Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

"What's station WHIZ?" Jay asks. "And how can we watch it? I don't think the platform has electricity."

"There's a small television next to the generator, WHIZ is a television channel, I doubt Billy was talking about normal programming so we'll check in an hour when the news is scheduled to come on." Courtney says, looking over at the generator as she runs a hand over the titles of the schoolbooks on the desk. Meanwhile, Rick is looking around the walls of the platform, mentally comparing it to other subway stations he's seen. Crawling behind the a pile of boxes, he sees the hatch he'd been looking for.

"We could get electricity, the platform has an access panel here but since it was never completed they didn't put up walls, lay wires, or install outlets." Rick looks over his shoulder at the others. "We'd be tapping into the city's power supply grid, just like any other consumer."

"That . .. is illegal." Jay says quietly. "And how do you know what would have to be done?"

"I studied electrical engineering as a hobby." Rick says. "One of my fraternity buddies was in the program, I read his texts when he wasn't using them and helped him with a project."

"Why didn't you go into the program?" Courtney asks.

"Too much math needed." Rick says.

"What would be needed to get electricity down here? I doubt you can just open up a panel and start plugging things in?" Pietr asks.

"No, it's 220 voltage at the panel, you'd need a converter to bring it down to 110 and run lines to whatever you wanted to run." Rick says, shutting the hatch and brushing off his clothes.

"How would you get a converter?" Pietr asks. Jay looks at them stunned. "Stealing electricity is still illegal."

"Not stealing if you pay for it." Rick says. "The building over us is empty, somebody could buy it and hook up to their meter. That way what electricity used would be accounted for."

"What type of converter would be needed?" Pietr asks.

"A fuse box like in any building." Rick says. "It would take a lot of work to rig this place up for electricity, time, effort, and money." He looks around the platform. "They don't make stations like this anymore, I remember reading about the lost subway stations in history class."

"Lost subway stations."

"Yeah, the city had made plans to extend the subway out towards the suburbs, a few stations were even built. But then the War happened and plans were put on hold. By the time the war was over, the reports of where the stations were dug was lost and the city decided to run trains instead."

Rick walks to the edge of the platform and onto the bridge across to the other side. He looks at the neat stacks of papers, bags of bottles, flattened cans, various metals, piles of wood neatly stacked for winter, a couple of old wood stoves sitting in the corner, and what looks like walls leaning against the wall. This area isn't as neat as Billy's living area, but still clean.

A couple hours later they turn to the small television as the news should be coming on. As expected, the first story is about the alien invasion. Everybody blinks when the anchor cuts to a broadcast from the field and the reporter turns out to be Billy.

They watch the news and turn the television off when the news is over, looking at each other while Pietr dishes up the food and they begin to eat. A makeshift ice box holds the leftovers and Pieter marvels at how Billy has arranged things for himself on the platform. Standing up, he walks over to the desk, studying the work assignments Billy had been given.

Billy shows up a couple of hours after the news is off, night has fallen. "Sorry if I worried anybody, I didn't want anybody following me."

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