Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

"Xander, why haven't you visited my uncle yet? He has been expecting you. You have been there six months after all."

"Umm let's see. Maniacal supervillains attacking Gotham on a weekly basis, the construction company is working crews around the clock and we still can't keep up. We have supervillain drills at work like you would have fire drills at school. I'm working ten to twelve hours a day six days a week, not that I mind the overtime check. I barely get home long enough to collapse in bed and get a couple hours sleep because you wanted me to start college when I moved here.. . . and you want me to meet your tweedy old uncle the one damn day I have free? I don't think so G-Man." Xander snarls into the phone. On the other end Giles blinks and back pedals, he hadn't realized Xander was so busy in Gotham. He'll have to try another way to convince him to visit his uncle.

Xander listens to the voice on the other end of the line. "Okay, Okay, I'll quickly do a load of laundry and go run visit your uncle tomorrow morning. Who needs sleep? With my luck he'll turn out to be yet another supervillain out to try to kill me. And I thought vampires were bad, them I could at least stake. And if I get killed , I am so haunting you!"

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