Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

"Another muscle spasm?" Allison asks Henry as they enter the elevator, growling silently as Jack tries to take the oxygen mask off again. "Carter, leave that mask on." The glare she gives him makes him stop, for the moment anyway.

"Yes, he had one at the office, I checked his back and found he was a mass of knots, rubbed them out with a muscle relaxer/topical anesthetic and then gave him two aspirin when he woke up."

"Sleeping on the job, Sheriff? And with Henry?" Stark makes a tsk tsk sound, smirking. "I thought better of you."

Carter responds with a middle finger salute.

"You'd have to buy me a drink first." Stark smirks again. Allison reaches over and swats him on the shoulder. "Nathan, quit picking on Jack." She orders as the elevator doors open.

Allison barks orders as they pull into the infirmary, nurses and doctors jumping as Nathan smirks. Within a few minutes Jack is stripped out of his uniform, blood is drawn, and an iv started before he's run down the hall to a MRI machine.

Nathan is reading the MRI over Allison's shoulder as Jack is settled in a bed, the dose of morphine Allison ordered for the pain making his head swim and his stomach churn. Henry jumps to his side, holding a basin as Jack loses the fight to keep from being sick.

"Sorry Henry," Jack slurs as a nurse cleans him up, another taking the basin and rinsing it, putting it beside him in case it's needed again.

"Not your fault Jack, that happens a lot with morphine." he brushes Jack's hair off his forehead.

"Hey Allison?" Jack asks, turning his head to look at her.

"Yes Jack?" She asks, turning to look at him.

"Did you know Nathan has a cute ass?"

Nathan splutters, spraying the sip of coffee he'd just taken across the wall. Allison grins over at Jack. "I've noticed." she says, smirking at her former husband. "It's the morphine talking Nathan," she reassures the other man.

Nathan stalks off growling, pushing his way past Fargo when he walks into the infirmirary. Fargo quickly turns around and runs to catch up to Stark as Allison quietly chuckles. "Ohhh Nathan is so mad, but the look on his face was worth it." she finally says. She looks over at Jack who's softly snoring, "Do you think he'll remember any of this?" She asks Henry. Henry shakes his head. "Well at least Nathan can stop being jealous over Jack." he says.

"Why would Nathan be jealous of Jack?" Allison turns to stare at Henry, who chuckles.

"Allison, Nathan thinks you're becoming close to Jack, that's why he doesn't like him. He hasn't realized yet that he's not jealous of Carter having feelings for you, he's jealous of you having feelings for Carter. He hasn't figured out yet that he might have feelings for Carter."

"You think so?" Allison asks.

"He's looking at Jack the same way he was looking at you before he finally figured out he was interested and asked you out on a date."

"Nathan always was clueless about anything except his work." Allison shakes her head, turning her attention back to the MRI images

Hours later Jack is lying on his stomach, a heating pad on his back to help ease the pain of strained muscles in his back. A figure walks into the deserted room, dropping into a chair by the bed, automatically reaching over to grasp Jack's hand where it lies next to his head, a thumb tracing the tape holding the line in place.

Nathan looks up, seeing an additional bag on the line, scowling as he grabs the clipboard, flipping the cover open one-handed, and begins to read, Carter had been in fine form when he'd left earlier, what had happened to the other man now?

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