Psychic Slave by kirallie
Summary: AU. Wincest though boys unrelated. In a world where hunting is an acepted profession, if not a well liked one, anyone with psychic ability is sold into slavery to be used in the hunt. Dean WInchester is a hunter, Sam is a psychic and has been a slave since he was fifteen. Now Dean owns Sam, not that he wants to.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Stories > Supernatural Characters: None
Genres: AU, Romance
Warnings: Angst, Slash
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 20054 Read: 188671 Published: 2010.09.28 Updated: 2013.05.06
Chapter 7 by kirallie
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Chapter 7

Dean grinned as he handed Sam the last of his Monopoly money. “You won Sam.” He praised and Sam nodded shakily. Since Dean wasn’t willing to hunt until Sam was over his nightmares he’d had to find something other than just training to keep them occupied. Convincing Sam that he was allowed to win and that Dean wouldn’t punish him for it was an ongoing effort but he wasn’t giving up. “Want another game or a movie?” He asked and Sam glanced up at him.

“Movie please M….Dean?” Sam asked and Dean grinned.

“Movie it is. I’ll clean this up, you go pick something.” Dean patted Sam on the shoulder, happy that Sam didn’t flinch and began packing the game away. Sam got up and went to the dvd cabinet to look through the movies. Sam put one in and sat on the couch, waiting for Dean to join him before starting the movie. They sat on opposite ends of the couch, Dean not wanting to crowd Sam, but by the end of the movie Sam was asleep, his head on Dean’s shoulder.

Sam walked a step behind and slightly to his Master’s left as they walked through the shopping mall. He didn’t like leaving the apartment, the apartment was safe. Outside was dangerous and scary but Master insisted Sam needed to know where to go for certain things, just in case Dean had to go on a hunt without him. With the chip Sam would be safe enough alone but the very thought terrified him.

“It’s okay Sam.” Dean whispered, knowing Sam would hear him. He wanted to do more to reassure him but he couldn’t, not in such a public place. It would get too much attention. Attention he didn’t want if he didn’t want the Courts challenging his ownership of Sam. Dean showed Sam all the stores he might need if alone in the apartment and Sam memorised where they were for emergencies. Dean had taken him to the closest mall to their apartment since Sam wouldn’t have a car and the walk had been nice and short. Dean stayed a little longer, grabbing some fresh fruit and then led Sam back to the apartment.

Sam fell to his knees as soon as the door shut, hugging himself as he shook. He gasped for breath and then warm, gentle arms wrapped around him, gently getting him up and moving him. Sam was laid out on something soft but whimpered when the arms left, only relaxing when they came back, a soft voice joining in. Eventually Sam calmed down and could hear his Master talking softly to him. He relaxed, a hand moving to cautiously touch Dean’s arm.

“Welcome back Sammy. You okay?” Dean whispered and Sam shivered. “Shh, it’s okay. I’m sorry, should have worked you up with shorter trips first. You did great. I’m not mad at you, I’m proud.” Dean assured him and Sam turned his head to look at him briefly. Dean gently tugged him around so they were lying face to face and Sam realised he was in the Master bedroom. “Sam it’s okay.” Dean promised and Sam slowly calmed down.

“M….master.” Sam whispered and Dean moved a hand to the dark hair, gently running his fingers through it in an effort to keep him calm.

“Hey, how’re you feeling?” Dean asked and Sam licked his lips.


“Think I just went over this Sammy, you have nothing to be sorry for, you did great.” Dean assured and Sam nodded hesitantly. “Just stay here, I think you can have dinner in bed after such a big day.” Dean got up and Sam sat up.

“Master……your bed.”

“Sam it’s fine, and please drop the Master. You just rest; I’ll get you some food.” Dean told him and left the bedroom.

Sam looked around, it wasn’t the first time he’d been in there but he’d never really looked around before. The room was plain with just the bed, a dresser, wardrobe and an old photo. Despite the plainness it felt like his M… Dean and it fit the hunter. Sam knew there were weapons hidden around the room in case of attack but he couldn’t spot them. It was weird but he actually felt safe in the bedroom, he’d never felt safe in a Master’s bedroom before.

“Dinner is served Sammy.” Dean called and put the tray on the bed, sitting down. Sam also found that from Dean he actually liked the name Sammy; it was always used affectionately, not to cause pain like in the past. Sam ate silently, listening to Dean’s chatter as his Master ate. When they were done Dean took the tray away and then came back, turning down the bed and Sam swallowed. “You’re still having nightmares Sam; it’ll save the time of one of us getting up later.” Dean offered and Sam nodded, waiting for Dean to get in first and then Sam cautiously crawled in, lying tense near the edge. He heard Dean sigh and then Dean was gently tugging him away from the edge and into his arms. “It’s okay Sam, just go to sleep.” Dean whispered and Sam slowly relaxed, drifting off to sleep.

Sam woke up first the next morning, finding that he’d turned in his sleep and buried his head in Dean’s neck and his legs tangled with Dean’s. He waited for the fear but it never came. He felt safe despite their intimate position. But then he winced and struggled to get away as he noticed something that rarely happened to him, his body had reacted to being close to another. He tried to get away before his Master could wake but it didn’t work.

“Sam? Hey what’s wrong?” Dean asked, eyes opening sleepily and Sam whimpered in distress. “Sam?” Dean sat up in concern and Sam’s body brushed against him. Dean blinked but then relaxed. “Sam its okay, relax. It’s just a normal bodily reaction.” Dean whispered and Sam stared at Dean’s chin with wide eyes. “Hey, come on look at me.” Dean urged, gently tipping Sam’s head up. “It’s okay, it’ll go away.” Dean smiled at him and Sam flushed in shame. “It’s normal for a guy Sam, nothing to be ashamed of. Happens to me all the time.” Dean told him and Sam looked at him, frowning, he hadn’t noticed. “I sneak out of bed when it does, didn’t want you to think I was….I know you’ve been scared about it and I didn’t want you to feel unsafe.” Dean explained.

“D…doesn’t happen often.” Sam admitted and Dean nodded.

“Don’t worry about it okay?” Dean tried and Sam nodded slowly.

“Hey Sam?” Dean called and Sam walked out of his room to find Dean pacing a bag. Dean looked up and smiled at him. “I got a call from my friend Bobby, he needs help on a werewolf hunt so I’m gonna go back him up.”

“And me?” Sam asked softly.

“I’d feel safer if you stayed here after that last hunt. You’ll be safe here.” Dean admitted and Sam nodded, wrapping his arms around his chest. “Hey, I’ll only be gone a day or two. He just needs backup to take it down, he knows who it is. If you really want to come you can….” Dean offered and Sam hesitantly shook his head. “Okay then. I’ll have my phone on all the time so you call anytime if you need me.” Dean said, moving closer, his bag over his shoulder and Sam nodded.

“Be careful?” Sam whispered and Dean smiled, hugging him gently.

“I’ll be back before you know it.” Dean promised.

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