Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
Penname: kittydrenden [Contact]
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Member Since: 2011.07.27

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Challenges by kittydrenden

With Supernatural and Buffy crossover if Xander is a lost realtive its usually as John Winchester son or Bobby Singer nephew so this is something different.

Namely Xander as a close relative of Computer Genius/Hunter Ash who despite being a alcoholic? is very close, supportive, accepting and protective of Xander and flips his lid and rescues him when he finds out that Xander

- been fighting the supernatural since he was 13/14

- was sent to hell during the acathla incident [for no more than 30 years before being sent or brought back] OR Xander being forced to kill his willingly possessed step-dad in self defence and then being shunned for it by the Gang.

after being sent all of Xander personal possessions which includes Xander very detailed hunter journal, a devil trap poster for the ceiling, SPN database secretly created from Giles library and the detailed locations of all of Sunnydale caches-secrets.

Must haves

- Ash saving Xander when he was young from either being sold to demons or sacrified by demons worshippers

- Xander getting his own warding tattoo's after a full cleansing and medical

- Willow, Oz and Giles getting out-geniused by a kickass Ash before leaving town with Xander & a greatly enhanced bank account thanks to the town newly emptied caches

- Xander having dealt with Supernatural style demons as well as Buffy verse whilst in Sunnydale possibly without the gang knowledge.

- Xander later becoming very close to the winchester sons, as a lover, best friend, or adoptive brother

- Xander positively changing things in the supernatural universe = maybe taking out Meg before Chicago, safely destroying the devil gate keyhole, saving Ash and the Roadhouse patrons....etc

- Xander as a Psychic = Empath, Medium, Telekinetic or Clairvoyant

Alternatively you could have him as a close relative of Caleb instead afterall they are both weapons nuts.

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural Characters: None


Summer after Acathla whilst Buffy is away and the others are distracted – Xander acts in his own and the innocent town citizens best interests as he doesn't like the actions and inactions of the gang so far

[Side Note: Could of lost a secret boyfriend as well as blood brother Jesse to night life = Vampires/Dirty Parts Selling Doctor]

= Finishes creating his own secret Digital Supernatural library by safely scanning Giles and the Town books

= Goes and gets a full legit medical, cleansing ritual and several warding Tattoos in LA

= Clears out all of the town Caches – either Sells, Trades, Keeps, Returns or Destroys [Weapons, Books, Artefacts, Valuables, Cursed Items, Odds-Ends]

= Invites the Strongest, Strictest and most Realistic American coven to take care of ALL of Sunnydale magic users &/or dabblers where they end up either Killed, Healed, Adopted or Magic Burnt Away {Tara, Amy, Jonathan, Michael, Andrew, Rack, Willow...etc}

= Sells human secrets with proof to various government agencies regarding the town and its citizens [Mayor Office, Schools, Hospitals, Police & Fire Departments, CPS....etc] after ensuring his own legal safety [Rocket Launcher Theft and anything else]


Town = Audited, Reviewed, Cleased, Blessed, Rebuilt....etc every which way from Sunday

Citizens = Either Arrested, Killed, Fired, Warned, Witness Protection, Voluntarily Moves...etc

Supernatural Community = Being dealt with by Hunters/Vatican &/Or Van Hellsing teams due to being alerted by the coven

Just imagine Buffy reactions when she gets home

Willow = Possibly Bound[Soul Curse - Black Magic & bad Ethics] and Arrested[Bad Hacking]

Giles = Possibly out of the librarian job [Occult/Supernatural Library is not friendly kids reading and he's kinda anti-social]

Oz = Possibly Moved in with a Peaceful Rural Lycan Pack somewhere else getting some needed training maybe

Classmates = Retested and Resorted based on actual modern day Academic standards and not Sunnydale 50's standards

Supernatural Community = Could consider her a non-issue compared to the proactive Vatican/Van Hellsing teams

Xander = End up a Emancipated Minor or finding Real family [possibilities a member of SGC/A, Numb3rs, Supernatural, Charmed, Criminal Minds....etc]

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None

Xander as either the hidden son of Tony Stark from around mid-late teens to early twenties OR the adopted son of Tony Stark

Xander runs away from home as a teenager{14-17(due to abuse, backstabbing, injury...all of the above...)} and runs into Tony, ends up saving his life, which eventually leads to them finding out the family connection.

Tony and his half brother Nathan join together to help and get to know Xander, ensuring he gets extensive, effective & excellent Healing, Therapy, Tutoring and Self Defence Training{in case of kidnapping & bullying}

Slowly they each form a strong and solid accepting/protective/loyal/resiliant/ perceptive/supportive/healing/in-depth relationship with each other - in the case of Tony and Nathan it also means healing at least some of the old personal hurts/issues with themselves and each other 

No one outside of the Starks and JARVIS know of the family relationship or who Xander was previously, and they try and keep it that way even after the death of Stane.

All three are skilled BAMFs, Engineers, Business Men, Humanitarians, Façade Wearers, Secret Finders & Keepers{includes the Supernatural world}, Fighters, Linguists, People Readers...

Just imagine Fury and everyone else reactions to the fact there are more Starks out there.

