Imagine: The List
Fic posted by members of Vo's Imaginings YahooGroup


Catherine looked around the large cave she found herself in. "Well, this is certainly not where I expected to spend my afternoon," she said dryly. She heard a snore and hesitated but figured it would either be someone who was trapped or their guards and she might be able to goad them into telling her what was going on. She headed for the snoring, finding a large nose in the cave's tunnel. She looked at it, noticing the snoring had stopped. "Are you going to eat me or are you like Nick and you only eat farm animals?"

"I try very hard to only eat animals," the tired, yet cultured voice said before the large eyes opened. "I know you."

"You seem familiar somehow too and not from one of my books."

"Catherine," she said with a smirk, lifting her head. "Welcome to this mental prison. How did they get you?"

"I was chatting with my mother in the park in town and felt this incredible pain across the back of my head." She rubbed the spot even though it wasn't sore here. "You, Headmistress?"

"I was forced off the road and woke up here. I'm hoping someone recovered my body."

"I have no idea. Tyler doesn't tell me anything like that. He's still trying to protect me."


"Tyler. One of the Scruffy Ones? I'm their mascot and chosen." She shrugged. "The others didn't like me but he's one of my best friends."

"In other words you're dating?"

"I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm at the school to get an education and he knows that," she said firmly. "He's sleeping with my roommate."

"Celia does have very welcoming arms," she agreed, moving a bit closer to standing. "Do you have any idea why you were drawn here?"

"I was told about a prophecy. I was warned to be careful. I was doing my Saturday in town and got mugged to here. Or kidnaped or whatever." She waved a hand. "My mother's got to be having things your size by now. I was talking to her."

"I'm sure she'll be at the school soon. Who took my place?"


"Good." She smirked. "I didn't want to leave Marilyn in control."

"Yeah, well, Tyler had some doubts about her, she was talking to the village's mayor, who is in the employ of the guy who kept sending me unfunny presents."

"Roschene?" she guessed.

"Yeah, him. How'd you know?"

"He's a tiring little piss-ant of a dragon," she told her, standing up. "Okay, let's get out of here. I need to go for a fly and it'll help scout. The barrier keeping me tied to the floor is gone. Climb on like you would a horse."

"Horses hate me," she told her. "Is it like riding a motorbike? My father used to have this ancient one he took on digs. He fixed it back up from World War II. It was the noisiest thing but it did well when he was on his own."

"I thought archeology digs came with trucks or jeeps."

"It did, those were for his grad assistants and their equipment. The bike was for him and me when he brought me during the summers." She looked at the extremely large body. She must have been longer than a football field before you added in the length of her tail. She could see wings but they were folded back so she had no idea how big they were. She was also a silvery/gray color with hints of green, gold, and red flashing in the dim light. "Base of your neck or between your wings?"

"Back of my shoulders if you wouldn't mind."

"A saddle?"

"Not available." She held still while her student climbed up her leg then hopped up onto her back. "You do that well," she admitted. "When was the last time you rode?"

"He died when I was nine."

"I'm sorry. You must miss him."

"I do, he made me and Mom happy. They present one is in the middle of a divorce." She looked around. "What do I hold onto?"

"There should be ridges in front of you."

Catherine looked around then moved back until she found a nice butt-sized niche in the ridges, hanging onto the one in front of her. "Okay, got it. Is this comfy for you?"

"Good enough. Hold on." She walked out of the cave and took off with a massive sweep of her wings. She heard the breathed 'wow' and smirked. "Better than the books?"

"Oh yeah," she agreed. She took off her jacket and used it to pad her hands since the ridge was sharp edged. "There, much better." She brushed a hand over a scale. "You're dry. Should I worry about having to oil Tyler?"

The Headmistress looked back at her. "Only if you have plans for a shotgun wedding in your future, young lady."

"Just asking, ma'am."

"That's fine. Dating I don't mind. I should have seen you two would get together." She looked in front of her again, looking down at the unending woods. She did see a lake and headed that way, noticing there was a small dragon in the clearing. "He's not even a proper size."

"What does he want anyway?"

"He thinks he can control me by getting you and making you control my sons."

"I'm not turning on them for him."

"No, he's thinking something along the lines of a coercion spell on you would control them. Then he'd use it against me to make me take him as my consort, which would displace all my children from the hierarchy and put him in their place. The phrase 'not a chance' didn't seem to get through to him."

"I'd have started to swear by now, even my polite little sister would have."

"I want to, but I shouldn't in front of children." She flew past the dragon, ignoring him. She heard him lift off but she continued to ignore him in the finest princessly fashion. "What did the prophecy state?"

"About all this or the battle? The sister named Valerian said it was to be a battle of wills."

"Fair enough. Valerian is one of Tyler's clutchmates. She's a good girl but she's got a mean streak a few miles wide at times. I'm hoping this is one of them."

"Hopefully Tyler will have another fit of epic proportions over this before my mother gets there. She likes him. Everyone seems to think we're dating." The mother dragon looked back at her. "I don't know why. We're just really close friends, I promise, Headmistress. We've both had to state that a few times."

"I'm sure you two will be very happy together, dear. It'll work itself out." Silently, she was thinking about how big an idiot her son was if he didn't realize she liked him, and probably how much he liked her. She hoped Nick could tease him into admitting it, otherwise Tyler would probably throw fits at a great many people. The smaller dragon zipped in front of them, diving to stop her progress. She dodged and continued on, ignoring his pitiful attempt at trying to induce a mating frenzy. "Does he honestly think I'd ever fly with a runt like him?"

"Napoleon complex, ma'am?" Catherine suggested.

"That too. Apparently his versions of the Gods are dashboard sized and he fits among them. Seriously, he's as small as a yearling. My other dragon mates have been much larger and stronger. I should try to call up one or two of them," she said thoughtfully.

"Is there a difference between a flying-mate and a consort?"

"Flying mates are taken for a span of about fifty years. Basically long enough to get a fledgling out of the nest and into their own. A consort is a mate for life. He'd be the kids' stepfather and I don't like him that much."

"My stepfather sells cars, they might get along well."

The Headmistress snickered. "That's so mean, Catherine."

