. "They saw the held seat and took it for their person."

"Did it get fixed?"

"It did. We got them another seat."

"Okay, as long as I don't have to worry about it. Anyone heard anything from the FIE?"

"No, nothing from the fencing organizations."

"Good. That's really good news." She sipped her tea, getting comfortable. "I'm sorry if I nap, you guys."

"It's a good idea," Antonio said. "Napping cures a lot of sicknesses."

"It does," Bill agreed. He went back to fixing dinner for everyone. Celia let Beth sleep on her shoulder, Al letting her curl up against his thigh. It was good Beth had friends.


Richard showed up the next day, leaning in the doorway when she opened the door. "Are you all right?"

"I'm better and they saved me from the plane."

He blinked a few times. "The rumors stated you did it to yourself." He shifted his weight.

"No, the bartender at the club drugged me and then I got more on the plane they were going to fly me away on. Who said I did it to myself?"

"Half of everyone," he said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good. Still a bit fuzzy feeling. Kinda tired. I have a week off to do extra homework."

"That's one way to encourage a nap," he said dryly. "Did they find out who?"

"Same family as far as I know."

"Great." He stared at her. "Want me to start spreading it back the other way?"

"Please. If Al and Celia haven't I don't know why."

"They're off today. So is Bill. They're all in the office answering questions to an agent."

"Ah. I guess I'll be there later." He smiled. "Go practice."

"Yes, ma'am." He left, going down to the gym. "Hey, Toby," he said when he found him. The guy stared at him. "Beth wanted to make sure that any other vulnerable trainers or trainees that the same family might kidnap are warned since they pulled her off their plane."

"Excuse me?" another trainer demanded. "That was *them*?"

Richard nodded. "I asked thanks to the rumors."

Toby winced. "Yeah, it figures. She was out having fun."

"At a smutty club," the other trainer quipped.

"That's one way when you don't have time to date," Richard shot back, giving her a look. She winced. He looked at Toby again. "The rumors are going hard and it'll only make her worse."

"I can help, Richard. Thanks for letting us know."

"Not a problem. I like Beth. She's a good young woman and I hope she medals in fencing some day soon." He walked off to go lift weights.

Toby looked at the other trainers, who nodded they'd fix the rumors. Apparently Al hadn't heard yet or there would've been a screaming match with someone to stop the rumors.


Beth wandered into the office, blinking at the director. "You rang, sir?"

"Sit, Beth." She flopped down with a sigh. "Still tired?"

"They said probably a few days of exhaustion." She looked at the other person in the office. "FBI? State Department?"

"FBI, Miss DeSandra." She shook his hand. "Can you tell me why they wanted you?"

"Do you have that file, Director Bell?" He handed it to the agent. "I'm not the first they've done it to, but I'm their best bet in this decade probably. Not too many of us that fit their criteria for mostly pure, top level athletes."

"Where are you in your sport?"

"Third nationally. The top two spots have been hogged for a few years by the same people. It's politics. I stepped up this year because one's retiring. I was fifth last year."

"That makes more sense." He made notes. "Is it always the same family?"

She pointed. "I hand them over whenever I get them. Frankly the first few were flattering. After that it was annoying. Then last year they kidnaped me and I had to take out two of them to get free then talk to the State Department since I was in their embassy."

He winced, getting into the files they had. "We don't have that file. Let me call that in." He called someone. "It's Perkins. There's a State file on the incident from last year? Same participants."

"I wouldn't call being an unwilling hostage a participant," she quipped, looking at the director. "Thank you for moving me," she said quietly.

"We want to keep you safe, Beth. I'd suggest you move off center but you're right, there's no way you can afford one." She nodded. "Plus Bill would complain he was having to stalk you." She grinned. "Is everything there?"

"As far as I know. It was nice how my people rallied around me too. Richard came up to ask about the rumors that I had done this to myself and I gave him the truth about the kidnaping. I've seen two trainers who came up to check on me and told me they heard Richard telling Toby to stop the rumors."

"Al and Celia were talking to the agent in here," he admitted with a smile. "Al's since had his screaming match with someone. Dala hit another swimmer, again. Celia swore vengeance in a way that would make the KGB cry." She laughed, smiling at him. "It'll be fixed soon, Beth."

"Thanks, Director." She looked at the agent when he hung up. "They find it?"