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None

Sentinel Xander AU

After re-reading Sentinels of Atlantis by Keira Marcos and Life Changes by Lady
Angel (damaenge) this thought hopped up

Sentinel & Guides are known and accepted

Xander is a Sentinel with a sixth sense with Jesse as his guide. Due to where
they are the need to protect is stronger leading them to form a strong
protection group out of the social outcasts [Andrew, Jonathan, Amy, Marcy,
Tucker, Michael...etc] > even if its just walking people home and having nightly
checks and not fighting the monsters beyond self defence I can see it saving

Willow as one of the ones with the biggest denial problems until Buffy gets
there and forces her to confront reality is an outsider to the group and doesn't
know about Xander being a Sentinel or Jesse being his Guide or ignoring that
they are as it interferes with her plans to eventually marry Xander – however
thanks to the extra senses it does lead to Xander having several talks with
willow about her so called crush that Willow ignores each time

Giles & Buffy I can see as not liking the situation at all when they do
eventually find out 1) Giles head is still up the Council butts at this time and
2) Buffy like Willow loves/needs to be the centre of attention > I also sort of see
this moment when Joyce realizes that Xander is A Sentinel and asks what Buffy is
and he replies a Sentinel wannabe because that was the Council original intent
when creating the slayer line

Possible Crossovers with Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, Numb3rs, Criminal Minds...etc [Lost Family Members, Recruitement, Sunnydale Corruption/Incompetence....etc]

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None

Xander as a experienced former full time hunter & part time Construction worker/college student out in LA after high school graduation and realizing that the other Scooby gang weren't really his friends. Ends up falling in love & secretly marrying Lindsey McDonald which unknowingly changes things in the Angel verse for the better, however Lindsey still dies several years later.

= Ends up meeting Eliot Spencer and the team a year later, after an initial freak out at seeing Eliot, ends up slowly becoming a valued part of the overprotective family, particularly by Eliot & Nate {explosive & weird crap expert, backup hitter maybe}

= Bonus points if Xander and Lindsey had two sons together before Lindsey died

= Double bonus points if Lindsey manages to up Xander confidence levels enough to believe in himself & his own talents beyond Hunting & Construction such as Music or Painting...etc

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

What if instead of Xander & Amy doing the botched love spell, Xander says a wish that gets answered, after all if there are wish demons for scorned women there should be ones for scorned men

Possibilities = Cordelia

- Spends life as a empathic foreign aid worker

- She becomes the mother of a dozen down to earth fashion hating children

- Spends her life as a celibate Nun

Think of all that could then happen or not happen as the case may be as a result of the wish 

Then there are all the other possible wishes

Willow: 1) bound from doing ANY kind of harm unless in TRUE self defence of others or herself, 2) to loose everything and is forced to EARN everything back whilst working a honest job, doing community service, hunting, training, college...

Giles: To always see the unbiased truth no matter the person or situation

Buffy: 1) undergoes NAVY SEAL training, 2) fully accept ALL aspects of herself without whining, 3) to loose then be forced to her back her abilities the hard way, 4) to permanently loose her abilities and have a career as a cop...

Categories: None Characters: None


Challenge – Alex Kent formaly Xander Harris 

  • Set during high school for both of them though Alex can be older or younger than Clark

  • Both Alex and Clark work through their issues through various mediums = art, music, stories, carpentry, mechanics, cooking...

  • Alex is a metahuman with a heightened healing factor, the gifts of Empathy and a more active power such as Force Fields...etc {though nothing that would make everything simple like Telepathy} – Clark also discovers his abilities quite quickly once they meet due to an accident

  • Deeply mourning the deaths of best friend Jesse who was like a brother and his secret military brat Boyfriend aka first love = both of whom were the only ones who previously knew of his metahuman abilities

  • The Harris's are killed in a fire {doesn't really mourn them, instead mourns for what should/could of been if there was no abuse, neglect, indifference, alcoholism..etc} = does inherit a reasonable amount of money from insurance once the debts...etc are paid

  • Alex belongings reduced afterwards to Boyfriend Ninja Motorcycle, Jesse Guitar & a chockablock duffle bag with his clothes, Jesse-Boyfriend Jewelry, Essentials, CD storage books, personal folder{his true Ids-records-paperwork-licences...}, His-Jesse-Boyfriend Journals{packed with art-lyrics-keepsakes-photographs...}, hunter journal, blessed weapons, first aid kit, supplies, odds & ends...etc

  • Alex having had experience & previously earning money in the darker aspects of the world – fight clubs, stealing, drag racing, hustling pool-darts-cards, stripping...etc making him much more likely to spot various human threats early as well as call anyone and everyone on their BS or unwarranted hurting/pushing of Clark

  • Manages to make his way to Smallville after the Harris's deaths where he's adopted by his aunt and uncle {the Kents} which leads to a new surname, nickname, paperwork, licences, accounts, practical wardrobe, calmer personality{no more joker-slacker facade}, full medical, full education testing, gifting Kents with half of his parents insurance settlement so less money problems for them

  • Or alternatively Alex meets Kal whilst living in metropolis, becomes confidants and helps him out - so much so that Clark calls him once he's back to himself and Alex moves to Smallville to be closer to him to help with his issues - afterwards Martha recognises him as her nephew and it then leads to the new Surname, nickname, paperwork...etc

  • Alex & Clark bonding very closely as brothers with unconditional and beneficial support, brotherly love, trust, friendship, acceptance, truth, clarity, lack of secrets...{outside of their powers possible secrets could be taking college classes, being stolen at birth or lab created{Alex}, teenage pregnancy...}

