Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Story Notes:
Crossover with Las Vegas, I haven't seen the series though, so some things may not be canon.


Xander blinks as a gentle hand lands on his shoulder. He looks over at Joyce, pausing the language disks Giles had gotten him and pulling off the headphones. “Yeah Joyce?”


“They announced we're going to be landing in fifteen minutes, time to put everything away.”


Xander nods, running a hand over his head to smooth hair messed up from the headphones as he shuts down the language disk, removing it from the cd tray on the laptop and putting it back in the case before shutting down his computer, putting everything back in the carrying case and sliding the case under the seat in front of him, wrapping the strap around his ankle in case of turbulence before fastening his seat belt and looking out the window.


“Why did we have to fly? We could have drove instead?”


“It would have taken longer, we're here in an hour instead of a day.” Joyce says briskly, “And would your leg have held up to a day of driving?” She tries, and fails, to resist brushing Xander's bangs out of his eyes. “You need another haircut.” she says briskly. “Oz, Cordelia, Aggie, Terry and Giles should be arriving at the hotel when we do.”


Meanwhile at the hotel, the doorman raises an eyebrow when a van pulls into the parking lot, slapping a parking decal on the windshield before the sliding door opens and a girl who looks to be in her teens and an older man get out, heading across the parking lot to the door and grabbing a couple of baggage carts.


Two more women and a boy who looks to be the same age as the girl get out of the van, the boy from the drivers side door and the two women from the back and begin pulling out boxes and bags, placing them on the cart before putting luggage on the second cart. The two older woman each have what looks to be a cat carrier in their arms as the boy locks up the van and takes over the job of pushing the cart up to the hotel from the teenage girl. She smirks at him and drops back to walk with the two older women as another . . . vehicle pulls into the parking lot. The doorman blinks and moans, triggering the emergency button for the security force. What the HELL are the Ghostbusters doing in Vegas in general and the Montecito in particular? Dammit, the owner is due in about twenty minutes, one of the resort's stretch limousines had just left for the airport to pick him and a traveling companion up.


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