"I know, but he's been yelling insulting things at my mother since she wanted to divorce him. I don't know why he's bothering. He doesn't understand her at all. She's a lot like me and he certainly doesn't understand me. He had a stupid little jock break into my room, steal some things of mine, and buy me presents. All to woo me supposedly. I'm supposed to be flattered that this pervert sends me tasteless and tacky lingerie and a gift certificate to the same nasty store? Please! I have an IQ requirement for anyone I would even *think* about dating and he doesn't come close. I don't know why he's not going after my sister Crystal, she's more his sort anyway, but no, he has to try and *woo* me." She shuddered. "Nasty little simian proto-human. Looks like a genetic experiment to breed gorillas and humans together." The Headmistress laughed. "Seriously! When we get back, have me show you my last yearbook. He's in there in his football uniform, his hockey uniform, and disgustingly enough in his wrestling uniform. He used to pick on the math club kids because they were smart. And he wants to date me?" She snorted. "Fat chance. He should have made the same jump in logic everyone else did at the holidays when I brought home Sascha and Tyler and given up."

"I'm sure Tyler will have a word with him this summer if he's following you home again."

"Won't you want to spend time with him?"

"Well, yes, but I figured you'd want to bring him home for a while. It sounds like your mother likes him."

"Oh, she does. They're email pals at the moment, all about my birthday."

The headmistress laughed at that. "Watch out for William. I love my youngest son but he is so bad sometimes. Nearly wicked at others."

"He likes to help me with my clothes," she told her. "William and I get along pretty well actually. It seems staring at me gives him naughty ideas, which he then spreads to the rest of Four West." She heard a calling noise and looked over her shoulder. "He's back again, ma'am. I wish I had a shotgun."

"You can hunt?"

"My second father taught me. He was a diplomatic courier and thought I should know how to use a gun just in case someone came for him."

"Ah. Wise of him then. Ooh, those get on my nerves." She turned them around, glaring at the smaller dragon. "No flying mate of mine would ever think of calling me in such a rude manner. If you don't believe me, ask Malaki." She flew off in another direction, noticing that the woods were repeating. "I think we've run to the end of his world. It's repeating."

"Gee, it's almost as small as he is. Does he expect you to live in this limited place when you're obviously accustomed to larger skies and better hunting?"

"No, he wants me to vow to him, which can't be gotten rid of once we're out," she said bitterly. She landed beside the lake, letting the girl get down. "Let me check for monsters, it'd be like him to do that." She put a foot in the water and caught a fish but nothing else. She looked at it, then tossed it at the small dragon trying to land near them. He squawked angrily and hissed at them. "Good, you deserve it." She looked at the girl. "I wouldn't drink it, it's probably been spelled for attraction."

"How very Xanthian of him," she said dryly, glaring at the smaller dragon. "Go away. Her highness has no wish of repartee with you, witty or otherwise." The dragon glared at her so she got in the way. "Leave, cretin, before I have to actually use the vocabulary I've spent my entire life gathering." He hissed at her so she slapped him on the muzzle like she would a boy who had just tried to grab her rear. He reared back on his back legs, rubbing his nose. "That's what you earned. Do it again and see how mean I can be. Remember, women are like that."

"Pitiful human, I can trap you here and let your body die," he sneered.

"Try it," she offered dryly. "See what sort of hell I can raise here. I can make any man miserable for daring to come near me, you're no exception because you have tiny, blunt, dull looking scales." He drew in a deep breath so she hit him on the stomach, making him gasp and choke. His ribs were guarded but all stomachs hurt when you punched in them. The self defense instructor had said so. "Do not try to roast me, you overgrown gnat. I will make you suffer if you cause me any harm." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "She may be a princess, but I've grown up with queens. You have nothing on them. My half-sister and her fellow beauty queens could take you out and outsmart you, and that's saying something from the women who don't like to break a nail." He glared at her again and she kicked him this time on the side of the knee, making him bellow and hop around holding it.

"Go away. How much longer do I have to yell at you? Are you not getting the point that the male figure is not what either of us want and certainly not your male figure. Are you like a dwarf of a dragon? I mean, seriously here. You're not exactly the most shining example. Now the headmistress, she's impressive. I don't know how you'd expect to mate with her, you couldn't reach the correct opening." The male dragon hissed at her, sending out smoke. She waved a hand in front of her face to clear it off. "Second hand smoke has been proven to be bad for those who blow it at non-smokers. Learn the lesson before I have to find a big rock to hit you with. It would be my pleasure of course, but I'm certain you won't be saying the same when I shove it in a delicate, microscopic opening in your male anatomy." She looked him over. "If I could find it at all. It doesn't appear to exist on you unless it's very well hidden."

The headmistress had been trying, she really had, but she had to giggle at that one. "Nice one, Catherine. I'll be most grateful when you take my troublesome son off my hands."

"We're not dating!" she said miserably. "Why doesn't anyone believe us?" She rounded on the dragon trying to come at her and slapped him across the edge of the muzzle again, making him tear up and back away. "Did I give you permission to get within touching distance of my body? I know I'm delectable but even if I were to be food for a dragon, I'd be mortally embarrassed if it weren't a *real* one. From the looks of her children, she's got good taste in *real* dragons." He roared a challenge and lunged but she sidestepped and tripped him then grabbed his tail and tugged. Too heavy to do much but the Headmistress' claw came up and shoved him into the water with her. "I hope this isn't a love spring after all. That would be rather sickening." She got out, ringing out her shirt. She pulled a small fish from her bra and tossed it at the male dragon. "Here, that's more your speed." She looked at the headmistress. "May I please have my other shirt? I hate wet clothes." The overshirt she had been using as a light jacket was handed over and she turned her back to change, dropping the wet things onto the ground before pulling the overshirt over her bare skin. "There, much nicer." She turned to look at the dragon slogging his way out of the lake. "Feel better? Did the cool water cool your ardor?"

"I'll kill you and make her watch," he sneered. "That will destroy some of her children."

"You goofed, buddy boy. Spring Equinox isn't for another four days in the real world." He looked stunned. "Yeah, so it won't do anything to them except piss them off further. I know that they've been saving it all for when they met you." She looked him over. "You know, I've always adored dragons but I think you're one man who'd look better as a toad." She looked at her partner. "Can't you call one of them?"

"I've tried, I haven't heard him yet. I would have tried sooner but the sleep spell kept me down."

"If they come, you'll have to go back to the court," Roschene sneered. "Then you'll have others like me."