  • Both of them end up forming a good solid relationship with Lex Luthor despite everyone else's protests which leads to one of them initially dating him and the other dating Bruce Wayne or Oliver Queen as Lex doesn't go crazy or evil though he does still die

  • Clark gets over his Lana crush much quicker as he realizes that it all based on fantasy and not reality as well as lets Chloe down gently about her crush

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

= Xander as a Natural Born Witch or Practitioner-Progenitor

= Natural conflict within the gang

= Xander ending up with a character from outside Sunnydale either OC or Crossover Male or Female

= Additional Crossovers through a supportive and accepting relative of Xander who knows about magic and maybe has some themselves{Stargate, Eureka, Criminal Minds, CSI...etc}

= Comprehensive Book Of Shadows providing the full Magical-Paranormal-Supernatural lowdown of Gods, Angels, Demons, Vampires, Shifters, Fay, Monsters, Creatures, Dead, Spirits, Psychics, Hunters, Weapons, Magic Users, Magic, Protections, Natural Remedies, Prophecies, Events, Folk Tales, Artifacts, Locations, Odds & Ends...

= Positive changes to Cannon Characters/Events

  1. Xander is de-aged & sent back in time to be adopted by Mark & Helen Matthews along with Paige, Tara & other male characters who was abused{maybe from another crossover such as Spencer Reid, Greg Sanders, Ryan Wolfe, Harry Potter...}, thanks to Willow addictions – leads them to being much more stable & loved as well as powerful ethical natural born witches with their own individualized & comprehensive Book of Shadows thanks to attending magic school after normal school – also leads them to fullfilling careers that help others such as teacher, cop, csi, firefighter, social worker, doctor...etc

  2. Xander ends up in a loving, supportive, honest, stable, down to earth, fun relationship with Cole Turner without any of the angst, expectations, issues, demands and issues that characterized all their previous romantic & platonic relationships – both still continue fighting the bad guys but are not consumed by it all & Xander gets the thorough training & witch heritage he was previously denied thanks to the Harris & Scooby Gang – eventually leads them to adopting a son or two who are magical as well as renewing old friendships after providing the Halliwells & Scooby gang with some harsh wake up calls

  3. Xander with the powerful ability of Premonitions however due to his anger-grief & hate at the death of his platonic soul mate Jesse as well as the fact that his gift didn't warn him and therefore allow him to save him, his gift becomes practically dormant, only coming out in time of great need subconsciously – Giles as an actual mature, responsible and perceptive adult noticing Xander problems and either helps him himself or gets him the help he needs to overcome the trauma of Jesse death and Staking as well as curb his other self destructive behavior e.g. Cordelia, Parents, School..etc in the form of Leo Wyatt – Side benefit is the fact that all the other practitioners of Sunnydale getting either the help needed to learn the craft responsibly, ethically & efficiently or getting permanently vanquished/bound

  4. Thanks to positive Elder interference, Ethan Rayne comes to Sunnydale & opens a costume shop early – leads to Xander heritage waking up & permanently gaining the magical abilities of Divination, Molecular Acceleration/Combustion & Agilty as well as the learned abilities of Theft, Martial Arts, Languages, Weapons...when he goes as Gambit – later willow tries to take him to task for the so called 'fake' magic and demonic knowledge as it works differently between practitioners and natural borns and between the hellmouth and most of the world

  5. Xander as a strong Empath who recieves his gift with the start of puberty & gets help from Jesse before he dies to control his gift however since his death he's constantly walking the thin line of emotional overload though it does lead him to making friends with the other outcasts preventing a number of issues & distancing himself from the other Scoobies even as he still patrols as he can feel Willow indifference, Buffy self absorption/shallowness & Giles disdain though with Giles he could be misreading the motivation behind the disdain

  6. Xander as the first in a completely new magical bloodline & the distant nephew of Leo Wyatt who throws a fit when he finds out = leads to him calling in favours from his other charges that help him get at the very least custody of his nephew & in so doing draws attention to sunnydale numerous issues

  7. Xander as the special charge of new whitelighter Patricia Halliwell – leads to a powerful, knowledgeable, experienced, thorough, protective, discreet & down to earth coven to safeguard the towns true innocents from both the nightlife & the daylife

  8. Xander as half Mortal/Half Whitelighter thanks to his birth father{not Leo} - giving him the possible abilities of Scrying, Spell Casting, Potion Making, Orbing, Hovering, Glamouring, Healing, Photokinesis{paticularly useful against vampires}, Thermokinesis, Mind Manipulation, Sensing, Cloaking, Omnilingualism, High Resistance, Reconstitution, Regeneration... 

