Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Kiriko looks up as the bell over the door rings. "Your parents finally get it out of their system?" Tsume asks, smirking.


"Yeeeeessss," she sighs. "They should start showing up in the. . ." She points behind her and Tsume grins when she sees her old sparring partners at the door. They walk off laughing and talking.


"Do I want to know?" Kiriko's father asks at the next meeting of the ninja and civilian councils a few days later.


"Twenty-eight pregnancies at the hospital, thankfully none of the patients since they knew early enough to keep everybody drugged. Fifteen among the academy students old enough to have sex. Nearly an hundred among the clans. Forty-five among the older genin, chunin, and jonin who don't have clans. Over a hundred among the prisoners. No idea how many among the civilians." the Hokage sighs at the council meeting. "I'm sending Kiriko out for more supplies. And to buy more land for fields since we'll have so many more mouths to feed."


"She's been expecting it." Her father says. Kiriko's mother had laughed for a good five minutes when she found out her husband was on the civilian council now, nodding frantically at her daughter's response it was just an excuse for him to go join his friends drinking beer and playing cards.


"Eighty-nine pregnancies." One of the merchants says. "My wife has been going around to everybody making a list. There's been more than a few quick marriages in families among teenage girls. Whether the boys wanted to or not. They're living at home until they can afford apartments or houses."


"So that's it." Kiriko says, slumping in the chair the Daimyo had waved her to when she arrived at the palace. "We're looking at over four hundred new babies over the next year. More if any of them are twins or more since some of the clans are known to have more than one child at a time. I'm going to be coming to the capital monthly to be picking up supplies for the village and. . .we're planting new fields."


"So you're looking at more land?"


"Yes, and we'll be bringing in more supplies for planting."


The map is brought out and she marks the areas the others had listed. He nods and accepts the one whole ryo as payment.


"The prisoners?"


"The men are being 'milked' as it were for semen and their Daimyos have ordered them killed for the attack. The females, once they've delivered. . .it's up to their Daimyos." He nods. "There were some missing nin in the group that tried attacking, the Hokage is trying to see who would be responsible for any bounties."


Kiriko walks into the Hokage's office. "Got the land, the supplies for planting, and the baby supplies you asked me for and money to deposit for Naruto, myself, and the stores."


"Thank you my dear." The map is updated with the fields and crops noted after the bank president has left with the money before Kiriko walks to the warehouse where the fabric and other baby supplies are kept, removing the orders from the scrolls under the eyes of the guards. The warehouse is locked back up and Kiriko walks to the shop, sliding Naruto's receipt in his pocket. He'd made a special trip to the casino to get enough money to build a house for him and Hinata in the future for when they outgrow the apartment. Hinata hadn't turned out to be one of them pregnant, neither of them is unhappy with that because they're not ready for a family yet. They want to concentrate on their training and have more money put away before they take that step.



The map at the farm is updated with the new fields and the clan elders sigh but nod. "It's been needed for a while and the daimyo will be making money hand over fist. But we're going to need more housing."


"Yeah, I saw at the Tower the Hokage was sketching out ideas for apartment buildings. Larger than the ones we have now. On par with the larger buildings in the capital."


"Ohhhh fuck." Kiriko moans. "They're going to need furniture in the future too."


"That's something that can happen in the future." Grandma Miri says firmly.


"Okay, with most of the other Ninja villages gone bye-bye now." Kiriko says slowly. The others look at her. "Do we still see Chunin exams happening?"


"Not for a while, if there are any groups that didn't get involved in the plot they need to gather together, put a person in charge, go to the Daimyo with their hat in hand to beg to be not killed outright. . ." The others laugh but nod. "Then by any godsblessed chance they are successful in being allowed to be official ninja again they'll have to create a new village, bring in civilians to live in the village since they just proved you can't have a functional village without civilians bringing in money, build an academy. . .get missions from their daimyo to bring in more money. . ."


"So, no on the arena being rebuilt?"


"I can see more it being used for exhibitions and graduation exercises than chunin exams." One of the clan elders says slowly. "Still having the Daimyo and other guests arriving but no fights to the death, no single person being allowed to become a chunin. . ."


"I can see that more. And I think the Hokage would appreciate that more than the running paintball battles." 


The others nod. "Otherwise that land could be used for apartments."


"Paintball battles?" Kiriko's mother asks dryly.


"Your daughter started it." Her father says just ask dryly. Kiriko rolls her eyes at him. "I dropped a hint that some of the more annoying merchants in the village were upset about the chunin exams being canceled, they were looking forward to the money from the visitors. That reached the ears of the Hokage and my story was confirmed by Ino's mother who had a few more names. Dad asked me if I had an idea for a distraction so the ANBU could come in and take them out. I remembered the paintball games in the capital, had him call in Asuma who agreed with me and we had Kurenai, Gai's, and Asuma's teams as my companions and ninja escorts hired for the trip because nobody knowed the sport where I was living. . .now. I came off as an airhead wannabe noble. . ." Her mother sniggers. "And came back to the village loaded down with supplies. The Hokage asked how they were going to do this and I suggested an academy graduation exercise. This way the new graduates could clean up after themselves too."


