Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Billy picks up his his messenger bag, taking out the money and reaching into his shirt for a key that hangs around his neck. Walking over to the wall, he removes boxes before opening one and pulling out a lockbox that he unlocks. A set of keys emerges from the box and he locks it back up, putting it away before he heads to the edge of the platform, dropping onto the floor and heading towards the stairs they'd first come down. He's not surprised when two thuds are heard behind him.

He takes a deep breath as he opens to the door hidden in the shadows, looking behind him to see Rick and Pietr. He leads the way to the building where his truck is parked, Rick getting behind the wheel and looking at him for directions.

The truck is parked in an alley with a few restaurants and shops. The woman standing at the back door sighs when the truck appears.

"I was beginning to worry about you, what with all of this," she jerks her head in the direction of the sky, "happening. They may have the newspapers shut down, but you hear stories. . ."

"I've heard the same stories, that's why I wanted to wait until after dark, didn't want to attract any more attention."

"Any more attention?" she asks like a dog tracking a scent.

"I already had a run-in with them this morning at the train station when I took scrap in." Billy starts picking up the recycling containers to empty into the truck bed.

"You put that right down and get your butt in the kitchen and get you something to eat." she orders. "You and your . . .friends."

Billy ducks his head and murmurs 'yes, ma'am' as he follows her into the kitchen. "Paulo, go outside and put our recyclables and kitchen scraps in Billy's truck for him."

"Yes Grandma," a boy ducks out the back door, wiping his hands on the towel tucked in the strings of the apron around his waist.

"Anything I should know before I dish you up something?"

"Pietr's a vegetarian."

"Ahh, so's my youngest." she waves a hand, turning to the pots simmering on the stove. "I've got a three bean soup on the stove and a vegetable, which one you want?"

"The vegetable please." Pietr ducks his head, hiding a chuckle as filled plates and bowls of soup are soon placed on the small table in the kitchen, obviously where the employees eat.

"Eat up, there's plenty more where that came from." she says, heading to the back of the kitchen to watch her grandson outside. "Place it in, don't dump it in boy, you don't want to break something, do you?"

"No Grandma," can be faintly heard from outside. An hour later, once she's sure they're finally full and she's heard the news, she allows them to leave her restaurant. Billy starts heading down the street, picking up recycling bins and carrying them back to the truck. Two hours later everything is loaded into the back of the truck and they get inside to head back to the others.

"Do we need to stop somewhere on the way?" Rick asks Billy and Pietr.

"There's a 24 hour store a couple of blocks away, I'd like to stop and get some more groceries, in case the aliens keep people from traveling."

The others nod and Rick pulls the truck into the parking lot. Billy pulls a tarp from behind the seat and covers the truck bed before they head inside, Billy grabbing a cart and quickly filling it with groceries as he sees an alien walk into the building.

Pietr feels Billy stiffen beside him and he looks around, heading for the next aisle and picking out what he wants to get in the way of toiletries and other sundry supplies the others will need.  The alien doesn't come any further into the building and they sigh in relief before returning their attention to filling the cart.

"Gentlemen, are you nearly finished?" One of the workers asks, coming up to them. "The aliens want us to shut the store down, they don't want people out on the streets after dark."

Billy checks his list and nods. She sighs and leads them to the checkout.  Billy pays with cash and pushes the cart out to the truck, putting the bags in the back in the small area not filled with recyclables and they pull out of the parking lot, Billy watching behind him to make sure they're not followed.

Pietr shakes his head, a fourteen year old boy should not have to take care of people twice his age.  Billy has them take a different way back to the neighborhood that he lives in and sighs when the truck is finally pulled into the building.

"I was beginning to worry." Jay says when they make their way down the stairs, arms fill of bags.

"The aliens are making people get off the streets." Billy reports as he heads back up the stairs for the last of the bags. "They came in while we were at the grocery store and had the managers shut it down."

Jay shakes his head as he helps Pietr start putting away the food. "Nobody is going outside until this is over then, and yes Billy that means you." he orders firmly.

Billy looks at him and finally nods,settling down on his cot. Pietr waits until his breathing settles into sleep before quietly telling Jay what happened.

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