"They did and two of them were involved in that too." She winced. "They're still in jail and the agents there will tell the prosecutor. That will be noted at their hearings." She nodded. "Have there been incidents other than those two?"

"We've had a run of jealous bimbos," she said. "Not sure if they're related or not, but one of the incidences that crossed into them said that they were paid sixty-grand to get me out of the building. That would be the guy that put the poisonous spiders in my office."

The director pulled that up, handing over the reports. "The local PD fixed that and the poisonous snakes he put in her office."

"Which was absolutely charming of him," she quipped. "Thankfully, Bill got him for me."

"He went crying and sniffling," Al said from the doorway. "Bill sent me up here, Director. His thing on her door went off showing that someone was trying to break into her apartment with a packet of weed. Again."

"Great," he said. "Where is the one who was breaking in?"

Al pointed behind him. "Talking with Bill in the elevator. He sent me up the stairs."

The director hurried to stop him before Bill killed him. "Let me handle this."

"I'm a great guard," Al quipped.

"You're a great friend, guarding is just extra special friendship gifts," she said, smiling at him.

"It's always helpful if you can't afford to hire one for real," the agent said. "Do you know of any other incidences that have happened here that someone may not have made her aware of?"

"A few times of the bimbos doing things but we can't be sure they were involved in that or if they were just jealous."

"Do you know which bimbos it was?" the agent asked.

"Yeah, all eight of them. Two regular trainers joined in because they were dating the hos," Al said, sitting at the desk to make notes. He handed them over.

"That started over me filing for time off to go to Nationals. One got butthurt that I asked for time off, tried to change my schedule on me. We got that fixed after a few genteel words like 'you have weekends off anyway' and they moved up to sneering, breaking into my apartment to pour drug-ridden pee on my bed and couch, and a few other things," Beth said.

Director Bell walked in and Al got up. "The Major is very calm." Beth grinned. "The other one is in handcuffs and begging for jail." He sat down. "The bimbos?"

"Could they be related?" the agent asked.

"We're not sure," the Director admitted, shrugging a bit. "I thought they were just jealous because between six of them they only had ten trainees and Beth does six on her own, much better than they did." He pulled out that file, letting the agent see it. "They probably would've done more but Beth really has no life outside of work, training, and college."

"I see the one that possibly crosses over. How did they get a drug test that high?"

"They had to mix some in. There's no way for that result to be alive if it came from a person," Director Bell said. "We had to learn such things since we do perform drug screens upon demand for athletes."

"I get that," Agent Perkins agreed. "Probably nicer than ours at the agency. Ours we have people staring at us while we fill the cup." He smiled. "When did they start?"

"When I won the Junior Nationals my last eligible year," she said. She yawned. "Sorry."

"I expected to hold this interview in a hospital room."

"I get cranky," she admitted. "I apologized to the nurses, even though they thought I had done this to myself."

"I don't want to be indelicate but have you thought about doing something that would make them decide you weren't eligible?"

She stared at him for a minute. "Why do you think I was in a sex club?" she asked blandly. Director Bell moaned, shaking his head. "It was meant to help me find someone I could solve some of that with but then I got a laced drink. Or someone with drugs hit me on the floor. Not real sure." She looked at Al.

"Bartender. He told him that you were his wife and you guys were playing kinky sex games."

"No, even if I was his, I wouldn't play kidnaping games. I'm not even sure I could do bondage, much less something more kinky and dangerous." Bell was choking now. "Sorry, Director. I clearly need another nap."

Al grinned at her. "That's not a bad level of kink. My ex-wife had to have the lights off and listerine beside the bed in case she deigned to give a blow job."

"Your ex is really cranked anyway, Al. Plus jealous."

"Yeah, she is."

Agent Perkins cleared his throat. "Is she involved?"

"One of them picked her up from here one night but she's been banned for tampering with Al's gear. I know she was in the hallway when drugs were put into my office but I hadn't heard if she was involved or not." She looked at the director, who nodded.

"My ex also accused her of being my mistress before we divorced but I'm not into underage girls," Al said.

"And I'm not pretty enough to be his," Beth added.