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

Xander was at some point during High School made into a whitelighter ordered to safeguard the Hellmouth with a thorough grounding in everything he needs to know thanks to a necessary mental download which gets translated into his own comprehensive key locked journal providing the full in-depth lowdown of the Supernatural/Magical/Paranormal Good, Bad & Neutral

Possible charges include the Scooby Gang who he's becoming increasingly disallusioned with, Amy, Wells Brothers, Michael, Jonathan, Tara, Faith... very few of which actually find out he's a whitelighter{not Buffy/Dawn/Willow}, however despite that still manages to effect great positive changes which sidestep later issues

 Eventually Xander falls in love with & marries Chris Halliwell

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None


Summer After Master Dies

  • Parents die and he inherits his magical heritage {powers, family tree, book of shadows, family chronicles...}

  • Ends up living in a warded one room apartment & working for a Good Ethan at his Magic Shop as a Emancipated Minor

  • Subtly breaks away from the Scoobies who don't really notice as he forms/becomes a part of a solid supportive coven with another natural born witch and several practitioners {Amy, Tucker, Jonathan, Andrew, Michael, Tara..} = Ethan, Jenny & a amulet protected Whitelighter are their competent mentors

  • Together manage to thoroughly research and map out a 100 years of Sunnydale, building & key figures, finding various human & supernatural past, present & future patterns, threats, problems, inconsistencies, hot spots, lairs... = leads to them effectively & preemptively taking out several threats

  • Sets up a secure network to monitor who & what comes into town – dangerous artifacts, books, demons, magic users..{e.g. The Judge & Acathla could be orbed into hot lava before they even wake up}

  • Together raid various Sunnydale caches weekly, above and below ground, each earning a decent trust fund – making a real dent in the vampires & bad demons population as well as Sunnydale collection of hidden & mostly dangerous artifacts/books/weapons

  • Other possible changes = everyone linked into the Hellmouth permanently cut off = real bad citizens locations leaked to feds{serial killers-tax dodgers-molesters-hackers..} = magical witness protection for several future sacrifices e.g. Cordelia after seeing marks on their auras = Rack vanquished = Mayor stopped before the 100 days = Hellmouth drained so harder to open...

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Herc/Xena-verse, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None


Xander Winchester

Xander as a half brother or twin

1. Gets adopted by Hunter Caleb whilst age 15/16 & post Acathla or Graduation after meeting during some Sunnydale Cache raiding – Caleb helps him get a better grounding in self defence, supernatural, weapons, first aid... as well as heal from his family & friends abuse & neglect until he finds Caleb body and his Birth dad on the phone.

2. The Gang shunning him after he's forced to kill his possessed step-dad in self defence since despite being possessed he was still human & with a soul – afterwards his big brother Dean comes into town as his emergency contact whilst the gang expect Xander to crawl back to them begging for forgiveness, finds out everything that's happened, thoroughly kicks the Scooby gangs asses and then takes his brother under his wing without John knowledge whilst Sam is at Stanford{side affect could be they stopped in to see Sam & secretly de-possess his friend and put up full protections}

3. Xander bailing on the Gang after realizing at the very least how much they take advantage of him and ends up hunting alone across America until he meets the rest of his family one of three ways 1) at shotgun point in the middle of a hunt, 2) singing & playing guitar on the street, or 3) hitchhiking – side note could be Xander meeting Faith whilst on the Road and once realizing where she's going and the reason why gives a thorough heads up on sunnydale & the gang

4. Xander de-aged by willow to become more of a yes man, gets sent to his unknown to the gang, brother Sam, whilst he's at Stanford and is eventually cured by brotherly love/acceptance, Bobby or Pastor Jim

5. Teen Xander being forced to take care of his suicidal and alcohol addicted [already has issues thanks to the Harris's] half brother Sam after Dean Deal comes due whilst also struggling with keeping Ruby away from them and dealing with a sudden diagnosis of cancer

6. The hospital calling Sam at Stanford saying Xander in a bad way and Sam learning what it truly means to be the big brother whilst Xander heals = could be due to cancer, suicide attempt, returning from hell, bad hunt...etc

7. Xander as Sam twin that was stolen at birth and reunited age 16 after he'd been hunting for two years on the hellmouth & the Acathla incident – ends up going to Stanford with Sam to protect him whilst secretly keeping up with the protections, hunting on the side, working part time in a gunshop, keeping in touch with Dean & Bobby, De-possessing Brady, finding a hunter boyfriend...etc

8. Xander getting legal guardianship of half brother Adam after his mom dies and together with Xander boyfriend whose another trained hunter & Jack O'Neill clone sets out to help stop the Apocalypse whilst working out of their own home base that has enough rooms/beds for them, Dean, Sam, John, & their uncle Clay{loosers}

In each bunny the brothers each have a ring that is warded against being taken off, unwilling teleportation, physical & spiritual possessions, harmful/malicious & shoddy magicks, tracking, impersonation, mental & emotional compulsion/influence & tampering, unwilling magical & psionic bonds...

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None

The Challenge

= Xander as a natural born witch from a powerful but dormant bloodline who gets his powers activated or enhanced after he becomes Luke Skywalker for the night

= Possible 2 or 3 Powers Being either Telepathy, Empathy, Telekinesis, Levitation, Hyper Speed or Premonitions with enhanced Agility 

= Personality can either be a blending of luke and xander, a result of luke influence on him before he fully fades out or a reaction to whats happened particularly if he has telepathy and heres things he shouldn't have from so called allies >  Much more Proactive, Cautious, Self Reliant, Down To Earth, Open-Minded, Practical, Calm, Maverick, Mature, Compassionate, Secure, Honest, No BS, Perceptive, Wise, Responsible, Strategic, Self Aware...

