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Penname: samsas [Contact]
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Real name: Jen Status: Member Member Since: 2009.09.24 Website: Beta-reader: No Race: Human Stories by samsas
Summary: A typical day in the Auror Testing Office
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter Characters: None Genres: Drabble Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 153 Summary: Challenge response
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter Characters: None Genres: Humor Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 300 Summary: Xfiles/BTVS Ficlet
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None Genres: Humor Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 349 Summary: Drabble collection maybe more in the future.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 421 Summary: A series of one shots of what could possible happen at a convention for lets say innovators or (Mad) Scientists.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None Genres: Drabble Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Innovator's convention Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 983 Summary: Worth..
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > SG1/SGA/SGU Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1924 Summary: Like minds meet.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 222 Summary: Many years ago a challenge was issued (on https://groups.io/g/Imaginings) asking to take three or more unlikely movies/books/cartoons etc. and write a crossover. Well the challenge was accepted. Seriously this is strictly a crack response to a challenge done years ago.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 732 Summary: “My name’s Ash and I heard around in certain circles that your place deals with, shall we say unusual items."
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None Genres: Drabble Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 358 Summary: Fairy Tales and the hazards there of
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 369 Summary: How rude...
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None Genres: Drabble Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 523 Summary: It is said that our lives are shaped by the choices that we make, while others claim it is destiny or fate which governs our future.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Stories Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1244 Summary: Changing world Vers.
Categories: Original Content Characters: None Genres: Action/Adventure Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection, Changing World Universe Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 871 Summary: I'm a what...
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Eureka Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1126 Summary: I wish...
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None Genres: Drabble Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 435 Summary: The world is being invaded by Dungeons
Categories: Original Content Characters: None Genres: Action/Adventure Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection, Changing World Universe Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 3106 Evil Author's Day: Dungeon Life (Rift World Universe) Failed story starts. by samsas Rated: FRC [Reviews - 0]
Summary: So I am trying to get back into the swing of my Rift series but I'm a bit stuck. This was an alternate muse I had set in the same universe.
Categories: Original Content Characters: None Genres: Action/Adventure Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 893 Summary: Arc II Walking Dead Universe
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Builder Verse Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 4876 Summary: There is something hinky with this town.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > CSI/NCIS, Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Enigma Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2028 Summary: Massive crossover AU.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 5060 Summary: Enigma Out Takes Page. Due to Josette, Stephni and other forum list members tossing bunny's at me.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Stories > CSI/NCIS, Non Buffy/Angel Stories > Other Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Enigma Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2536 Summary: Tony finds himself dropped into the middle of an puzzle he had never thought was possible.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Stories > CSI/NCIS, Non Buffy/Angel Stories > Other Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: Angst Challenges: None Series: Enigma Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2656 Rough Trade Nov 2018 Participation: Not Quite Human (The mutant AU Challenge) by samsas Rated: FRM [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Evolutionary Miscalculation
![]() Categories: Original Content Characters: None Genres: Original Warnings: Slash Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 5621 Summary: Twisting the Hellmouth Challenge response : Builder Verse
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie, Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Builder Verse Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 7322 Summary: Same annoyance, different era.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 254 Summary: For every action there is a reaction.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: Angst Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 2395 Summary: "Great Moogly Googly!
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other Movie Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: Angst Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1554 Summary: How much trouble can two Xander's get into?
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: Character Bashing Challenges: None Series: Twin Vers Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 23574 Summary: Fusion Universe: All Dominic ever wanted was to just live life everyone else for a while.
Categories: Non Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 2591 Summary: There are more things in heaven and earth.
Categories: Buffy/Angel Crossovers > Other TV Characters: None Genres: AU Warnings: Character Bashing Challenges: None Series: Into the Void: Evil Author's Day and Drabble Collection Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 620 |
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.
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