Pictures of the village after that night are handed to Kiriko's mother and she howls with laughter.


"Yeah, unfortunately while the academy was revamping the curriculum after it was changed to kiss the Uchiha's ass we started losing new graduates. Of the eleven teams that graduated the first year only five passed their genin tests or didn't wash out during their d-ranked missions." One of the clan members says.


"Seventeen teams and only two teams. That was before the paintballs. Of the eleven teams that graduated the following year only four are still together. We were gone when they did it again but that was the first year of graduates who have been taught the new classes from the beginning and we're hoping the fourteen teams stick it out. Once the idiot civilians who didn't know what being a ninja was really like or wanted their kids in the academy for the power were weeded out anyway."


"Then she made a trip out for more of them." Her mother looks at her.


"The Hokage *really* didn't me to do it. And he told me to quit laughing. The guy at the store I went to asked if I was related to the girl who'd been there before, I spun a tale she was my idiot sister our family fawned on and I had been sent to get her some new toys because she was bored. Asking if they did special orders because she wanted paint that matched her clothes might have been over the top but they think we're two different people if I have to make another trip out."


"I don't see it happening this year."


"No, not with the pregnant students having to leave the academy until after they give birth and starting the year over again. If they *do* return." Madi says. "Has anybody been said about battlefield promotions?"


"Not right now, the genin are actually concentrating on honing their skills and working together. Both in their teams and working with other teams." An elder says slowly."I could see that fool Uchiha wailing about being disrespected for not getting a promotion. Because he thought he was all that." Everybody snickers but nods.


"Okay," one of the civilian clan members asks. "Why be promoted? It's not an increase in money. The base pay is the same for all the ranks." She's an accountant, she knows this.


"No, it's an increase in power. You're accepting more responsibility and making more money on higher ranked missions. And except for the village's portion, that money is going to you, not split among your team for genin. That's why so many new genin are living hand to mouth or have jobs for extra money."


"Naruto, please go to the Izuno farm and bring Kiriko back. I need her services. I know she's not in the village today." The Hokage says one day, having called him to the Tower.


Naruto looks around Kiriko's home. He'd never been there before, usually staying in the haybarn or the main building when he does visit. It's bigger than it looks with one room that takes up the entire first floor filled with various seating areas. He feels eyes on him and turns, finding a number of cats lounging on various surfaces.


"Ummm Kiriko?" He asks quietly.


"Oh, the few clan jutsus we do use are usually cat based." She says absently from a corner. He heads that way finding her sitting on a couch with her feet up, a cat on her lap that she's petting absently as she turns the television off.


"Are they. . .partners?" He doesn't think so, he's never heard of cat summons or cat partners but he never heard of the Izuno clan before he became better friends with Kiriko's clan.


Kiriko brays with laughter. "Have you *ever* seen a cat do something they don't want to do? No, not like the Inuzuka dogs. They're pets. What's up?"


"The Hokage sent for you."


"Off Benji, I gotta get up and make enough money for your food." She says. "Lemme guess, another trip out for supplies?"


"Most likely." Kiriko sticks her head in the main building, catching the eyes of the nearest clan member. "I'm being summoned by the Hokage, probably going to be sent off for more supplies. Feed the cats while I'm gone? I'll know more when I get back." They nod and Kiriko follows Naruto into the trees.


"Thank you Kiriko, I know you weren't in the village today so we had to get you from your home." Hiruzen says when she walks into his office at the Tower. "As you probably guessed, we need you to pick up supplies."


"Babies or buildings?"


"Both. We are gathering supplies to rebuild the arena. Your family had a good idea for using it." Naruto looks at her. "Graduation exercises. Still a way to show off, bring in people to buy shit, and less headaches than the paintball wars." Naruto brays with laughter and Tenten isn't far behind.


"And barrels of formula for when the babies are older. The Daimyo had the factories make a special order for us. And more bottles." 


Three weeks later Kiriko delivers the supplies to the warehouses and the empty area where the arena once stood. "The Daimyo wants to talk to you about expanding the schooling with so many children arriving at once. Including higher education." She tells the Hokage. Her family sends off two or three civilians every generation to the capital for degrees.


"Yes, I had been thinking of that myself. We will need more classrooms, more teachers, more supplies. . ."


Hiruzen looks around in satisfaction, the supplies of fabric that had been getting demolished by all the need for diapers and baby clothes has been replenished but he knows he'll be sending Kiriko off for more over the next few years. Asuma nods in agreement, while he and Kurenai hadn't been affected by the lust bomb as it were, they had tumbled into bed later and Kurenai was expecting their child.