= Results in quite a lot of conflict from the others as they don't like change percieving it as a threat to their own status as well as because it forces them to look beyond the surface and confront some harsh unwelcomed truths

= Also results in some positive changes among the students outcasts such as jonathan, amy, michael, tucker, andrew... which leads them to leading fullfilling, informed and educated lives off the hellmouth

= Xander ends up working either in the military as a pilot or in law enforcement after working hard to make up for sunnydale stagnancy 

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

Bunny [Set any time up to Joyce dying]

Sheriff Carter finding out that he is Xander father

[with Carter and Eureka possibly also being a Wizarding community like in Oh no
he didn't by josette grover]

Must Have's
1) Joyce written as being a good but flawed woman not a idol of virtue & Dawn
going into a estranged relatives care upon death eg Aaron Hotchner
2) Nathan somehow successfully shutting down or shielding the hellmouth, maybe even having the town/council/initiative shut down or rebuilt
3) ALL of the scooby's and their allies having reality & the possibilities of
real life consequences for their actions and inactions pointed out to them
4) Willow not being the smartest one in the room just academic smart next to
Sunnydale sheep standards
5) Xander being fearful of Willow learning magic considering her personality &
taking steps eg protection tattoo's....

Possible multiple secrets for Xander to have: -
= Working various jobs since he was a young child

= Studying online/night school for his GED, Degree, various certificates as well
as self defence and EMT classes
= Having a secret supportive male lover at college or outside town
= Large locked saving account outside town from years of bad guy
= Currently or previously squatted in Jesse old home living out of a dufflebag
after being disowned for standing up to his family whilst hyena possessed
= Single father to a son due to the Initiative or hyena possession
= Long term health issues due to abuse, fish taint, chumash curse, willow
magical blasts...etc
= Being a skilled empath, shaman and/or medium
= Has him collecting extensive, evidence backed up, full records on the team,
allies, local practitioners, underground population, Initiative, council and
Sunnydale as personal insurance with multiple copies in various safe places
(Corrupt, Negligent, Incompetent, Stagnant, Criminal, Unstable...etc)
= Having extensive trust issues with all the team members and allies not just
willow and buffy
= Suffering from PTSD

Any Takers :)

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None

The Challenge set during High School

Xander becoming a powerful Telekinetic as a result of repeated childhood trauma like the character Bethany on Angel - though not necessarily the same trauma.

Show his journey towards healing, independence and control with the help of a true mentor or brother figure who unconditionally accepts, supports, loves, respects, protects, comforts and befriends him. 

Leads to Xander becoming much more grounded, self aware, realistic, calm, practical and mature as he heals. As well as forming good friendships outside Buffy and Willow.

Xander has to develope a healthy coping mechanism to deal with his emotions such as art, cooking or mechanics..etc So no 'dating' Cordelia, hunting for stress relief...

Has to be some conflict with the gang maybe due to the fact that Xander is growing up and they are not necessarily there yet or over their actions and inactions towards him..etc

Categories: Buffy/Angel Stories, Buffy/Angel Crossovers Characters: None

Either Pre-Series or Post Master

The whole town is thoroughly investigated by ALL relevant governement agencies which leads to a mayor death whilst resisting arrest and a full rebuilding - No more corruption, negligence, stagnancy, incompetence...etc with Key posts such as teachers, cops, doctors, therapists, managers, magic shop owner...etc being filled in by good, experienced, no BS, practical, realistic, insightful, strategic, responsible, modern and proactive: hunters, psychics, natural born witches, halfies, whitelighters...etc

The whole town is 1) thoroughly blessed and cleansed of at least 50+ years of bad energies, with the Hellmouth drained down to half strength and warded against leaking and opening, 2) cleaned out of abandoned, dangerous and hidden supernatural, magical and paranormal caches, 3) cleared of at least 60% of its vampire population

All Citizens fully cleansed of all the hellmouth corruptive taint, bonds & influence maybe through the water system which would further help in getting rid of the bad guys... 

All Kids – Forced to attend an accelerated Summer School to get up to State Education Standards for their year groups as well as good group and individual therapy {catches trouble cases before they can become threats such as Warren, Tucker, Marcy, Jonathan, Amy and her Mom, Willow...}

Willow – Sent to a good foster care family and community service for her Hacking after a stint in Juvie whilst her parents are discredited & arrested for child neglect, endangerment, abandonment...

Xander – Gets Adopted by the McNally's whilst his family is arrested for fraud, DUI, child abuse, neglect, endangerment...

Xander Rings: warded against being taken off, unwilling teleportation, physical & spiritual possessions, harmful/malicious & shoddy magicks, tracking, impersonation, mental & emotional compulsion/influence & tampering, unwilling magical & psionic bonds...

How would Giles and Buffy react to all the positive changes?, would the scooby gang still form?, would they shun the others in true council fashion?, will they actively work against the others?...

How would Xander, Jesse and Willow react to the positive changes?, would willow, xander and Jesse still be friends after everything?, will willow end up bitter about everything as she's not top academic dog anymore?...

How would Angel react to all the positive changes?, would someone be able to negate or fix his curse as well as give him a continuous reality check?...

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Herc/Xena-verse, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None

After reading Keira Marcos excellent story Tangled Destines, this popped up

What if Xander had the combined powers of Telepathy & Empathy from the onset of puberty due to either being psionic, part alien, natural born witch, mutant or power transfer? He would be able to fully see into the mind & heart of everyone around him honestly without any form of willful or unwillful deception. And if he has something similar to a Psionic Legacy as in Tangled Destines from a loved one, or multiple loved ones, he would be much more secure, self aware & independent psychologically, as he would know their unconditional love, affection, honesty, respect, comfort and acceptance as well as possibly gain the full knowledge of how to use the full breath of his abilities effectively, efficently and ethically whilst still fully protecting himself. Would lead to much distrust regarding Willow and later the scooby gang.

