Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Okay so I decided since this is in honour of Winchester Colt and after looking at the poll results this will be either DeanCas or DeanLuna. Heavenly Demon will be the threesome.

Chapter 3

“Who the hell are you?” A gruff voice demanded and Harry looked at the bed to find its occupant staring at him.

“Hi. Are you Bobby Singer? I hope so cause if I got the wrong room then this is embarrassing.” Harry babbled and the man blinked.

“I’m Singer, what do you want kid?”

“Oh, um I’m Harry Evans. I uh….I’m here to help?” Harry said and mentally winced; he really should have thought this out more. At least he remembered to use Evans instead of Potter, something his Dad had suggested to make it harder for the Ministry to find him.

Bobby stared at the kid who’d walked into his room, taking in the messy dark hair and deep green eyes. The kid was well dressed but who or maybe what was he? “Help how?” he demanded.

“By healing you.” Harry answered and Bobby frowned.

“How the hell would you do that?” he demanded suspiciously and the teen shrugged.

“Magic.” Harry answered, sighing when the hunter pushed himself up in the bed, looking for a weapon. “Relax Mr. Singer. If I wanted to hurt or kill you, you’d be dead. I’m here to help because the Winchesters are important in stopping Lucifer and you’re important to them. Therefore having you out of the game is not good.” Harry explained as calmly as he could.

“Magic? What kind of magic?” Bobby demanded in disgust, looking more urgently for a weapon and Harry frowned before his eyes went wide.

“Oh no! Nothing like that! No demon deals, soul selling, blood or life sacrificing. I wouldn’t touch that stuff, it makes me feel sick.” Harry rushed to assure him, shuddering at the thought. Just because his Dad made soul deals didn’t mean he had to like them or do the same.

“Then how?” The hunter demanded and Harry sighed. How the hell was he meant to explain? He wasn’t a Healer or anything, he could do some healing yes but he did it instinctively.

“I don’t really know how to explain it; I’m not a trained Healer or anything. What I do, it’s just….instinct. I can heal you, maybe not fully, I’m not sure but it’ll be better than how you are now. There’s no cost Mr. Singer.” Harry promised and the man studied him closly before finally nodding warily. Harry slowly walked over to the bed and placed a hand over Bobby’s stomach, letting his magic seep into the man’s body, searching for the damage. He just poured the magic in, letting it do its job. He heard the door open but ignored it, he had to, if the Healing was interrupted it could kill the Hunter. Eventually his magic left the man and Harry swayed but stepped back from the bed with a small smile. “Try wriggling your toes.” He said, ignoring the three new presences in the room.

Bobby lay still even as he felt a strange warmth spreading through him. He stared up at the teenager, seeing the growing strain whatever he was doing was causing. Hearing noise form the door he glanced to the side, seeing the boys and their angel all staring in shock. Then the kid swayed and stepped back, the warmth retreating with him and Bobby pushed himself up even as he was told to wriggle his toes. He watched in awe as his toes wriggled before looking up at the kid in thanks.

“Cas wait!” Dean screamed and Harry turned, just in time to avoid being skewered. He lept over the bed putting it and the hunter in it between himself and his attacker since they seemed to know the hunter, he figured he wouldn’t hurt Singer just to get Harry. Harry backed away, hands raised defensively as his magic swirled beneath his skin, ready to attack. “Bobby?” Dean called and the older hunter sat up.

“I’m fine, better than I have been in a long time. Kid gave me my legs back. So why the hell are you trying to kill him?” Bobby demanded of the angel.

“You do not know what he is.” Castiel stated and Harry paled slightly. His Dad and Remus were going to kill him. There was one main rule in the house, stay away from Angels. And what was trying to kill him? Going by the sword and the outline of wings he could just see……an Angel. He dodged again and then felt strong arms wrap around him, containing him but also moving him further away from the Angel. Harry looked up to see the taller of the two younger hunters holding him.

“You hurt?” The man asked and Harry shook his head, too busy staring into concerned hazel eyes to answer verbally.

Sam grabbed the teenager, pulling him away from Castiel and keeping him from leaving the room. He looked down as the kid looked up, amazed by just how green his eyes were. “You hurt?” He asked softly, getting a head shake in answer. Sam stared down at the teenager, studying him. He wasn’t sure how old he was but he was young and rather skinny but there was something……Sam inhaled and nearly swooned as the boys scent it him, he’d never smelt anything like it.

“Hold him still Sam, he is not human.” Castiel called and Sam’s eyes widened in shock, seeing the boy tense. Did that explain his scent and Sam’s reaction to it? Emerald eyes stared up at him, pleading silently and Sam pulled him further away from Castiel, feeling the teenager realx a little.

“He gave Bobby his legs back; he hasn’t even tried to hurt any of us.” Sam stated, feeling the teen fully relax.

“Thank you.” The teen finally spoke and Sam was surprised by his accent. Sam just nodded, dodging with the teen again as Castiel attacked, only to be restrained by Dean and Bobby who had gotten up.

“Cas stop it! You’re just freaking the kid out!” Dean yelled and Sam snickered at the look that appeared on the kids face.

“I’m seventeen.” The teen mumbled and Sam was surprised, he’d thought he was younger.

Castiel glared at Dean but then relaxed and nodded. Dean didn’t let go, not sure whether or not to trust the Angel wasn’t going to attack again. “Okay, now you kid are gonna answer some questions. Okay?”

“Guessing I don’t have much of a choice.” Harry answered and Dean grinned at him.

“Nope.” Dean agreed.

“What are you? Why can I not sense you?” Castiel demanded.

“Cas.” Dean sighed in exasperation. “I’ll ask the questions okay? Don’t think the kid likes you after trying to kill him.” Dean told the Angel who nodded slowly. “Okay so Cas’ questions, what are you and why can’t he sense you?”

“It’s my…..magic, my magic’s hiding me.” Harry answered quietly, not really looking at any of them.

At that answer Sam stiffened, tightening his hold as he looked first at his brother and then at Bobby. Magic? This kid dealt with demons? Sam glanced down again, seeing and feeling how tense the teen was.

“I see now.” Castiel whispered, staring at Harry.

“See what?” Dean demanded.

“What he is. I will not try to harm him Dean, you can let me go.”

Harry was terrified, wand slipping into his hand. Did the Angel know he was a Cambion? That was not good but then why say he wasn’t going to hurt him?

“So what is he?” Dean asked.

“A Wizard.” Castiel stated and Harry relaxed, the angel didn’t know.

Dean let go and stepped back. “A what?” He looked at Harry.

“A Wizard, a born magic user.” Castiel explained. “You have a wand?”

Harry nodded and raised the hand holding the holly wand, smiling slightly when Dean’s jaw literally dropped a bit.

"Dude. You seriously have a magic wand?" Dean asked and Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a response." Harry said, slipping his wand back into its holster.

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