"Hopefully better looking," Catherine snorted. "And bigger. You really are tiny next to her. Aren't male dragons only supposed to be a *bit* smaller?"

The Headmistress nodded. "Definitely. Though I prefer my males larger. I miss Malaki," she sighed sadly. "He would have made an excellent consort but he only was in it for the fun." She looked at Catherine. "He's Valerian's father. He's a huge, shiny black stud of a dragon. Smart, wicked sense of humor, and flies like a God." She shivered. "I miss Mal."

"It sounds like he needed to grow up and then come back to you."

"It would have been nice but he likes pretty young dragons and I'm neither now." She fluffed her wings. "I'll introduce you sometime." They both looked at Roschene, whose scales had turned a sickly shade of green in the darkening light. "We'd better get back to the cave. It's defensible. This isn't."

Catherine looked at him, then nodded, climbing back up. "I agree. Or at least somewhere near there in case it tries to keep us." They took off, heading to the other spot. There was a clearing in front of the cave so she hopped off to gather firewood and the Headmistress blew on it to create the fire. It was nice after her dunking earlier.


Catherine woke up when a tree branch snapped, looking into the face of a different dragon. "Headmistress?" She looked him over. "Well, you're bigger, cuter, and better built than the runt that pulled us here. Are you friendly or not?"

The Headmistress raised her head. "Hey, Mal, did he get you too?" He nodded. She grimaced. "You know, I needed some help but I didn't want you to be taken away from her like this."

The dark head moved over to nuzzle her gently. "I don't mind. It's obvious you need help if this is your only protection."

"This is the chosen for the Scruffy Ones, especially Tyler," she said smugly.

"Tyler likes girls?"

"He's sleeping with my roommate so I'd hope so," Catherine admitted, sitting up. "How do we get home, do you have any clue?"

"No, he's keeping you suppressed in your head," Malaki said gently. "Someone will have to break that and then you can be woken with some help." He moved to lay beside the Headmistress, snuggling next to her. "How are you?"

"I'm well enough. My last flying mate died in that stupid contest," she sighed. "It won't be the first time I've had to deal with a hatchling alone though. Then this happened. I'm feeling too old to do this. It's not like it'd get Roschene much. I've only got one good nesting left in me probably."

"Yes, but the prestige is enough and that one nestling would be his way to guarantee that he wasn't going to be forgotten or shoved out of the court." He noticed the human lying back down. "You rest, I'll at least be here until the dawn, and if I awake, I'll head to the school to tell them."

"Thank you," the headmistress said, nuzzling him.

"Anything you like, kitten." She swatted him playfully. "You're worth it most of the time." He put his neck over hers, resting his head on her back. "You sleep for now. Let me guard you." She nodded, falling off again. "Do not worry, Catherine, I like Tyler. He's an amusing baby dragon. I wish he had been mine, then he would be a proper warrior instead of a scholar, but I understand your attraction, he is rather adorable."

"I'm a scholar too," she admitted, turning to look at him. "He's been reading my science fiction and fantasy collection."

"You mean you got him to read something other than history or other human areas of thought?" She nodded. "Then I welcome you to the clan of dragons, mate of Tyler." The dragon under him snickered. "No?"

"We're very close friends, not dating," Catherine told him. "No matter how many people seem to think so."

"Ah." He nodded. "He needs to be shown the ways of proper dragon mating rituals. By now he should have built you a nest, gotten you food offerings, and offered a flight."

"I'm human."

"I wasn't suggesting more than riding on his back. He is fairly spectacular in his natural form."

"I think he would offer me a flight if I seemed to want to," she admitted. "Other than that, we study together and he helps me in physics."

Malaki rolled his eyes. "That boy needs to find you a nest."

"We're in the school. Then again, he is making sure we're all moving together downstairs. I'll get a suite attached to his."

"A nest," Malaki assured her.

"Well, but...there won't be any jewels or anything, just books and bookshelves."

"Treasures are personal things," he said with a wink. "He understands yours." He looked at the woods. "The runt cometh."

"If I see him, I'm going to smack him again," Catherine called. "I was not in the mood for this activity!" She quieted her rant to under her breath, going on and on about his lack of everything resembling a real dragon, making Malaki laugh. "He is! He's a runt with dull scales, a nasty coloration, and when he was on his back feet I didn't see anything that resembled genitalia. Therefore, he must be a neuter."

Malaki snickered. "I like you, young one. Were you a dragon I would appreciate your fire and take you as a flying mate. Tyler is one lucky dragon." He saw her blush and smelled the one coming from underneath him, she always let off strong emotional smells. He nuzzled his buddy then grinned at the human. "If he ever dumps you, come see me, child."

"Not to offend or anything, but I'm not looking for an easy relationship. When I start dating, I want to be as goal oriented as I am in other parts of my life."

He nodded. "I can see that. When you're ready for a mate, I'm sure you'll find two or three trying to overthrow Tyler's claim on you. I hope he has fun taking them down for you."

"Rest, Catherine," the headmistress said. "We'll probably need it and he can nap tomorrow if he stays."

"Yes, ma'am." She curled up again, going back to sleep.

Malaki liked her, he smiled down at her while she slept. It was good to find that troublesome pup had found someone who would defend him since he didn't seem to want to defend himself most of the time.


Malaki woke in his own cave and stretched, getting up and heading out.

"Where are you going?" his nestmate called.

"I have to head to the human realm. I made a promise to help retrieve my former flying mate."

"You're going to pick her over me?" she said angrily. "You can go and not come back."

He turned to look at her, then loomed over her. "Do not make such statements. Catherine was more dragon than you'll ever be and I was foolish not to see that when I had her. For now, she needs me to help rescue her and I gave my word that I would. You stay here and rest. You're egg heavy and you need your rest so you become rational." He turned and headed off, taking a flying leap off the edge of their shared cave and heading to the palace. They had a gateway there. He walked in and everyone stared at him in shock. "The Princess has been mentally kidnaped by Roschene along with one of her children's mates. I'm going to help them retrieve her." He turned into his human form and activated the gateway, opening it on the only place he knew in the human realm, a small meeting room in London. He walked through and it shut behind him, so he looked around. "Ah, White Knight," he said fondly, heading down to find one of her children. There weren't many around, he could only smell a few, but they would send him to the school.


