Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Please vote in the poll on my ffnet profile for Lost Brother Found.

Chapter 9

Bobby slowly put the tray of food down on the table beside Dean’s bed, able to feel terrified eyes watching him the whole time. It was a good thing he’d decided to stay in town; between the two of them they could barely make the bathroom half the time. “Dean, rise and shine!” He called and Dean grumbled but opened his eyes, blinking at him sleepily.

Dean pushed himself into a sitting position, hissing softly as stitches pulled and Sam whimpered. Dean moved his hand to run through the shaggy dark hair. “It’s okay Sammy, I’m okay.”He whispered and Sam settled, one hand clutching at the waistband of Dean’s sleep pants. Dean gently helped Sam into a sitting position as Bobby left, knowing Sam wouldn’t do much with him around, not that he blamed the poor kid after what John had done. Sure he believed that some psychics were dangerous but Sam? He’d gotten a look at his files, had heard enough from Dean as well to know the boy was no threat to anyone and never would have been even if left free.

Sam timidly picked at the food until he felt his Master’s hand on his and he flinched, trembling in fear. “Master?”

“You need to eat Sam, not just pick at it. You’ve lost too much weight.” Dean chided softly, loading Sam’s spoon with porridge he held it to the younger mans lips. “Please eat.” He begged and Sam’s eyes lifted to meet his in surprise at his tone before dropping again but at least Sam opened his mouth. “Good, that’s good Sammy.” Dean praised as Sam slowly ate as much as he could which was not as much as he did before John. “I’m never leaving you again, no matter the hunt.” Dean promised softly and once again Sam’s eyes darted up, wide with shock and Dean smiled at him, hand reaching out to gently cup Sam’s cheek. “I mean it Sammy; this will never happen again cause I won’t leave you.” Sam stared at him, trembling in shock at his Master’s promise and then he crumpled and Dean was holding him, rocking him as he cried. Why was he always crying now? “Shh, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” Dean whispered as he held him.

“W…why?” Sam mumbled and Dean frowned.

“Just a slave, worthless, why…why promise that?” Sam asked barely audible and Dean rubbed his back.

“You’re not worthless Sam, you’re a person just like me and Bobby and everyone else. I’ve told you before; if I could I would free you in an instant.” He answered and Sam frowned in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

“Don’t understand you……you’re a hunter…..”

“The world isn’t black and white Sam. You’re not dangerous or evil or anything like that.” Dean smiled at him and stared at him with wide, confused eyes. “You were starting to get it before, don’t let my ass of a Dad make you think otherwise. Now let’s finish breakfast okay?” He asked and Sam nodded hesitantly, managing to push himself into a sitting position again. Dean grinned and passed him more food off the tray.

Dean winced and Sam hugged himself, watching with wide eyes as Dean’s stitches were removed carefully by the nurse. Dean hissed and Sam whimpered, getting a look from the nurse. Dean reached over and put his hand over Sam’s. “It’s okay Sam, it doesn’t hurt too much.” He assured him and Sam chewed his lip but nodded. The nurse sneered at how Dean responded to Sam and Dean glared at her. She flinched slightly and went back to work, removing the multitude of stitches from the hunters’ body. He was cute but obviously odd in the head to be treating a monster like that. She removed the last ones and Dean grabbed his t-shirt, yanking it on even as he reached out to touch Sam’s shoulder, gently pulling him up. She watched as the slave curled into the hunter, apparently seeking comfort which the blonde gave as they moved from the room and then out of the hospital. Bobby was waiting outside for them to drive them back to the apartment since Dean was still rather sore. Instead of getting in the passenger seat Dean got in back with Sam who curled into him, trembling softly. “Shh, it’s okay, we’re not going back there again.” Dean soothed, running his fingers through Sam’s hair and Sam curled even closer if that was possible, hiding his face against Dean’s chest. Bobby smiled as he drove, watching them in the rear-view mirror. He got them home and Dean sat on the couch, Sam curling back into him.

Bobby got them all drinks and then sat in the armchair. “So what now?” He asked and Dean shrugged.

“Well I won’t be up to hunting for a while yet and there is no way I am leaving Sam behind ever again.” Dean stated firmly and Bobby nodded.

“Figured that kid. Oh, I got news on your Dad; he’s in New Jersey at the moment.”

“So he figured sticking around wouldn’t be good for his health huh?” Dean shook his head, hand stroking Sam’s arm gently and Sam was utterly relaxed. Bobby hid a smirk at that, amazed at how much he had come to trust Dean, even after what John had done.

“Well I’m going to head out tomorrow so I’ll stock the shelves first.”

“Thanks Bobby.”

“No problem.”

Dean gently put his hand around Sam’s, showing him how to hold the knife and move with it. Sam was concentrating hard, wanting to get it and not disappoint his Ma…Dean. “That’s it Sammy, you’re doing great.” The words sent a thrill through him, no other Master had ever been happy with what he did, had praised him the way Dean did. He still remembered the terrifying time locked and tied in the closet but he knew Dean would never do that to him, would never lock him away to die. That had been his Dad and Sam could practically feel Dean’s rage at the man for it. Sam would just be happy to never see that man again. He still found it hard to do this but so far learning to fight with a knife was better than hand to hand where Dean expected him to actually hit him. Guns would be even better in that way and Dean had said they’d be easy, that he seemed to be a natural after the way all his shots had hit the werewolf all those months ago. Sometimes it felt like years since then and others like no time had passed at all. All in all this had been the best year of his life since being made a slave. He just couldn’t stop the small part of him that wondered when it would all end.

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