Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup



Giles takes his glasses off and polishes the lenses as he looks across the room at the figure moaning and rattling a set of chains.

"Xander, you are not dead, merely knocked unconscious and are now comatose because you are out of your body. Please get back into your body, your haunting me is getting rather old."

Meanwhile in a room at Bruce Wayne's manor, Alfred looks up from the bed where Xander has been lying unconscious since the attack when a red haired figure flashes into the room. Dr. Fate and Dr. Midnite, who had been trying to find Xander's astral form and taking care of his physical body respectively, push themselves between Alfred, the unconscious young man in the bed, and the figure that just flashed into the room.


The young woman pushes between them so she is standing on the other side of the bed, and glares down at the figure lying there.


"Alexander LaVelle Harris, stop tormenting Giles and get your butt back in your body NOW Mister!! Don't make me pull out the resolve face, buster."

"You know what has happened, young lady?" Dr. Fate asks.



Dr. Midnite looks at Dr. Fate. "Did you understand a word of that?"


"I believe she said that this young man had argued with somebody named Giles about coming to visit the other gentleman's uncle. This young gentleman had said that with his luck his uncle was a supervillain out to kill him. If he was killed, he was going to haunt the other gentleman. I believe from her earlier words he is doing just that?"


Willow nods vigorously, scowling down at her friend. Taking a deep breath, she leans close to him and screeches XANDER in his ear.

Xander's eyes immediately fly open, and he winces.


"Wwwwwiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!!!!" he whines, "That wasn't nice."


"Neither was haunting Giles for the last week." Willow scowls and taps her foot. "It couldn't have been that bad." Xander scowls and grabs her hand, showing her everything he's been going through the last three months. "I'll go talk to Giles, you try to get some sleep." Willow says before teleporting away.



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