Nick looked up as his office was invaded by a babbling secretary. "Calm down, Syvette. Who was it?"

"A huge man, dark skinned, long dark hair, tall, handsome. Drool-worthy really, and he's walking around like he owns the place."

"That's Val's father," he said as he got up. "Thanks, you're a peach." He hurried out. "Malaki!" He stopped to look at him. "This way." He led him to the hospital wing. "Why did you come? You threw our mother over."

"I saw her," he said grimly. "Roschene has them suppressed. Tyler's mate is quite something for a human."

"She is," he agreed with a smirk. "They both insist they're not dating."

He snorted. "Then he's not creating a nest downstairs for her?"

"No, he is," he admitted. He walked him through the rest of the hospital, drawing a few females with him. "Tyler?" he called softly. Tyler woke up with a start and glared at the man behind him. "He saw them last night." He got out of Malaki's way.

Malaki leaned down to look at them. "Roschene has them in a world of his own making inside their heads. They are together. Your mate has been baiting him about his runt status, called him a neuter as well." Tyler let out a tired laugh at that. "Then you won't deny it?"

"I can't anymore."

"Good, make sure her nest downstairs is quite something. If you need help, ask. I may not be the most experienced with consort nestings but I am good at designing nests." He laid a hand on their heads. "We need one with gifts strong enough to break a block. It's strong but it's in a solid form, which leaves it open for cracks and I think I have one."

"The Reverend Mother is on her way up," one of the sisters told him. "Are you Valerian's father?" He looked at her and nodded. "Ah. I thought you looked familiar."

"Don't wake her up," Nick said quickly. "They'll have another fight."

"I didn't realize what I had when I had her. My current nestmate is whiny. Your mother never fought though and I didn't realize why."

"She knew she couldn't keep you," Tyler said bitterly. "She thought I was the reason."

"No, I've always liked you, Tyler. The fact that one of the withheld eggs hatched wasn't a problem for me." He got out of the way as the dragon he could smell came in. "The block is a wall, but it is not that large. There are cracks."

"Thank you." She took his place between the beds and laid a hand on each of their heads, concentrating on the magic wall in their heads holding them in that bubble world. "Ah, a fight. That girl has quite the mouth on her." She pushed and shoved at the crack, making it break more. She felt the Headmistress' break so she worked on the girl's head. Hers was thicker because she was human and more susceptible to such things. "I need help," she announced.

Tyler moved to take her hand. "Show me." She looked at him and he stared back. She finally drew him in and when others came in they helped too. The dam was finally broken and the world popped but they weren't waking up. Tyler stroked her forehead. "Come on, Catherine. You've got to get up now. You've got to realize you're free."

Nick came over to check on her. "She might not realize that she can." He patted Tyler's back. "Let me watch, go take a shower." He shook his head. "I don't think she'll want you to be smelling when she wakes up, brother." Tyler looked at him. "That's an order." Tyler nodded and left them alone. "There's another complication?" he asked the older dragons.

"One of you was forced into helping to regain his child," she said quietly. "He has no idea what has been making him weak and tired. The mate laid the spell."

There's only one of his siblings that fit that description. "I'll kill her myself," Nick vowed. "Can one of you get his daughter from her and bring her here?" She nodded, nodding at one of the nuns to do that for them. "Thank you. I'll deal with her on the way home if Valerian doesn't. Will he be all right?"

"He must have felt it snap. As did Roschene. He'll fight more now. He knows his attempt is nearly foiled. His next attack will have to be physical."

"That's fine, I'll deal with it," Nick agreed. "Can we go there?"

"I can do that," Malaki agreed. "It's not much different than merging minds in trance."

"Then I thank you, stepfather. Fly free."

"You as well. Shall I stay?"

"As you wish. Leave Philip alone though. His daughter was too precious to him." Malaki looked stunned, looking at the other dragon, who nodded.

"Then I'll help you before going up to check on him. A mate who does such should be harmed and have her wings ripped from her spine. Children are precious and to be protected."

"Thank you." He looked over as Tyler came back in clean clothes and with washed hair. "I said a real bath."

"Tough, you get what you get. Philip's wandering around in a daze."

Nick put a hand on his arm, staring into his eyes. "His exwife did it to him, he did not consent," he said quietly. Tyler's jaw clenched. "She laid a spell to power this one on him. He's free now and it wasn't his fault."

"If you say so," he said bitterly.

"I do. He never would have hurt mother, you know that. I doubt he realized it at all until he became depressed before the holidays." Tyler relaxed. "Now, we must go there. Coming?" Tyler nodded. "Thank you. Stepfather?"

"Of course." He pushed over chairs for them to sit on, putting hands on their heads and helping them focus. All dragons learned how to merge minds during battles, this wasn't much different. He linked them with the human's since hers was brighter at the moment. Then he stepped out of the way because Tyler had just pulled a mental sword out. "Well. He is a very protective mate," he said, blinking at his bookish stepson. "I had no idea."

"His passions run deeply, just not what you would expect them to be about," the Reverend Mother noted dryly. "Let's back away, let them work."


Catherine looked as she felt the air pressure ease, frowning at the dragon beside her. "Was that good?"

"It was. The thing holding us down is gone. We should be able to escape soon." They faced off with the tiny dragon and his creature minions again. "They're not real, remember that, Catherine."

"Of course not. If they were real, we'd be in big trouble." She patted the warm side. "We'll get out of this or I'm gonna kill someone trying. I am my father's daughter and he did defeat pirates and mercenaries a few times." She steeled herself when they yelled, sneering at them even though she was petrified. She heard a yell and ducked instinctively, like someone in her head had shouted 'duck'. Someone leapt over her and landed in front of her. "Tyler? Why do you have a sword?"

"Because I like it," he said with a small grin for her. "If you two could wake up, it'd be easier to do this."

"How do we do that?" She pinched herself but she was still there. "Worse pain?"

"You probably need a better stimulus," he offered. "How do you usually wake up?"

"With a very loud alarm or someone shouting in my ear," she told him. She saw another dragon enter and hissed at his size. "Is that Nick?" For some reason it seemed like Nick to her. He nodded smugly. "Damn, he's huge! I thought he was one of the nice guys!"

"He is," Tyler assured her. He turned and kissed her gently. "Shoot, didn't work." He shrugged and handed over the sword, then moved away and changed into dragon form, becoming a large blue to his brother's teal. She saw her gape and grinned. "Like it?"