Kiriko bends to pet the meowing monsters who swear they hadn't been fed the entire time she was gone. She can see the full dishes of food and water from where she's standing. Her grandma Miri chuckles at their antics. "Babies or buildings?"


"Both, a special order of barrels of formula, cases of bottles, more fabric, and supplies to rebuild the arena. The first of many I see in the future." Miri nods. "Because the Daimyo wants the Hokage to think about expanding schooling, including higher education."


"The academy is large but not for hundreds of new students coming in." Kiriko's father says, sighing.


"Yes, not to mention the civilian schooling. And the need for teachers, buildings, supplies. . ." 


"And we need to find the land *for* the buildings. If the train does come through I'd suggest putting a university on the plateau." 


"For ease of travel, yes. And housing up there also. And businesses."


"They have much larger buildings in the capital, I'd suggest building the bigger ones up there.


"Along with businesses up there so they don't have to come down the mountain."


"Gentlemen, how many students can you comfortably handle in a classroom?" The Hokage asks the teachers.


"Not many more than we already do for book classes. We just don't have the room." Iruka says as spokesperson for the academy. "We've already been whimpering at the thought of so many students in a few years. We don't have the supplies or the room. Yes, we can add onto the academy and sigils will keep the noise of the work out of the classrooms. We can get more books and other supplies, but unless we all use clones we cannot teach the number of students we're looking at."


"Are there any among the retired ninja, including clan elders, you would suggest hiring as teachers?"


"I would suggest Hiashi Hyuga as a teacher for history or politics." Iruka says slowly. More names are said from various clans, including a couple of the Izuno clan members. "We would be offering them limited contracts until after the influx of new students?"


"Yes, that's one of the problems I'm looking at. If we *do* add onto the academy, those classes will be sitting empty in a few years. If we offer second classes after the first students are done for the day with fresh teachers. . ."


"We don't have that problem but we do have more wear and tear on the building. Not to mention those classes that are hands on would be held only during the day. Which would be doubling those class sizes or having a second session that would make for very long days if they still have regular classes that afternoon and evening." The Hokage sighs. The teachers nod. "While if we do have the extra rooms for classes, we can use them for something. Be it storage. . ."


"or spaces for the kids to fool around in. Or even Kiriko's parents." One of the older teachers chuckles.


"Don't.Encourage.Them.Please." The Hokage says slowly. "They're the reason we're looking at this mess but they're also the reason why we weren't all killed in our sleep."


"How are we going to handle this?"


"The same builders that we are bringing in for the arena will be working on the Academy. I have the money coming in from the bounties on our former captives, the Daimyos are paying those that now former villages cannot." The Hokage says calmly. "Once I have the money I will send Kiriko on another supply run."


"The additions won't be needed for a few years, we have time to plan." The others nod. "And we need to think about the civilians."


"Yes, they will need a larger school as well." The Hokage sighs. "I know you have worked together in the past, bring me the person in charge?"


"Hokage, sir?" The man asks.


"Your school, what do you need for the influx of the civilian students."


"Truthfully sir, a whole new building. Ours is too small now."


An inspection has the Hokage sighing. "Yes, you need a new one desperately. Not just additions but having it tore down and rebuilt." He starts making plans and six weeks later Kiriko is summoned to the Tower.


"I know it is nearly time for you to go on your twice-yearly shopping trips. I need you to get supplies for the civilian school so it can be torn down and rebuilt." The Hokage says, handing her a list of supplies and a case. "Yes, take Gai's team with you." He says at her look.


"Tenten, grab the others." Kiriko yells when she is outside. "The Hokage wants your team escorting me on the trip I was going to be taking next week." She stares at her and then hurries over, followed by her father who'd been walking with her.


"The civilian school needs major work, as in being torn down and rebuilt." She says quietly. "Meet me at the farm a week from Thursday. Usual time." She nods and hurries off. 


"Escort mission for Kiriko, next Thursday. Meet her at the farm." She says, coming into the training ground.


"Why?" Naruto asks. There's usually a reason for them to be escorting her. Gai nods.


"The civilian school. Kiriko is getting supplies to tear down and rebuild it for the influx of kids in a few years."


The team is waiting for her as she walks out of her home and they take to the trees.


Four weeks later she walks into the Tower, handing over the scroll of supplies for the civilian school and the remaining money. It's handed back to her by the Hokage. "Thank you my dear, we have already started tearing down the old school and saving everything we can. Now bank?"


"Yes, for myself and Naruto." She says, dropping into a seat and waiting for the banker. "Dumbass civilian question." He makes a go on gesture, looking at her. Her dumbass civilian questions usually bring up something he and the others haven't thought of yet. "Genin teams. Do you have enough jonin and chunin who've been active for a while to teach them? Iruka already said they're looking at older clan members training the new graduates."


Multiple moans from everybody in the room as the door opens for the banker.

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