Possible Psionic Legacies could come from a deceased parent, uncle, grandparent, godparent or his best friend/possible lover Jesse 

To be possibly crossed with Supernatural, Charmed, Star Trek 2009, X-Men Movies...

This Challege could also be done effectively on Harry Potter, leading to a much more interesting, realistic and proactive main character 

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None

What if Xander had a down to earth hands on Grandpa that he often stayed with who was a former Marine & FBI Agent that had escaped from his old Watcher family, who gave him a thorough grounding in magic, supernatural, demonic, paranormal, hunting, law, self defence, tactics, weapons, wilderness survival-tracking, money, people reading, problem solving, forensics, languages, medic, investigating, field psychology, carpentry, mechanics, handyman, security...etc

Helped ensure his grandson not only survived but thrived in both worlds with practical life skills, particularly when he realized that Xander is the first in a completely new magical bloodline like melinda warren was = also helped him secure proper accurate records outside Sunnydale, the Harris & Willow Interferences under legal birth name{education(distant learning), medical, legal, financial, employment, personal...}

How would all this change Xander for the better, particularly with Grandpa not liking Willow and therefore not allowing her, or anyone else, to influence his Grandson unduly in any shape or form so that Xander can form his ownself & opinions

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

Xander and Faith forming a strong bond of friendship as one emotional-mental-physical-sexual abuse victim recognizing another when faith comes to sunnydale earlier - leads to them getting some mutual unconditional platonic love, affection, honesty, respect, comfort, acceptance and training leading them to being happy and healing.

Together they = Patrol sunnydale poorer areas & the underground, = earn top scores on their GED, = improve their Self Defence & supernatural knowledge, = make contacts through the kitty poker circuit, = loot caches, = pickpocket vampires, = hustle pool/darts & cards, = learn some necessary life skills, = undergoes a in-depth cleansing ritual, = get gifted in heavily warded Lapis/Koa rings from a truly peaceful race, = live/squat together, = proactively take out several threats before they become active threats in inventive ways such as Judge/Dru/Rack/Doc/Spike/Sisterhood/Belthazar depending on when Faith arrives,

Rings: warded against being taken off, unwilling teleportation, physical & spiritual possessions, harmful/malicious & shoddy magicks, tracking, impersonation,  mental & emotional compulsion/influence & tampering, unwilling magical & psionic bonds...

Also leads to Xander revealing some secrets such as = squatting/camping at Jesse abandoned house, = living out of a dufflebag, = his parents & willow illegally changing his name/birthday/various records to either get him out of the house sooner/later or mold him to be dependent.., = having legal & accurate records which show his true talents/aptitudes/health.. as well as a healthy bank account under his birth name outside of town without anybody in sunnydale knowledge, = being a single parent to a son due to sexual assault, = taking online classes..

How would things possitively change for Xander with someone at his side like a true sister who saw & accepted all of him as he is?  

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None

Xander being related to four+ overprotective snarky no BS people who once they find out how much he's been screwed over {by his parents, willow & her hacking/magic, rosenburgs & their biased psychology, snyder manipulations & sunnydale outdated-corrupt-neglegent-incompetent system...etc} set out to help him every way they can whilst also thoroughly kicking ass with regards to at the very least the Harris's, Buffy, Giles, Willow, Cordelia, Oz, Joyce, Snyder... if not the whole of sunnydale messed up system, with positive lasting results, even if the results are only in Xander, the Family and the innocents best interests.

Possible Relatives = Nathan Stark, Jack O'Neill, Gregory House, Tim Speedle, Tony Dinozzo, Aaron Hotchner or David Rossi, Ray Kolwalski, Nathan Ford, Steve McGarrett Or Danny Williams...

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

Xander and Paige being raised together in secret by Sam Wilder with Xander either being Sam adopted son or Paige's twin. Together they get a thorough grounding in History-Mythology, Magic, Old Ways, Supernatural, Demonic, Paranormal, Self Defence, Strategy, First Aid, Physical Training, People Reading, Investigation, Tracking, Home Security, Weapons, Life Skills, Ethics, Personal Responsibility... as Sam realizes that whilst he can't keep their heritage from them he can teach them everything he knows to keep them as safe as possible. 

Each build a thorough, practical, systematic & individual Book of Shadows with its own protections, learn extra skills such as Divination, Astral Projection, Aura Reading, Agility as well as Fully Harness their natural non active witch skills - spells, potions, rituals, scrying & mediumship.

Both meet the charmed ones and Leo whilst Sam is dying.

Whilst Paige is more Whitelighter than Witch, Xander is more Witch than Whitelighter if they are twins.

Bonus Points - for one or both of them using photokinesis defensively & offensively during Battle

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

After reading  The Pen is a Sword: The Blood Books on AO3 by A_Being_Of_Violet_Fire not long after reading several Eureka fics this came up

= Harry & Percy forming a solid friendship and eventual relationship behind everyone backs, as the overlooked ones, that leads to them fully escaping wizarding europe, after draining the Potter/Black vaults/properties of everything valuable, for the Magical/Supernatural/Intellectual sanctuary of Eureka

Both gain full asylum/citizenship, new Identities, tailored in-depth magical & mundane education, medical & healing, weekly therapy{not Barlow}, purification ritual, their secret dream jobs{opposite expectations}, true friend/brother/dad in Nathan Stark, birthrights, makeovers...