"Definitely." She looked at the pitiful dragon across the way. "See, they're what male dragons are supposed to be like, not stumpy little runts like you!" she called. "And they're still young!"

The mother next to her laughed. "Yes, my children are quite impressive," she agreed, moving closer to the human. "Concentrate on your body, Catherine, feel how this one is subtly wrong and not you."

"It is me."

"No, it's a fake you," Tyler instructed. "The real you is on a hospital bed. This is an image of you, one that you can change a bit." She changed, her hair getting longer and princessly, plus her bust increased for a moment, then she changed back. "Very good, now concentrate on going out of this body and your mind going back to your real body."

"How do I do that?"

"It's like waking up, but like turning around in your head and being in the other spot," Nick told her. "Shall we, brother?"

"We should," Tyler agreed, growling at the creatures. They pounced on them, leaving the pitiful dragon for their mother. She waded in with a bellow and a growl of her own, batting the tiny dragon out of her way. Just like kicking a soccer ball. He got up and charged so she did it again, getting more distance this time.

Catherine concentrated and tried, then stopped for a moment and blinked suddenly, looking at a white ceiling. "Okay then." Tyler woke up and hugged her as hard as he could. "Hi," she said shyly.

"You're not getting out of my sight again," he vowed. "Nick, mom?" he called. They woke up and shook themselves. "You are not leaving my side even if I have to camp on your room's couch for a few weeks. Celia and I are through and you're mine, I don't care."

"Tyler, I...."

He let out a deep growl in her ear. "You're not abandoning me now or I'll never take you for a fly," he promised. "You're mine. My chosen, the others can deal with it." She shivered and he pulled her tighter against his body. "My chosen."

"You'll have to forgive him, he's feeling a bit possessive and protective. It should ease in another year or so," Malaki said dryly. "Tyler, let the girl breathe, son." He got a glare for his troubles. "She needs to breathe and can't with you crushing her ribs."

Tyler let her go a bit, looking down at her. "We're dating."

"Tyler, I'm not ready...."

"It hasn't stopped your studying yet and you know I'll be helping you with it," he pointed out. "Even if I have to switch to business classes to help you more."

"I'm not some possession!"

He grimaced. "I know that! You're not a book, or a piece of furniture, or anything like that, but I'm still not letting you out of my sight anytime in the near future. That sick thing might come back!" She shivered and he hugged her tighter again. "It's all right, I'll protect you. He can't get past me, I won't let him. If he even thinks about it, I'm going to kick his butt then take you for a long fly. Wanna go this weekend, after your mother leaves?" She let out a tired chuckle. "I know, I'm being a butt, but I don't care. You're mine and he dared to take what was mine and I don't appreciate that. I tend to get quite angry at the people who try to take what's mine and then I beat them up. I used to be a horrible bully magnet when I was younger so I learned how to beat them all up for it." She nestled in his arms, letting him comfort her. "There, there, love. Like any good fairytale princess, you've been rescued. Not that you needed it really but you're fully back here and you can start to manage my life for me. We'll even have a big library of our own if you want." She let out another tired chuckle. "See, not so bad. We can read and study together all the time if you want. It'll drive the others nuts."

"The others. Are they okay?"

"Just fine, Catherine. Well, William's found his anger source and is presently thinking up all sorts of nasty things to do to Roschene, but otherwise they've been worrying and pacing. Sascha lost total control of her form a few days ago. She's been hiding in my room since then." He stroked her back. "You're all right, that's all that matters. We can work on my overprotective issues later." She nodded against his chest. "That's fine, I'm sure I'll be less needy in a few centuries."

"Humans don't live that long."

"We'll have to fix that for you," Malaki said dryly. "Otherwise he might die with you." He looked at the older Catherine, smiling at her. "Feel better?"

"A bit dizzy, nothing further," she said from under Nick's weight. "Want one?"

"Sure, I never turn down hugs." He gave her a hug without displacing Nick any. "I'll stay for a few days. My current nestmate is already throwing fits, it'll do her good."

"Oh, just kiss her already," Catherine called. "If this girl gets the boy, then that one should as well." Everyone laughed and that was when her mother chose to storm in. "Hi, Mom, I'm awake."

"So I can see. How's your head?"

"Doesn't really ache," she admitted, touching the back of it. "Well, that does, but only when I touch it." She slid off Tyler's lap and back onto her bed. "Sorry, he was being frantic."

"Boyfriends usually are," her mother agreed dryly. "It's amusing how you and he mirror your father and I, dear." She kissed her on the forehead. "I brought you cookies, even though the Customs people didn't like it. I had to do a lot of fast talking."

"Then Nick had to call in and tell them that you were coming up here," Nick mumbled. He got off his mother's body, standing up and brushing his hair back. "I'll tell the others you're both okay," he said, walking out.

Malaki followed and gave him a hug. "I'd never steal your mother from you."

"No, but I just realized that I'd lose her for real some day," he said bitterly.

Malaki tipped his chin up. "It is the way of things. You'd rather have her lose you?" He shook his quickly. "Then pull yourself back together and check on your baby brother Philip." Nick nodded and headed off to do that with one of the nurses. He smiled at the young girl looking around. "A relative?"

"I'm Crystal, Catherine's sister," she said, shaking his hand.

"I'm Malaki, a former boyfriend of the Headmistress. I've just realized what an idiot I was." She giggled at that. "Hopefully like your sister you'll find a place here."

"Ick! Then I'd have to give up my beauty pageants." She shrugged. "She's got her plans and I've got mine." She headed inside to hug her sister. "So, finally admitting it?"

"He just declared we're dating actually," she said dryly.

"As did your father when he beat the jock trying to get into my pants," her mother sighed. She patted Tyler on the shoulder. "Welcome to the family I doubt we'll be rid of you for a very long time, son."

"Thanks, mom." He hugged her around the waist. "I'm sorry I wasn't with her."

"It's all right. Foresight isn't a gift all of us have," she assured him. "All I knew is that this place was going to be good for my daughter. Speaking of, homework?"

"She's gotten an excuse until she's better," Tyler said. "Oh, mom, this is Catherine's mom."

"Hi." She smiled and waved. "I'd come over but my daughter's presently still on my arm." Catherine let her go so she walked over to shake her hand. "Thank you for taking such good care of my baby girl."

