Alex and Jaz by Hex
Summary: Life with the two young thiefs Alex and Jaz
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Stories Characters: None
Genres: Original
Warnings: Cute Kid
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 27129 Read: 421992 Published: 2011.11.02 Updated: 2011.11.19
A new home by Hex
The next day

Sunlight shines into the infirmary waking Alex. “Ohh… Quid me percussus? (What hit me?)” She groans as she tries to block the light from hitting her eyes with her hand.

“Put your hand down child. You hit by a false guard according to you,” Nadie comes to the bed releasing some drapes to block the light. “How are you feeling?”

Scowling at the healer she responds, “Like I have been run over by a troop of guards, Oh wait! I was! I efficio quomodo sentient? Quid generis quaestiones est quod? (How do I feel? What kind of question is that?)”

“Ore vestro puer vigilia! (Child watch your mouth!)” Nadie snaps back.

Averting her eyes Alex says, “Paenitet (Sorry) Nan.”

The older women raises an eyebrow, “You still apologize and thank someone in Latin? You are a confusing child.”

Alex huffs and tries to roll to face away from Nadie, only to end up in pain from her ribs.

“Brutus (Senseless) Child. What were you thinking? Your ribs are broken and you need to rest not to be moving about even in bed.” Nadie scolds even as she checks to make sure none of the ribs have moved.

Yelping the girl flinches away from the touch, “Hei! (Ow!) That hurts you know!”

The woman looks up and then goes back to checking. “Well, you don’t seem to have done any more damage. But you are to lie in this bed, and stay in this bed until I tell you otherwise. Do you understand child?”

Just as it seems that Alex is about to rebel Nadie says, “Remember what happened the last time you didn’t listen to me about something like this? Do you want that to happen again?”

The girl immediately snaps her mouth shut and glares at the healer. Smiling Nadie instructs a person to enter when a knock sounds on the doors. Entering the room is Marcus.

“Good morrow Nadie, and good morrow to you as well Alex,” The King greets them. After having received greetings in return, though Alex’s was forced by a look from the older women, he continues talking to Alex. “I’ve been informed that you will be a guest of mine for awhile. That seems to be a problem to young Jaz; she is reluctant to return home without you.

“So I have come to an agreement with her for now she shall act as the Palace Messenger, delivering messages to others in the Palace. After you are healed she will be giving the choice to continue, however she seems to wish to stay with you.

“So I have an offer for you. You seem to have a talent for entering place not meant to be entered. I would like you to help the Palace guards to fortify the palace against thieves and assassins and other such people. There are also times where we need to … retrieve something that has been taking from us or an ally.”

“You mean steal, right?” interrupts the thief. At a glare from Nadie she continues, “Paenitet (Sorry), please continue.”

Marcus looks a little confused as he goes on “I would like to offer you a job for that work. In return you will no longer be wanted thieves. You would also receive free room and board here in the Palace. My wife is going to be outfitting young Jaz with some new clothes and has her mind set on doing the same to you if you stay,” he raises a hand at Alex’s protest. “Just enough for you to get by on any other clothes would be for you to buy yourself, and no there will be no dresses or skirts unless you are attending a royal function.”

Alex stays silent for awhile thinking on what has been said. “I have to think about this. But Gratias ago tibi (Thank you) for the offer.”

Marcus blinks before looking at Nadie who gives a little laugh, “’Paenitet’ is Sorry, and ‘Gratias ago tibi’ is Thank you. Alex you know everyone doesn’t understand Latin.”

“Ah. You’re quite welcome, and take your time to think. You have until you’re all healed.” Marcus the nods his head and walks out of the infirmary with a farewell to them both.

Later that day

“Alex, Alex, Alex, you’re awake finally! Yippee! Did ya hear the news did ya? I’m a palace messenger! Of course if were gonna go back home I’ll stop. Yep rather be with ya than alone. Especially if Grumpy’s gonna be here. And… are ya okay?” Jaz stops chattering and looks worriedly at the girl in the bed.

“Fine,” grimaces Alex. “I just have to remember not to move much.” Settling back down in bed from when she moved to cover Jaz’s mouth, she gives a silent sigh of relief. “Sit down Jazmine.”

The younger girl moves to sit in the chair that Alex pointed at. “Ooo. Full name means serious talk.”

Giving a little glare at the girl Alex starts, “I have been thinking. I do not think that running into those false guards was a coincidence. Now that I think about it Boris was a bit more abrupt than usual. My guess is that it was an ambush, I was sent there to be attacked, maybe killed.” Alex sighs looking out of the corner of her eye at the now worried Jaz. “I do not think it is safe to be home for right now.

“Not until we find out who is behind all this. The false guards, the ambush, everything. But I want to know what you think of everyone.” Alex turns her head to look directly at Jaz.

“Um well… Matt’s a puppy. Nate seems nice, cares about people. He’s also your puppy.” Jaz nods at Alex’s raise eyebrow. “Yep. Duncan’s still grumpy, he’s not too happy we’re here. Carmela? Or is it Caramel… Carmela that’s it, she’s well… She’s not too happy ‘bout me not being all pretty like, Oh I mean my clothes and stuff,” she hastily adds at a growl. “But she seems nice, sorta a bit like Nana is. And Mister King Sir is really nice. He offered us jobs and defended me against Grumpy, and he didn’t even yell at me for running into him. Plus he fed me; Oh the food is so good here.”

Rolling her eyes the older girl states, “You would base what you think of a person on the fact that they fed you. So, truthfully do you really want to stay here?”

Jaz bites her lower lip worrying it a little before speaking up, “I kinda like it here. I mean all the people I met so far, besides some of the guards, are nice. And really sometimes it’s lonely waiting for ya to get back from a job. But I mean if ya go back I’m going too, no matter what.”

Studying the girl Alex final speaks, “Ok. We will stay, for now. You know there will be rules here as well right?” At a nod she continues, “One, as always do as I tell you. Two, no stealing unless I agree to it. Three, no taking things apart, unless the owner agrees to it. Four, you are around higher class people; you are going to have to behave more politely, like Nan taught you. Five, for the sake dei (of God) do not throw apples at the guards, unless they absolutely deserve it. In other words Nan has to agree that it was okay. Six, more rules may come depending on what happens. Understand?”

“Yes Alex,” sighs Jaz. “We’re really staying?” At a nod the girl starts to run around the infirmary shouting in joy.

“What is with the racket little one?” asks a bemused Nadie as she enters the room.

“We’re staying! We have a new home! A big one, with lots of shiny stuff,” announces Jaz.

Her head jerking up slightly, causing her to groan softly in pain, Alex reminds her, “Shiny stuff you will only look at, correct?”

With a slightly worried look at Alex the younger girl continues, “You’ll be able to visit now right Nana? And what’s wrong with Alex now?”

“Yes I’m here quite a bit so I’ll be able to visit. As to what is wrong with Alex, she seems to have forgotten she has a concussion.”

Growling Alex snaps, “I didn’t forget anus (old woman), how can I with this damnatum (damned) headache and double vision. I was just startled at the thought of what Jaz could do with a lot of ‘shiny stuff’.”

“Hm. I can see why you would be concerned about what Jazmine can do. And if you curse at me again I still have that mouth wash from when you were younger, I can find that if you like?” Nadie asks with a slight scowl.

“Paenitet (Sorry) it will not happen again Nan,” Alex quickly apologizes before sending a small glare at the snickering Jaz.

“Yes, and I’ll believe that when you start apologizing in English,” Nadie replies before smiling softly. “Perhaps you should give the good news to the King, Jazmine?”

“On my way! See ya!” yells Jaz as she takes off out of the infirmary.
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