"Quit putting yourself down before I have Bill spank you, Beth. You're more than pretty enough to be a trophy wife, much less a mistress. That's probably why Bill wouldn't let you date in high school, to keep you off the dick patrol you'd have drooling after you." She was blushing bright red and ducking her head down. "Celia said the same thing. So did Richard's wife, who made sure he'd never look at your ass the wrong way. She was worried he'd compare. Which is why you almost walked in on them with her on his hook and I did walk in on her riding his hook."

"Al!" Director Bell complained. "Really!"

Beth hugged him. "You need glasses but you're sweet." She sat up again.

Director Bell looked at him. "Can you maybe help her fix that?"

"I think that'd annoy his girlfriend," Beth said sarcastically.

"Actually, Celia offered to put you between us to fix this problem," Al said with a grin for her.

"I'd still rather have a lover, someone there to make sleep in the closet because the bed's too small, instead of a sometimes thing when it's convenient." She looked at Al. "You're great but it'd screw up our work relationship. I'm ready to be clingy over someone and you've already had that."

"Point. Celia and I are casually acquainted in the bedroom, and on the couch, but if you want you know the offer's there."

"Then I'd start to stalk you and make you eat dinner with me or read homework to you." She smiled. "But it's a sweet offer."

The director looked at the agent, who was trying not to smile. "Personally I think I should just marry her and Al together with Celia. It'd mean she'd take longer to get her degree but we could put up with that." He gave Al a look.

"I leave that up to her. I'm not the sort of guy to get pushy."

"And I'm still the clingy sort," she said. "I'd have to take a lot of time off work to go to events with him. Not off my own events, but off work."

The director looked at her. "If you're sure, Beth."

"No trying something odd either. Bill will get mad."

"No he won't."

"Yeah he will."

"Fine." He smiled at the agent. He had ideas and he knew of someone sneaky who could help him pull things off. Once the agent was done with his interview, Al escorted Beth up to her room and then went back to practice.


Beth was going out for groceries a few days later when one of the center's guards stopped her. "Problems?"

"Ma'am, do you have your ID badge?" he demanded. She pulled it out to hold up. "We only have adult athletes here, ma'am."

"I'm one of the trainers," she said dryly. "Call your boss. Before I call Director Bell." He glared. She snatched his radio. "Security, it's DeSandra. I have a guard here who just snottily told me we only have adult athletes here, which we all know is a lie." She let the button go.

"Where are you, Handler DeSandra?"

"Second floor, heading for the down elevator." She handed it back.

The head of the security team for the overnight shift stomped off the elevator a minute later, slapping his guy on the head. "This is the one that got our security raised and you hired," he said bluntly. "We do have junior level athletes that work out here and she's actually twenty." He looked at her, smiling some. "Where were you heading, just in case? There's press crews outside again thanks to Dala."

"Groceries. Before I have to cook and eat Bill." She smiled. "I should be okay."

"You haven't seen the online news, have you," the security head said with a wince. "It started with Dala's ex-wife heading down to a police station and the rumors associated with that, then Hilda told the sleaze that he was there to help a young woman. Which started off the rumors that he's dating you."

"If I was dating him, I'd have never been kidnaped last week," she said, smiling some. "I'm also not his sort. Do they have my picture in the papers?"

"Only one faint one that shows you being loaded into an ambulance at the airport wondering why," the security head said.

She nodded. "That's cool. Then I'm okay to go grocery shopping?"

"You might want to order instead."

"I don't know what I want until I go look at the vegetables." She pushed her hair back over her shoulder. "I'm only going to the market on the corner." She smiled at the woman stalking up the hall. "Hey, Celia. Bad practice?"

"Not at the moment." She gave her a short hug. "I'll make sure she gets there and back."

"Thank you, ma'am," the head of the security team said. "Watch out for the news crew."

"If Dala makes a statement that's fine," Beth said. She shrugged. "It's okay because it might actually stop those families so it can't happen to another athlete."

"I'll tell him that, Beth. You two be safe?"

"I have pepper spray," Celia assured him. "And a knife."

"I have one of those too. Major Bill made sure I knew how to use one," Beth quipped. "He's highly overprotective."

"We like that about him," the head of the security team agreed. "Have a safe trip then, ladies." They smiled and Beth patted him on the arm as they walked around him. He waited until they were in the elevator to look at the guard. "We have ten athletes here under eighteen. Two handler trainees as well," he said quietly, staring at him. "We just had to rescue her from a plane the other day. Ask to see their ID, call it in to make sure, and don't get in the protective people's way for all that's holy. Major Bill basically adopted her when she was a teenager." He gave him a look. "I'm sure you saw the Major pulling an idiot out of here by his hair earlier."