"You're welcome. I do adore her. She has spunk and fire. Tells off bullies quite well." The mothers shared a look, then looked at the kids, shaking their heads. Kids! "So, you don't mind them dating? Even though he's a few years older?"

"Not in the least. Tyler's very polite and nice. Besides, he understands her book collection. It's a rare and special thing. Crystal?" She walked over. "This is my youngest, Crystal. This is the Headmistress here, Crys."

"Hi." She shook her hand. "This is a really big school." She beamed at the cute guy coming in. "Hi, I'm Crystal." She shook his hand. "Which friend of my sister's are you?"

He blinked a few times. "Robbie." He smiled at her. "Let me hug my mother and your sister then I'll take you on a tour?" She nodded so he hugged his mother as hard as he could. "Welcome back, mommy," he whispered. "We missed you." He smiled down at her, then at Catherine. "I'd try to hug you but Tyler might beat me for it," he said, giving her a pat on the shoulder. "Get better soon, the boys are all moping on Four West because they can't do a puzzle party without you." He nodded at her mother. "I'll take her on a tour of the school if that's all right with you?" She nodded. "Thank you, ma'am. Come on, Crystal, there's a ton to see." He led her away, showing her around the trophy room first. They were quite good in some sports. He wasn't but he didn't expect she was either.

"Oh, wow, you guys have horses! I've always wanted to learn but I never had the time! Maybe I will brave that nasty test to come here and give up the pageant cycle for a few years."

He smiled at her. "There's no rush, you can't gain admittance until you're sixteen anyway."

"I guess that's a good thing then. So, does he really like my sister or is it just shock?"

"I think he really likes her. He understands her. For that matter, she understands him, which is a minor miracle. We have some scholars in the family but Tyler never seems to pick an area to study, it's more like fun reading for him." He walked her on, showing her the main areas. By the time they got to the cafeteria she was yawning. "Would you like to rest in your sister's room? I doubt she's going to be using her bed soon."

"If it's not too much trouble."

"Not in the least." He got her a small snack and walked her up the stairs, letting her onto the floor. This door's lock had been broken for the last two days, ever since William had locked it and then kicked it until it had broken. He tapped on the open door, making Celia jump. "Sorry, this is Crystal, she's Catherine's sister. Can she hog her bed for a bit?"

"Sure, not a problem," she agreed. "How is she?"

"Awake. Tyler's clinging like a leach to her side. Mother's fine as well. She woke up around the same time." He led her into Catherine's room, letting her settle herself in. He put the snack on the desk then gently closed the door. "Where's Nick?"

"Still in Philip's room. I'm watching the floor. You might want to unlock William and let him down there."

"I'll do that," he promised. "Thank you, Celia." He walked out, using a touch of magic to open William's door for him. "They're awake. Her mother's down there." William took off at a dead run. So he smiled and walked over to his brother's room, tapping gently on the door before walking in. "Is he all right?"

"Just fine, close the door," Nick said quietly. The door was closed and the desk light turned on. "Thanks. He's got the shakes bad."

"I would too if the realization hit me." He knelt beside his brother. "Tyler's not mad at you." He laughed and hugged him. "Thanks. We missed you to, naughty big brother. I put Crystal into her sister's room for a rest. She took a tour and was really impressed with the horses." Nick chuckled at that. "Celia's got her door open and she's watching the floor. I sent William down there."

"Good enough," Nick agreed. "He'll understand soon enough. We don't blame you, Philip. She couldn't have done it with your knowledge. Now, let's get you downstairs so you and mother can have some time alone." He stood up and helped them both up, letting him walk between them. They ran into Ms. Pierson in the halls. "Catherine's awake and fine," he assured her. She relaxed, smiling in relief. "We're heading back to the infirmary now. Her sister's in her bed for a rest and Celia's got the floor."

"That's fine. Thank you, boys." She patted Philip on the back. "Are you all right?"

"Now," he admitted. "He used me to power the wall holding them in there," he said miserably. "My ex put it on me."

"Then I'll help you find a flame thrower for her battered body," she agreed. "Sometimes the witch burnings weren't the worst idea, even though they got a lot of innocent and good people." Philip smiled at that. "Now, head down there. You obviously need some attention yourself." He nodded, heading that way with his brothers. "That's such good news," she said happily, heading to the teacher's lounge to spread the good news. Those who knew the missing two would be quite happy, especially the physic's professor, her current might-as-well-be nestmate.

Philip walked into the infirmary and right to his mother's side, hugging her. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"It's all right," she promised, stroking his back. "She did it against your will, son. I understand."

"Buck up, Philip, not even I'm that angry with you," Tyler said dryly. He continued to pat his princess's hand. "You need to rest, dear."

"Tyler, go bathe," Nick ordered. "She's awake and I'm sure her mother would like some time alone with her," he once he felt the glare aimed at him. He knew his brother a bit too well. He'd be doing the same thing after all. Tyler sighed but got up and relinquished his seat to her mother, trudging out pitifully. He glanced at Catherine. "Find a long leash," he advised with a smirk. She pulled her pillow from behind her head and threw it at him. "Thanks. Mother, need another pillow?" he asked, offering it to her.

"No, give it back to Catherine, dear."

"Yes, mother." He pulled her up and put it back behind her head, then helped her gently back to the bed. "Stay there."

"Fine," she said with a grin. "Does this mean you're going back to New Haven?"

"Not this week. I doubt mother's going to be in any shape to take back her duties by then. Next week definitely," he agreed with a smile. "Then I'll get to veg for the rest of this semester!" Her mother laughed at that. "Sorry, I teach Classics at Yale."

"I understand, I was married to an Anthropology person who temped as an Archeology person now and then." They shared a look then grinned. "Did you know my first husband? You're probably old enough to have taken him as an undergrad."

"I did, I'm a bit older than I look. I did my Master's Thesis with his books, using them to interpret Syrian architecture."

"Okay, I'm feeling less than brilliant. Son, I thought you did your thesis on some odd form of Egyptian that no one understood."

"That was my second one, mother, for Classics. Remember, I did get a dual Masters, the other in Archeology."

"Oh, yes, I remember." She rolled her eyes. "And you thought Tyler studied," she told Catherine.

