Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Harry turns 10 with fireworks

They go to Disneyworld for his birthday

Harry gets the Adventures of Robin Hood, the Wrinkle in Time series, Anne McCaffery’s Pern Series, and Arthur Conan Doyle books



Spring Break: head for the Scotland retreat to make plans to move there

The family horses are put into quarantine and the dogs and the ferrets as well

Hubert has been taken back to dragon land Blippy Xander gave him a sacred egg to make up for it and he keeps it in a pouch inside his shirt to keep it warm.


A new server is built to serve the family’s needs at the castle



Bill and Jeff celebrate their birthday (Bill 9/Jeff 22)

Bill gets the works of The Black Stallion and Mercedes Lackey

Jeff and Cyn head to the Mexico retreat for his birthday



Graduation days for the family; thankfully on separate days so everyone can be there for everyone’s graduations

Methos and Ray move away from the family to England to be with Toby under their new last names that they went to online school on though Toby knows.

Toby, Methos, and Ray go for their Masters in Archeology.


Amelia moves to Miami for her internship in trace forensics and field

Horatio has said he wants her in Denver afterwards

He and Speed will move to Scotland after they retire


Jim and Blair and Tony and Greg decide to stay in Denver as well so for now it is just the trio and the kids as Jeff is moving in with Cyn and going to Cal Sci for their Masters

The Winchesters decide to go with them since they are getting looks for looking so good for their ages.



Moving day

Most everything has already been packed and sent so it’s just a matter of going themselves

Everyone says a tearful good bye and they are on their way.


The boys know and understand that they are now under new last names as Xander and the crew are changing identities and are taking off their illusions

It is strange to see them so young




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