Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Ryan looks at the others as they pass the parked patrol vehicles. “Trank darts? Why do I think Jo wasn't kidding?” he asks calmly. “Anybody else think there's more to this town that Jo's not telling us?”

“Probably,” Greta says with a sigh. “Dad laughed and told me to stay out of trouble when I called to let him know where we were going to be going.”

“That's what I was afraid of.” Spencer says with a sigh. They pull in the parking lot of the grocery store they'd passed on the way in, Buck and Spencer heading inside while Ryan and Greta hit the small farmers market across the street.

Fargo skulks in the background as the newcomers pick out fresh fruit and vegetables grown in Global Dynamics hydroponic gardens before heading into the grocery store, returning with bags of food. They hadn't batted an eye at the selection of the store. They manage to get everything in the small trunk and Fargo can't figure out how they did it because he can see they already had bags in there and head back onto the road.

“You know we're being followed, right?” Buck grins as he pulls onto the lane leading to the farmhouse.

“Yeah, I saw him scurry out of the cafe after Jo decked you.” Greta snickers. “I have the feeling the Stark Jo was bitching about at the party sicced him on us.” Greta turns in the back seat and waves at him. Fargo is stunned, how had they spotted him, he was so sure nobody knew he was there.

Greta dials her sister's number and has a quiet conversation, nodding. “Okay, Jo. Fargo,” Greta bellows, “Jo says get your ass back to Global Dynamics before she shoots you again, if Stark wants to know what's going on he can come over here and ask.” Greta hangs up the phone as they pull up in front of the farmhouse, finding the key where Joxer had said it would be hidden.

Buck immediately starts coughing as he opens the door, holding a hand over his mouth as he goes through the rooms opening windows, pulling the sheets off the furniture and shoving it in the direction of Spencer and Greta to take outside.

“Take those outside and throw them on the line to air.” Ryan orders. “Buck, go turn the generator on and then refrigerate anything perishable. I'm going to clean in here before we put any food away.”

“Can't Greta just,” Buck makes a handwaving motion, “it clean?”

“Not good enough,” Ryan says, pushing him out the door. “Go turn the generator on so I can have hot water for cleaning.”

“God save me from OCD.” Buck mutters, doing as he's ordered. He sees Greta pinning the sheets to the line, taking the old carpet beater Spencer had found in the garage and beating it until she starts coughing from the dust.

Fargo drags his way into the Sheriff's office, finding Jo waiting for him at her desk smirking.

“They knew I was following them. . .” he whines.

“Fargo, except for Greta, they're all law enforcement officers. They knew you were following them before you did.” she snorts.

“Are they really your brothers and sister?” Fargo asks, it's not so embarrassing to have been caught following them if they are. Jo's a competent, highly trained law enforcement officer, the others have to be just as well trained.

At his desk Jack snorts, of course they knew Fargo was following them. Fargo might think he's super spy material. . .

Jack picks up the phone on the first ring, hearing bellowing on the other end. “Yes Stark?” he sighs, picking up a ink pen ready to take notes. Fargo immediately scurries out the door heading back to Global Dynamics. “Fargo is on his way up now.” he says. “Anything else?”

Nathan seethes on the other end of the line, strangling the phone imagining it was Jack's neck. “Yes, would you be so kind as to ask Deputy Lupo why she neglected to mention that her sister works for Dayton Enterprises?”

“Okay,” Jack holds the phone to his chest. “Jo, Stark wants to know why you didn't tell him Greta works for Dayton Enterprises? And just what is Dayton Enterprises?”

Jo picks up her phone and smirks at her boss. “Dayton Enterprises and it's sister company Dayton Industries is Global Dynamics biggest competition. Yes, Dr. Stark?” she says into the phone.

“Your sister works for Dayton Enterprises?” he shouts in fury. Alison and Henry exchange looks across the room. “Nathan, calm down.” she says. He listens to the phone and hangs up abruptly, dropping into his seat.

“Nathan?” she asks, walking across the room and taking his wrist, momentarily worried about a stroke.

“Deputy Lupo just told me that not only does Greta work for Dayton Enterprises, she's Steven Dayton's oldest daughter.” He sighs, dropping his face into his hands. “The daughter of our biggest competition is in town.” he moans.

“Oh relax, Nathan.” Alison says, “Greta's only going to be in Eureka for a couple of days. What could possibly happen?”
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