"My dad was an Anthro person and my mom a psychology student. It runs in my family." She looked at Nick. "I'm impressed. There's no coffee, no space heater, and no blankets around. Finally getting warm?"

"Actually, I am," he admitted. "I'm only really cold in her office. It's got a draft."

"That's from the secret passage down to the tunnels, son, no wonder you were getting cold feet."

"Try cold everything, mother. Don't worry, I'll move my space heater once you're back."

"Why didn't you block the draft and turn up the thermostat?"

He gave her a long look. "Where might that have been?" he asked dryly.

"On the wall behind the desk. Beside that painting. I had it covered because it was ugly." He rolled his eyes. "Never mind, I'll turn it up later." She groaned as she rolled onto her side, holding her stomach. "I believe I'm going to need two weeks, son. That fine with you?"

"Of course, mother. You know I live to serve your every whim." He nudged Robbie. "Let's leave them alone. Philip, coming?"

"Yeah, give me a mo," he said. He pulled back to look at her. "I couldn't break it, mom. She said it could really hurt you."

"I understand, Philip, it's all right. Now, I believe your Uncle Malaki had someone snatch your daughter from the evil thing you had been married to. Why don't you see if she's around yet?" He nodded, heading out with his brothers. "Such a delicate little one. Believe it or not he used to be like William."

"Was he the one that took the flying leap from the doorway?" Catherine's mother asked. The headmistress nodded. "Quite energetic."

"You have no idea," Catherine said dryly. "He moves more than Crystal does when she's vibrating because the new fashions have come out." Her mother pinched her. "Sorry. She okay?"

"She's fine. Her father got probation for the thing with the breaking and entering case. He's since decided he's going to disappear. They're still hunting for him and the judge didn't have a problem giving me sole custody since he had disappeared, and he gave all the assets to Crystal so she's taken care of. Including the dealership. She's had a very nice offer for it and the same lawyer who handles your trust does hers. He was most impressed that you didn't spend all of it on books so far."

"My roommate said that she wasn't giving up her room for my library."

Her mother laughed. "I would hope not." She hugged her again. "There is some other family news, dear. You know all those self-help books I got to critique?" She nodded. "Well, I've been asked to do one of my own. Which means moving I'm afraid."

"But that's Grandmother's house."

"Yes, but it's not been taken care of the way we should and there are a number of things that need work, as you know. Besides, my mother hated that house, it was her husband's and his family were all pushy people who hated her for having a mind and being able to read more than labels and recipes. In her will it said if I had a chance to sell the thing to take it and buy a real home."

"Where is the new home?"

"I went for somewhere a bit smaller," she admitted.

"So I don't have a library?" Her mother frowned at her. "Let's face it, mother, Crystal needs a room for her clothes and I need one for my books."

"Yes, well, she needs less room now. This growth spurt recently has made her get rid of most of her clothes. She's down to only using a single closet and it has breathing room between the outfits since she's done with pageants for this season. Would you mind moving more of your books up here?" Catherine slowly shook her head. "You're sure?"

"Positive. I don't know where I'd store them, but I wouldn't mind."

"If you're taking that suite downstairs, it sounded like you'd have room for them," she offered hesitantly. "If not, I can find somewhere bigger. I've been fixated on the old Morrison house recently."

"It's a beautiful house but the gardening would drive you insane, mother."

"Dear, you can hire people to do that for you," she said dryly. Her daughter chuckled. "That and cook because I'm going to be too busy to do so most of the time. It only has four bedrooms however. It does have a library but it's about as big as your present one and that would mean all our books together in that space." Her daughter shuddered. "Exactly. I've taken the liberty of moving your father's things to a bigger storehouse and adding your books as well. It was nearly flooded during the last one and I don't want to damage anything of his."

"Sure, mom, we can work it out. Wouldn't the Peterson house be easier to live in though? Less fussy wood and things?"

"I don't mind the high maintenance woods most of the time. I hadn't thought of the Peterson house. I'll call the realtor later, we're still looking over things and figure out how much work would be needed. I don't really want to go as large as our present one is. There's no reason to have seven bedrooms or six bathrooms."

"Definitely at least three though," Catherine noted.

"Oh, indeed. Your sister's getting her own to stop the fighting over how long she takes. She was all for the other house because she liked the gardens."

"Yeah, but the Peterson house is next to the park and just up the street from her school. Plus it's within walking distance to the mall if she wanted to run across the highway." Her mother grimaced. "Or not. Just think, we'll all be driving soon and the Peterson house has a better garage as well. As an added incentive, remember how I used to play over there? The nursery would have made a wonderful office. Good views but not too distracting, away from the sound of traffic, and all wood paneling that's scuff resistant." Her mother looked impressed. "Unless someone's painted and wallpapered it might need some work, but it should be quite liveable for now. Even though there are rumors it's haunted."

"I still think that's just the neighborhood children being scared by that tower at the top."

"No, I'm pretty sure there's something up there but it was probably the mother that went insane. Old lady Peterson drove her daughter-in-law to jump from up there because she was a supreme nag and more domineering than most abusive spouses. The girl was from a good family but had no backbone, as was popular in those days."

"I'll check into it, dear. That would give Crystal a suite and you a suite as well." Her daughter nodded. "You'd still probably get the smaller one since you wouldn't be home all the time."

"Which is fine. Then I could leave some of the collection there."

"True. Thank you for the suggestion." She kissed her on the forehead and stood up again. "I'll let you rest. Is there an inn down in that quaint village?"

"No, but we do have guest rooms," the headmistress said. "Sister?" One of her many daughters stuck her head in. "Can you please show Catherine's mother to one of the guest suites and send a note to Celia which one?" She nodded. "Thank you, Phoebe." She smiled as soon as the adult was out. "You're sure it's haunted?"

"I've talked with her," she admitted, rolling to face her. "My mother's got a touch of the sight but she never uses it. I've got a bit of that too and I used it more when I was a kid. That's what got me into fantasy novels."

"Good. No wonder you fit in so well. You don't mind my son's other form?" Catherine raised an eyebrow. "Never mind, I know you'll find him cute no matter what the form." She heard screaming and winced. "Drat! Can't you keep her quiet! Some of us are trying to sleep!" she yelled.

A nurse walked in. "We're sorry, ma'am, but there was apparently a fight between a first year and a third year over the first year trying to blackmail the older one. She's being cleaned up at the moment." She smiled and closed the door.