Eventually they have three sons together{mpreg or surrogates or adoption} that don't get subjected to the Dursley or Weasley version of parenting{abuse, overbearing, neglect or comparing kids}

Harry ends up forming a solid friendship with Jack Carter when he arrives in town, helping him adjust, stay sane & keep his secrets - Keeps him sane after Percy dies the year before

Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Eureka Characters: None

= Xander as the unknown son of Nathan Ford

= Relationship gets found out in one of several possibilities 1) both nate & xander are kidnapped as revenge - force nate to discover & then watch another son die, 2) meet whilst unkowingly doing the same job, 3) xander as the target of the teams con thanks to the manipulations of a mutual enemy

= Xander had a hard childhood thanks to at the very least abuse, neglect, social isolation & loss of a brother, best friend and first love/boyfriend

= Xander slow to trust his dad thanks to his childhood, Nate's own Alcoholism and Sophie hold on Nate{has issues with women thanks to relatives, crap friends & bad ex's}

= Xander as a mix of Nathan, Eliot & Parker in Skill set with his own small business as a hobby{Gay BDSM club-Tattoo Parlour-Carpentry Furniture Store-Motorcycle Garage...}

= Alternatively Xander as a blind hitter who no one knows is blind thanks to his ability to compensate

= Xander slowly forming a strong bond with the team minus Sophie & in particular Eliot as either a Mentor/student, Lovers, Brothers or Best Friends

= Alternative Universe - mpreg, shifters, sentinal, BDSM...etc

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None


Main Crossovers = Buffy, Charmed, Supernatural


What If Xander had a brother who died before Jesse & Xander reacted by extensive training so he could protect himself, his platonic soul mate Jesse & his emotionally stunted step sister Willow – however after Jesse death he moves from defence to offense and starts nightly hunts & mapping out the various lairs, nests, caches, deaths...etc so he can regularly hit the hot spots


Leads to major conflict with the overbearing & willfully blind special syndrome gang = Willow{conflicts with her fantasy version of Xander}, Buffy{wants to subject her version of normal on him} and Giles{impractical snobby researcher & council lackey}

Training = Supernatural, Self Defence, Demonic, Tracking, Weapons, Paranormal, Strategy, First Aid, Thieving, Magical...

Bonus Points if Xander is a part of an old & unique natural born witch family that has hunted ALL styles of demonic/supernatural/paranormal/magical threats, something which is reflected in their comprehensive book of shadows = leads to him having Leo as his Whitelighter/Mentor, a supportive power{empathy or Sensing evil} & a highly destructive active power{energy blasts-pyrokinesis-molecular combustion-energy waves-advance telekinesis-energy balls-molecular dispersion...}

Bonus Bonus Points if Xander is shown as highly practical, knowledgeable, competent, proactive, realistic, perceptive, blunt, driven, strategic...

Triple Bonus Points if Xander has protective tattoos against all types of possessions, non healing magic, psychic manipulation & impersonations{skinwalkers-shapeshifters..}

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

The Challenge

= Xander Harris, Stiles Stilinski & Nick Burkhardt as close supportive cousins

= Each cousin inheriting the Grimm abilities

= Each cousin fully trained themselves & each other in self defence, the supernatural, first aid, investigation techniques, weapons, profiling, languages...etc

= Xander is either in college to become a cop or already is one like Nick

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None


= Xander is de-aged & possibly sent across realms to become the son of BAMF teen Stiles Stilinski and maybe a stalker/roofies 

= Stiles has secretly been training in self defence, weapons, magic, first aid, investigation techniques, profiling, hacking & the supernatural thanks to what been happening as he doesn't want to be a victim. 

= After getting custody of baby Xander takes a hard look at his life, friends, allies, himself and his priorities

= Ends up being less inclinded to help/lie/backup bad friend Scott & the Hale Pack unless truly necessary.

= Becomes very anti Argent family

= Doesn't tolerate anyone BS &/or Manipulations in any shape or form against him, his dad or innocents

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

= During High School Xander, thanks to his association with Buffy, gets approached by a powerful, good, capable & realistic group to help take down several long term Bads such as the Watcher Council, Sunnydale itself, the Initiative...etc by becoming a successful supernatural version of a undercover cop with his own handler/contact and in return he gets full independence from the Harris's, protection, good education/training & medical care after extensive examining, support, a decent side paycheck & once done a new life


Possible crossovers or multiple crossovers as well as new bosses for Xander can be

> Eureka with Nathan Stark as a leader of a peaceful supernatural community as well as a scientific one

> Stargate with Jack O'Neill as leader of Homeworld Security protecting the world from aliens, supernaturals & idiotic humans

> Charmed with the Elders or at least a subgroup of Elders who are much more realistic, proactive, interactive & not Halliwell obsessed

> Hercules/Xena with the Greek gods taking serious objection to what the powers that be are doing & allowing thanks to pettiness, negligence, indifference..