"Yes, sir. She doesn't look like an athlete."

"She's a fencer and one of the better handlers we have," Antonio Dala said as he walked up to them, smiling at the security guard. "Hilda's straightening out the press. Though she said she's going to steal Beth from all this so she has someone competent to deal with me for her."

"Can you go shoo off the press outside, Mr. Dala?" the head guard said.

"I can and will. I was going to tell you I was going to do that actually." He strolled off, going outside. The reporters surged toward him. "Whoa, people." They stopped, staring at him, cameras on. "What's going on?"

"Are you going back to diving?" someone yelled.

"I'm trying and right now I'm training for a marathon or two." He crossed his arms over his chest, staring at them. "You guys are creeping out the other athletes here. Can't you stop that? It's impacting their practicing, which is a shame considering we have olympic quality athletes working out here." He looked them over. "Why else are you here?"

"You had to run to a police station with a few other athletes," one said, tipping her microphone toward him. "Is there a problem?"

"There sure was but it's not my story to tell. One of the handlers had a problem called kidnaping and I went to help. We all know Hilda has a huge network of people to ask questions to. She used to use it to spy on me," he finished dryly. "Thankfully the handler's all right, she's healed well, and she's getting back to her usual perky self."

"Was it because she's an athlete?" that same reporter demanded.

"Yup, sure was. Some people want an olympian or olympic quality athlete and don't have any at home. Some groups try to charm or buy them, some steal them. Thankfully they got her off the plane and to the ER very quickly so she wasn't harmed." He looked around at the group again. "Hilda's really happy I'm back to practicing again, guys, but you're still upsetting the other athletes. They can't concentrate when they're worried about being ambushed. So security has asked that you guys disperse and become basically invisible." He gave one a pointed look. "You jumped out at someone who has a silver medal in Judo. You're really lucky." She shuddered, backing down. "Anything else, people?"

"When will you decide to hit a qualifying meet?" another one shouted.

"Next year. I won't make anything this year but next year I should be in shape to deal with a diving match. I need to get back into shape first. The divorce was hard on my midsection," he said, walking off. "Go home, people."

The reporters dispersed to less obvious locations. One saw the two women who had walked out and ignored them coming back with grocery bags. "Are you guys athletes or staff?" he asked with a smile.

Beth stared at him. "Both, thank you for asking." The guy stared, mouth open. She smiled. "Most of the handlers and trainers here are athletes as well. A few don't actively participate but we all started there or we're no good to our trainees. Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to go cook dinner." She walked around him with Celia helping.

"You're Celia Miranski," another reporter said. Celia looked and nodded. "You train here?"

"I do. It's an excellent center for my needs. I'm not the only ice skater who trains here."

"We have athletes in about thirty different sports who practice here," Beth quipped. "Celia's also our top female weight lifter this month. She broke her old record last week to stay above a few of the women's soccer team." She walked Celia inside. "At least it's good for the center," she quipped to the guard as she ran her pass. Celia ran hers and they were let onto the elevator.


Antonio Dala met up with his ex-wife at an event that night, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you for helping that handler the other day, Hilda."

"She seems very nice and efficient. Did you tell her I wanted to steal her to be your assistant?" She smiled at him.

"I did and she blushed." They walked in talking about his marathon training. They were much better coworkers and friends than lovers. The marriage had just gotten weird and stressful all the way to him breaking them up by cheating on her with some bimbo.

"Mr. Dala, you're back in training?" one reporter called.

"Yup, I'm training for marathons and for diving," he said, shooting a grin at her. "They're really good to the athletes there. Even if I did get suspended for two days for smacking a young thing that wanted to be the old me before I met Hilda." She laughed, walking off. He followed.

Hilda smiled at him. "It's good you're not bored, Antonio. You need more things to do."
"Yeah, but none of them will ever match up to you nagging me about being bored," he quipped. "Even the trainers who nag about lifting weights." He opened the door for her, waving a hand. "Ladies first."

"Thank you." She walked in, smiling at him. "You do look better, more healthy."

"Thank you, Hilda."

"Now all you need is a new full time bimbo instead of hiring a temporary one." She looked back at him. "Hopefully in time for the ESPY's since I'm going to be in Japan."