"Good, Marna got what's coming to her," Catherine said firmly. "Hopefully the others will stand up to her now."

The Headmistress nodded. "Hopefully. I loathe bullies." She smiled at her future daughter-in-law. "Has Tyler told you about White Knight yet?"

"He has and he suggested I'd do very well there in the political division helping the diplomats with both cultural things and business matters." The older woman looked impressed. "I still like my business stuff better though."

"We'll see what your education brings, young lady. Of course I won't have to warn you to treat him correctly. I know you better than that."

"I'd never hurt him. Are you going to make him cocoa and talk to him about me? My mother tried that with me."

"I tend to make cookies with them," the Headmistress said with a small laugh. "Yes, you'll fit right in," she decided. "Remember, no flying before homework, and absolutely no sleeping together inside the school."

"I'd never do that."

"Good. Never let us find you doing so. I doubt you'll be caught." She smirked at her. "I know my boys and they're all very passionate about many things. In your case, I can see Tyler putting down a book for you. It's something I never thought I'd see happen." She shifted again and rubbed her stomach. "I hate being gravid. Laying eggs hurts."

"I bet. My mother said childbirth was the worst pain she'd ever had and she had drugs with us." The headmistress nodded. "Should I pretend to be asleep since I saw Malaki come in?"

"No, that's fine. He can hold my hand for now." She smiled at the girl, watching as she curled up on her other side and drifted off to sleep a few moments later. She waved her ex inside. "You're staying?"

"For a bit," he agreed, smiling at her. He touched her stomach. "Hurt?"

"Yes, the eggs are shifting. I'll have to go down to the Grounds soon."

"That's fine, I'll go with you. I met your current boyfriend, he's quite happy that you're all right and back. He seems nice, for a human. Looked at me and said he knew how to send me back through the portal and blow me away."

"He's nice. He comforted me when my flying mate died."

"I understand. You need someone like that. Too bad I was dumb."

She nodded. "Too bad." She smiled at him. "How is your current young and pretty princess?"

"Cranky. She thinks I'm going to cleave only to her and she's wrong. She doesn't understand that whining doesn't do it for me." He stroked her cheek with the back of her hand. "I still adore you. Even though you didn't fight for me."

"I wouldn't have won and we both know that," she pointed out gently. "Your tastes were very clear and I let you go because I knew it would only make you bitter and restless, then I'd have to kill you if you cheated on me." He nodded, pulling a chair over to sit next to her. "I told you you could come back whenever you were ready to grow up and look for more than beauty."

"I am," he admitted. "May I come back?"

"If you want." She winced and grabbed his hands. "I'd rather be in the sand right now."

He stood up and picked her up, carrying her out. "We're heading to the Grounds."

"Fine," the nurse agreed, smirking at their backs. "He is quite a man," she noted as she cleaned Marna's face.

"He's black," she scoffed.

"So are some of us. The world is full of people who aren't pasty white, dear. You'll have to deal with them some day so you might as well learn now." She dabbed some more iodine on the girl's cheek, a nice cut from someone's ring that was still sluggishly bubbling blood. Marna hissed and swatted at her. "Do that again, be strapped down. You've been warned. Catherine is still needing her rest." She looked over when no one else came in. "I'm impressed. Someone must have drugged Tyler." She went back to cleaning the injuries with little, stinging dabs. Served the girl right.


Tyler showed his future mother-in-law around the suite they'd be sharing next year, making her smile. It was in the back of the castle and what few windows there were looked out onto the woods. Catherine's private suite had gotten many smiles and a check of the lock on the door. The others had been glanced at and approving noises made. "This is the secret way out," he said, showing her the passage to the woods. "Robbie and Alexi like to jog through the woods twice a week."

"Good. It's good that they're so fit. What are you really?" she asked. He glanced sideways at her. "I know you're not fully human, Tyler, now give. My daughter is not the only one who can talk to ghosts." He let a few scales come out down his arm and she arched an eyebrow up. "Then I suppose my daughter's collecting you as well?"

"Just me," he said with a wicked grin.

"Ah." She nodded. "I'd hope my daughter wasn't a man collector the way her roommate is. I know no one knows or we'd have heard about it in the press by now." He shook his head. "Then I won't complain. Will she have problems with children?"

"No, none of us have yet. Some of us have ones who are like us, some of us married our chosen. They're the ones who help us get acclimated to acting like an adult while we're here." He walked her out into the woods, handing her his jacket when she shivered. "Of course you know you can't tell."

"I realized that, yes," she agreed. "Does she like you for more than that?"

"We didn't meet until after she knew so I'm not sure," he admitted.

She squeezed his arm. "I am. You like her book habit, she likes you for that. The scales are just an added extra in her eyes I'm sure." She leaned on his arm, looking around the woods. "It is pretty here."

"It is," he agreed "We've been here for a very long time."

"I figured as much." She turned around. "Let's go inside before you freeze." He walked her back into the tunnel but the latch wasn't working. He groaned and banged his head against the door, then kicked it twice and tried the latch again. This time it opened. "Thank you, Tyler. You're a very nice young man." She let him have his jacket back and walk her back up to the guest suite. "We'll be talking soon. Don't you worry." She pinched his cheek and went to her room to lie down for a bit. It had been a long flight.

Tyler headed back to the infirmary, weathering the knowing looks from the sisters. He glanced at Marna, then snickered as he walked past her. He walked in and sat next to his girlfriend again, taking her hand to hold. She blinked up at him. "You like me because I'm more than a dragon, right?"

She nodded. "You'd never fit in with my statue collection," she assured him. "You wouldn't fit on my dresser at all." She closed her eyes again. "Mom grill you?"

"No. She liked our new quarters."

"If the danger's over, why are we moving down there?"

"Because I want you somewhere safer and this way you can have your own room for a library," he said with a grin. "Plus we have an exit out into the woods. Mom, the escape hatch needs fixed, it sticks when you're trying to come in." He looked up when she didn't answer, frowning. "Where did she go?" His girlfriend laughed and hugged him. "Thanks. Where is she?"


"Ah." He nodded, he understood now. He stroked her forehead and she let him go, taking his hand to hold. "You rest. Your mother and sister are going to be here for a few days and we can help each other catch up." She kept her smile as she drifted off again.
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