> Sentinel where Sentinels & Guides are known and accepted in society, they have their own organization that sets out to help & protect Sentinels, Guides & Mundanes alike that also unknown to the Mundanes deal with the various supernatural threats

> Dresden Files and the White Council

> SHEILD with Coulson as his contact, later on forms a strong friendship with Tony Stark

> AU NCIS LA/CSI/Mag7/Numb3rs Verse where the Supernatural world is known about at least to them if not the general public

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Mag7, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Herc/Xena-verse, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None

What if Xander dressed up as youngish Charles Xavier for Halloween instead of a Soldier and he kept not only the very useful memories but the gift of Telepathy as well? Particularly if Xander thanks to the way he's grown up unconciously & constantly scans those around him for threats - hearing & finding out things he shouldn't > leading Xander to proactively taking care of various threats in sunnydale much more quietly, efficiently and effectively including the teams various attitudes as well as providing some necessary perspective for Xander with regards to his life and himself

Possibile Crossovers

1) {CHARMED} Xander finds out that he's a Natural Born Witch with Halloween just breaking through the binding, that was placed by the Elders due to his parents continuous addictions, and possibly adding another active power = gets the support/help of the Elders/whitelighters as he learns of his heritage, controls his gifts and handles sunnydale/gang > later on could move to San Francisco and form an alliance with the Charmed ones and some others in keeping San Fran safe and each other grounded in reality

1.5) Xander as just a natural Telepath, though thanks to where he was born and how he got/activated his powers still gains Elders/whitelighters support as he learns to control his gifts and handle sunnydale/the gang = later on he could also be the one to help support Leo supporting the Charmed ones and getting their heads out of their asses as needed

Added bonus if Xander and Paige become best friends, helping each other heal and supporting each other against unreasonable sisters/friends that have constant trouble accepting them as they are and not zeppo/replacement instead of friend/sister.

2) {SUPERNATURAL} Xander as one of Azazel children with his gifts coming out sooner thanks to Halloween - leads to him heading several things off

3) {SENTINAL with further possible crossovers in SGC or CSI if sentinals/guides are known} Xander as a powerful guide qualities become more telepathic in nature

4) {X-Men Evolution Or X Men The Movies} Xander as the Psychic son of the real Charles Xavier who with his own Telepathy senses that something has happened, investigates it, fixes it and then fosters/adopts Xander.

Must Not Have:- Xander telepathically powerful enough to read more than a small city

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Supernatural, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None

Post Master

Xander tired of the treatment he recieves at the hands of the Harris's and without the knowledge of the other Scoobies - packs what he truly needs & values from his parents & old McNally's homes, and soon becomes a leader of sunnydale only safe & viable, although illegal, group home when he squats in one of Sunnydale larger abandoned houses which soon becomes filled with other abused/neglected/victimized kids he noticed needing help - everyone ends up supporting & protecting each other even as they all heal, catchup to normal non-sunnydale education standards, learn some necessary life skills such as basic cooking/household & car maintenance & repairs/self defence, work part time to pay for food & other expenses....etc   

Kids Possiblities = Andrew, Jonathan, Amy, Michael, Larry....

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Stories Characters: None

The Buffy Verse where Xander was Born with the gift of Power Immunity -  User is immune to all or certain supernatural powers and effects, although indirect attacks can still effect the user

  • Ability Resilience - Immune to superpower manipulation-based attacks.

  • Elemental Immunity - Immune to element-based attacks and abilities.

  • Evil Immunity - Immune to becoming or to anything that's pure evil.

  • Fate Immunity - Immune to the forces of Causality and Fate

  • Illusion Awareness - See through illusions.

  • Life Resilience - Immune to Death Manipulation.

  • Magic Immunity - Immune to magic.
  • Panmnesia - Immune to memory manipulating abilities.

  • Paranormal Immunity - Immune to paranormal-based attacks, abilities and effects.

  • Precognitive Immunity - Can't be seen in precognitive-based abilities.

  • Psychic Shield - Immune to telepathic, empathic and mental abilities.
  • Reality Anchoring - Immune to reality manipulation-based abilities.

  • Seduction Immunity - Immune to seductive love, lust and sex-based abilities.

  • Semi-Immortality - Immune to aging-based abilities.

  • Shapeshifting Awareness - See through a shapeshifters disguise.
  • Soul Anchoring - Immune to Soul-affecting powers.

  • Temporal Protection - Immune to alterations of the timeline changing.
  • Temporal Immunity - Immune to temporal-based powers

  • How much different would everything be? Would Xander still be as close to Willow if he wasn't as effected by the Hellmouth and didn't constantly forget/ignore the deaths & various strangness? How would Willow react when every spell she decides to cast on her Xander toy failed? What if it allowed him to save a would have been forgotten little brother, that he loved & protected unconditionly, by allowing him to see past Illusions/shapeshifting abilities...etc of his would be killer?

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers, Buffy/Angel Stories Characters: None

After reading Never Look Back By FallenQueen2 this hopped up

Xander as a highly successful but unliked Cop/Agent with a dark past, just like Tony DiNozzo and Marty Deeks, who continues to hide behind the 'Xander' mask {jokester..} with no one bothering to look any deeper.

During the course of his life/career befriends Tony and Marty, the three of them becoming close supportive/protective family/brothers/friends & when they are together, they all know the full scope of each others history, issues and pain so there are no masks, recriminations, secrets, misunderstandings, lies, judgements...etc keeping each other grounded and sane

How would the NCIS teams react when they find out during or after an op?

Bonus Points if Xander is related to Steve McGarrett Or Danny Williams from Hawaii Five O.

Alternatively, they could all actually be relatated by blood/marriage..? 

Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS Characters: None