"Don't do that to me!" he whined.

"Sorry, I sent you an email a month ago, Antonio. Maybe you can take Beth. She seems nice enough."

"Being seen with me won't make them leave her alone and she's only twenty, Hilda. She's just a kid. A nice kid but she doesn't need someone with my rep associated with her."

"I checked. She's escorted other athletes to awards dinners, Antonio." She straightened out his tie, smiling at him. "It might help her too."

"My rep? No it won't." He stared at her. "They sent a letter saying that her going on a date was a sign she was ready to take them up on their *generous* offer," he hissed, staring her down. "Find me someone who's not a bimbo and not Beth."

"Fine. I'll ask around for you. Though I will tell them you aren't going to expect more than conversation over the burger on the way to the event and then when you're waiting to present that award." She strolled off again.

"That's fine. Make sure it's one that can't be besmirched by me." He followed, sending out a text message to Beth and Al. Al had demanded. He caught up with Hilda, showing her a picture. "That's Al and Celia. They were her first trainees. He swiped to the next one. "That's Richard. He's another competitive shooter, just back after however he lost his hand. She said he's really getting up there in the paralympics." He smiled at her. "Some of the other athletes are really nice people and a lot less catty than they used to be."

She smiled. "That's good. You need more friends." She looked. "She's an ice dancer?"

"Ice skater. Former gymnast until she screwed up her shoulder." He grinned. "We were fussing at Beth when she came home and got into a talk about costumes for events. She glared when I quipped I could do mine for under fifty bucks. Apparently she's got one that's three thousand and Beth's last fencing jacket was almost twelve hundred plus shipping and embroidery. Al got the same dirty looks about just needing a t-shirt and jeans."

"Some sports are worse about equipment than others. Be thankful you don't have to wear the competitive swimmer suits. Those are hundreds of dollars each and have to be fitted to you."

"Yeah, not my thing. Suits should be fitted, not swim suits." He grinned. "Fencing foils are apparently more expensive than ice skating costumes."

"Sometimes you have to have the great gear," Hilda agreed.

"You're fencing now, Mr. Dala?" one of the others asked, smiling at him and taking his arm.

"No but my handler at the Reeds Center is."


"The one who makes training schedules, keeps track of his scores and meets, all that," Hilda said with a smile. "It's like an assistant for him but only for the sports things and they work with a few different athletes."

"She's also got a women's soccer team," Antonio said with a smile. "They spoil me greatly there. So much more than a gym with a diving area. We have trainers for physical fitness, classes if we want them, there's a great cafeteria that does amazing things with healthy food for us. A lot of serious athletes are there and it's made me a lot more serious about my own skills to be with them."

"So like a spa for training?" she asked.

"No, only training things. It's not for relaxing. If I need a massage they're going to work on the problems, not make me sleepy and happy."

"I didn't know places like that existed."

"There's about seven of them in the US," Hilda said. "The Reeds Center is by the office and where he used to train when he was actively competing."

"That's good then. I hope to see you competing soon, Antonio." She strolled off.

Antonio looked at his ex-wife, who shrugged and smiled. "I hope you do too. It'll do a lot for older athletes. It's all about the young kids and no one remembers how good the older ones are." They walked off again. They found their seats in the theater and settled in to watch the play.


Beth's assistant Amanda leaned into her office. "One of my athletes needs me to go to an awards dinner, one of the big official ones. Help?" she begged.

Beth smiled. "I've done that a few times, including to the ESPY awards. You need a nice looking formal gown, preferably one you can pronounce the name of the designer if you're asked, which isn't all that usual. That's only for the big names." She grinned. "Comfortable heels if you can find them. Pretty but not overstated, just be the frame for his magnificence."

"Where do I even start?"

"Go to one of the mid-priced names and tell them you have to escort an athlete you manage to an awards dinner. Quit panicking."

"Will the center pay for it?"

"That I don't know. I have a gown so I just use that one usually."

"You need a new one," Major Bill said as he walked past the office door. "Amanda, try black or another dark color. It's easier to match anything with for them."

"Thanks, Major. Got a name for me?"

"I liked Armani when they had to make me go to one. I have no idea if they do women's clothes or not." He smiled. "Ask Gwenny. She's gone to a lot of them because she's pretty, has good manners, and can hold a conversation."

