Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

"Giles, why did you give Andrew, Robin, and the other watchers salaries when they moved to other houses yet Xander has to go out and get a job, fix up the building you brought for him, go to college, and go visit your uncle?" Willow asks when she appears back at the Cleveland headquarters of the Slayers Council. "Xander is exhausted, no wonder he didn't want to go visit your uncle." she glares at him, stamping her foot as the others who adore Xander gather around her asking how he is.


"He's awake, but like I said exhausted. He didn't seem to be in a normal hospital room. . ."


"My uncle said he was in his employer's home when he called me." Giles says quickly, he knows that look in Willow's eyes. Her Xander shaped buddy is hurt and she's out for blood. Kennedy comes near her and she snarls at the other woman, Buffy grabbing her by the arm and sending her out of the room, locking the door behind her. Kennedy had made the major mistake of making a snide comment about Xander in her lover's hearing, and Willow had nearly torn the other woman to shreds for it. Giles had made the mistake of sending Xander away, leaving Kennedy there because she's a Slayer and Willow there because he needed her magical support.


He'd had a revolution on his hands from the rest of the Slayers when he'd announced he'd sent Xander away, the other Slayers had turned on Kennedy and beaten her bloody, forcing him to send her away to one of the newly opened Slay Houses where the others didn't have to deal with her. She'd thought Willow would come with her, because after all she was a Slayer and Xander was just Xander, she'd been stunned when Willow had slapped her in front of everybody before going upstairs and locking herself in her room for three days. Kennedy had been gone when she'd finally emerged from her room.


"Andrew has a job here."


"So did Xander, until little miss 'I'm so much better than anybody else because I'm a Slayer'" Willow says in a mocking tone. "Opened her big fat mouth and you decided that Xander was a liability because he was normal."


Willow goes to the computer, fingers flying over the keyboard before printing a thick pile of papers out she drops onto Giles desk.


"This is a report of every super villain attack in Gotham since Xander arrived." The printout is a good six inches thick. "This is a copy of Xander's paychecks since he was hired." Giles moans at the seventy hour pay periods. "This is a record of every class Xander has taken since he enrolled in college, which you wanted him to do by the way." Giles blinks as he sees twenty to twenty four credit hours for the semester. "Thankfully, you did arrange to pay for college when Xander was accepted, but still . . ."


"I believe he is trying to get as many of his classes out of the way as soon as possible."


"Giles, do you even know what he's going for?" Buffy asks. Giles stops to think a second and shakes his head, moaning. "You know what Dawn is going for, you talk to her every week about her classes and grades, you knew what Willow and I were going for back in Sunnydale. . ."


"I'd like the two of you to go back to school now that we're settled." Giles says automatically. "I fear I made a horrible mistake sending Xander away like that."


"And by not keeping an eye on him after you sent him away?"


"Yes, that as well." Giles says, waving a hand. "I will apologize to him the next time I talk to him."


"Try not to make it another six months, huh Giles?" Buffy snarks, walking out of the room.


"It hasn't been that long since I spoke to him, has it?" Giles asks Andrew. Andrew looks at him. "Get on that blasted device." he waves to the computer and bring up our phone records, Xander's phone number should be in the records." Andrew does as he's told and he looks at him. "No," Giles shakes his head. "No, it could not have possibly been six months since I last talked to the boy."


"No, you talked to Xander a little over a week ago, but other than that? Yeah, it's been six months since you called him." Andrew gets up and walks out of Giles office to start dinner with the help of the Slayers assigned to that chore, leaving Giles taking off his glasses to stare into space.



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