Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup
Penname: vMures [Contact]
Real name: Amanda
Status: Member
Member Since: 2008.06.19

Voracious reader of fanfic, and lover of crossovers. Main fandoms include BtVS, SG-1/SG-A, Sentinal, Magnificent 7, NCIS, Harry Potter, and many others.

Occasional fanfic writer who is currently working on a Stargate/Buffy crossover featuring Giles. Please be warned that I am a slow writer. I try to make sure that my quality makes up for the lack in quantity.

Recently returned to the United States after serving for two years in the Peace Corps. If you are curious I served in Jamaica and am always willing to answer questions and discuss my experiences. I'm currently readjusting to life in the US while working and taking a few classes while I prepare to apply for graduate school.

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Favorite Authors
1. voracity
I adore your fic.  I first got hooked on your Chicago series, and then I didn't see the world for quite awhile.  Your fic just draws the reader in.  I can not count the times I have started one of your series and then days later resurfaced into the real world.  In other words, keep up the good work. :)