"I can do that. Thanks. Do I need to know anything protocol wise?"

"Use great manners," Beth said. "Especially table manners. I got a few dirty looks for how I placed my fork a few times." Amanda grimaced. "Gwenny's probably been to most of the events so I agree, let her tell you what you need to know." She nodded, going to find Gwenny. Beth smiled at Bill when he leaned in. "I'm so glad I don't have to go."

"Maybe next year, when you're higher up in the field." He strolled off again. "I'm looking forward to you getting awards beyond competition trophies, Beth."

"Yes, sir." She got back to work, smiling some. Al sighed as he walked in. "Big problems with your gear or your ex-wife?"

"The ex-wife is a whore," he said as he sat down. "She's all about the money for her pleasure. She's still trying to get more by lying about things." Beth nodded she remembered that about her. "I apparently need an emergency lift to an event I didn't know was going on but it's a qualifying one. It's supposed to be next month but the site for it is saying it's next week."

"Okay. What site?" He handed that sheet over. She looked it up. "The local event is booked for that later address, not on their site. Hmm." She dialed the number. "Hi, I'm Beth DeSanda, a handler at the Reeds Center. One of our athletes is coming to the qualifying shooting match in a month but your site seems to have changed the date. Has it been moved?" She listened, leaning back. "Oh, two events." She looked at him, getting a hand wave and a shrug. "Al Stanwood." She nodded, making notes.

"That's good, that's what he was worried about. So both events? Is there an opening for him at the sooner one? Oh, that's paralympics. That's great, we have a shooter here who does that. Can you email me info on that event for him please? B-underline-DeSandra at the Reeds, all one word, dot com." She smiled at him. "I can and you do have him listed for that one? Great. Thank you. That's wonderful. I see the email already. You have a great day, Marjorie." She hung up. "It's for paralympics."

"That's wonderful. Richard could use some more comps. Nothing for me in that one?"


"No. Thanks anyway." He stood up. She printed the email so he could hand it to Richard. "I'll let him know. What's Amanda in a tizzy over?"


"Oh, them. I'm so glad I don't have to go to those." He strolled off, finding Richard just getting into the firing range. He handed over the email on his way to the lockers.

"I didn't know they were having one. Huh. I'll have to check into that. It's real soon though."

"I panicked. I'm in for the qualifying one in a month." Al grinned. "Beth can make travel arrangements."

"I usually drive. I like to drive. Means I don't have to deal with TSA people over the hook, or worse the stewardesses who're scared I'm a pirate there to rape and pillage during the flight." He put it into his bag to call them later. He and Al got to work on their gear first. They both needed some fine tuning after their last meets that weekend. "Does Beth do the event circuit?"

"She has in the past. Amanda's asking Gwenny for advice for her first one too. Gwenny gets to do it a lot because she's a perky blonde with breasts who looks nice in evening gowns."

"She was hot," Richard agreed. "My wife would be jealous."

"Your wife was pretty and I'm sure she'd love events."

"She loathes those things. They ask her stupid things and it makes her head hurt. She doesn't deal well with stupid."

"Me either," Al agreed. "Thankfully there's not that many for shooters unless it's a world team or olympic year and we won." He gave Richard a scary grin. "I've only had one of those so far. We got a team bronze."

"You poor guy," he said with a pat on the arm. "You'll endure. Maybe you can bring Beth."

"I've offered. A few times."

"She could use it because there was an official car flying UAE flags when I came in."

Al called her office, getting her. "Beth, Richard spotted an embassy vehicle on his way in. UAE, Beth." She groaned, even Richard could hear it. "Okay, just be safe." He hung up. "She's going to hide with Celia."

"You two are a cute couple."

"We're not that together. For us, it's stress relief." He looked at his fellow shooter. "She doesn't do relationships."

"I've known a few women like that in my life. I changed one of them into my wife though." He grinned. "Have fun."

"Thanks." They got back to work.

Upstairs, Beth closed things and gathered her purse, heading down to the ice rink. She tapped on her tablet on the way, sneaking in there. The two coaches stared at her. "An official UAE vehicle was here."

"Hide away," Celia's coach agreed. "Before they try to kidnap you again, Beth."

