Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Nathan rolls his eyes at the other man, Henry would be extremely amused at his predicament.

"I'm glad you approve of my suffering."

Henry rolls his eyes at Nathan's wounded tone, murmuring something about drama queens under his breath too softly to be heard.

"Have you thought about separating out a sample to see if it eventually dries out?" Nathan asks.

Henry nods. "I have a large block in a containment unit, I'm checking it daily.  I have a small sample left over from the slides, do we want to see what effect fire has?"

Fargo gulps as he stands beside Dr. Stark and Dr. Deacon. All three men are decked out in fireproof clothing and Henry is cradling a flamethrower in his hands, Fargo doesn't even want to think where Dr. Taggart had got it from or why it had been in his office or how Dr. Stark knew Dr. Taggart had it in his office.  He yanks his thoughts away from the spiral that they'd taken when Dr. Stark asks him if the preparations are ready.

"Yes sir, there's a camera recording this from the next room, Dr. Taggart is ready to pump the oxygen out of the room in case something happens and we have a fifteen minute supply of emergency oxygen, that should be long enough to put out the fire and pump the oxygen back into the room."

Stark looks at Henry and nods, Henry switching on the flamethrower and aiming it at the block of pink foam sitting innocently on the table.

Fargo is positive what happened next is going to be in his nightmares for the rest of his life. When the first flickers of flame touched the foam, it seemed to roar like the fires of hell the preachers talked about on television. It burst into flame immediately, burning brighter as the flames shot towards the ceiling. Dimly, he can hear Dr. Stark yelling at Taggart to pump the oxygen out of the room as his hands fumble for the controls to turn the oxygen on. The fire burns brightly for a long second, dying when the last of the oxygen is pumped from the room.

Stark heads for the metal table the slab of pink foam had been sitting on, Henry half a second behind him.

"Well," Henry says, his voice tinny over the radios in the helmets they're wearing. "Fire does destroy it." He stares at the blackened mark on the table, all that's left from the sample.

"Yes, but I'd rather not burn down Global Dynamics to get rid of it, it seems a little overkill."

"And the DoD would have a fit."

"That too."  Stark looks up as Taggart announces he's slowly letting the oxygen back into the room. "Back to the drawing board."

Fargo drops behind the others as they leave the lab, pulling off their protective suits as they walk. That had been one of the scariest things he had ever seen, easily on a par with what had happened when Larry had turned the water on the foam yesterday. And speaking of Larry, he quietly walks around the corner now that Drs. Stark and Deacon are gone, quietly helping Fargo take off his protective suit.

Stark doesn't know how he ends up back in the infirmary, he'd meant to head to his office and check on the reports of Global Dynamics experiments. Just because a couple of floors is under attack from the Pink Foam of Dooooommmm, that does not mean that the rest of the building is going to play hooky.  He sits back down in the chair by Carter's bedside and pulls up the previous day's reports on his PDA. He doesn't see the amused looks Henry and Allison give his back as he starts reading.
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