"Thanks." She settled in a corner, sending a message to maintenance that the speakers were out again and then an email to the director telling him she was hiding. He appreciated that according to his assistant who said they were bothering him. "They're with the director," she muttered. "Great."

Celia skated over, hopping up onto the wall. "Did you send something about the speakers?"

"Yup." She smiled at her. "They're with the director." Celia said something rude in Russian. "Exactly."

A guard leaned in. "DeSandra, the director's going to be eaten alive if you don't show up to smack someone."

"Great," she said sarcastically. "Damn it." She stood up, looking at herself then at Celia, who was taking off her skates. "No, you have practice."

"She goes with you," Celia's coach ordered. "Al too please." He called up there. "Al, the diplomats are with the director and have summoned Beth." He hung up on the swearing. "Be safe, Beth. We'd miss you more than I would Celia nagging me about my tea intake."

She nodded. "I'd miss you guys too." She walked off with Celia and the guard. Al met them at the director's waiting area. "Thanks, guys."

"I'm hoping they're going to apologize for taking you," Al said, looking at Celia, who smiled at him. They were let in by the assistant, who was wincing. Al walked in first, smiling at the director. "You wanted to see Beth, sir?"

"Yes they did, Al. We didn't really need you or Celia though."

"Pity but Beth doesn't get too far from us most of the time."

She pinched him on the arm. "Be nicer." She looked at the ambassador. "You wished to speak to me about the ones who've kidnaped me twice now?"

"We do not believe...."

She walked around the director to get into his filing cabinets, pulling out the files. She dropped one in front of him. "The State Department report on how I had to kill two people to get out of your embassy last year." She dropped the other one. "The FBI reports on the one the other day." She stared at him. "Frankly, I'm at the point where me being upset is a bad idea. I would appreciate an apology and them leaving me alone. If that's not why you're here I don't know why you asked for my attendance."

"You are overly full of yourself, young lady."

"No, Ambassador, I'm pissed off," she said. "No woman should be kidnaped and drugged."

"You are married to him."

"I doubt that. I haven't ever been married. Never even went to a wedding for anyone else."

"We have the papers."

Al snatched them to look over. "Forgeries of her signature."

"Her father signed it," he sneered.

"My father's unknown," Beth said dryly. "My mother went to the grave with that secret. Also, the only one who could have signed that for me also works here and I doubt he would have. Especially since I'm over the age of consent and would have to sign it myself." She took the forms to look over, shaking her head. "Not even a good forgery. Pity." She looked at him. "So I take it more people in your country don't know the meaning of the word 'no'?" He stood up, huffing in anger. "I find you really annoying, Ambassador, especially since I had to spend time in the hospital to clear the drugs they gave me."

"Considering they used enough to have killed you, you are not alone in that anger," Al said quietly, staring at the man. "She said no thank you many times. Real men know what the word 'no' means." The ambassador stomped off. "State Department?" he guessed, looking at the director.

"I was asked not to make a problem for relations," Director Bell said dryly, staring at her. "Calm down."

"Hell no!" He rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't be calm if it was your wife."

"No, I would've killed him," the director agreed.

"Don't tempt me." She walked off. "Let me network. I'm hoping someone knows someone who can make them commit suicide for me." She went to PR, leaning in. "Busy?"

"Slightly. Problems with an athlete?"

"The UAE's ambassador just showed up with forged paperwork stating the person who had kidnaped me was my spouse. I need to talk to someone before they try again."

"Ummmmm.... I'll ask a few reporters." Beth smiled and nodded, heading off. "Oh, dear." She sent a message to the Director, who agreed it was needed before Beth pulled out one of Al's guns to use on them.

Beth ran into the gym's favorite trainer, hugging him. "Thanks, Toby."

"For what?"

"For letting me go hit something until I'm no longer mad about forged paperwork." She held them up for him.

He took them to read, then pointed at a room. "No one's in the yoga room and there's that speed bag in there. You have fun with that, Beth, and we'll ignore any screaming in rage." She nodded, going in there with the forms. Toby winced at the slammed door, shaking his head when his trainers looked at him. "Forged wedding certificate," he mouthed. They all shuddered. "Beth's a spitfire."

"That's putting it mildly," one of the female soccer team's players said. "I've seen her go off on someone for doing something stupid. This is going to be *so* bad."

"Yup," Toby agreed. "Ten more reps, Helga." She nodded, getting back into it.
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